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File: 515 KB, 600x800, Castlevania Bloodlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8061160 No.8061160 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8061163


>filtered by lack of infinite continues

>> No.8061179

just use savestates

>> No.8061185

Where's the save state button on my sega genesis controller?

>> No.8061187

It's good

>> No.8061194 [DELETED] 

My favourite Classicvania. Feels the most like the 8-bit gameplay but has a faster 'flow' to it, lots of fun and varied bosses, and has the best OST.

>> No.8061201


>> No.8061238

Unlock 9 Lives Option
From the title screen, go to the Options menu. Set "SE" to 073 and "BGM" to 05. Play both, then press start to return to the title screen. Let the screen fade back to the "Press Start" screen, then press start. On the title screen with the menu, enter the Konami Code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A). If you entered correctly, the game will chime. Now in the Options menu, you will have both the ability to play Expert mode and to have 9 lives.

Unlimited Continues
First, enter the 9 Lives Option code. When you run out of continues during play, press the reset button and start the game. You will start at the same level you left off.

>> No.8061313

My first Castlevania and still my favorite

There actually are infinite continues, you just have to go back to the start screen

>> No.8061323

If only this game had some sort of system that allowed you to pick up where you left off.

>> No.8061446

Just played/beat it for the first time a few weeks ago. It's a good game and definitely one of the better Castlevania platformers.

I did think the constant gimmicky stuff in the earlier levels was annoying early on (too many autoscrolling sections that seemed more like trying to show off visual effects than anything), but it felt like they kinda toned that down in the latter half of the game. Sometimes the color scheme felt kind of bright/gaudy in a weird way compared to previous games, but that's not meant as a negative so much as an observation. And the lack of continues was annoying when it came to wanting to practice a level, because it meant you'd be going back to the same password screen a lot.

Other than that, the game was fine. Pretty short and fast-paced so that you could get good fast, the world-traveling aspect was unique for this series, and I have like zero complaints about controls or anything, at least while playing as Eric. I think I kinda beat Dracula the bullshit way in that this is one of those games that lets you collect a ton of axes etc. before facing him, but eh. I liked it.

>> No.8061467

By far the best old school CV unless you equate the OG series with slow movement and your are a brick while jumping.

>> No.8062346 [DELETED] 

Best Castlevania, shits all over that overrated turd called Super Castlevania 4.

>> No.8062348

It's shit.
Any other 16 bit Castlevania is better than this tripe.

>> No.8062360

My reaction was less than the sum of its parts. It's a slick update of classic vania without becoming a mario knock off like IV, but the bosses are mostly underwhelming and the globetrotting while refreshing for the series prevents the game from really establishing a strong sense of place or rising stakes. I recognize the quality but it's never going to be a favorite of mine.

>> No.8062531
File: 2.91 MB, 510x360, Bloodlines1up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062603

I like it, but I'd rather play its run and gun counterpart.

>> No.8062610

haven't ever played the game have you?
top kek, you have to go back

>> No.8062634 [DELETED] 


Bet ya feel real dumb now.

>> No.8062637

why is there so much meat in the walls?

>> No.8062791

It's made by the treasure team so it's based

>> No.8062824

I feared it would be too easy with the password system but I was even more surprised when I finished it on my first run with only one life lost.

>> No.8062938

It’s top shelf, both as a Castlevania game and as a genesis game.

>> No.8062957

>mario knockoff
Super Castlevania IV has a run button?

>> No.8063062

mid jump arc adjustment

>> No.8063079

Honestly, it's pretty crappy design to have both limited continues and a level code.
Great game otherwise.

>> No.8063087

Wasn't aware Mario games pioneered that.
Rondo of Blood also had this.
Not sure if I'd call them "mario ripoffs" because of it, though. Not really.

>> No.8063098

>It's made by the treasure team so it's based
But Treasure was formed before Bloodlines.

>> No.8063119

It just doesn't feel like a Castlevania game. An ammo factory? Really?

>> No.8063123

>Rondo of Blood also had this
different from being able to fluidly adjust back and forth until you hit the ground, it was an additional option you had but still deliberate.

>> No.8063128

>different from being able to fluidly adjust back and forth until you hit the ground, it was an additional option you had but still deliberate.
You still have control mid-air in Rondo. Also I'd argue the mid-air control in IV isn't that helpful since the sprite is bigger, same as in X68K.
Rondo of blood also had being able to jump while climbing stairs, which was one of the core elements in NES Castlevania. Bloodlines also let you jump while on stairs.
Would that make Rondo and Bloodlines "mario clones" too?
It's hard to follow your logic. Maybe if Castlevania IV let you jump over enemies and run while holding a button, yeah I could understand that, but that's not the case.

>> No.8063137

Ammo factory or clock tower - it's the same castlevania clockwork level

>> No.8063194

it was an insult pal, replace mario with any 2d platformer where you can freely move around in the air, it was homogenized to the detriment of the game.

>> No.8063232
File: 127 KB, 629x1024, 1613948985302m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feels the most like the 8-bit gameplay but has a faster 'flow' to it
How I feel as well.
>lots of fun
Having two different characters with different abilities helps tremendously.
>varied bosses
>best OST
Subjective but it definitely has some bangers. Everyone rides "Iron Blue Intention" cock but I always thought "Calling from Heaven" was the best song in the game.

>> No.8063271

oh, it was supposed to be an insult? ok... I just think it doesn't make sense to call it a "mario ripoff" when it clearly doesn't play like mario, not that it would be a bad thing, but it just does not.
would Bloodlines be a SMB3/SMW ripoff because it has autoscrollers? Would Eric's super jump make it a SMB2 ripoff?
The answer is no, but if you want to call them "Mario ripoffs", that's on you, people will continue to question it because it doesn't make sense.

>> No.8063286

CV3 has autoscrollers as well.
I fucking hate them there, too, but it isn't a mario ripoff for having that.
I was glad to be able to buy Bloodlines for $35 a few years ago, as opposed to whatever the fuck IV is going for nowadays (even before COVID).
Fortunately, with the exception of Rockman and such, Mega Drive games seem to be cheaper on average than SNES games so I appreciate that. I also agree that Bloodlines feels closer to an 8-bit Castlevania game, which is a really good thing (CV1 is the only NES platformer I liked enough to beat, and CV3 is one of my all-time favorites in all regards, especially the JP version with VRC6 music).

>> No.8063296

Bloodlines is easily the classicvania with the most autoscrollers though, CV3's vertical stuff is not really comparable.
I don't know why you started talking about game prices.
Bloodlines still has the ability to jump while climbing stairs, I think that breaks it apart from the classic NES formula, way more than having a limited freedom mid-air does.
Imagine if you could jump on stairs in CVIII.

>> No.8063302

Prices are part of what draw me to games. I refuse to pay ridiculous sums for a cartridge.
That's why.

And your take on the autoscrolling is fair.

>> No.8063342


>bragging about video games well into their 20's or 30's

>> No.8063356

>An ammo factory? Really?
Takes place during ww1 anon. Makes sense to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Great game overall but that whip sound effect is inexcusable.

>> No.8063358

>sound effect is inexcusable
unfortunately this is one area where the Mega Drive fails in almost every game

>> No.8064094

Not to mention X68000, unless that's actually a change made in Chronicles.

>> No.8064112

better than CVIV

>> No.8064132 [DELETED] 

Nah, the original lets you wiggle around in the air as well.

While mid-air movement is a problem on 4, the real problem is the overpowered 8-way whip, it means you no longer have to rely on sub-weapons and trivializes any encounter.

And guess who came up with it? A Treasure developer. Go figure.

>> No.8064138

I actually find the cross pretty useful on IV.
Are you implying that's a bad thing? Let me see, hating on Castlevania IV and Treasure, yeah I think I know who you are.
This thread was supposed to be about Bloodlines, not Castlevania IV. Rent free.

>> No.8064216

>have to jump in order to whip upwards
I mean I understand its not supposed to be used as an attack but just having the option makes the lack of directional whipping a big kick to the dick

>> No.8064256

The soundtrack is a blast

>> No.8064361

Maybe you'll get filtered during your first playthroughs, but, once you learn the stages and bosses, it will be one of the easiest of the series. I'm not complaining, since the game is fun enough.

>> No.8064386

>one of the easiest
Me again. I went to confirm my thesis and discovered that the japanese version is easier, and that's what I play. So, international versions are, indeed, harder.

>> No.8064606 [DELETED] 

>it will be one of the easiest of the series.
Play on Expert mode, then it becomes one of the hardest, perhaps even the hardest of the 4th gen Castlevania games.

>> No.8064608


>> No.8066306

As opposed to sub weapons trivializing things in the earlier games? Nevermind that subs actually still have their use, especially for getting in damage at a speed and range that not even IV's whip can do.

>> No.8066327

It's really silly how all these anti-IV posts were, indeed, this australia guy. He really is obsessed with Castlevania IV.

>> No.8066347

Why this is more expensive than super castlevania 4?

>> No.8066375

sega tax

>> No.8066401
File: 310 KB, 1033x581, Castlevania bloodlines Dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also just look up the passwords for each level.
On a more general note, I really enjoyed this game. Thought the graphics were great, great music and some really cool and original level and boss battles. I loved the two statue faces in particular. I'd say the only weak fight I really remember was the robot, which felt out of place.
Having played only this and Rondo of the Classicvanias, I think I prefer Rondo, but this was also very good.

>> No.8066427

One of, if not The greatest game on the Genesis imo.
At least top 5, personally

>> No.8066436 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x913, rka2_sparkster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 5 Mega Drive Konami Games

#5: Tiny Toons: Buster's Hidden Treasure
#4: Castlevania Bloodlines
#3: Contra Hard Corps
#2: Rocket Knight Adventures
#1: Rocket Knight 2: Starring Sparkster

>> No.8066604

Yeah I bet

>> No.8067778 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 748x398, castlevania_remakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best CV games: Akumajyo Dracula for X68000, The New Generation, Vampire Killer for MSX2

Worst CV games: Castlevania Snore, the lousy port of Rondo for Snezz, Symphony of the Shite

>> No.8067782

At this point I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.8067790

Thank you for this valuable and insightful contribution.

>> No.8067801

go to bed australia-kun, you have been shitposting for hours

>> No.8068257

this made my dick hard what the fuck

>> No.8068363 [DELETED] 

It's a crack at 4's difficulty, being as easy as a mario/nintendo game, which casuals eat up.

>> No.8068381

Pretty sure they only made Contra 3, Contra Hard Core, and Rocket Knight Adventures at Konami.

>> No.8068393 [DELETED] 

Yaida (a Treasure guy) was a programmer on CV4 (as well as Contra 3):

>Contra Hard Core, and Rocket Knight Adventures
No, they were already gone by that point.

>> No.8068674

It's just an australia-kun shitpost.

>> No.8068779

Look at this pleb

>> No.8068923

Great game

>> No.8070736

>loved the two statue faces in particular.
That was a neat one but Mothra was my favorite. The decaying wolf was badass although being the first mid boss super easy.

>> No.8072531

Agreed, especially since Lecarde can attack in multiple directions only if he's on the ground. Makes switching between the two something you have to get used to