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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8059572 No.8059572 [Reply] [Original]

>now there are no limits
Why did Sega claim this? It couldn’t do parallax scrolling, it couldn’t do basic 3D.

>> No.8059581 [DELETED] 

I could do parallax scrolling without cartridge mappers.


>> No.8059586

The Sega Master System could do parallax scrolling without cartridge mappers.


>> No.8059850

That’s incorrect, NES didn’t require them

>> No.8059897

If you want to be autistically literal then technically any game would be possible if you built it as a convoluted enough addon like 32X for the Genesis except also have the game built into the addon like Sonic & Knuckles.

>> No.8059907

So theoretically, the master system as is could run crysis on a cartridge

>> No.8059960

Yes. You could make a cartridge the size of a football stadium if you really wanted to.

>> No.8059986

Why. You dont need a pc the size of a football stadium to run crysis

>> No.8059990

Would the cart need it’s own power supply?

>> No.8060102

the snes also couldn't do parallaxscrolling all it did was draw the full area and show a smaller part (just check the lion king games on both)
The only console that could do parallax scrolling was the PC engine but that was more powerfull then contenders.

>> No.8060171

California Games also had some parallax in the BMX, roller skating and frisbee.

>> No.8060194
File: 55 KB, 630x1200, MV5BNDA1NzYzMzY1NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODAyNjU0NjE@._V1_UY1200_CR756,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone say.... PARALLAX SCROLLING?

>> No.8060239

Mode 7 is literally advanced parallax scrolling

>> No.8060316
File: 2.96 MB, 640x480, aladdin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of the top 15 Master System platformers has /vr/ finished?

Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Castle of Illusion
Land of Illusion
Lucky Dime Caper
Asterix & the Secret Mission
Jurassic Park
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 2
Batman Returns
Master of Darkness
Ninja Gaiden

>> No.8060392



A better example would be the Genesis. You can pull a whole lot of volts over the cart port. You could easily run a raspberry pi 4 over the cart slot with a proper adapter. I would then bet with the right code, simple code too, you could run crysis over the pi 4...... horribly but it would work. If you allow an external psu you could run any game ever. The cart ports were far more input that many understand, and no not just for things like DSP, SVP, FX2, or similar addon chips.

>> No.8060427

It did just about everything for mid 80s expectations for home consoles, not many people cared about parallax scrolling until later, and back then you could get away with calling anything 3D. Mother fucking King's quest claimed to be 3D.

>> No.8060442

At that point you might as well just do that reverse emulation trick the guy did with SNES > NES and just spit the pixels right onto the VDP or whatever the SMS called it.

>> No.8060475

>Why did Sega claim this?
to get you to buy it

really tho it was an excellent little 8-bit machine imo

>> No.8060481

Because Nintendo was using
>Now you're playing with power
So Sega had to find their own spin on that

>> No.8060495

Every game and every piece of hardware should be looked upon in the context of its time.

Also: marketing talk

>> No.8060496

Welcome To The Next Level was a better slogan.

>> No.8060505
File: 260 KB, 372x280, phantasy Star.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it couldn’t do basic 3D

the things people who never played a Master System before used to say.

>> No.8060576

Because complaining about "no limits" not being true when you take a marketing ad too literally deserves a response that proves you wrong by taking things even more literally you autistic faggot.

>> No.8060620

it also had graphics that will kill you
t. ded

>> No.8060630

mode 7 is just take a picture,rotate it to a certain degree to give the illusion of 3d

>> No.8060820

That’s not 3d

>> No.8060843


>> No.8062065

No Kenseiden? Come on lad.