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File: 2.83 MB, 2450x3300, GameCube-Game-Boy-Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8054493 No.8054493 [Reply] [Original]

Been thinking about getting one of these since it is very easy to use without the startup disc. Are there any hiccups that should be noted with these?

>> No.8054505

Nope. It's actually my most used item for GCB. I got rid of it all when I didn't want to go back to hang with my monster tit gf after I found out she was an empty shell of a person (adopted).

>> No.8054510

The only reason to own a gamecube desu.

>> No.8054512

thanks for the blog post retard

>> No.8054536

Just trying to say you can just leave it wherever, emulation is better in all regards.

>> No.8054563

How much would you pay the player? I heard people say the Super Game Boy is better, but obviously it can't play GBA games.

>> No.8054606

With the Gameboy Interface software, I'd say the Gameboy Player is better overall. The Super Gameboy gives you more control over color palette, but that's it. Also if it's not a Super Gameboy 2, the image will stutter.

>> No.8054620

Super can't play GBA

>> No.8054635

You'll probably want to play with borders because the GBA wasn't a 4:3 system. I don't think I ever found any other hiccups.

>> No.8055195

The Super Gameboy is superior in terms of playing back original GB games because of unique colour pallets and borders, but the GB Player + GBI software is otherwise so versatile you should honestly have both if you're a gameboy fan.

>> No.8055291

Just a quick question, is the PAL startup disc rare? I bought the player and disc like 8 years ago for 10 euros, never used the disc just GBI.

>> No.8055302

I hope you slapped those titties around at least. I wanted a gamecube back in the day, I had a wii with a gamecube controller eventually at least.

>> No.8055732

the cube's d-pad is almost vestigial. it's small, stiff, poorly positioned, and not well suited for precision gaming AT ALL.
otherwise the player is pretty sweet. i just didn't get much use out of it because of the d-pad

>> No.8055750

Use one of these.

>> No.8055850

>Are there any hiccups that should be noted with these?
if you're getting an NTSC unit none, if you're getting a PAL unit... ohhh boy, brace yourself

>> No.8055873


>> No.8055883

pretty much everything homebrew/mod related to the gamecube is thought for NTSC, PAL seems like an after thought

no s-video output, you should think as PAL gamecubes as 576i only... it's a nightmare, and thank fuck i'm over it now

>> No.8055912

I thought PAL gamecubes had RGB SCART and that you could do 480i fine with Swiss.

>> No.8055924

yeah, in theory but i had a ton of problems with my CRT (wich works just fine with other consoles) and with the Carby i bought

>> No.8058204

What is a good price for just the player now?

>> No.8058235

In our post-Wii (U) world, this thing is the only reason to keep a Gamecube around.

>> No.8058236

Are you saying she's an empty shell because she was adopted, or are you throwing in she was adopted as an extra insult? Neither really makes sense.

>> No.8058291

Nope, lots of nigs harassed her trying to titty fuck her. So when I actually lifted her shirt and put my hands on her tits she wanted to stop in like 20 seconds after. I always tried to get her bra off too and she stopped me, and when braless said "don't try to cop a feel" a lot. I see her years later, reduction. It's a shame lots of girls are so sensitive about it, I want a girl with big uns but they just get harassed all the fucking time for sex but spooks.
Adopted people are very emotionally. . . disconnected. Way more so than an autist, this especially goes for women since they are usually very socially capable, so when they're fucked up by an adoption it really hurts their functioning because they stack a lot of other objects on their social ability.

>> No.8058470

Is the adapter worth the $60 I see it sell for now?

>> No.8058481

How much GBA do you want to play and does playing on hardware matter to you?

>> No.8058514

I mean I would like to play them on my TV and not have any screwups on an emulator. Plus I have a deal on a Platinum one for $55 that I went ahead with.

>> No.8058516

That's really the question. Sounds like it's a reasonable deal for you. There's no absolute worth other than what they're asking for it and whether it's worth it to you.

>> No.8058942

>not using the gameboy as the controller
Look at this dude.

>> No.8059048

May as well ask here:
Are those GC Loaders ever coming back in stock?

>> No.8061063
File: 76 KB, 1242x1126, 1603344696163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my old Glacier GBA is beginning to have issues with drawing enough power from batteries so I can't use it as a comfy Game Boy Interface controller

>> No.8061296


>> No.8061346

>havjng isues with drawing enough power from batteries
I've never heard of that kind of issue before. What could be the cause of that?

>> No.8063132

shut the fuck up armchair psychologist

>> No.8063462

grim, im sorry you had to deal with that

t. orphan

>> No.8065280

post pics

>> No.8065318


He's saying his GBA SP's battery is dead, anon.

>> No.8065354

No anon, he said his Glacier GBA. So I guess his connectors are fucked or something, which I only figured would happen if you let batteries blow up in them.

>> No.8065370

There are Glacier GBA SPs.

He clearly means GBA SP.

>> No.8065375


>> No.8066573

I loved using this as a young teen but I can't will myself to anymore because of how much I hate the d-pad on gamecube. Is there an off brand controller to remedy that or am I better off emulating on pc with a preferred controller?

>> No.8066578


Change target system to "Gamecube" and pick your poison.

>> No.8066637

Much appreciated

>> No.8066692

You're quite welcome.
Raphnet adapters work really well, but for full disclosure you could also get a Hori GB Player controller (prohibitively expensive these days though) or use an actual GBA via a link cable (might not be much better than the gamecube D-pad).

Personally though I'd probably just get a classic controller adapter, because even if you don't like the feel of the original CC or CC Pro you can use a SNES classic pad because those share the same port.