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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8036672 [Reply] [Original]

>mini games are usually tedious and fucking pointless
>except for this one lol
Wooooow, fuck you Nintendo. How the fuck was I supposed to know that?

>> No.8036681

Is this a parody of this mindset?

>> No.8036719

Shooting gallery? Optional.
Bombchu bowling? Optional.
Chicken game at Lonlon ranch? Optional.
Some Zora dink wants me to play his diving game? Absolutely necessary.
Wasted so much time trying to figure this out. Searched the Zora cave inside and out. Searched Lake Hylia. Searched the castle courtyard. Visited Zelda again. Visited Saria again (ocarina phone AND in person). Its just plain stupid.

>> No.8036748

You're supposed to read the game guide in issue 43 of N64 magazine.

>> No.8036807

Can't, playing the gamecube version.

>> No.8036808

So, no. This isn't a parody of the mindset of "how did the devs expect us to know we should play the game."

>> No.8037639


yeah just get over it i guess

>> No.8037678

>Its just plain stupid
Yep, you are stupid man. Knowing you had stuff left to do on the Zora Domain and you choose to go to all the other possible places? wtf

>> No.8037721

Ocarina of Time has some of the worst shit for this. Playing Saria's Song for Darunia is another pure troll

>> No.8037758

>If he's in a bad mood, he'll
>probably get mad at you...it
>can be pretty scary. But...
>I know his SECRET.
>He may not look like the type,
>but Big Brother loves to dance!
>If he gets in a rhythm, he'll surely...

>I remember Big Brother used to
>always listen to the music that
>comes from the forest...
>Ah yes, the good old days...
>That music makes me feel
>nostalgic, too...

>How was Big Brother?
>I see...
>By the way, do you know the
>music coming from deep inside of
>this tunnel? We all like this music!

>follow the music, end up at Saria, she teaches you the song

>> No.8037786

>you have to talk to a random npc twice to get the hint
thanks for proving my point

>> No.8037832

Just use a guide, I don’t know how anyone has the patience to try to get through this shit on their own. I fully admit that I certainly don’t.

>> No.8037836

Total zoom zoom. Yeah you are expected to play the fucking game and discover things on your own. The gme guve you multiple hints, so it's your fault if you don't see them.

>> No.8038272

Zooom zooom

>> No.8038336
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when I was playing oot for the first I got stuck for hours on pic related spot. I had the idea of playing the song in that room right away, but when I did I wasn't in the right spot in front of the goron, so nothing triggered. So then I spent several days exploring the overworld and turning every stone until I finally tried playing it again and this time it worked. I never liked any 3d zeldas that much but that especially soured me on oot.

>> No.8038338

We used to have a kids' tv-show with a segment that had two kids playing this mini game against each other. Forgot what the winner got to take home. Maybe a copy of Zelda or something.

>> No.8038602

i played it on release as a kid, big guy. the game is just needlessly obtuse at certain times. OoT is my favourite game of all time, btw

>> No.8038609

I'm with you, I hate minigames that are required to advance the story. MM and the oracle games have them too.

>> No.8038816

was it Video and Arcade Top 10?

>> No.8038851
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>>mini games are usually tedious and fucking pointless
Then Zelda games aren't for you. Hell, Jap games in general.

>> No.8038853

Nick Arcade?

>> No.8038868

VaAT10 was the Canadian version I guess

>> No.8038881

Imagine not doing everything in the game at least once regardless of what the reward is going to be.

Besides that what the fuck are you talking about, most mini games get you items like a bottle or inventory upgrades or a heart container.

I bet you don't talk to every NPC either.

>> No.8039198

Do you mean specifically in OOT? Or games in general?
I'm pretty sure that in OOT, and in most games, minigames unlocks stuff...
Is this bait? Sarcasm?

>> No.8039203

All of these gives you something for properly completing them BTW
Why wouldn't you want to collect the stuff, even if optional?

>> No.8039217

>Is this bait? Sarcasm?
A zoomer, perhaps. As overplayed as the meme is, they actually *do* hate oldstyle games specifically because they feel everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. They want to be told they're the greatest simply because they are, not by virtue of skill or even dogged persistence.

>> No.8039225

During the Wii I got Ys I & II on the VC. It's just so minor, but it felt really goddamn good to actually have useful NPC messages again that tells you to do stuff you actually gotta try like searching that one tree for example
Currently having the same sort of great feeling with La-Mulana 2

>> No.8039228

Definitely not Nick Arcade. That show ended six years before OoT came out lol.

>> No.8039236

I watched some episodes of that and they would often play some fucking shitty shovelware and the prizes sucked
Nothing like seeing the kid's eyes light up at the sight of some Dragon Ball toy, that's what the kid came to win, but instead he gets a fucking watch or some dumb shit nobody would want, on top of winning the latest GBA SpongeBob shovelware

>> No.8039538


>> No.8039559
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I wish some ghosts would appear in this thread

>> No.8039569
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>> No.8039589

Because he's playing from a 2021 mindset of it just being another game to check off the list.

>> No.8039591

Oh, you brought a Poe today!
Very interesting!
This is a Big Poe!
I'll buy it for 50 Rupees.
On top of that, I'll put 100 points on your card.
If you earn 1,000 points, you'll be a happy man! Heh heh.

>> No.8039601

Finding all golden skultulas or finding the final sword was far more difficult than figuring out where the diving mini game was. I'm surprised this filtered anyone.

>> No.8039610 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8039670
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I feel like I'm being baited here. This isn't even a hard or obscure part in the game. I see people whine about not knowing that they needed to catch a fish to feed to Jabu Jabu, and I see people complain about backtracking to the Lost Woods even though there's a direct shortcut if you use your brain for a second. Those complaints are braindead but understandable coming from a ten year old. This? I can't even see this shit coming from a kid. How can one be so spectacularly retarded that you're being filtered by the prospect of having to dive under water and grab roughly five rupees in order to progress? Sure, maybe most minigames are optional, but you always get something out of them. Before this part of the game you've had the opportunity to get a larger seed pouch, bombchus, two bottles and a whole bunch of heart pieces just through minigames.
Wouldn't you think that if you're stuck and can't figure out how to progress in the fish town, than you might want to see if the innocuous minigame guy standing at the highest point of the domain would give you something to help you progress, or if not, something cool or useful? Why would you go back to Saria and go to the Castle Courtyard before trying this? Were you dropped on your head?

>> No.8039691

How retarded do you have to be to think any 3D Zelda is "obtuse"

>> No.8039823

So it's not enough that the game gives you the solution to the puzzle, you need it to solve it for you too?
Hooo boy.

>> No.8040331

For me, it's Din's Fire
>play game for a couple of hours
>it's piss easy
>game handholds you to the fairy at the top of death mountain
>she gives you some gay spinning attack you'll never use because you can already steamroll everything
>offhand remark "btw I have a friend near Hyrule Castle"
>think she'll just give me another dumb attack I'll never use & forget about it 10 seconds later since I'm doing other shit
>7 years later
>unable to access shadow temple since you didn't as a child go to the place you otherwise never have to go until the very end of the game
It could've been easily fixed by just swapping the two rewards, with the fairy on Death Mountain giving you Din's Fire instead of the one in Hyrule Castle. And it'd make more sense too since she's the one right next to the fucking VOLCANO.

>> No.8040473

>It could've been easily fixed by just swapping the two rewards
Nah, no checking out the fairy fountain near the castle is on you

>> No.8040727

>NPC handheld me towards getting an upgrade
>I ignored her
>This is the game's fault

>> No.8040953
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This isn't the game's fault, you're just a retard.

>> No.8040969

you can light the torches without din's fire and in addition to the giant boulder and sign post sitting right next to the castle, a guy in the back alley of the market tells you to go there.

the game isn't really that big and this shit is pretty obvious. I'm starting to think most of you guys are retarded when fucking 3D Zelda filters you.

>> No.8040985
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>You have to play the game
No shit. I imagine you're pretending to be retarded because I don't think anyone that's actually that retarded would be able to figure out how to post on 4chan

>> No.8040997
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Uuuurrrgghh i've gotta explore and talk to people in this exploration gaaaaaame

>> No.8041009
File: 1.91 MB, 320x240, comeonnow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plays an adventure game
>Gets upset when he has to go on adventure

>> No.8041018

he wants to be told a story, not go on an adventure. I suggest the PS5 for him.

>> No.8041692

Get a new fucking term already you brainless teenagers

>> No.8041697

Are these constant "I have trouble with really easy shit in these popular Zelda games" threads some kind of falseflag to discredit anyone who doesn't like the games?

>> No.8041704

I genuinely think that sometimes, but I am off my meds.

>> No.8041797

Is this pasta? In 23 years of OoT existence it never occurred to me someone could have something against the diving game.

As an ESL kid I didnt have any trouble with it. I just mashed my way through text boxes, in this case, seeing it triggered a mini-game I simply went ahead and completed it.

I would never imagine anyone would think it to be too cryptic.

>> No.8042062

OK Pablo. There wasn't anything cryptic about it. I spoke to the zora and told him 'No' when he asked if I wanted to play his gay minigame. Minigames give you optional bullshit and I was focused on the main quest.

>> No.8042075

This isnt a false flag. I enjoy OoT. I've almost finished the game twice now.
False. I can't stand games that play like movies.
Playing a dumb fucking minigame isn't adventure. Adventure is exploring the map, clearing dungeons, and talking to the NPCs is adventure. Fags.

>> No.8042168
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>Diving off a waterfall isn't adventure

>> No.8042194
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>> No.8042207
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>> No.8042214
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>> No.8042268
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>> No.8042310

You seemed like the samefagging type. Can't say I'm surprised.