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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8018687 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8018691
File: 942 KB, 1280x960, Dino Crisis Punch Kirk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 drops the cake really hard in the second half of the game, they had these great game mechanics and dumped it in favour of shitty mini-games.

Also fuck the blonde guy and how the entire story is focused on him.

>> No.8018716

The first one. The sequel is just a score attack and lacks the cool details the original had.

>> No.8018720

2 because I'm a brainlet and I like boom boom shooty games

>> No.8018781

2 is better.

>> No.8018813

2 is more ___fun___

>> No.8018842

>Survival horror, more Resident Evil than Resident Evil
>first Capcom game with 3D rendered graphics

>Action shooter, can buy and upgrade guns, basically proto-RE4
>went back to prerendered graphics, looks far more detailed than the first game, but is technologically less advanced

>> No.8018847

I prefer the third one.

>> No.8018852

dc2 is legendary, still beats most modern action games

>> No.8019000

Depending on the mood. 1 if you want survival horror. 2 if you're looking for an arcade third-person shooter. Can't go wrong with either one of them - they are pretty good for PSX vydia.

>> No.8019072

They're both great but entirely different games that are the peaks of their genres for their generation. 1 if I had to pick, because RE4 is a better action game, while DC1 is still the best game of its kind even to this day.

>> No.8019348

Is 3 actually bad? Or was that just a narrative pushed by console warriors seething because it was Xbox exclusive?

>> No.8019361

>Is 3 actually bad
Yes, it's bad.
>console warriors seething because it was Xbox exclusive

>> No.8019364

Its awful. Not even awful just in comparison to the other games, its a horrible game in general.

>> No.8020562

The first few sections of DC2 give a false impression that this is how the whole game will fare, hence the label "action", as opposed to "survival" of DC1. Yet there's a still plenty of exploration, plenty of silent walking sections, it's not like the whole game consists of gunning down dinosaurs while running from point A to B. Yes, to get from one safe area to another relatively safe area you need to make these runs, but this is still "survival", because you can easily run out of ammo and the enemies are fast and deadly. Comparing this to RE4 makes no sense, since the biggest complaint towards RE4 that I've heard on this board is that the zombies are slow and present no challenge. Well you have ultrafast respawning dinosaurs in DC2 and you have to survive these dangerous jungle sections inbetween indoor exploration sections, which makes perfect sense. I'd say the formula is different from RE1-3 and DC1, but it's still survival.

>> No.8020581

I like them both.

>> No.8020905

What's the best way to play both?

>> No.8020929

How's the arcade version? It was broken when I went to Galloping Ghost, so I couldn't play it.

>> No.8021091
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, Dino Crisis Raptor Chase.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DC1: PC version with rebirth patch. Just know that original mode = US version, arrange mode = Japanese version.
I recommend to play the original/US mode because it gives more deadly ammo.

DC2: Original PC version if you can get it running.... otherwise settle for PS1. There isn't a patched for the PC version yet.

>> No.8021164

1. Probably the most refined classic RE game and as added bonus managed to scratch an itch that Jurassic Park left for me

I didn't like 2's action score shit at first, but it eventually grew on me, in part because it does switch pacing on ocassion.