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[ERROR] No.8039348 [Reply] [Original]

When does it get good?

>> No.8039351

when you git gud, scrub

>> No.8039361

When you get speed boots, sections that don't involve smashing through monsters and brick walls at high speed are generally pretty boring. Check out genesis Earthworm Jim if you want a fun sci fi themed platformer

>> No.8039369

When you put a loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger

>> No.8039373

>forcing the SM vs EWJ meme

>> No.8039459
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>> No.8039469

Forget EWJ then. Pick up Contra if you want a real game. Super Metroid while better than alttp and oot, it is still heavily overrated.

>> No.8039503

My guy

>> No.8039520

>git gud
Super Metroid is incredibly easy. There is no time limit forcing you to progress and you can easily fill up your health and ammo constantly with slight backtracking. There aren't even difficult boss fights.

>> No.8039572 [SPOILER] 
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I didn't "get" SM until the third time I played it. Don't get focused on finding the next boss, just explore and look around for stuff. The map and difficulty are built around discovery, not fisticuffs.

It's a very comfy and low key experience when you really learn the game, unless you're trying to speed run it.

>> No.8039621

When you put the cartridge in

>> No.8039891

Overrated and bad are not the same thing

>> No.8039894


>> No.8039904

why are people so sensitive
jesus christ imagine getting this offended at the mere hint that someone thinks differently from you

>> No.8039913

Do you really think he was offended?
He responded to a token low-effort spam question with a token low-effort spam answer.

>> No.8039919

I dont see how either of those posts are either of those things to be honest anon. It just seems like an innocent question. Maybe I'm biased because I don't really get the appeal of the 2D metroid stuff. Even if that was the case it's never good to be the first one to get rude.

>> No.8041319

Shit man, does anyone remember where they could make shit like pic related? Been years since I've seen one of these

>> No.8042205
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, Title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right at the title screen. Then again once you enter Brinstar

>> No.8042269

My favourite edit of that was "the last transphobe is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace".
Obviously. Super Metroid is a 7/10 game at best

>> No.8042316

As soon as you turn the console on.

>> No.8042525

lurk more faggot

>> No.8042706
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>I dont see how either of those posts are either of those things to be honest anon.
They're both memes ffs.
"When does it get good?" is your typical argument-less post disparaging popular game X for contrarian points in the form of (You)s.
"Git gud" is the barebones response to whiny new players criticising a game for not being exactly like everything else (usually in relation to the Dark Souls series).
>Even if that was the case it's never good to be the first one to get rude.
Pic related.