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File: 33 KB, 266x373, Streets_of_Rage_3_(box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8022162 No.8022162 [Reply] [Original]

This game curbstomps SOR2 so hard it's not even funny. Is this game the biggest pleb filter of all time?

>> No.8022164

It overcomplicated a winning formula

>> No.8022187

The train stage singlehandedly ruins it, it's pure anti-fun in how ungodly long it is.

>> No.8022295

Every sor3 thread begins by coping and whining about 2. Sad

>> No.8022304

It's not fair that the best beat-em-up on the system has to live in the shadow of its inferior predecessor.

>> No.8022306

This. Just ignore all SOR3 threads.

>> No.8022320

It's the same anon that makes the same thread over and over, or a bot like /v/. Dunno but it needs to end. People with aspergers are just so fucked up, they can't realize that no one cares about their jokes or obsession with things they dont' agree with.

>> No.8022380

How? Gameplay-wise it was nothing but improvements over SOR2.
>specials meter
>all characters can dash now
>extra dash attacks
>6-button support means you can use a single button for back attacks/throwing weapons
After having played 3 for weeks, 2 is borderline unplayable in comparison. Too bad most normies have been scared off by "muh difficulty! muh soundtrack!" to give 3 a chance.
And by the way, the soundtrack isn't even bad even though people like to pretend it is. Fuze alone bodies the entire SOR2 soundtrack

>> No.8022382

>over and over
But this is the first time I've ever posted about this game???

>> No.8022421

But 2 sucks so bad, why does anybody like it

>> No.8022447

gameplay is better in 3 but everything else is worse

>> No.8022472

You're retarded

>> No.8022474

Only Bear Knuckles 3 is good

>> No.8022482

3 and 1 don't even exist to me
it's 2 and 4 only.

>> No.8022521

Now say anything nice about the enemies and level design

>> No.8022583

>enemies and level design
Good variety, fun to play through

>> No.8022587

>gameplay is better in 3
Case in point

>> No.8022765


The stages and level design are just so much Better in 3 its not even funny, 2 feels very bland after playing 3, I still love both games though.

>> No.8022769

4 > 3 > 1 > 2

>> No.8022779


>> No.8022936

Japanese SOR3 is the best game in the series because it is better balanced

>> No.8023759

>Skate's not on the cover

Dats raysist

>> No.8023931

yea being able to roll, run and have special moves sure does suck

if youre gonna bitch at least make it a valid one like the US release adding 3 healthbars to literally everything

>> No.8023936

its a very well-rounded game
but after playing 3 a lot, going back to 2 makes me feel like im wading through wet concrete
2 is also way too easy imo
the only challenge comes from imposing your own challenges like a 9+ run, or using the mania code which has its own serious issues

3 US is hard enough to where even beating it on normal is extremely challenging

>> No.8023960
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I'm the guy who made the thread about SoR3 soundtrack being my favorite.
But you get no whining from me. I love all three (haven't played 4 yet) and I think two is a better game overall.

>> No.8025110

This. If it was really so good we'd see threads solely about SOR3. While there were some interesting mechanics added, the presentation is nowhere near as good. SOR2 is what everyone will always remember and that's why SOR3 threads exist only to compare it to SOR2. That tells you everything.

>> No.8025162
File: 1.54 MB, 320x224, sor3 sucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOR3 sucks.

>> No.8025958

SoR3 is objectively better than SoR2 in almost every way.

sor2 is like some shitty childs cartoon with god awful presentation, slow and sluggish gameplay and stolen music, the game was a joke and the only people who think it was good are casuals who never played any of the other games in the series.

>> No.8025964

>SoR3 is objectively better than SoR2 in almost every way.
Except in AI, level design, sound effects and, you know, gameplay.

>> No.8026000

the AI and gameplay is literally WHERE it stomps 2
like its not even fucking close

>> No.8026047

I don't know what this means, are you mad you can't jab infinite them or something?

>> No.8026067

3 players will never get our respect, never.

>> No.8026079

what are you talking about?
no one who isnt a baiting faggot unironically hates 2
its just that those that prefer 3 get used to 3s quicker and more fleshed out mechanics, and it can be a bit of a reality check when going back to 2 because it moves at less than half the speed

you fags always gotta turn it into a fucking pissing match

>> No.8026214

>its just that those that prefer 3 get used to 3s quicker and more fleshed out mechanics,
2 is way faster if you learn how to play.
3's dash mechanic doesn't make the slow paced action any quicker.

>> No.8026226
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>it's not boring, lern2speedrun
it always comes back to this

>> No.8026235


It doesn't beat SOR2 but its definitely a great game

>> No.8026252

im not talking about the length of the game ya dunce
im talking about the fact that literally every combat mechanic, both yours and theirs, is ~twice as fast
if you play 3 a lot, it will make 2, and most other beat em ups frankly, seem extremely slow by comparison
yuzo and ancient made the game to be a much more challenging game which SoA then took to the absolute fucking extreme when localizing it and idsaythey accomplished it. even with all the new moves/powers its still the hardest

as for lrn2play
2 is not a very difficult game to begin with. i hadnt played it in like 2 years then sat down the other day and 1CCd blaze on hard without even warming up
the US version of 3 similarly becomes much faster once you get used to how the special meter, and how the combo specials work for each character. and especially how to use these things defensively and to exploit bosses weaknesses

im with that detroit techno guy >>8023960 in that i think 2 is the most solid and well-rounded of the series, but to deny that 3 has some of the best fighting mechanics in a console beat em up is ridiculous
youre only lying to yourself

>> No.8026509

Put some effort into your bait

>> No.8026535


>> No.8026548

HP sponges, tedious obstacles in a beltscroll game, a maze level with no surprise like cool/hard bosses, just kick a computer around. No wonder 3's tool-assisted speed runs are objectively longer than other bmups

>> No.8026637

i just wish it wouldnt lag so much in mania. it gets rough in some parts with the grunt spam

>> No.8026643

what kind of absolute mongoloid TASs a beat em up?
that sounds like most boring mindless shit ive ever heard of

>> No.8026691


>> No.8026952

only playing max is boring as fuck tho

>> No.8028296

Nah the American version sucks due to the difficulty scaling being all off. The games pretty good if it didn't have this unfortunate bullshit but I still would say SOR 2 is better.

>> No.8029451

>difficulty scaling
The only bullshit parts are Robo X and Robot Y and the latter can be easily cheesed with jump kicks

>> No.8029458

Just stay away from the edge of the screen. Problem solved.

>> No.8030096

that game is proof that mechanics alone don't make a game good.

>> No.8030115
File: 372 KB, 864x578, blazesor3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /vr/iends. Thread intrigued me to try SoR3 again.
I've played way too much of 1 because I had that on my sega. Lots of 2, a friend had it plus I emulated it, and 3 the least. I've beaten SoR1&2 on the hardest difficulties.
I've played SoR3 like 2 or 3 times on Easy, which the game mocked me for "playing like a beginner". I was an early teen then, like early middle school shit, so I didn't know I had to up the difficulty, which made the game feel like shit because it has "less stages". After I learned, I beat it on normal just fine.
I've played loooooads of SoRrV5, so suffice it to say, I'm no SoRtard when it comes to skill. I'd say I'm really good at them.
Haven't played these games any in years however. So it's gonna be a rough start. I'm gonna play on Hard. Solidifying the fact that I'm gonna get my ass kicked at first. 5 lives.
Imma be playing as Blaze. If thread is alive I'll give you my opinions on the game. Story, level design, gameplay, difficulty and music. Which is gonna kick ass anyway. All SoR music is good is hard to place one game's over the other for me.
Wish me luck.

Also palettes are cringe, except for Axel's who's an Adam reference. That's Based.

Pic related is an absolute babe, I screenshotted it at the right time by accident.
Here we go.

>> No.8030159

I dont see the appeal in beat em ups at all. its the retro equivalent of those godawful musou games
They all feel sluggish and I just feel like im tediously doing chores. im constantly frustrated because im not lining up with enemies properly in the faux 2d-3D plane. i get no satisfaction from any aspect of it. do you just need to grow up with the genre?

>> No.8030191

blaze a best
make sure youre playing with a 6-button
her command moves are OP as fuck. even just defensively they give you ridiculous i-frames and range
also remember shes REALLY good with knives and swords in this game

>> No.8030205

>im constantly frustrated because im not lining up with enemies properly in the faux 2d-3D plane
Just don't be a retard, it works for me.

>> No.8030223

why are you being mean? what did i do to you? lets not fight
literally said nothing bad about beatemups. just want to understand them. not sure why beatemup fans and shmup fans have to have such a superiority/persecutionthing

>> No.8030236


>> No.8030264
File: 47 KB, 460x444, 1627824143439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I got ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY FILTERED at Mona&Lisa. Ah,yes. Getting my ass RAVAGED by "Blaze duo" type fights in the SoR franchise will always give me nostalgia. FeelsGood.
Eventually died at Stage 3 elevator.
Anyway, like I said, I haven't played SoR games in like 8 years, some slack is required :)
I can see how some people call this game cheap, it has some shit you need to see and get hit from at first, due to how fast they come out(didn't expect the guys on top of the boxes to attack me as they come down, or Roo fucking doing like 70%) or if you're careless (the grenade exploded on my hand lol), but I like the fact that I can't do it first time I try and honestly, with so many i-frames it's almost always gonna be your fault. Play and learn.


(Sorry for being a /vr/etard blogposter. Hopefully you get some enjoyment out of this. So far game feels good AF to play.)

>> No.8030284

no you just need to play faster beat em ups that have more to them than mashing one button
like the one this thread is about
prolly want to play the JP version (bare knuckle 3) tho, as the US version is stupid hard

or if SoR3 is too mean for you, go try final fight 3 instead.
final fight 3 is notoriously easy, but also has some of the quicker and most satisfying controls in the console beat em up genre imo
each character can run, dash/dodge, can link/cancel jabs SFII style, has their own command moves, and even a super. if you get really good with a fast character like guy or lucia you can basically juggle any enemy or boss in the game indefinitely
easier said than done tho

the important thing that you probably are missing in all this is the fact that all beat em ups are at their best when youre playing alongside your buddy
THAT was the point of them, and i think that gets lost on a lot of younger players, or people who didnt play them as kids, as sadly couch co-op has gone the way of the dodo

>im constantly frustrated because im not lining up with enemies properly in the faux 2d-3D plane
youre overthinking things
for one, you just get used to where your hitbox/hurtbox is, which just means playing it a few times
two, if youre still totally lost, try looking at your and your opponents feet. usually there will be a shadow for both yours and their sprite. line those up roughly and it should be more than enough to connect

ironically youre almost stumbling upon a major "trick" to almost all beat em ups. a good tactic to get used to is actually to approach enemies from above or below them. enemy hitboxes are usually smaller than yours in the up/down plane, so you can creep up/down on em and spam jab until you connect. this is also really useful to get into grabs without getting smacked

>> No.8030335

mona and lisa dont fuck around
even if you know what youre doing its easy to lose control of the fight completely (very similar to the SoR1 blaze duo fight)
my tactic with blaze is to make heavy use of her neutral special the backflip one, not the kamehameha one
>get used to their attack wind-ups
>best one is when one throws the other up, then she dive kicks down at you quickly
>before she hits you, hit special button and no d-pad input
>shell fall on her ass
>immediately jump towards her then do a jumping "down kick" really a karate chop for blaze and jam on your jab button before she gets up
if you do this right, the other one will be retreating, and the one you kicked will wake up into your grab
then you can smack her a few times for free while in the grab, flip behind her, and suplex blazes strongest regular attack iirc the dumb purple leotard wearing THOT
also obviously if you can focus on taking one out, the fight becomes much easier
not as easy as it seems tho

other useful tricks are using her special and command moves
a lot of the fight can be frustrating as theyll both backflip just out of range of all your attacks
blazes forward special is useful here as it has ridiculous range, the hitbox stays out for longer than M&Ls backflip i-frames and can knock her down for a similar set-up to the above tactic
her long range terra shield special button, forward forward goes basically half the screen and can connect with them mid-dodge if timed right
harder than using her special, but sometimes you want to keep your special meter full in order to be able to dodge and not take chip damage from firing it too early

>> No.8030416
File: 1.88 MB, 640x360, 167874479862338447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing them the second time I only died once. I know a lot about how this game works, mostly from playing SoRRv5. I'm just horribly out practice. After seeing their attacks once the first time though and how they work I knew what I had to do.
>special button, forward forward
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I thought that button was useless. I didn't realize it empowers your running attack essentially.That makes that attack very useful now.
Thanks anon! Here's a self-made gif for you.

>> No.8030418

>THAT was the point of them, and i think that gets lost on a lot of younger players, or people who didnt play them as kids, as sadly couch co-op has gone the way of the dodo
Especially Streets of Rage since you can do team up throws and attacks.

>> No.8030479

yea if youre gonna keep grinding on it make sure to look up each characters command moves
youll need em
blaze has
>long range terra shield (special forward forward) mostly useful for moving to the other side of the screen imo. also useful for knocking enemies weapons down without getting close enough to get shanked
>a weird backflip (special forwards up) seemingly redundant, but actually really useful as it has lots of i-frames and doesnt consume special meter. can also knock down groups of enemies that are all up in your shit
>weird backflip followed by a long slide kick (special forwards up back down (ie 3/4 circle)) cant say enough good shit about this one. starts out with lots of i-frames like above then combos into a long slide kick that goes half the screen and hits like a million times. super useful for scrolling into a new screen where you know theres lots of grunts waiting for you. also incredibly OP if you get a lot of enemies that are backed against a wall, as you can just shred through all of them

also dont forget that each character gets additional special moves with certain items
iirc its
with a knife blazes special makes her flail it around like crazy, and doing a dash attack makes her do a shoryuken
with sword i cant remember if she gets a regular special, but with a dash attack she goes full anime and dashes towards enemies with the sword. this move in particular is extremely broken
not only does it hit a million times, but if you dont let the attack finish, and cancel it by hitting down mid hit to go into a grab, the sword will lose no durability
if youre careful this can make the sword last for a whole stage, and make mincemeat out of the ninjas in later levels

>> No.8030517

and one final note
tho youre prolly aware but in case anyone else reading wants to git gud
throwing enemies into each other is the best form of crowd control in the whole game
not only do you do equal damage to the guy youre throwing, but also to the guys who are hit by the guy youre throwing
this lets you chip down most of the grunts so you can deal with them quickly, and also knocks them down so they drop their weapons

oh yea and dont underestimate the "series" and "back" buttons
the series button does the last attack of your regular combo the knockdown part, so you can just stand next to a pit and punt grunts into it all day
and the back attack is deceptive. not only does it hit behind you, but it hits slightly above and below you and gives knockdown, so its great if youre surrounded and cant manage a command attack or have no special meter

>> No.8030595
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As for the special combo shit, after you mentioned it the first time, I remember doing those in SoRRv5 but I thought the extra moves where their ideas, and didn't exist in SoR3.
I know about the katana and knife as well, bitch goes psycho mode with it.
I've also been using the series attack for pits. I haven't really felt like using back attack.
At any rate, I'm familiar, or at least used to be, with SoR3's gameplay/playstyle because in SoRRv5 settings I've always chose it over the other styles, as I've thought of it as superior.
It's getting late and imma hit the bed, so I'll continue tomorrow.
SoR3 Hard difficult is HARD. Thanks for the advice and the freshening up. <3

>> No.8030612

np bud

>> No.8031381

>blaze a best
Blaze is almost as bad as Roo

>> No.8032007
File: 924 KB, 640x360, BlazeBestChar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blogposter fag here.
As for the game's difficulty, it can be really frustrating to play and you can get stomped the fuck out,unless you got the technique down. The patterns in bosses seem bs fast at first (e.g Axel's rush) but anyone with a brain can realize it's soooo telegraphed. Any rush attack of the bosses is. Making you utilize the roll to bait and counter. I'm really enjoying getting better at the game. I died in Stage 5 this time, I broke a wall ta seemed half broken instead of the door and I thought that was cool. Game is definitely less braindead than the last ones, both in how they designed and how you are supposed to play it.
The bosses feel unique, more so than the other installments too. They feel more "bossy" if that makes sense. Like, they have deeper mechanics.
Game feels cheep af tho sometimes
>gif related

no, blaze best.
>gif related 2x

>> No.8032008


>> No.8032018

Roo is top tier

in my heart

>> No.8032461
File: 2.25 MB, 640x360, balanced.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really question some things in this game. I'm not a fucking robot, tf am I supposed to do about that one?

>> No.8032494

Just spam her three star move.

>> No.8032543

My favorite SOR.

>> No.8033504
File: 1.58 MB, 640x360, TooManyFuckersInACrampedSpace.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /vr/os. It's been fun so far. I haven't beaten the game yet but I'm pretty sure I can have an actual opinion now anyway lol.
SoR3 is definitely better than SoR2.
I've been getting kinda frustrated playing though. Not because it's hard,but it just feels bs sometimes. Losing half your health to the Baldie's combo seems fucking bizarre, dude thinks he's a mini boss or something. And way too many enemies have way too big i-frames. Like the slide guy. As if that wasn't "bad" enough, our i-frames have the same prio(if his and mine come in contact, I don't pierce his i-frames), and obviously, you can time it, its not so bad, but hes a grunt lolcmon. When you get hit from stuff like this, it just feels annoying.
Bosses are fucking STRONG, unless you get into a pattern. Missing it the first time will fuck you up. You can 100 to 0 MonaLisa at the start but if you fail once, getting a setup like that is impossible, and they feel on steroids. It's hard to dodge everything and everything does massive dmg. Every get up attack and many of the bosses's moves have i-frames, and it's not like they lose hp spamming them. Grabbing Axel for instance he gives you like less than a second before he spins. It's annoying when it happens by accident. I've got the hang of him now, but still.
Yamato is easy to get in cycle again if you fuck it up, but his health being 3x3 is dumb. I just gotta do my 100 to 0 strat for longer. I like him as a boss, but his hp is unnecessarily long.
Game has flaws like that. I mean fucking Fabio has 4x health. Relax man. Maybe hard is REALLY hard. And even getting to stage 5 is an achievement by itself. Idk. I'm gonna beat this game, I'm not giving up. It's feels good to play minus the annoyances.
Definitely better than 2 for sure.
I opened 2 up just to compare and hooooly shit, it is SLOo。w. I don't remember it being that slow. You attack once and waiting for your character to start moving again feels like waiting for the train.

>> No.8034847

neutral special (the backflip one)
its your best defense by far
imo, in any boss fight, you should be doing your best to try to use your special meter defensively
as youve said, bosses hit hard
even if your meter isnt fully charged, taking chip is preferable to getting smacked full-on

lol i forgot you were playing on hard
desu, with this game, the US release "normal" is quite literally the JPs hard, and the USs hard is just fucking stupid. basically this games "mania" setting
its another one of those "SoA fears the rental market" scenarios. and iirc the change was done extremely late into development.so its doubtful ancient had any time to playtest that difficulty at all. SoA just said, "put more health bars on literally everything", so they did and shipped it

prolly the single most valid complaint against SoR3
i guess the music being not everyones cuppa is too, but thats down to preference, and personally i think motohiro KILLED it on this game. yuzo is actually the one with the weaker tracks in this game

anyways getting past the yamatos on hard is no joke
and not to scare you, but youve yet to get to the actual brutally hard part of the game
the real endgame shit starts once you rescue the guy police chief? i cant remember i always mash the cutscenes from the burning building. if you fail the burning building (you WILL the first time) you get the white house -> shiva ending, and if you save the chief, you get the last half of the game
and the last half has a LOT of robots
and also a strictly timed final boss robot who can and will combo you for all your health

tl;dr you prolly should try normal first desu
the later bosses absolutely expect you to know how to manipulate them or theyll make mincemeat out of you

>> No.8034851

sidenote: im just glad anyones even trying the game. normally these
threads are mostly bitching about/defending it, without anyone actually playing it. the US releases difficulty IS bullshit, but its that bullshit that makes it so i can still to this day, sit down and have no idea if i can beat it. unlike 2, where its basically i WILL beat it unless im having a terribly off day

>> No.8034890

SOR3 sucks.
BK3 is pretty good though. It doesn't have bullshit broken moments, has the original voices and colors, and the difficulty is less fucked up (BK3 Very Hard makes the enemies more plentiful and more agressive, SOR3 Hard just makes them kill you in three hits).

>> No.8034913

BK3 is too easy imo
ill take bullshit hard over it any day, but im a masochist

>> No.8035450
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>threads are mostly bitching about/defending it, without anyone actually playing it.
IKR? I love this board, I see a lot of cool games that I have on my list. Parasite eve is my next go to, after ace attorney 2, but I decided to see what the *filters you* fuss is about. People here are generally more cool than other boards, as cool as you can be on 4chan lol. I wanted to make it an experience, instead of update,scroll,shitpost,repeat.
Artistically, I prefer SoR2. The level textures match more with me. SoR3 seems more real if that makes sense, and while I don't dislike it, I prefer SoR2 way better. Same with music. SoR2 I prefer way more. SoR3's music grows on you, but it doesn't make me groove as much.
And while SoR2 is fun in its own right, and enjoying to play through, god damn you can just brain dead one hit spam so easily. And you can do it on off screen enemies. I just played it once after ~8 years and after like 20 SoR3 runs and I just got close to the end of stage 5 on hardest. Fun to play and makes my kid self feel good, but the game play hasn't aged as well and leaves something to be desired. SoR2 feels good to walk through, but not as good to play through as SoR3.
>lol i forgot you were playing on hard
I've gotten better, can very consistently get to stage 4 without hiccups. The train ninjas fuck me. Haven't figured a good strat yet, and I get impatient. It's my fault.
You also told me Blaze's 3 star is really good against cornered enemies and boy has it carried me in stage 5 and in the elevator. Thank you for that lol.
I'm gonna do BK3 after SoR3 to see how different it is and which I enjoy more. I get why people hate this game tho. In SoR2 you died and its like "fuck", in SoR3 I wanna punch my desk sometimes ffs. But that's mostly because you can fuck up more things, like dashing into enemies with sword and grabbing them, saving the sword's hp. It's got lots of cool tech.
Gonna list the negatives, next.

>> No.8035582
File: 19 KB, 320x224, Bare_Knuckle_III_Blaze_Ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many fucking i-frames on everything. I think get-up i-frames last way too long. Especially when they hold a knife and they get up with a hit box on like frame 1.
I've talked about this, but i-frame priority in this game is silly.
The weapons health bar addition is good, considering you'd be able to spam Specials otherwise. But why tf does it disappear if it drops 3(4?) times. Pick one, not both.
Getting combo'd in this game,overwhelmed, outnumbered, or fighting enemies who can guard and attack you faster than you can after your hits (at least with Blaze's attack speed, I haven't played anyone else and I'm not going to lol), incentivizes you to spam specials. With the reduced HP penalty for spamming them in this version, I've lost less health spamming Soul Fire against muay thai guys than I would fighting them. I don't like that as a mechanic. (git gud, I know, but still.)

Some minor gripes, nothing serious, are: enemies jumping down on you out of nowhere while having a hit box. Mfs dive bombing me outta nowhere,chill.
Silly things can happen at times. I like the stage gimmicks in terms of gameplay, it adds something extra to play around, compared to 2 where you just walk, but getting fucked by random wind, or the bulldozer recovering in faster speed for some reason I don't know (might be a me problem). Losing loads of health,or a life(had footage of this but deleted it :c), because of things like that makes me wanna rage soft reset.

>tl;dr you prolly should try normal
I'll take you up on that, might need the practice.

Overall, the game play, from fighting to stage design is just better. Feels better to play, feels better to win at. I should have given SoR3 a chance sooner, but I dismissed it.
If I had to play only 1 of the games and couldn't play the other, I'd definitely pick SoR3 over 2.
Wish I had some more shit to make webms or gifs, but I deleted it all.

Thanks for the pointers again, btw.
And thanks for the experience /vr/

>> No.8036004

Don't play the pozzed US version

>> No.8036218

>The train ninjas fuck me. Haven't figured a good strat yet
for one, THE most important thing you can do is knock their weapons down and throw them offscreen, similar to SoR2, their patterns become much simpler when weaponless. just remember the AI in SoR3 favors picking weapons back up, so if youre not gonna use it, toss it immediately with the back attack button + a direction

next, theres a couple really useful tricks that can make that part much more manageable. arguably too easy.
tho both are what id consider cheats/exploits games hard enough as is. i say do whatever it takes
first theres the sword glitch i told you about before. blazes dash attack with the sword, if not finished ie cancelled out by a grab doesnt lower durability. those ninjas carry masamunes iirc, which already have a lot of health so this might be redundant, but the sword dash attack is still awesome because it has good range, high-ish priority, and knocks away weapons

second, and this really IS kinda cheating, but in the parts with those ninjas before the yamatos, theres those little alcoves above to avoid the minecart. the ninjas for whatever reason were programmed to never go there, so standing up there will usually make them hang on the ceiling and wait for you to come out
however, if you stand just on the top edge of the tracks, theyll glitch out and try to attack you even making the hit sfx, but wont damage you (neither will the cart). wiggle around up and down to find the spot, its not that specific. if you do this right, theyll stand there hopelessly trying to smack you, and a lot of them will get run over by the minecart. some will still dodge/jump last second, but youll generally get a few that get absolutely REKT by the minecart

>> No.8036221

>I haven't played anyone else and I'm not going to lol
i feel ya desu
i rarely playas other characters in this game because its hard and im only really good with blaze. plus shes just the best

that said, SoR3 is cool because it has a couple hidden characters
if you kill the jester dude (bruce?) before you kill roo in the miniboss fight, after you run out of lives, you can continue as roo by pressing left/right to change characters
hes not particularly great, but hes still pretty fun to play with.
you can also play as shiva after beating him in level one and doing a simple code on the last hit youll have to look it up, i cant remember
then theres super axel, ie the axel miniboss on level 3 or 4 or whatever it is, complete with his ridiculously OP moves
the code is really difficult to get working, but basically its
>select axel at character select by holding A+C
>immediately start rotating the d-pad clockwise as fast as you fucking can
youll know it worked because hell land on level one and pull off his crazy whirlwind punch instead of his usual

theres also super zan, but i hate playing as zan so ive never bothered
iirc the JP version has even more characters like the leather-daddy miniboss, ash, who was censored out of the US release
i still say blaze a best, but definitely look up some of the codes, as it can be nice to play through the game with some goofy secret character sometimes
definitely adds some more replayability

>> No.8036352
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I'll try to do the cart strat,ty!
I played on normal like you suggested and it's too much fun. It's the fun kind of challenging, not the attempting some sort of reject of a speedrun kind of challenging.
I reached beyond Robo X and I gotta say, It gets really interesting story wise. I kinda knew what happens anyway from SoRRv5, but I haven't played it in a while so memory fails.
At any rate, after reaching there, the game feels more like a game and less than just a beat 'em up. The story leads somewhere. What you do and where you go matters. There's actual pressure.
I now fail to understand how people that have played both can legit say SoR2 is better. The game is too much fun. It stopped being "go right" and slow, to fast-paced action gameplay, and the deeper mechanics make it even better. I'm starting to think people just haven't touched this game after getting shitstomped in childhood, and they've just left it at a sour spot ever since then.

Anyway, eventually I lost to Robo Y (pic related) but playing the game and reaching the ending feels like something, instead of "just beating it". Anyway, needless to say I don't know how to fight that guy and unless I look it up I don't think I can beat him under 3 mins. Pretty much solidified the fact that I ain't beating this shit on hard LOL. Fuck that. Seems like a pain in the ass. He's worse in this than he has in SoRRv5. Riveting -.-

I've seen the other characters etc, but I wanted to stay away from that before I get the good or best ending. But I have already seen videos, might try, might not.
Also at pic related I show the i-frames thing I meant. There are many such cases, even with the defensive and offensive special, not just the 3 star rush.
Webm is compressed to shit because it's like a 1 minute speed play through and size limit was tough, but you can tell what's happening... I hope.

Guys, try this game again if you gave up on it too early. It's g-r-e-a-t!

>> No.8036370

it's a shame you're so hellbent in playing as Blaze and only Blaze. IMO she's the most boring character to play. Axel feels fantastic in this one.

>> No.8037819

But not a kangaroo

>> No.8037849

Shiva code is hold B after beating him, until the next level start (you can press other stuff inbetween to make the score tally faster).
You can unlock Roo/Victy at the start screen, hold up+B then press Start. I think.
Super Axel is just axel with an alternate A move that has him spinning around for three seconds, doing tremendous damage. He has nothing to do with the robot axel (Break). After selecting him, hold A, and rotate the controller clockwise until the level starts. You can press Start while doing this to skip the level intro.

I don't remember the codes for super Skate and Super Blaze, because they are super strong.

Also you can do the additional star blitz moves at any time with a 6 button pad, using a key combo. The 1 star is f,f,X for everyone. The rest varies per character, Axels is hcf X, the rest I don't remember.

>> No.8039987
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Holy shit. This nigga has 7 lifebars on Hard mode. SEVEN. And the time limit is STILL 3 minutes.
It's physically impossible to get the good ending on hard unless you do some TAS bullshit or have a second player who is also good at the game. What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.8040147

No it doesn't, but Bare Knuckle 3 does.

>> No.8040559
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I decided to play him because why the hell not. And I pretty much found him worse than expected.
In SoR1 he was bearable for me because he at least was fast. I hate characters with shit speed, and in this franchise I rely on jump attacks a lot. After SoR1 he has both shit speed and jump.
There's nothing that feels fantastic about a character with shit speed and jump. So after 1 I avoided him completely.
What made him worse in this for me was that he's offensive special is straight up dogshit. Blaze not only has a range on it but she bends forward, extending that shit to the extreme. Axel's not only is on the spot but also knocks enemies back with every punch, missing pretty much half the special. Even when you do it right on top of someone, he still fails the last 2 hits sometimes.
At least in SoR2 Axel's offensive special would do like 70% damage or some shit so that was something attractive he had.
The only good thing about him I found was his rush attacks, that's it.

Blaze does literally everything better. Legs for days so her jump kicks reach far af already. Runs fast and jumps high so even across the screen you can down-air people into chain grabs. Spacing with her in bosses is better because it's easy to counter attack with Soul Fire, and you can rely on it as a combo finisher, since it will do the full damage. It's much easier to chase people vertically into grabs too.

Axel was entirely made in America. Runs about as fast and jumps about as high as the average American.

The only thing American made about Blaze is her hips. The pinnacle, the true pride and joy of American manufacturing. A-freaking-men.

>> No.8040564

I've only beaten SoR3 with Axel and Zan. I can't with Blaze and Skate, for some reason. Speed is not everything. It's unfair to judge a character after trying him out for 5 minutes instead of judging by actual results. But you just want an excuse to live your dysmorphia fantasy, probably.

>> No.8040664

I'm playing BK3 on hard right now. It's true that the first levels are too easy but level 4 onwards is just the right amount of difficulty. I always lose patience with the 37 lifebars of enemies in the western version.

>> No.8040680

Another classic game that will never get the love it deserves because the International release boosted the difficulty to dab on rental poorfags

>> No.8040686

The irony here in my case is that back then, I just rented it over and over.

>> No.8040705

this turd was never a classic game

>> No.8040732

>Blaze not only has a range on it but she bends forward, extending that shit to the extreme.
But she doesn't get I-frames with it, and enemies can still move in to hit her. Axel's punch rush makes everyone stop what they're doing and gives you a good 3 seconds to plan your next move.

>> No.8040752
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4 > Remake > 3 > 2 > 1

4 > Remake > 1 > 2 > 3

Waifu appeal
4 > remake > 1 > 3 > 2

>> No.8040771

Also Axel and Zan have more reach in everything that isn't jumping. I think that's why they're so effective, reach is king in this game. Speed is not as important as long as you master rolling.

>> No.8040815
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2 is king. Cope harder.

>> No.8040867

personally, as it is now/in retrospect, i prefer it this way
nowadays i can easily get a BK3 rom and play that if i want a more manageable time
or i can get a SoR3 rom and patch it to restore the original story, and im basically playing a challenge hack.
ive only ever beat SoR3 on normal with blaze and axel, so that one time i finally get through on hard is gonna be TOTALLY RAD

sure, back then it was gay and didnt even help as literally everyone i know just rented this game anyways, BECAUSE it was too hard, but all in all things couldve gone a lot worse

>> No.8040869

more like 2 easy lol

>> No.8040870

Nice selfie, 2fag. 3 is better in every way.

>> No.8040872

in regards to giving blaze more reach, her jump kick is extremely long
if you combine that with the fact that you actually have jump control in this game ie you can steer mid-air you can make up for it ime

>> No.8040878

But jumping is a last ditch move and highly ineffective to kill baddies quick, unless you really like poking enemies little by little. I always prefer to use jump while pressing down and attack, so I can combo the enemy upon landing. I dunno, everybody's entitled to his/her choice, but I always get better results playing with Axel/Zan (the latter has a harder learning curve)

>> No.8040881

I have 1CC'd SOR3 with both Axel and Zan, but I always end up using at least one continue in 2 no matter which character I choose, and that's on Normal mode. 2 shits the bed starting with R. Bear.

>> No.8040882

1 is Bleach
2 is Nevermind
3 is In Utero

>> No.8040894

my family rented SoR2 several times until a birthday came up and our parents got it for us

then when SoR3 came out, I played it at a demo kiosk, got frustrated, hated the music, and never even rented it

>> No.8040906

those are all solid

>> No.8040917

yea i usually go for that somersault slide kick thing, but using her kick and holding back helps keep crowds manageable ime
you can float her kick and enemies will try to attack into it and get knocked down

the key to blaze, in all the games really, is to overuse her suplex and throws

>> No.8040924
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anybody has a good strat against this guy? I always lose 3 or 4 lives against him

>> No.8041335

did you try prayer?

>> No.8041346
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, blazecombo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've only beaten SoR3 with Axel and Zan. I can't with Blaze and Skate, for some reason.
Anecdotal evidence. Disregarded.
>Speed is not everything.
True. It isn't. But I get triggered and impatient and I just can't. Especially in some bosses I'll mention in the next point.
>It's unfair to judge a character after trying him out for 5 minutes instead of judging by actual results.
Assumptions. I beat the first Yamato Kagebushin and I quit right there. Chasing after him after his jumps triggers me. I was already getting tilted by how slow he is at the ninjas+solo rail part. My results were worse too. I died a lot more than Blaze, but that's unfair to say considering I've had more Blaze practice+ I was probably affected by how much I didn't enjoy playing as him. Just disliked playing the guy overall.
>But you just want an excuse to live your dysmorphia fantasy, probably.
Insult. Good for you buddy. You made an all-in-package. Anecdotes, assumptions and insults.
You knew "Speed isn't everything" wasn't strong enough so you added a bunch of random bullshit and went full retard with your point. Go take a shower.

>But she doesn't get I-frames with it, and enemies can still move in to hit her.
That's true, that's one of that move's flaws. I barely have issues with it anymore tho. Once you know it happens, it's easy to play around. I've had more trouble with the sliding guys going under it more than getting hit from behind.
>Axel's punch rush makes everyone stop what they're doing and gives you a good 3 seconds to plan your next move.
Yeah, that's a pretty good advantage, but overall I find moves that don't connect with themselves silly. Like that's straight up fucking retarded. You have to admit that at least. Plus Blaze's special can start combos, or be part of infinites.
Pic related

>> No.8041353
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>accidentally /spoiler'ed everything

>> No.8041358

>Input Steal Ai

what is this? mk2/umk3?

>> No.8041361

play the japanese version.

>> No.8041493

you couldn't get away with that strat in the JP version. In some ways, nerfing the penalty for uncharged specials make the western version somewhat more casual since you can simply spam specials with next to no cost
>Anecdotal evidence. Disregarded.
guess what faggot, your impressions are anecdotal too
>True. It isn't. But I get triggered and impatient and I just can't.
so you admit you're an ADHD riddle zoomer with gender dysphoria
>Insult. Good for you buddy
if you can't take the banter maybe reddit is more up your alley

>> No.8041729

i was about to say its been too long since we had a sissy slapfight ITT

>> No.8041790
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>you couldn't get away with that strat in the JP version. In some ways, nerfing the penalty for uncharged specials make the western version somewhat more casual since you can simply spam specials with next to no cost
And? We're talking about ntsc, and I'm playing ntsc.
>guess what faggot, your impressions are anecdotal too
Axel being slow as shit and jumping like a fat lizard isnt anecdotal. think a little before lashing out or take your meds. Blaze can jump forward kick and hit people in front of,as well as on, her and shes dodges punches at the peak of her jump. she has amazing crowd control and has safe options with it. she can just run jump king robo x across the fucking screen on repeat ffs. stop being a tard. it's literally in the stats, its not anecdotal at all.
>so you admit you're an ADHD riddle zoomer with gender dysphoria
Isn't the whole point of liking sor3 better than sor2 because it's slow af and feels like watching paint dry when you attack? if im gonna play one of the slow fucking retards of the game,then wtf is the point.
>if you can't take the banter maybe reddit is more up your alley
again. look at your entire comment. point #1 is unrelated to anything, point #2 is just flat out wrong and disingenuous, point #3 isnt a point, its an insult pretending to be a point and point #4 is the same as point 3.
you've said 2 retarded things and 2 insults. i'm not offended by them, im just showcasing that after i said Axel feels like shit to play because he jumps and runs like a man on a wheelchair, and Blaze does everything better than Axel does, e.g. better crowd control, jump attack dodging grounded enemies attacks and having a hitbox on her back, being able to infinite and bait bosses with just jumps, having a reliable special that is a combo starter as well as a combo continuation etc etc, your arguments have been personal experiences and insults. they hold 0 merit to me.
If you like him so much let him rail your ass
And so, Blaze>Axel. Seethe.

>> No.8041818

What does Bleach and Narutero have to do with SoR3

>> No.8041864
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Tried the translation you linked, holy shit it's fucking great. Idk why they decided to butcher the text for NTSC. Game is easy af in comparison. I reached Robo X without losing a single life on Hard. Wanted to alt tab and well, tab on Kega Fusion is the Reset hotkey. Also I guess extra lives from score are bugged on NTSC. I thought it was weird to not get any more after 50K points. I had 10 lives when I reached Robo X. They really fucked that up. As if it wasn't hard enough already.
Will play again on hardest, thanks for linking anon, it's good fun. You're based.

Pic related is what I do, it's tough to pull off sometimes though.

>> No.8041871

ok, fair points. try zan once, he has better speed than axel and the biggest reach in the game, as well as some fun quirks and a devastating maxed out dash attack.

>> No.8041940

Why the hell are you seething over what character he likes to play as, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.8041971
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>Why the hell are you seething over what character he likes to play as, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.8041976

but SOR3 is good

>> No.8041980

3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > Remake

>> No.8041983

I prefer In Utero honestly

>> No.8042018

You pretty much have it backwards

>> No.8043374

This game is even easier than SOR2

>> No.8044198
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Finished the JP version and it was awesome af. So dumb that they deleted scenes and shit. I played on very hard and I found it to be easier than SoR3's normal mode LOL. I loved it. I had a close moment too. I 1CC'd it but I was on my last life, one hit from death, and 4,10 seconds from explosion. It was wild. Much better than SoR3. (and 2 of course)
I can understand how people hate SoR3 tho. It has a lot of dumb shit like I mentioned, like not getting extra lives from more score, enemy damage being too much, and of course the crazy amount of health bar. How the fuck is anyone supposed to kill Neo X without knowing how to exploit him. And it's not like he's a stage 1 boss where you can practice for free. Even getting there is a struggle in SoR3 to begin with. Anyway, totally stupid.

Speaking of beating the Jap version,fag. This statement...
>you couldn't get away with that strat in the JP version. In some ways, nerfing the penalty for uncharged specials make the western version somewhat more casual since you can simply spam specials with next to no cost
False. Proportionally, it's the same. They only have 1 health bar, even in Very Hard, so you can do this strat. That's how I beat 'em again. You accounted for the extra health penalty from special spam but not for their lower health. Actually, I'd argue it's easier since you have to do it for less repetitions.
Going for "Highest amount of wrong statements in one thread" world record, or are you genuinely clueless about the stuff you talk about all the time?
Blazed and RedSkirtPilled God out.

Gonna try SoRRv5.2 now, since that came out last November and I haven't touched it yet. They did some reworks, both AI and visuals. As if it wasn't great already.

>> No.8045368

Nope. SOR3 music is awesome and innovative

>> No.8046997


>> No.8047251

awesome but not innovative, its pure plagiarism.


you guys are an absolute joke, BK3 is so fucking stupid easyy a carrot could do it on hardest, fuck off you non playing spastic fucks

>> No.8048127
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>> No.8048129



>> No.8048385

Some of the SoR3 tracks are great but overall the OST is more hit or miss than the other games, for every Fuze or Moon you have nonsense like Tunnleway or whatever the hell the dance club was

>> No.8048423

>Some of the SoR3 tracks are great but overall the OST is more hit or miss than the other games
its unironically yuzo
i can almost guarantee all the good ones youre thinking of are motohiros songs

>> No.8049164
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> 1 > 2
get out

>> No.8049180

okay, now i know yall trolling.

>> No.8050779

No trolling here. SOR3 is full of bangers.