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File: 71 KB, 640x908, gc_zelda_wind_waker_p_8fbv6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8057564 No.8057564 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best Zelda and best GC game ever and I won't hear otherwise.

>> No.8057579

Would love a mod with the fast sail. I liked a lot of what was added in the HD version, except for the visions.

>> No.8057592
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, The-Legend-of-Zelda-Collectors-Edition[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the best Zelda game on the Gamecube.

>> No.8057602

Doesn't really count. Those titles were originally on the NES and N64.

>> No.8057612

I can't play that game on my NES and N64. Gamecube loads it just fine though.

>> No.8057615

Neck yourself.

>> No.8057618

It's good, but unfinished.

>> No.8057620

games get rereleased on new platforms all the time. what are you sperging about?

>> No.8057625

thats not twilight princess

>> No.8057626

one more dungeon and better bosses and it would have a shot at being the goat

>> No.8057630

Still too easy.

>> No.8057646

this isn't better than Sonic Adventure 2

>> No.8057647

You have to be at least 18 years old to post on this website.

>> No.8057651

bro someone under the age of 18 wouldn't have even heard of wind waker

>> No.8057660

Is it? I’d say it’s about equally as difficult as Ocarina.

>> No.8057662

Zoomer here, out of all the people I know who like Zelda, this is usually either their favorite or second favorite. Weak cope.

>> No.8057670

Why do people even think Wind Waker is good? Never got this.

>> No.8057673
File: 64 KB, 448x290, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby mode difficulty
>5 dungeons, all shit
>literally watered down lol
It started off good but ended dissapointing

>> No.8057679

Nostalgiafaggotry combined with the fact that it's considered by most a terrible game has given them a sort of victim complex, which combined with contrarianism has caused them to genuinely believe that it is good. Same thing with Mario Sunshine.

>> No.8057680

For me:

High seas piratey adventure
Best story
Best music
Easily the best incarnations of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf. It’s not even close
Love the graphics
Best supporting cast
People say the dungeons are weak but I never understood that. Great variety here

>> No.8057689

literally all zelda is baby mode

>> No.8057690

TP is the most bland 3D Zelda. Even SS is more interesting

>> No.8057713

then WW is doing a bad job at hiding it

>> No.8057807

There aren't any difficult Zelda games ever since ALttP. It's a nonfactor in the games' quality, they're beloved for other reasons.

>> No.8057846

not even the best zelda on the cube

>> No.8057880

Wrong, Eternal Darkness is the best GC game and you're right about WW being best Zelda

>> No.8058045

It's not even the best Zelda on GC

>> No.8058083

On the gamecube there are literally three superior Zelda games.

>> No.8058265

WW is better than OoT/MQ
WW is better than TP
WW is on par with FSA

>> No.8058285

You should kill yourself.

>> No.8058316

Can't seem to manage it, having too much actual fun in a better game lad

>> No.8058332

He's a WW fan, he doesn't know how to kill himself since everything does 1/16th a heart of damage even if he stands still.

>> No.8058641

hmm. hmmm..

>> No.8058649
File: 63 KB, 800x548, 1501195186255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you like about it?

>> No.8058813

Is OoT not being considered the best Zelda contrarian or is it the actual zoomer opinion?

>> No.8058873
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1020, 1609055540162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a wild guess

>> No.8059452

You'd probably have even more fun playing an actual good game like Ocarina of Time if you weren't such a cocksucking nigger.
Probably. They all seem to hate Twilight Princess though.

>> No.8059485

I was 12 when OoT came out in 1998 and 17 when WW came out in 2003. I prefer Wind Waker.

>> No.8059510

>99% of the map is literally empty
I used to switch over to regular tv while holding the stick up traveling between islands. you only get the portal song in the middle of the game or whatever and it doesnt even help if you want to explore the map. even with 12 when I played it I realized that this is beyond bad game design.

>> No.8059518

>you only get the portal song in the middle of the game or whatever
That’s not true. You can get it pretty early on.

>> No.8059538

they still could have decreased the map size by atleast factor 100x. all the zelda games after oot suffered from this. even twilight princess suffered from this. everything is bigger and is supposed to feel epic and whatnot but the majority of map is empty. I would rather have a small condensed map like oot over this current shit.

>> No.8059542
File: 1.19 MB, 1266x660, Twilight-Princess-HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's the "unpopularly" popular opinion to love WW, but for me it's Twilight Princess. In 2006 that game was just everything I ever wanted in a Zelda game. Wind Waker still holds a place in my heart though.

>> No.8059549

i don't get the hate for the sailing. you pick a direction, put it on auto pilot and enjoy the music and the scenery for a minute or two and then get back to the game. it's 1000 times better than botw where you they force you to be in control of the shitty map traversal

>> No.8059552

>enjoy the music and the scenery for a minute or two
literally starring at a boring screen doing nothing. thats not great gameplay lol

>> No.8059554

I really wish the HD remaster was on Switch. I never had an issue with the graphics and the QoL improvements regarding sailing and changing wind directions make it the best version.

>> No.8059564

yeah it gets boring if you get lost but if you know where you're going it's an insubstantial amount of time away from the game. and half the time there's something interesting to check out along the way, ie. guard post, submarine, treasure, an island

>> No.8059583

Correct opinion
TP is so forgettable

>> No.8059642
File: 50 KB, 548x546, 1447621413951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miyamoto on OoT
>"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.”

>miyamoto on wind waker
>yeah, just rush it. we need some games out asap. rush wind waker and rush sunshine. four dungeons? blue coins? no i don't care if they're unfinished messes, just ship them.

>> No.8059650

>a company that sells a few shitty games can continue to make games in the future, a company that's closed down can't make anymore games forever

>> No.8059669

>actually explore and do the side content like the game wants
>game becomes 10x worse
The game is a rushed mess no matter which way you look at it.
The main quest and the side content are both half-assed.

>> No.8060270

Twilight Princess has great parts in between boring parts.

>> No.8060274

nigga you weren't in the offices hearing shit boi fagboi

>> No.8060314

Wild that people ever think they need to defend a million selling flagship nintendo game that constantly ends up in top 10 lists.

>> No.8060330

Which parts don't you like?

Breath of the Wild is called the greatest game ever despite being terrible. Not a very good argument.

>> No.8060342

Okay faggot but have fun while people continue calling it the greatest game ever despite you shrieking into the void that it's not.
My point is Nintendo games don't need anyone to defend their games from critics because consoomers will eat it up regardless. I don't actually care about how any of these games are received, at a certain point you just got to learn to treat them as background noise the same way you do when a new Star Wars movie comes out and every possible form of advertising tries to shove it in your face.

>> No.8060378

Zelda died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.8060389

I wonder why they never made a Zelda with pirates earlier, it seems like a great combination.

>> No.8060416

Majora's Mask and the Oracles both had pirates.

>> No.8060439

I have to admit, I never finished either of the Oracle games, the dancing mini games filtered me.

>> No.8060443

So you guys really just completely ignore that they always give you something to do on the way somewhere, like the rupee slalom, and then complain? Damn that's a hard life, hope it gets better kids.

>> No.8060460

Yeah but the egg hunt is one of the absolute worst parts of Majora’s Mask.

>> No.8060476

Yes, I understand your "point", but what I don't understand is how it's relevant. You're saying that because lots of people like it, that no one needs to defend it here from our criticism? And that you ought to be able to make constant threads saying its the best Zelda game without repercussion regarding how it is objectively worse than at least three of the actual classics? The point of this board is to discuss retro game, so arguing that this game is bad makes sense? I just don't even understand what you're trying to say here.

>Okay faggot but have fun while people continue calling it the greatest game ever despite you shrieking into the void that it's not.
Everyone whom I know either didn't like it or said the "it's a good game just not a good Zelda game". Seems like this is the dominant opinion, not to mention the reaction of this website to it. Video game journalism is a joke and no one takes it seriously, the one people calling that game the greatest game ever are SJW Kotaku freaks and probably redditors.

>> No.8060480

Worst 3d zelda game of all time. It was a complete mess.

>> No.8060482

>”it's a good game just not a good Zelda game"
Meaningless criticism. Might as well just say OLD GOOD NEW BAD

>> No.8060489

It isn't meaningless criticism. I brought BOTW knowing that it was open world, but I expected it to still feel like a Zelda game. It didn't. I guess you could say it "subverted my expectations". You buy a product expecting it to be like the previous, not completely different in every aspect - which are usually negative.


>> No.8060492

It is a meaningless criticism, because it's the first game to feel like a real Zelda game since Aonuma took over.

>> No.8060493

All Zelda games are Zelda games. You fags can’t stop dick riding Adventure of Link on this board despite it being a wild departure from the original LoZ. Don’t be a hypocrite.

>> No.8060506

In their opinion, it is a good game, but as a sequel to other Zelda games it does not hold up/is too different and did away with good parts of it. I'm not going to continue trying to explain it to you as you're either too retarded to understand or pretending not to understand to make some stupid point.
>You fags can’t stop dick riding Adventure of Link on this board despite it being a wild departure from the original LoZ. Don’t be a hypocrite.
Strawman, and would also be an invalid argument as I didn't say that departure from the norm is de facto bad. You're an idiot.

>> No.8060510

>it is a good game, but as a sequel to other Zelda games it does not hold up/is too different and did away with good parts of it.
Okay well that’s also your personal opinion.

>> No.8060517

No that is actually the reason for why others think that it is a good game but not a good Zelda game. I think that it is a bad Zelda game and also a bad game. Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.8060518

I don't enjoy the cutscenes in general. The first few dungeons are kinda easy which is not fun. In my opinion there is too little sword combat. The dog parts are decent but it irks me when Midna interrupts you are otherwise tells you what to do. I even learned a better strategy by ignoring her advice in one instance. The handy holdiness of the new games is a real shame. The cutscenes are bad and in my opinion the dialogue is also bad. Too much edgy and beta type talking with zant and midna. Wind Waker has better supporting characters by far. There are peak atmospheric moments in TP and some of the dungeons later in the game are awesome as I remember them from a while back.

>> No.8060520

Sorry anon, but you’re not the singular voice arbiter on all things Zelda. I’ve heard your opinion but you alone don’t get to decide what makes a Zelda game good or bad.

>> No.8060572

Jesus christ you're an idiot, I think you're missing the point on purpose.

>> No.8060819

The first temples are terrible. I like the later ones as they are as you said more atmospheric, like Stone Tower or the forest temple. I like the temples which sort of have "lore" behind them. Having Ganondorf as the actual villain was very disappointing though, though I suppose this was for perhaps setting up Skyward Sword which establishes that Ganondorf must always be the villain in all future games, much like Bowser.

Cool, you're doing that thing where you start posting nonsense in order to confuse the person whom they're arguing with because you're losing.

Care to elaborate?

>> No.8060828

>>8060520 here. How was that even remotely confusing?

>> No.8060836

I do not understand why you are telling me that I am not a spokesperson for Zelda. I do not understand why you are telling me that it isn't I who decide on that which is bad.

>> No.8060846

My point is several million people bought and enjoyed BotW. Your opinions on the series are no more valid than theirs.

>> No.8060868

So basically what you're saying is that I'm not allowed to say that it is bad, because others like it?

>Your opinions on the series are no more valid than theirs.
False. Many people who like BOTW have never played another Zelda game, or even any other video games. My opinion is more valid than theirs.

>> No.8060870

stop wasting your breath on the willfully idiotic.

>> No.8060873

Ah, there’s that holier than thou 4chan narcissistic attitude we all know and love! I knew that was coming.

>> No.8060874

Stop samefagging.

>> No.8060876

I was so hyped when I saw the Ganondorf face screenshot pre-release. And the Majora's Mask nod in twili designs and OoT tie-in with Ganondorf's execution was enjoyable, especially with the sages appearing as a monotype despite having the player infer that they are the same persons as the sages in Ocarina of Time. That just makes you more curious about what precisely they are and reminds me of the hypothesis about the sages in OoT being deceased midway through that game. I like when they raise more questions than answers while still keeping it somewhat light and averse to closure in a way that doesn't agitate me. Zant as a villain is ok, his personality is too BPD and egdy for my liking. I guess the parts where he goes full wacky mode are nice to give layers to his identity. Midna is ok for what she is. Not being one for loli imps myself I've come to appreciate her nonetheless for what she is. May as well get kinda horny while playing a game once in a while.

>> No.8060880

Not an argument faggot.

>> No.8060881


>> No.8060887

I gave quite a rational reason for why my opinion is more valid. Regardless you're now not even bothering to refute my rebuttal of your gay argument. What's it like to lose internet arguments?

>> No.8060891

Give me definitive proof that the millions of people who played BotW had never played a Zelda game before and I’ll concede. That’s the crux of your argument that your self centered opinion matters more.

>> No.8060909

Really? It would have been really good if they had used another villain unrelated to Ganondorf, in my opinion. Anyway as I said from Skyward Sword this will be all we get in the future.
> And the Majora's Mask nod in twili designs and OoT tie-in with Ganondorf's execution was enjoyable,
Would never have realized this weren't it for the internet. I wonder if there's an actual connection they'll say in one of the guidebooks.

>Give me definitive proof that the millions of people who played BotW had never played a Zelda game before and I’ll concede.
Quite an idiotic argument, as I merely said that there were people who had played no Zelda game before. Are you really this devoid of logic? I'm being serious, are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.8060917

>1 and 2 on a controller with a terrible dpad
>An MM emulator held together by thoughts and prayers

At least OoT is pretty much fine but then you're better off just getting the MQ disc.

>> No.8060919

Every Zelda game is someone’s first Zelda game but for millions of others that bought and enjoyed it, they’re veterans of the series. Again, your personal opinion is no more valid than theirs just because you whine about how it supposedly “ruined” the series on this board. I repeat: All Zelda games are Zelda games and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.

>> No.8060921

Nothing wrong with the controls and Majora's Mask plays fine.

>> No.8060929

I have completed most Zelda games, they have not. I have played many video games, they have not. Therefore I have a better understanding on what is a good Zelda game and what is a good video game. What part of this do you not understand?

>> No.8060930

Anyone ever actually complete the figurine gallery?

I did it it's fucking aids, takes forever to do.

>> No.8060936

I prefer this one. No Majora but the collector's disc was too prone to freezing to be any fun. Plus I already had Zelda 1 on Animal crossing. Never got to play Master Quest before and this was filling in the gap while I waited for wind waker since it was a preorder bonus. Also got hyped for Wario World and F-Zero GX by watching those trailers over and over.

>> No.8060942
File: 77 KB, 640x908, gc_zelda_ocarina_of_time_master_quest_p_018obv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did, thankless task but I already did a lot of trying to look at enemies in first person from a safe distance as is, so I thought it was nice that they made a side quest of it. I wish it was a returning thing in Zelda games cuz checking out all the monsters has always been one of my favorite things to do.

>> No.8060946

>I have completed most Zelda games, they have not. I have played many video games, they have not

You’re not special, anon. Out of the roughly 15 million people that purchased Breath of the Wild I’d be willing to to bet that hundreds of thousands have played most of the same games as you. You absolutely are not a statistical anomaly but if you want to keep deluding yourself so you can feel like a smart, special good boy, go right ahead.

>> No.8060952

You have sucked a billion cocks and they have not. kind of hard to assign any value to your words just knowing that.

>> No.8060956

I've played at least 14 of them. Still isn't an argument though, as I am comparing myself to others who haven't played the games. And still doesn't back up you're retarded original post itt.

>> No.8060957

WW was when things fell apart

>> No.8060959
File: 51 KB, 500x251, gc-digital-controller-hori-black[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My controller didn't have a d-pad problem.

>> No.8060960

So you’re earnestly trying to claim that you alone have played most of the games in one of the most popular game franchises in history? Ridiculous. I repeat: You are not special. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people out there in the world that have played all the same games that you have.

>> No.8060963

I never said that I am the only one to, only that many have not. Please stop making things up. Give up faggot.

>> No.8060965

nice controller, shame if they were discontinued and cost 300$ to buy

>> No.8060968

>many have not
And many have. Your personal opinions aren’t special or unique.

>> No.8060970

Irrelevant as my original and only claim was that it makes my opinions more valid.

>> No.8060978

Okay, let’s do a little exercise here: What in your opinion is the best Zelda game in the series?

>> No.8060981

Ocarina of Time. Glad you gave up that previous argument of absurdity.

>> No.8060984

Well anon, it may come as a massive shock to you, but there are millions of people out there that have played the same Zelda games as you that have a different favorite.

>> No.8060990

I'll sell you mine for $300 then.

>> No.8060991

Cool,. So how is this relevant? What does this mean? How does it back up your original claim?

>> No.8060996

You 100% moved the goalposts, my friend. Suddenly all that matters is your opinion versus people that had never played a Zelda game before? I don’t think so.

>> No.8061007

>You 100% moved the goalposts, my friend.
Please explain what this means and how I did it. And if I did do it, it was accidental, and I think you have been intentionally prolonging this argument in an effort to make me accidentally confuse myself.
>Suddenly all that matters is your opinion versus people that had never played a Zelda game before?
That does appear to be what I wrote here: >>8060868.

>> No.8061019

Your whole argument that BotW is “terrible” hinges on it not “feeling” like a Zelda game. Very, very much your own subjective opinion that is irrelevant considering plenty of longtime Zelda fans considered it to be a much needed return to form.

You’re free to deny it but I believe what you’re actually saying is that you didn’t like it because it didn’t follow the same old formula as Ocarina of Time and therefore didn’t “feel” like Zelda to you.

>> No.8061031

Nuke the thread, it's not fun anymore, thanks faggots.

>> No.8061035

To be fair, was this thread ever destined to be anything more than “Wind Waker sucks” versus “Wind Waker is great”?

>> No.8061039

>Your whole argument that BotW is “terrible” hinges on it not “feeling” like a Zelda game.
False, I said that is the reason others think it: >>8060476 >>8060517. That is not my argument.

>Very, very much your own subjective opinion that is irrelevant considering plenty of longtime Zelda fans considered it to be a much needed return to form.
And many disagree. /v/ appeared to hate it. I have discussed it on other boards and users there didn't like it. Many people I know didn't like it.

>You’re free to deny it but I believe what you’re actually saying is that you didn’t like it because it didn’t follow the same old formula as Ocarina of Time and therefore didn’t “feel” like Zelda to you.
Yes, that is a reason. One of many. But I wouldn't have been bothered by that, weren't it for it also being a bad game. And also for having items that break, a mechanic which I detest. If they managed to make a good open world Zelda game I'd probably consider it on tier with Skyward Sword.

>> No.8061042

Didn't have to be, there's been plenty of comfy Zelda threads before, even for Wind Waker. Real shame Zelda fans have the same mentality as console warriors but for their own individual games.

>> No.8061043

Well it did, OP started the thread with a contrarian possibly troll opinion.

>> No.8061045

>/v/ appeared to hate it
lol okay. Anyway, everything else you don’t like comes down to personal preference. Breath of the Wild certainly isn’t a “terrible” game by any valid metric. Nintendo has never made a bad Zelda game, it all just comes down to personal taste.

>> No.8061049

No? Is it contrarian to say "pepperoni pizza is the best?" No, you faggots just take video game opinions personally if you don't agree.

>> No.8061065

Nintendo have made one rushed, low quality Zelda game and one badly forethought Zelda game.
>Anyway, everything else you don’t like comes down to personal preference.
Whats even the point of arguing then? What are you doing in this thread?

Saying a video game which is usually considered bad is the best video game is a contrarian opinion.

>> No.8061070

>if you like the game that i like your opinion is valid
>if you don't like the that i like that's just like your own personal preference, maaaaan
botwfags are the most insecure people on the planet

>> No.8061074

I agree Wind Waker was unfortunately rushed in that it’s missing a couple dungeons, but I still wouldn’t call it low quality. The graphics, music and gameplay are still top notch Nintendo quality even if it is on the easy side.

>> No.8061079

You mean to tell me /v/ hates a popular Nintendo game? HOLY FUCKING SHIT STOP THE PRESSES

>> No.8061084

Wind Waker isn’t considered bad at all outside of this little autist bubble. It has plenty of fans.

>> No.8061086

He's grasping at straws.

The graphics look terrible. And not because I'm an edgelord and don't like "kiddy" graphics. The music isn't particularly good compared to other Zelda games. And the gameplay is far from good.

>> No.8061087 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, you're the reason this thread is a fucking disaster shit lips. Fucking retard can't fucking grasp a concept as simple as subjectivity.
You're no fucking better because you won't stop engaging this retard

>> No.8061092 [DELETED] 

Again all subjective opinions of yours. I fully disagree.

>> No.8061093

It and Sunshine received plenty of hate on the internet until around 2014. Now both are apparently good and are "classics".

>> No.8061095

Terrible unfun couple of opening hours. Doesn't matter how good the rest of the game is with an opening that bad.

>> No.8061096 [DELETED] 

And by “the internet” you mean /v/? What a shock.

>> No.8061107 [DELETED] 

why do you keep bringing up this subjective vs objective shit?

>> No.8061113 [DELETED] 

No, the reason is this other faggot who refused to leave an argument he had clearly lost after my first reply. I just cannot stop replying to him to assert how I am not wrong. And you the OP are a troll, so me allegedly ruining this thread doesn't matter.

Not really, the gameplay is at least objectively bad.

Just to be clear, actually, when I said that the music isn't particularly good, I meant that it isn't above average Zelda. Not that it is not that good.

No I mean other internet forums.

>> No.8061117

Because you’re not the end-all-be-all opinion haver on Zelda games. You shouldn’t be comparing yourself to people that haven’t played them, you should be comparing yourself to the knowledgeable posters on this board. Your opinion is most certainly no more valid than anyone else’s here so every time you claim something is “terrible” is pure subjectivity and nowhere near an objective fact.

>> No.8061121

>Not really, the gameplay is at least objectively bad.
I subjectively like it so therefore it can’t be objective. I think Wind Waker’s lock-on targeting and combat was overall a lot smoother than the sometimes stilted combat in Ocarina when they were still working the kinks out of Z targeting.

>> No.8061127

I'm not the OP you retard schizo

>> No.8061140

Sailing was boring. Gameplay was easy. Five temples were easy. Final sailing thing was bad. It doesn't mater if you fucking like it. You're like a modern art faggot, "You just don't get the art art is subjective these scribbles on a canvas is as good as realism".

>> No.8061141

why do you care so much what this guy thinks? stop trying to control the narrative on these games.

>> No.8061150

Don’t know what to tell you, I really like Wind Waker and it’s a well received game outside of this board which seems to have a weird hateboner for the GameCube while overly praising the N64. Just my opinion though.

>> No.8061156 [DELETED] 

And you have the wrong opinion. Just like how liking Picasso is the wrong opinion.

>> No.8061158 [DELETED] 

lol okay anon

>> No.8061162 [DELETED] 

Glad you accept that everything is objective.

>> No.8061167 [DELETED] 


>> No.8061168

it's just not very fun

>> No.8061173 [DELETED] 


>> No.8061176 [DELETED] 


>> No.8061180 [DELETED] 

Please let me know about where I said that having independent thought is bad.

>> No.8061186 [DELETED] 

So groupthink is all well and good when it aligns with your opinions, eh? Boy did /pol/ really do a number on this whole site.

>> No.8061192 [DELETED] 

Please let me know about where I said that having independent thought is bad.
>/pol/ bad
Not sure where that even came from.

>> No.8061196 [DELETED] 


>> No.8061202 [DELETED] 

You lack the ability to think logically.

>> No.8061205 [DELETED] 

>/pol/ bad
Yes it is and the sooner you stop going to the following boards, the better:

All literal mind poison.

>> No.8061207

This, but unironically. It's a boring, empty game filled with sailing, there's no challenge in the slightest. Literally the only thing it has going for it is an art style that most people hate and a final boss monologue that is literally only memorable because it was placed inside a game with cartoon graphics.

>> No.8061208 [DELETED] 

/tv/ is a good board for political discussion.

>> No.8061209

I subjectively like Wind Waker and you subjectively don’t. Therefore it’s not objective.

>> No.8061214 [DELETED] 

No it isn’t. Cut it off, I guarantee you’ll be better for it.

>> No.8061217

Everything has a potential method to be measured for attributes. For everything there is an objective opinion about it. Picasso's art is not good. Windwaker is not good.

>> No.8061224

I for one like that Wind Waker is a shorter Zelda game. IMO Ocarina drags on for too long at times without any major story beats happening.

>> No.8061231

Janny I hope that you get murdered.

>> No.8061234

Who’s a good painter then?
inb4 Hitler

>> No.8061237

Leonardo da Vinci.

>> No.8061242

More known as an inventor than a painter, no?

>> No.8061245

How is that relevant?

>> No.8061259

Sure the Mona Lisa is famous but I’d argue that Da Vinci was more of a draftsman and engineer overall than a painter. Picasso is solely known for painting.

>> No.8061264

Okay, what about William Adolphus Bougoureou I think he's called. Had a look at da Vinci's work and it's a lot more uncanny than I remember.

>> No.8061273

I’ll look him up.

>> No.8061282

Sorry for all the arguing, bros. I just had hernia surgery and I’ve been laid up all weekend. Thanks for keeping me entertained.

>> No.8061351

fuck you

>> No.8061358


>> No.8061432

Resident Evil 1 is the best GC game.