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File: 128 KB, 350x256, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8025653 [Reply] [Original]

Lets settle it. OOT 3DS vs N64?

>> No.8025658


>> No.8025659

I'm already livid. OCARINA FOR 64

>> No.8025660
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, 87FB7DFB-0393-4AA2-BDAD-7702B973F0C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistic Flamewar thread
Just shut up and play video games.

>> No.8025662

cute anime girl. how old are you again? just curious

>> No.8025692
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>> No.8025774
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>> No.8025806
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The one for Gamecube.

>> No.8025808


>> No.8025831
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Custom build from source that adheres to my own personal preferences on whatever platform I care about.

>> No.8026003

OOT for PC will beat them both

>> No.8027916

Fuck yessssssss
When will it be complete?

>> No.8027927

Actually true.

>> No.8027949

N64 for presentation, 3DS for pure gameplay.

>> No.8027958

N64 easily

>> No.8027963
File: 212 KB, 640x480, oot_redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 with the redux patch. Adds QoL stuff from 3DS without sacrificing the artstyle, and playable on a TV.

The custom model in pic related is optional, btw.


If I were to pick an official release as the best, I'd say Gamecube because of double the resolution.

>> No.8027976

>Adds QoL
No thanks
>I'd say Gamecube because of double the resolution.
Are you blind? Ocarina of Time looks best in 240p

>> No.8028068
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>> No.8028090

N64 by far.

>> No.8028096

They're the same game.

It's a remaster, not a remake.

>> No.8028387

You must be lost
>They're the same game.

>> No.8028435


>> No.8028474
File: 41 KB, 382x318, baudrier1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hate how they change young Link from a determined stocky child to a puny little brat.

>> No.8028480
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>> No.8028496

The N64 version can be modified, currently the 3DS one can't
The actual is PC soon

>> No.8028505

The people who create remakes do not have a deep appreciation for the logic behind the design decisions the original developers made. Anyone (even if it's the original creator coming back twenty years later) who tries to recreate a game will inevitably make inappropriate choices that lead to the game becoming a disconnected mess that isn't held together by key principles that weave the whole thing together just under the surface like the original is.
They ought to start remaking bad games, because then there'd be a chance of improving them. But shit like this belies a lack of appreciation for why they originally designed the character this specific way and why all the design choices made in the original game gold together and work so well.

>> No.8028510

OoT 3DS is one of the few remakes I actually like

>> No.8028515

"belies" means the exact opposite of what you think it means

>> No.8028565

>played through n64 version countless times for 20+ years and never encountered any serious glitches by accident
>played through 3ds version once and the next run started me with a glitchy master sword equipped to young link

>> No.8028638

it literally is a remake, they made the game again. It's not a port

>> No.8028838

why does the remake version look repulsed

>> No.8028918

the 3DS is great in 3D but the framerate alone should be reason enough for you to give it a go

>> No.8028928

>I still hate
you'll get over it

>> No.8029042

Redux makes the text scroll too fast which fucks up cutscene pacing and cinematography.

>> No.8029204

>OoT 3DS winning
What the actual fuck is happening?
The 3DS version completely ruins the atmosphere, just look at >>8025692
They made the game colorful, bright and removed blood and shit from the environment, it completely lost the creepy dark atmosphere.
They even censored the fish pussy.
The new version didn't even add content right?

So what in gods name makes the 3DS version better?

>> No.8029209

I like both but i'm more likely to play the original with the redux patch over the 3DS version, I like the QOL improvements, I like gyroscope aiming, and I think a lot of the new graphics look fantastic... but the ability to play on a bigger screen is too important to me, I wouldn't play handhelds at all if I had a choice, plus, Link's actual model looks kinda off in the game, some of the idle animations for NPCs are really weird looking to me, and the Ganon stuff is alot less atmospheric.

>> No.8029307
File: 96 KB, 1024x999, 1605714248416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the whole the 3d version looks on par aside from the examples shown in >>8025692
>runs smoother
>easy item swapping
>master quest
I say this as a big fan of the original, i like the darker aesthetics as well but when push comes to shove the remake just plays better and is thereby the one I want to play

>> No.8029324
File: 45 KB, 359x500, 51KXZ3XPT1L (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runs smoother
>master quest

>> No.8029330

OOT 3DS is a very faithful remake, so it's 3DS for me. MM3D on the other hand is garbage.

>> No.8029401

>people on fucking /vr/ prefer the dogshit censored 3DS remake
Okay cool.

>> No.8029418

yes. economy of design.

>> No.8029425

Guys.. I had another OoT dream again.. Death Mountain was so scary!

>> No.8029429

At the rate it's going I'd say September or October at the latest, might even be done this month.

>> No.8029620


>> No.8029662

>made an easy game easier, even added new gossip stones that give EVEN MORE hints
>removed death counter from file screen
>ruined art style and color palette
>more censorship than even GCN version
>added fucking skyward sword references
>uncomfortable controls
>tiny 240p screen
>made the handle of the master sword look like a purple dick
3DS version is a piece of shit.

>> No.8029680

>death counter from file screen
Wait what? That was a thing?

>> No.8029723

in the N64 version, there's a number on your profile that tracks how many times you've received a game over. you could cheat by turning off the console or opting not to save after dying but it was still a nice feature for deathless runs. getting a fully 100%'ed file with 000 deaths is the crown jewel of the game.