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8044973 No.8044973 [Reply] [Original]

I like Namco but I’ll never forgive them for how they treated Klonoa.

>> No.8044986

isn't the story over anyway

>> No.8045045

they probably looked at the fanbase and decided to kill it on purpose

>> No.8045046

They just never marketed it at all, most people done even know what klonoa is.

>> No.8045049 [DELETED] 

shit series that looks like it fell out of sonic's asshole.

>> No.8045050

Furries treated Klonoa worse, desu.

>> No.8045095
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>> No.8045104

sonic turds?

>> No.8045186

It’s better than Sonic though

>> No.8045219

I feel like you fell out of your dad's asshole instead of being born like all normal people.

Klonoa has nothing to do with Sonic except some character designs.

>> No.8045227 [DELETED] 

>no u
your furfag trash is gay dude

>> No.8045234
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> They just never marketed it at all

They did, but it's the worst marketing you could ever see.

>> No.8045289

Years ago, I played Empire of Dreams for GBA and it was really good and got me interested in this series. Then I played Dream Champ Tournament and it was absolute shit.

Last year, I replayed DCT and it was still shit from start to finish. I am afraid to replay EoD now. As far as I remember, it's almost the same, but with less shitty story and without boss races

I have Klonoa userpic on Youtube and a lot of random people comment on it for some reason. They usually say something like "Hi Klonoa" or just how they miss the franchise. Idk if that happens with other people who put video game characters on their avatars but that definitely shows he's known and remembered.

>> No.8045302

This is terrible

>> No.8045419

this reminded me of the fact that there was, apparently, a possibility that the second game would have a remake on the Wii (possibility that got killed because of the first remake flopping on sales)

That, and a movie that i think it was being made in 2016, but got cancelled in like 2019

>> No.8045669

Let him rest in piece before the degenerates show up.

>> No.8046836

That's so damn 90's it hurts. Why did they try to inject badittude into Klonoa

>> No.8046848

I have zero clue what this thing is but if its dead all I can say is thank God.

>> No.8047404

give it up, the days of companies having a flagship animal mascot platformer are over

>> No.8047639
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>I like Namco but I’ll never forgive them for how they treated Klonoa.
To some degree, same. Honestly I feel like they put up the initial expectations for the franchise too high, and thought it could suceed through word of mouth alone (which is a risky strategy to use, especially if they wanted to make it a big franchise). It makes me wonder if Namco as a whole really screwed Klonoa up in accident and ended up with a streak of bad luck, or if as time passed its possible success was actively sabotaged against to some degree or another.
>weirder than your sister
I still can't believe that ad is real. And its also from a Nickelodeon magazine. Damn.
>give it up, the days of companies having a flagship animal mascot platformer are over
Scotformer games are starting to have a revival though, if they weren't, the NSane and Reignited trilogies wouldn't have sold as much as they have. Bubsy of all fucking mascots had a revival game that sucked, but still was a revival game and a couple other "platformer mascots" will get some game down the line from what I've seen.

>> No.8047646

All Namco cares about these days is Tekken and Idolmaster.

>> No.8047670

>He's the star in ears to fly.
>He's the fantasy creature from Namco's new action-adventure game in a 3-D Phantomile.
what did they mean by this?

>> No.8047686

end yourself now

>> No.8047751


they've always been here puritannewfag

>> No.8048632

It doesn't look like 90s attitude to me. It's way worse, it's 90s self-irony.

>> No.8048654

More like the advertisement guy saw like 3 seconds of the game and thought "what the fuck is this and how should I sell this to kids".