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File: 93 KB, 426x600, MV5BOTc1MDc1MGYtYWEwNS00YTRjLWI3MmItYmRhODQ3NjQxZGY4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3NjAwMDc4._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8055201 No.8055201 [Reply] [Original]

>God-tier levels
>God-tier graphics
>God-tier music
>Fastest-selling game ever, at release
>Beloved in Japan and the West

Can anyone help me understand what went so right?

>> No.8055202

>Beloved in Japan
citation needed

>> No.8055238
File: 52 KB, 1024x682, Don Kikon SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I much prefer this game myself.

>> No.8055245
File: 758 KB, 1280x720, DKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cartoon was so popular in Japan, it had it's own manga and CCG.

>> No.8055248
File: 2.63 MB, 300x300, 1595808288826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a brief, glorious moment in human history, we returned to monke

>> No.8055262

Miyamoto was so caught up with having perfect controls his games all turned to shit while rare made their final good games focusing on style, fun and monke.

>> No.8055267

Hi, can you delete this post please? Trying to push a narrative here.

>> No.8055395

Donkey Kong might (might) even be more popular in Japan than anywhere else. It sold really well. The spin-off and merch did really well. The trilogy is something that has a legendary status of epic music and gameplay. Obviously there is no consensus poll or study on people who like Donkey Kong the most, but it's needless to say that it was a pretty big hit. If we're going by sales, Donkey Kong was 2nd behind Mario on SFC in terms of Nintendo-developed games. Until Pokemon; Mario, Donkey Kong, and Zelda (in that order) were Nintendo's biggests. Most of Japan didn't even give a shit about Sonic the Hedgehog, so to them Mario and Donkey Kong have always been the big 2 platformers.

>> No.8055431

All 3 DKC games are in the top 10 of best selling Super Famicom games.
DKC2 2.2M
DKC3 1.7M

>> No.8055490 [DELETED] 

nobody cares about your boring platformer for retarded children and obese pedophiles. you are as cancerous that the african baboon that keeps posting about goldeneye.
> citation needed
> just copy/pastes random sales figures
eat shit and die, thanks.

>> No.8055587

lol look at how angry this person is

>> No.8055593

i'm sorry tokibro but your game is not that good

>> No.8055606

MASTER system

>> No.8056285

>He likes SEGA
Noooo! Hahahaha

>> No.8056323

Neck yourself incel cuck

>> No.8057978

It was based

>> No.8057994

The movement was much better than Super Mario World, smw felt way too floaty

>> No.8058029

The reason people hate when statistics are brought to an agrument is because it shuts down bullshit. Now that an objective truth has been revealed, your only way to mantain your position is to provide some sort of tangible evidence of your own. We both know you can’t do this. You don’t have any.

You asked for a source. You got one. Now you’ve nothing left to do but to rage. Poor bastard.

>> No.8058057

kek the cope, you're so much of a failure

>> No.8058078

People shit on the gameplay for being a basic Mario clone, but being a "basic Mario clone" puts it above 95% of other Western platformers. I'd call Virgin's Aladdin game and Plok the best non-Rare platformers from English speaking countries and that's not something to be proud of.

>> No.8058095


Even during the Spectrum era, Rare were the only britbong developer who seemed to know what they were doing. And they knew it too, charging a premium for their games because they could get away with.

>> No.8058190

Aladdin is kino.
Plok is flawed but cool.
DKC trilogy beats most games in general ever made.

Desu, it's disappointing that the USA didn't bring the heat on platformers until the 3D era. Especially since Americans love platformers and they love NES/SNES. But they barely did any good 2D platformers for some reason. Uh, I guess you can count STI, slightly?

>> No.8058469 [DELETED] 

I fucking loathe this stupid gorilla nigger ever since he and the fat faggot replaced my guy Koopa in MK64. Every time I look at this troglodyte I'm reminded of those guys on youtube who torture monkeys and I'm convinced that yes, they might be right. No I'm not playing those dumb nigger games and monkeys are not human fuck off

>> No.8058471

>basic Mario clone
Never heard it described that way. Doesn't really control like Mario at all.

>> No.8058483

DK replaced DK Jr. It was Wario who replaced Koopa.

>> No.8058503

mw2 had the fastest selling at release if I am not mistaken.

>> No.8058504

shit sold very well, probably best selling sfc westie game

>> No.8058507

It's just top comfy platforming, especially the first game's aesthetics.

>> No.8058528

Macaque Warfare 2, now that was a classic.