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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8023250 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread died.

>Latest Updates
- ini: spinner_axis option (for spinners using Y coordinate).
- input: don't open Switch accelerator, lit the home led.
- Fixed tape writing SharpMZ - goes to correct directory now (alanswx).
- input: improve Atari VCS spinner handling, combo to enable/disable the spinner: hold down both red and back buttons then rotate spinner: right - Enable, left - Disable.

- C1581: update fdc1772 code.
- CIA: icr3 set priority over clear. (fixes Arkanoid and may be other games).

ZX Spectrum:
- Use TAB as G mode switch.
- Updated framework.

New Core: Intellivision by Grabulosaure
- Supports Intellivoice
- Uses raw int/bin style roms, not ROM/INTV headered roms
- Please read the readme for required bootrom setup: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Intv_MiSTer
- PAL timings need some work

>What is MiSTer?

MiSTer is an open project that aims to recreate various classic computers, game consoles and arcade machines, using modern hardware. It allows software and game images to run as they would on original hardware, using peripherals such as mice, keyboards, joysticks and other game controllers.



>> No.8023519
File: 794 B, 380x240, Atari's Pathetic Fate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really enjoying the new Intellivision core. The second generation is such unexplored area for many, it's interesting to browse some random games, observing what people played in the ancient era of gaming.
Also, seeing a giant animated Atari logo in an officially released Intellivision game is cursed.

>> No.8023554

ATARISOFT did an insane number of ports to every machine under the sun for the titles they had licenses for.

>> No.8023580

Yeah, I know about Atarisoft's prolific portfolio. Still, given how Intellivision was the main competitor of Atari VCS for the most of its active life it's a bit sad.
Mattel had the same idea anyway, they had an M Network label for Mattel's games for Atari consoles. Coleco didn't even care at all, all systems were a fair game for them.

>> No.8023878

What’s the advantage of this over an emulator?

>> No.8023894

Hassle-free connection to consumer CRT TV sets for native 240p video with better accuracy and current dev support than emulation on Wii.

>> No.8023957

It puts you into elite status and makes a whole lot of people angry (jealous) and starts a bunch of arguments where they desperately grasp at straws for reasons why you're unhappy with your choice.

>> No.8024525

This was the main reason I got it, I got a PVM-14N6U to run this on and it works well.

>> No.8025026


sadly im not rich and i didn't have enough money to outright buy the entire kit for a misterfpga, its months worth of buying parts here and there until I had everything, and there's a lot of stuff it needs so it took a while.

>> No.8025053

sounds more like you become an elite retard with this scam

>> No.8025064

Just fuck each other already

>> No.8025112

Not really hassle free at all. Like purchasing $300 of mister stuff and then cables to convert the VGA to component or composite is not really "hassle-free".

>> No.8025118

It's for hobbyist. You either are one or you're not one. There's a lot of little things it does well which majority of people just wouldn't care about. There's definitely a ton of people who buy this stuff and optimize the shit out of it and barely play the thing. You find that in every hobby though.

>> No.8025751

It is easier and more user friendly than connecting a modern PC to an analog 15khz television. It also plays fine with oddball framerates like Irem's early arcade boards running at 55hz. It will be notable when someone starts doing Midway's 90s boards like Mortal Kombat and NBA JAM.

>> No.8026850

Zero lag and 1:1 replication of actual hardware.

>> No.8027237
File: 771 B, 380x240, They will never do it in time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomb Squad on Intellivision is actually a really cool game. Get really stressful in no time once you figure out what you are actually supposed to do.

>> No.8027389

I'm between a mister and a real tg16 with SD loader and rgb. I play on a crt, and the tg16 is the one console I want I'm missing

>> No.8027568

MiSTer is superior. And way cheaper.

>> No.8027621

Just get a MiSTer, the PCE / TG16 fanbase is far, far more autistic than you could even imagine and hardware prices are fucking insane.

>> No.8028028


it's funny how these devs just get these free classic arcade pcbs sent to them even though there's no guarantee they'll even get around to it.

>> No.8028208

neither is true of mister, according to their wiki lol

>> No.8028334
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>> No.8028604

>1:1 emulation


>> No.8028673

You prefer devs doing blind portings of existing MAME code instead?

>> No.8028759

Ctrl + f "lag" 0/0.

>> No.8029195
File: 296 KB, 544x670, 1620875898280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having a mental breakdown realizing that people buy this thing for an accurate experience and then hook it up to some wireless piece of shit controller that the spreadsheet says averages like 20ms in input lag like these shitty 8bitdo controllers
what the fuck is wrong with people, please send help

>> No.8029203

>what the fuck is wrong with people, please send help
People get into a project aimed at enthusiasts but refuse to do their research and expect everything to work perfectly out of the box.

>> No.8029478

I use original controllers with daemonbite adapters.

>> No.8029514

It's made worse by the fact that there's a giant Latency Test list that shows how slow almost every controller worth a damn can be. I guess people don't think about it.

>> No.8029602

They look okay wired, isn't that the reason most people buy those?

>> No.8029635
File: 2.14 MB, 236x224, sn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo geo core released 2 years
>weird sound distortion and warping in majority of games
>better sound emulation from those websites where you can play in your browser

What the hell went wrong?

>> No.8029637

fpga blows

>> No.8029647

>playing games on MiSTer
"my coomlection" is just a mister thread joke like using gate grease. This is experimental technology can't run neo geo games as good as mame could 20 years ago. Of course you can't play games on a MiSTer. You only buy one if you want to help bug test this FPGA system that might be better than regular emulators a few decades from now.

>> No.8029672

Begone niggers, a PC-engine with a flash cart (and a small library of 5 hucards) will have more soul than my coomlection.jpg ever will

>> No.8029676
File: 508 KB, 2048x1853, E0Fb9IzWYAE56lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Author of the NeoGeo core has made some mistakes, is aware of them, but he is too distracted by decapping random Konami chips to fix them.

>> No.8029803

Some wireless controller are not that bad, but yeah... nothing beat the performance of a wired controller, don't even need SNAC, I'm using Hori Fighting Commander (PS4), it has an excellent dpad and is really low input lag, recommend it if you want to use a default one for most of the core.


Don't worry sound for neo core seems to be fixed, read this thread

Just wait for the stable update

Actually furrtek give up in the middle of the dev, it is Sorgelig that finished the neo geo core.

>> No.8030004

>sound issue might be fixed

That IS good news.MiSTer community would benefit from some constructive criticism though. There's too much fanboyism on sites like these and youtube.

I've seen the neo geo core heralded as the most accurate emulation developed but it really is severely flawed.

>> No.8030212

I blame SmokeMonster. He casually oversells literally everything he ever talks about whitout ever noticing it, and after his December 2019 video series a lot of his exaggerated statements became axioms for newcomers.

>> No.8030293

The discord is a fucking hivemind either you enjoy every aspect of MiSTer or you're the enemy. It sucks because there are small issues that need fixing that they refuse to touch.

>> No.8030463

Not to mention the people plugging them into HDTVs and shitty IPS computer monitors lol. Zero lag though apparently!

>> No.8030680
File: 99 KB, 300x168, image_2021-08-14_005413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad he STFU after his YouTuber career didn't take off and he fucked off back to his paid-for Discord.

>> No.8030768
File: 25 KB, 480x360, claw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the windows core fast enough to run Claw?

>> No.8031259

>paid-for Discord
Who the fuck would do that

>> No.8031617

It's like phone sex hotline, but instead of (presumably) a hot babe on the other side you have a middle aged man who is good at organizing romhacks in folders. Some people get aroused by that.

>> No.8031672

I don't have much experience with the neo geo core, only played Metal Slug 1 and Garou.
I didn't have any sound issues, and looking to the reports closely they point a specific area, it's not like sound is broken during the whole game.

And while I agree issues of this sort should be acknowledged, there is no need to amplify it and call it a huge deal breaker, many of them has been already fixed last year, only a few games remains with minor issues.

You can look here for what was already fixed

>> No.8031760

A lot of the devs are 3rd world types and then there's the trannies. Both of these groups are hypersensitive to any criticism in general and it spreads around the whole scene.

>> No.8031814

20 ms is 1 frame of lag most of the time. It's 1/60th of a second. You'll have at least that much on a modern display, though typically more.

Not to freak anyone out or anything, but you have to be a serious enthusiast to notice that kind of input lag. The typical user will likely not notice up to 5 frames of input delay (at 60 fps), and I would bet the average player plays with that every day.

It's only an issue if the input delay changes, like from 2 to 3 frames, rather frequently. Then you'll notice.

>> No.8031818

Post yours.

My personal reaction time is like 12-15 frames. I'm not likely to notice an impact from 15±1.

>> No.8031827

Yes????? Fuck them, don't send them pcbs, they don't deserve it.

>> No.8031829

Furrtek is a good guy and is working on just a ton of stuff for the community. His documentation is one of the most significant contributions to the scene, and he's like the only one doing it and has been doing it for years. Plus there's the Neo SD Loader, which brings real hardware play for the Neo Geo within reach of many people. Honestly the Neo Geo core for the MiSTer is the lowest priority thing for him.

>> No.8031998
File: 2.40 MB, 3840x2160, 40CE11E4-FF94-489C-A4DD-9308EC051830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered the io board from Aliexpress and noticed that some colors are wrong. For example, the file select on zelda alttp looks gray instead of green using component cables.

Do anyone knows if there is a fix in the io board or should I buy one from the “official but not official stores”?

>> No.8032714

Good lord, that geometry

>> No.8032727

And then people complain when some cores don't show any advantages over existing software emulation.

>> No.8032905
File: 389 KB, 700x442, smoked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't even organise public rom packs anymore after failing YouTube. Someone else does it now.

>> No.8033158

I wouldn't buy from any seller on AliExpress, I've lost count of how many times I've read about issues people have had with chink-made Mister parts, components missing from the board and shit. Buy cheap, buy twice.

>> No.8033208

Imagine seriously believing this. I haven't had any issues with my chink parts. And the whole set cost me less than a single fucking IO board would from some western store.

The only "problem" was a missing header for the userport. But you need to fix the earlier boards anyway if you want to use the 7th pin with SNAC, which is about a 5 minute job in total and saves you 50 bucks.

>> No.8033482

my chink RAM works great.

>> No.8033497

>few games

No, it's a lot more than that. These problems have been pretty persistent to the point where people have just stopped reporting them on there. The reason why they haven't been fixed? It's because it's not very clear at all how to go about fixing them. The NG core was built very poorly from the ground up, so poorly that very few no where to begin. Honestly at this point it would be better if a developer stepped in and started fresh...

>> No.8033501

what a rube

>> No.8033550

You do realize all the arcade cores are essentially MAME cores with some improvements, right?

>> No.8035107
File: 73 KB, 1458x1010, 61rzqjtJo2L._AC_SL1460_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good controller for the MiSTer?

>> No.8035201

Is there some kind of randomizer for this thing? Kind of want to play some random garbage now and then without sifting through 9001 romsets.

>> No.8035245


>> No.8035373

It's a push and pull. If you can save some lag on the TV and system you cna afford more in a controller.

>> No.8035481

>Hassle-free connection to consumer CRT TV

pretty tempted to get one just for atari st, the models in my budget require 15hz multisync monitors for full color output. I would miss the look and feel of the real thing though, like that satisfying click and whirr when you push in a fresh 3.5 disk.

>> No.8035508

>that satisfying click and whirr when you push in a fresh 3.5 disk

That's why I love WinUAE for emulating disk sounds

>> No.8035568

Apparently the latency is very good so it's probably fine. I don't think the touchpad can act like a mouse or anything tho.
I wonder if a SNAC floppy disk adapter could exist, that'd be nuts to see

>> No.8035665

Will check it out, thanks!

>> No.8035746

Literally the best controller latency-wise and it makes misterfags seethe

>> No.8035750
File: 5 KB, 236x213, 8B94BB97-6A7D-4BA9-833F-81571B05455E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.8035825

>plugs your ibuffalo controller into mister
What's the problem?

>> No.8036548

Anyone know how I can just copy games over to a usb drive and use with misterfpga? i understand the directory structure needs to be inside games which will be in root. can i use ntfs for the usb drive? i basically dont want to use the onboard flash. Do I need to copy over bios roms to the usb drive for said console? for example segacd.

>> No.8036804

Until it catches fire.

>> No.8037662


the touchpad on the DS4 works as a mouse on MiSTer so I bet the DS5 does the same.

>> No.8038476
File: 97 KB, 1280x722, 1280px-Epoch-Cassette-Vision-Console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epoch Cassette Vision core never

>> No.8038687

hell yeah 4 player DJ hero

>> No.8038690


>> No.8038695

> dj hero 3 was going to let us combine turn tables
Still mad.

>> No.8040459

New core: Interact Home Computer
- Available at: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Interact_MiSTer
- Supports HDMI, joysticks & keyboard, loads cassettes in popular emulator formats
- Todo: Sound support

New core: Compukit UK101
A port of Grant Searle's UK101 FPGA project.
- Available at: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/UK101_MiSTer..
- This is a reconstruction of a kit computer from the late 1970s, based on a 6502 CPU.
- Supports saving and loading via UART. Selectable colour schemes.
- Still to do: Make loading and saving more convenient.

>> No.8040574

While I never plan to utilise these, it's always interesting learning about the variety of older computer systems, and for preservation's sake it's good that there's interest in seeing them immortalised in HDL/FPGA.

>> No.8040862

Every new core adds to the body of knowledge that goes into building popular cores.