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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8043982 No.8043982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Manlet Greasy Plumber 64
>"muh ground-breaking 3D"

Meanwhile at Sega...

>> No.8043989

yeah but its not for sale flight simulator priced hardware.

>> No.8043990

>muh ground-breaking Model 3
op this isn't /v/ you retard, go back

>> No.8044030

Don’t drag Quake into this, you fucking Seganigger.

>> No.8044195

zoomers be like: PS1s shit graphics so aesthetic SOVL

>> No.8044209

He's not a sega fan, just australia-kun still trying to handle his mental illness. Beat with him until he's finally institutionalized.

>> No.8044213 [DELETED] 

back to tranny doom general

>> No.8044259

Model 3 and specially VF3 looked unreal at the time, I couldn't fathom how it was possible to it to look like that.

>> No.8044370

it's arcade hardware obviously it's better

>> No.8045496

Top of the line PC'S cost $5000.
Still looks good today. It took over 10 years before PC games even started to catch up to their graphics.

>> No.8045501

SCUD Racing had such shit audio design.

>> No.8045507
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>> No.8045569

60fps on a 13 megabyte cart

>> No.8045614

Anything can reach 60 fps if you sacrifice everything else. Doesn't mean you should do it as >>8045507 looks awful.

>> No.8045646

>PS1s shit graphics so aesthetic SOVL
this but unironically

>> No.8045651

>PS1s shit graphics so aesthetic SOVL
this but unironically

>> No.8045675


>> No.8045728

It was so painfully obvious this thread was made by you, lmao.
I love the fact that every single day you wake up, F-Zero X occupies space in your mind, at 60fps, no less!
You will never convince anyone to stop liking the game.
The game will continue to be cherished.
You will die alone.

>> No.8045820

>wishing lonely death on those who don't praise everything nintendo

>> No.8045906

>It took over 10 years before PC games even started to catch up to their graphics.
Exaggerating a bit aren't we? Don't get me wrong VF3 was way ahead of its time in 1996 but by 2006 VF5 was in the arcades running on the PC powered Lindbergh hardware. It wasn't exactly cutting edge either with a 3 GHz Pentium 4 HT from 2003 and a GeForce 6800 GT from 2004.

>> No.8045908

I'm not wishing anything.

>> No.8045929

Daytona released around 93 to 94. Has excellent controls and looks amazing. Look at any Daytona style game on pc up until 2004 and you will see they are all garbage by comparison.

>> No.8046076
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>post fzero x screenshot
>anons get mindbroken

>> No.8046086

>post the same shit you've been posting for a while now
>some anons scratch their head confused as to why are you comparing an arcade board to home systems
>some others call you out on your spam faggotry
Yeah, mindbroken about how boring your spam is.

>> No.8046112 [DELETED] 


>> No.8046116

This is very true and rarely talked about. well said, anon. please continue to bring it up in the future

>> No.8046119
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my post was off topic and I like all the games itt

>> No.8046120

>$20,000 arcade cabinet outperforms affordable home computers

You don't say?

>> No.8046134 [DELETED] 
File: 457 KB, 1139x560, SegaCHADS WINNING AGAIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's right, Segachads winning as usual.

>> No.8046274

So are Zoomers just finding out that arcade games generally looked more advanced than their contemporaries on consoles? This isn't news to anyone. You're not shattering our worldview.

>> No.8046336

A true chad would never go bankrupt, and leave their fans feeling pure misery. All those racing and fighting games mean shit really. I really wonder how good a ps3-type of console made by sega could be.

>> No.8046361

You said he would die alone but how did you come to that conclusion? All I can tell about that anon is he is of normal intelligence with decent vision.

A single screenshot of FZeroX triggers you into a rage every time of "console warrior, muh frame rate, it actually looks good!"

>> No.8046367

It's a good game, bro

>> No.8046375

I challenge you to find a racing game with less detail than this >>8045507

>> No.8046405

Stunt Race FX

>> No.8046414

>All I can tell about that anon
So, yourself?
i'm sorry man, you will die alone. it's not me wishing it, it's the way things are.
And yeah, people will continue to like F-Zero X after your death.

>> No.8046423

that's because Japanese don't like PCs and western devs (other than british) sucked at making arcade racing games

>> No.8046426

would sega have been better off if they just went the neo geo route and just made specialist expensive hardware in relatively low supply thats literaly just their arcade hardware in the cheapest to produce box possible bare minimum it needs to run instead of ever bothering with the sega saturn or the 32x

>> No.8046434
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x2268, DC 1 & 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really wonder how good a ps3-type of console made by sega could be
Sega was all about fantastic and often quirky arcade games. With the arcade scene all but extinct by 2005-2006 they would've became a niche hardware company if they had the money to live into the 7th gen.
Maybe they would've released the 7th gen's equivalent of the Neo Geo AES. Or they could've put out the Jappy equivalent of the Xbox 360 with its robust online capabilities and HD gameplay. The world will never know.

>> No.8046442

Damn, you were wondering the same thing as me above. God bless.

>> No.8046451

Dreamcast is still a dream for me man. I feel like I still am discovering fun stuff to play on it to this day. What a horrible fucking shame man. Dreamcast is the only reason I still have a disc drive in my pc so I can games for it.
Dreamcast is the reason I can't really give a shit about sony as a company like the people who grew up with them. The PS2 just seems worse in comparison.

>> No.8046464

>transparent plastic is cheaper than anything else
so why did nobody make a console that was just cheap? its not like kids would complain, they thought transparent consoles were cool.
If I were making consoles back in the day I'd basically just make a transparent box occupying the bare minimum for the pcb and cooling. I'd just have a single power button and thats it if it was a cartridge console. no cartridge doors or anything.
Sega was in such financial trouble why did they make complicated expensive designs

>> No.8046468

>needing to bring up an fx spectrum looking game just to be worse than fzerox.

>> No.8046476

Transparent plastic is brittle. It's transparent because it is less dense.

>> No.8046482

its not like you gotta build consoles to last. they just gotta go five years or so
I guess im proposing basically a transparent, cheaper to make neo geo aes

>> No.8046490

>So yourself
Its a shame you see everyone that dosen't instantly praise FZero as evil and the same person.

>> No.8046501

It's SNES game.

>> No.8046525

the model 3 was pretty insane for the time. even today it looks amazing. Sega were really cutting edge back in the arcades. NAJRM

>> No.8046527 [DELETED] 

the d in doom stands for dial8

>> No.8047067
File: 3.00 MB, 800x446, GayBonerrrrrrrrrr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daytona USA 2 (1998)

I'm only using a widescreen hack + higher res here and 23 years later it literally still looks like a modern Switch game or something. Gameplay totally holds up too.

No one else has ever come close to the total domination that Sega had in the 90's with their cutting edge 3D graphics/hardware. Crysis in 2007 is the only game that came close to doing something similar. I got Crysis on day 1 and ran it on my then high-end GTX 8800's in SLI and still only got like 25fps. Good times. That game was graphically years ahead of anything else on its release, but still not quite to the extent that Sega were in the 90's with their arcades.

GLQuake with GPU acceleration didn't come out until early 1997, several months after Scud Race and Virtua Fighter 3 on the Model 3 board which ran at 60fps. The original Daytona on the Model 2 was also the first game to use texture filtering in 94, and years later the aging Model 2 still destroyed the highest end Voodoo equipped PC in 97. Model 3 just took the absolute fucking piss. We'll never see shit like this again.

>> No.8047143

Anons on here are so hooked on Nintendo FZero and Sony Uncharted they have no idea what they are missed out on.

>> No.8047202

none of these games have anything to do with eachother...

>> No.8047204

Yes, ahead of their time because money wasn't a factor. Those high end arcade systems were prohibitively expensive, especially the ones SEGA and Namco designed.

>> No.8047228

>Meanwhile at Sega...
yeah, but they had insanely expensive custom hardware.

>> No.8047237

daytona 2 still holds up well 23 or so years later. the hardware was quite powerful for that time period.

>> No.8047247
File: 13 KB, 400x306, 1606041298184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude scotformers
>dude amigger castlevanie
>dude psx
>dude fzero
>dude jarpigs
>dude trashure

>> No.8047249

When you look at Sega Rally on Saturn or panzer dragoon you see their talent works on any piece of machinery.

>> No.8047253 [DELETED] 

People like variety and people like quantity. You can't blame them. Sega generally sticks to the same genres and after a while it just feels 'been there done that'
It got dull for me with the majority of Sega releases. Only smaller weird off the wall stuff is what I like about Sega. Their big 'heavy hitter' titles of the 90s straight from the arcade are dull to me.
And I grew up with a genesis and later dreamcast.

>> No.8047256

>Here's your high end graphics system. That'll be $7999.99. Just the PCB, of course.

>> No.8047258

>Sega were really cutting edge back in the arcades.
facts. nobody was able to come close to competing against sega's machines at this level, with exception to namco's boards that powered ridge racer series.
very talented. some sega employees could accidentally trip over, faceplant their keyboard and code would still magically appear on the screen and work well.

>> No.8047279

>Sega felt dull to me
Beyond bad taste. Are you that same poster insulting people for not knowing the difference between japanese virtual novels and dating sims?

>> No.8047280 [DELETED] 

>sega felt dull to me
Man if that's your takeaway then you're just arguing in bad faith

>> No.8047282

Do tell how House of the dead, Daytona or Shenmue are dull games.

>> No.8047286 [DELETED] 

But I like Shenmue and house of the dead
wait a minute you're going to disingenuously bring up virtual novels and dating sims and then also start praising Shenmue and assuming I dislike it? What the fuck?

>> No.8047293

Some other poster was talking about virtual novels and dating sims. Never mind. My point is Sega never got to the point of being dull. New Super Mario Bros and Pokemon 16 are where I couldn't be bothered with them anymore.

>> No.8047294

Anybody else feels the megadrive was a pos? The music, the gameplay. It was all shit. They had good arcade games but the only good console they ever released was The master System. It was all downhill from there.

>> No.8047298

And it was better than the nes goddammit. The extra horsepower under the hood meant you got to play better games.

>> No.8047305

mega drive is hard to go back to because i feel like they really lack depth. even snes was a bit better in that regard
sega really needed to get into bed with third parties a lot sooner. they needed to cancel the 32x, stop wasting time on so many genesis or sega cd revisions and the nomad and game gear. Maybe even not release the saturn at all just focus on arcades for that period because fuck me. FUCK. we could have had AWESOME shit instead sega is a shadow of itself and nobody else delivered those games or sheer technological innovation

I cant stop playing the what if game with Sega constantly

>> No.8047326

>Technological innovation
Yeah. That was Sega. They paved the way.

>> No.8047330

>spent my youth playing Daytona, House of the Dead, Crazy Taxi in arcades
>this small shopping area that wasn't even a real arcade stubbornly kept everything going well into the 2000s even
>kids, teens, adults all running from machine to machine having fun, constant noise and attract modes in every direction
>recently visited again in 2018
>all the machines have broken down
>tfw my Crazy Taxi machine was just completely decrepit and smashed up

Games will never be the same. I still play my dreamcast to this day. I remember journalists shitting on the Dreamcast saying it was old fashioned and not evolving with the times. Fuck them The Dreamcast delivered

>> No.8047335

>sega really needed to get into bed with third parties a lot sooner.
part of the reason is that sega wanted to keep as much of the software development in japan and fuck you, america. even when more and more third party devs signed up to code for it, sega still played hardball by sending out poorly translated manuals to use when programming their hardware and also refused to send anyone the actual Yamaha programming manual for the YM2612, that sega's japanese producers were able to get freely. It should surprise nobody why sega's musicians had an edge over everyone else. they had good documentation. everyone else had to struggle with gibberish translations or reverse engineering.

>> No.8047342


>> No.8047346

>and fuck you, america
That's the right mindset. Westerners can't design console games for a shit.

>> No.8047349

WOuld it be possible to buy a model 3 and 'consolize' it a bit? forgive my ignorance but could you even load other model 3 games into it or is it a one game for each board type deal?
How much is a model 3 nowadays

>> No.8047352

>Anybody else feels the megadrive was a pos?
megadrive was loosely based around their arcade hardware so i can't hate on it. it was a fine machine and still very capable of doing some amazing things.
>That's the right mindset. Westerners can't design console games for a shit.
I think because there was so many of them from USA, Europe pushing out so much shovelware that sega of japan could shit in a megadrive cart case, put a soundtrack on it by yuzo koshiro and it would still do better than a lot of the stuff that came out early on its shelf life.

>> No.8047357

>and 'consolize' it a bit
So just stick a harness/supergun on it. beware, M3 has some custom pinouts

>how much

>> No.8047435

Used to game with my dad together. We got stuck in a game and called the Sega hotline. He basically told us to fuck off and git gud. Fucking smug cunt. We managed to find it ourselves. Don't know if he was based or cringe. It's a hotline and those are expensive to call. They charge by he minute. Maybe he was right to tell us to fuck off, but on the other hand: it's his fucking job to help people. I couldn't be more first world if I tried, kek. No shame in knowing who you are.

>> No.8047609

sega deserve brain cancer and peanut butter spike shits for not porting scud race, the og xbox would have been fuckign perfect for it

>> No.8047657

low IQ post.

>> No.8047674

>I can't get past this level, please help me whaawhaa
>Fuck off and learn to game
Yeah, I'm thinking he was based.

>> No.8047731

>The music, the gameplay. It was all shit.
do consoles have gameplay?

>> No.8047736

Nice pre-rendered attract modes, now post gameplay.

>> No.8047739 [DELETED] 
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>companies are a single person

>> No.8047752
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*with drops

>> No.8047756

Meanwhile at Sega, they were selling $20k arcade cabinets, of fucking course it looks seven years ahead of its time.
In contrast, the N64 was a $200 console with $70 games in 1996.

The biggest thing that I think helped Sega is their texturing. Even Daytona from 1993/4 still looks like a stunner because most of the textures are really crisp and clean despite the lower polygon count to later hardware.

>> No.8047779
File: 22 KB, 469x469, dunky_kung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 fps
>13 megabyte
how is one related to the other

>> No.8047825

low iq business decision.

>it's a given
>retard sperg thinks he's being smart being pedantic anyway

back to pop tarts

>> No.8047829 [DELETED] 

ESL hands typed this comment

>> No.8047926

>ctrl f

>> No.8047962

>20k of course it's going to look good
Saturn was released in 94 and plenty of their games still look good. Sega Rally, Xmen vs SF and Panzer Dragoon come to mind. While the first two aren't as good as their arcade originals they are still top quality titles packed with detail.

>> No.8047968

>Xmen vs SF
Still some of my favorite graphics in any fighter ever. The colors man... I'd add in Dragon Force too if we're not talking about 3d Saturn titles.

>> No.8048032

>caring about looks in deciding what to play or in what you like

If video footage and screenshots are how you determine the best games, then maybe this isn't the hobby for you.

>> No.8048043

Night Driver lel, do you usually play racers based on how many leaves you can see on each tree as you zoom past them?

>> No.8048049


That’s new holy shit

>> No.8048054

Japanese do like PCs, they just didn't use them for the same kinds of games that westerners did, and the two regions spent many, many years using incompatible hardware, followed by years of developing software with little concern for releases outside of their local market. There's way more computers than just what was made in US and Europe.

>> No.8048059

Saturn would have been that, had they thought more about the importance of 3D for the mid-late 90s when they started development. Releasing a full-on "look at my FUCKING hardware investment it is so fucking big" would have been pants-on-head retarded and would have sold worse than 3DO and Jaguar.

>> No.8048069

>game will continue to be cherished

>> No.8048078

It's beautiful, but don't bullshit. The game looks like a mobile game in today's standards, and that's only in polycount. Modern game machines, even cell phones, can push much higher res textures, and just forget it when it comes to lighting effects.

No one makes games like this anymore, it's true, so you don't really have something aesthetically comparable as a comparison point, but to suggest that modern games aren't pushing well beyond this is just disingenuous. No one, least of all me, is here to say Daytona 2 looks bad. I'm just saying that you're off-base with this commentary of it being on-par with even mobile games of the current age. Its best advantage in looks is simply an aesthetic that was expertly targeted and executed on a super-advanced hardware which was ready to receive it. Don't paint it as more than that, lest you reduce yourself to drawing comparisons to random indie trash running in badly optimized unity as a reasonable point of comparison.

>> No.8048079

Not really.

>> No.8048084 [DELETED] 

you are a fucking man child and a skinny fat mangina who goes WHOOSH on fqueero with FWENDS in dildo onesie, nintendo brainfucked you with clever marketing and now you have an emotional spectrum hardwired towards their favor simply to keep you buying their shit

you fucking numpty, queer off 64 bit proto virgin

>> No.8048085

duh, more frames = more space! that's why I always encode my webms to 25fps to save data :^)

>> No.8048086 [DELETED] 

"female" hands typed this comment.

>> No.8048093

They never ported a lot of fucking games. Easy additions include Jambo Safari, Brave Firefighters, and OutRunners (no the MD one doesn't count).

>> No.8048193

>namco's boards
Man, I miss when Namco kept trying.
Namco's System 22 games look better than those on Model 2 and run in higher res. Namco and Sega being rivals really pushed the state of the art for game graphics.

It didn't make financial sense to keep going all-in on more and more powerful boards, though.
They made the right call to push with PS1 based arcade hardware instead. Throw in some more RAM, push the clocks a bit higher, and run games from ROM, bam. Fixed all the low-hanging issues with the PS1.
Only thing they could have done better was make the GTE higher accuracy, and that would have been a major re-engineering job.

Still, it hurts.
Namco's premium custom hardware after they released System 11 ended up looking a fair bit worse than Sega's. I can easily say that everything on Model 3 looks better than the System 23 games, even if it still runs in medium resolution.

The Game Gear at least made sense given when they released it -- 90/91. A straight up GB competitor, and it even did kinda well despite its glaring issues. Hell, I still don't think Sega should have dropped it come 1996.
The Sega CD made a lot less sense, and the 32X was absolute fucking nonsense. I have no idea how the Nomad happened when Sega was already pulling out from the 16-bit console market in 1995.

God, Sega's English dev documentation is so bad.
The Genesis dev manual is a headache inducing pile of trash, the Saturn dev manuals are a twisted fucking nightmare designed to drive programmers mad.
Mucked around with Saturn programming in C at one point, and I absolutely dreaded any time I needed to look up anything in the hardware manuals. Just a fucking gibberish mess.

>> No.8048214
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that has such a great ring to it

>> No.8048236

Yeah. People keep talking about the Model 3 like it outcompetes the 360 or some shit, and it absolutely doesn't.
It is YEARS ahead of its time, but only a few years -- a lot of people forget how fast technology moved back in the day.

Still, of the 6th gen home consoles, I'm pretty sure only the Xbox could do a no-compromise home release of all the Model 3 games (even the Step 2.1 games like Daytona 2).
Admittedly, a few architectural differences make this also true for the Model 2 games, but the biggest issue there would be texturing since the Model 2 uses pretty high detail textures on everything; poly count and CPU ability for the Model 2 are massively outstripped by the time of the DC.

don't reply to bait

>> No.8048237 [DELETED] 

seethe trannies

>> No.8048273

Cars are one of the most easy things to render in 3D. They're just solid boxes with four moving tires. They have almost no animations and no uncanny valley to overcome. That's why racing games are usually the first genre to take advantage of new tech. I understood this concept when I was eleven years old. In 1998, I had a racing game on my family called Moto GP which looked better than Daytona running on integrated graphics.