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[ERROR] No.8021657 [Reply] [Original]

Does duckstation support analog?

>> No.8021660

yes but I couldn't figure it out on any emulator

>> No.8021661


>> No.8021670

Same problem here, I’ve mapped my controllers analogs multiple times with no success

>> No.8021675
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I use an ebin hack called steam.valvesoftware.com and dl their chat client. I load the emu through that and like MAGIC my DS4 works with PS1 games.

>> No.8021689


>> No.8021765

does support 32 bit windows ( there is no point on making a 64 bit version if the emulator doesn't use more then 600 Mb of ram which is the case of WII emulators and ps3 emulator,so kinda suspicious that needs that)
Until there is some radical improvement on the emu with 32 bit support,and better improvements there is no point on this (you can acheive the same or even better using epsxe or pcsx-r even pcsx2 is starting to emulate ps1 games)

>> No.8021768

There's an option to force analogue but I forget what it's called

>> No.8021826

Correct I remember now I did get it to work you just have to force analog in the controller settings I think. Its in some settings somewhere

>> No.8021837

just use Xebra ya dingus

>> No.8021847
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>> No.8021857

tfw on epsxe its just select to turn this on and off.
Why is this option hidden in emulators like duck station? compatibility issues?

>> No.8021867

Yes, I played Alundra recently with my DualSense and I mapped the D-pad to the left analog stick and it worked fine.

>> No.8021902

>cuckstation shilling

>> No.8021903

problems and other stuff probably (pcsx-r just change the plugin to use lilipad ps2 plugin and done)
duckstation can't even use a portable setting,and require bios.
>PCSX use internal bios,open bios and regular bios (not required)
>epsxe use internal bios and regular dumped bios (not required)

>> No.8021939

i remember switching epsxe when i realized they were basically never going to update the program for pc. cause they were focused on the andriod paid version
so i got retroarch and damn is that shit hidden.
it really is op is right lmao. good luck turning it on with a rasberry pi also.
where as on this "archaic" emulator. the analog on works just like a ps1. when the game is loading hold select. boom no problem .

>> No.8022115

Mapping the analog toggle to select feels very hack-ish so it doesn't surprise me that duckstation wouldn't do that.
Anyway, OP's a dumbass if he went to set up his binds and didn't notice the "Analog" option that pops up when you select "Analog controller" or the god damn "Force Analog Mode on Reset" toggle.

>> No.8022249

Does anyone else have an issue where the game doesn't register inputs for Japanese-only titles?

>> No.8022356

>he thinks wider address space is the only difference between x86 and x86-64

>> No.8022359

I know how to do it on mednafen. Go into the .cfg file and change "psx.input.port1 gamepad" to "psx.input.port1 dualshock". Then load a game and press alt shift 1 to map the controls.

>> No.8022375

tell me "genius" is there a point on using 64 bit besides
>muuh security
>muuh have 8gb of ram
>muuh emu is so poorly coded has memory leaks.
>muuh 64 bit so i can show off how my PC of thousands of dollars can emulate something mademore then 20 years ago because i say 32 bit is not compatible with 64 bit as all zoomers
you can use the same features on 32 bit,same CPU instructions,without losing anything,even multithreading can be done on 32 bit CPU spreading teh work on 4 or more cores.
Checked the emu and this was made by the same guys on the citra emu right (is a dead give away the way it looks,the way the cheats support is,the mostly barren menus with few options) the guys barelly can optimize their emus properly,for example i asked them what was the point on making the 3ds emulator 64 bit if barelly used 300 Mb of ram top yet they haven't answered to date.
PS: compiling new dolphin source for 32 bit has the same performance as a 64 bit soemtimes even greater.

>> No.8022783

64 bit mode is faster in most cases. especially when emulating another 64 bit CPU. there's no point of providing slower 32 bit binaries if the targeted platform can and should run 64 bit

>> No.8022992

How much faster though? In my experience any speed gains are marginal at best.

>> No.8023574
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64 bit version of mame runs up to 35% faster on the same hardware than the 32 bit version, which is why they don't offer a 32 bit version anymore.

>> No.8023882

DuckStation only supports x64. Is your hardware or OS 32-bit? If not, then why do you need 32-bit?

>> No.8023885

Duckstation fucking sucks, it can't even support multitap

>> No.8023897

x86 has been dead for more than a decade. There's no fucking point in making modern programs specifically for it. We as a society are ready to move on anon.

>> No.8023902

And calling something better just because it's 32-bit instead of 64 is just so fucking gay that it makes my head hurt.

>> No.8024365
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>> No.8024371

Of course it does, have you even tried?

>> No.8026145

duckstation core when?

>> No.8026280

nice ad

>> No.8026293
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I love Duckstation but I want a more sophisticated CRT filter;

is there any way to get CRT-Royale or whatever the latest meme is running in Duckstation?

>> No.8026772

many games don't enable analog control by default with a DualShock plugged in, press spacebar on the keyboard to toggle it
if you have an extra button on your controller, you can map it to that
you can also go into the game settings and force analog on if you know it supports analog controls

>> No.8028526

I can agree with this as well. They should put some CRT filters, or some version of scanlines on display settings or something like that. So others can at least get a kind of oldschool CRT feel or high end versions.

One thing i noticed on my end and i do not know if it's just the emulator but i wonder if there is a way to slightly help on the text rendering and some of the FMV sequences just a bit on quality. Kind of noticed when playing Polienauts but then again it could just be the game has aged a bit.

>> No.8028540
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