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[ERROR] No.8016843 [Reply] [Original]

Since the whole series is /vr/, what do we think of the mother series?

>> No.8016847

Never played. Never will.

>> No.8016871

only played earthbound
it was alright

>> No.8016873

I absolutely adore Earthbound, and now that I think of it I ought to download the rom for my own little archive, but I've never played Mother 1 or 3, so I can't really make any broad statements.

There was a streak where every day after I got home from work, I'd play 8 Melodies to start relaxing.
I need to see what progress has been made on that Earthbound webcomic, it was great.

>> No.8016895

Tried 1 and 2, they didn't capture my attention. Mother 3 on the other hand I finished it within a few days, don't know what it was but I felt it was a lot more robust experience

>> No.8016915


I was never able to get into it but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have a dedicated fan base and interest

I just prefer the visual style and battle format of final fantasy 4 and 6 far more

And honestly I think I have a lot has to do with how annoying the Fanbase has been,

>> No.8017361
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>> No.8017367

I've only played 2 and 3. 2 was the more satisfying adventure but I really like 3's gameplay a lot more, the rhythm system was neat.

>> No.8017378

Mother 1: Has the best atmosphere and raw unfiltered sense of adventure. I like its plot just a little better, the spooky opening really sets the tone of the game.
Earthbound: Has unique mechanics that make it very fun to replay over and over, fun vibrant graphics and amazing music. A real classic no matter how overrated it might be.
Mother 3: Replaying it is a slog due to how much the game takes control away from you, and with how story-focused it is, there's not much point in replaying it after all as long as the plot is still fresh in your mind. Still has solid moments and the game starts to hit hard after New Porky City once it connects more and more with previous elements from Earthbound.

>> No.8017381

firced myself through M2, it was passable
M3 I really liked
have yet to try M1

>> No.8017392

I've played through all 3. 2 Definitely has the most soul, along with best atmosphere and soundtrack.

3 is a close second, with much better combat and a pretty well done story.

1 is ok. It doesn't really do anything better than any of the other games. I feel like it's only really worth getting into if you looooved 2 and 3. I'm sure I would feel different if I was a japanese boy playing it in the 80s.

>> No.8017450

Played all, the 3 is the most comfy but earthbound is a better rpg than mother 3, mother 1 is a clasic rpg but without dungeons and dragons

>> No.8017484
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I have only played mother 3, and while I don't consider it the masterpiece I was led to think it was, I did enjoy the game a lot.
The end of the first chapter hit me hard, and I liked the quirky characters the world had. I also had a lot of fun with the combat, it feels good to do multi hit attacks.
The final battle didn't hit as hard as I'm guessing it was supposed to, but in retrospective it wasn't bad either.

Once in a while playing games like these that defy and play with conventions in games is quite refreshing and fun.

>> No.8017549

>have yet to try M1
M2 is both a remake and a sequel to M1. They share a lot of the same characters, plot points, and locations. M1 is unbearably difficult and grindy, but the overarching plot is more coherent and satisfying than M2.

>> No.8017551

Tried Mother 3, got bored about half-way through and quit. Watched my brother play Earthbound when we were kids and it ended much the same way.

The series seems overrated to me.

>> No.8017552

1 is a decent shake-up for the time, even if its just Dragon Quest in "modern day"

3 Earthbound is aight, the aesthetic is great but thats about it.

3 however is something that if I played as a kid would have fundamentally changed me in a way that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team did, fucking fantastic.

>> No.8017567

>1 is a decent shake-up for the time
eh, not really. the only thing that really makes it stand out is the artstyle.

>> No.8017573

All great JRPGs. Mother 1 and Mother 2 are pretty much attached at the hip while Mother 3 is it's own darker beast. Like Mother 1 and 2 are childhood while Mother 3 is growing up.

>> No.8017585

Earthbound had some reddit aspects that with a bit more sóy would leave me seething, but thanks to some based elements lending it a distinctly uncucked atmosphere it rose just short of kino by my standards.

>> No.8017589

This. It’s not appealing to me.

>> No.8017734
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pure kino. Anyone who says otherwise is underage or troll

>> No.8017753


>> No.8017809

I've played the first two, and liked them. I'm not sure if I want to play three or not.

>> No.8017847

>M1 is unbearably difficult and grindy
nah enough with this meme, it's fine
maybe you'll spend a few minutes at the beginning grinding, then maybe one hour at Mt. Itoi but that's it

>> No.8017863

2 and 3 are good, 1 is too fucking imbalanced, it reminds me of Dragon Quest 2 just not nearly as bad.

>> No.8017902

1 is excellent and offered a lot no other game at the time did.
2 is pretty good.
3 is tryhard style over substance.

>> No.8017924

I like 2, I've played through it a couple of times, got tired of 3 halfway, and I could never get into 1.

Give them a try.

>> No.8017927

>and while I don't consider it the masterpiece I was led to think it was, I did enjoy the game a lot.
I like the games, but they do have a problem of an exaggerated reputation.

>> No.8017931

The dents on the fryingpan is a very nice touch.

>> No.8018887
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They are very enjoyable games and have emotional stories. I can see why some people love them and want others to try them and share the fun they had.

>> No.8018892

didn't play 1 cuz didn't care
2 meanders and doesn't really stick to any themes, decent feel of childhood adventure goes full edge at the end
3 is preachy and annoying and contrived and expects you to feel bad over the lamest shit but the combat is the best in it and the rolling hp had its best implementation here.

>> No.8018894

They’re best as audiovisual experiences, or at least 2 and 3 are.

>> No.8018908

Is Mother 1 still worth playing?

>> No.8018919
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1 has a nice atmosphere and great soundtrack, but the gameplay is a chore.
2 has decent gameplay and it basically close to a better remake of 1.
3 is great in every way, though also the most linear.

>> No.8018940

yes it has some of the best music its excels better than the other two in many ways. Its incredibly comfy. I'm sure you can get a mod to lower the encounter rate if need be, only the beginning is remotely grindy

>> No.8018981

I just don't understand why people keep screeching for an official localization

they would just fuck it up with censorship/edits so that it can have an E for Everyone rating in the US

>> No.8018982

If nothing else, give the official soundtrack a listen, they commissioned a bunch of random artists (pretty good ones) to make some pop songs, then turned those into chiptunes for the game.

>> No.8019003

I like em just fine, they make mentally ills here seethe so I guess that's cool

>> No.8019023

2+3 are based and have massive SOVL. haven't played 1.

>> No.8019026

its just normies who don't understand technology and therefore can't/won't just play the fan translation

>> No.8020010

It's not a remake, and no amount of your soidrinking will change that fact.

>> No.8021149

>You lose no progress when you lose a fight, only physically bumped back to last save location and down half your money
>Dad calls on occasion allowing you to save anywhere
>Every NPC has unique dialogue
>Longer soundtrack than every other NES game
>Fast travel
>Fully open world
That's pretty darn impressive.

>> No.8021186

The western artists who were commisioned only performed, the songwriting was by Keiichi Suzuki, leader of a legendary japanese rock band called Moonriders.
Speaking of whom, he released the "Mother Music Revisited" recently, super recommended

>> No.8021201

Kill yourself

>> No.8021228

Love the series, hate the impact it's had on indie games.

>> No.8021252

They remind me a lot of anime made by Shaft

>> No.8021310

but where's the cute and funny

>> No.8021328

I like them, they're cute and have a lot of charm. After finally beating 1 for the first time and replaying 2 immediately after, I think I actually like 1 more. 2 is just way too easy, though still fun.

>> No.8021334

There's Paula and Tracy if you want little blonde girls so much.

>> No.8021358

Best Paula depiction I've ever seen

>> No.8021361

I really don't see it.

>> No.8021526

1 the best
2 still great

>> No.8021545

I don't quite get it either. I also tried Mother 3 and stopped part (most?) of the way through. I liked the quirky setting and characters, thought the writing was decent, plenty of creativity was there. I really enjoyed the mushroom trip. But I felt the game was just taking too long for what it was and the battles mostly felt like a slog to persist through in order to get more story. I think that's a problem with most JRPGs though; 99% of battles are trivial time sinks you have to put up with (the thing spitting numbers at you being a guitar doesn't change this up). The remainder are boss battles that are more involved and require tactics unlike what you use for most battles, so you sort of have to trial and error your way through sometimes, since you might have new abilities or options since the last time you fought a boss.

I think I stopped when I had to fight the masked guy. I was enjoying the game well enough, but after losing to him a couple times, I realized I just didn't have the motivation to attempt it again. I wasn't interested enough in the game to see what happened from then on, if it meant putting up with the boring battles. The emotional parts were pretty hit and miss for me, so I wasn't much invested there either.

In short: I'm glad the game exists and is well-regarded, things like this should be encouraged, but the bland combat system made it too much of a chore to get through.

>> No.8021552

Thanks for actually analyzing and articulating why you didn't like it, these are much better posts than just LMAOGAMESUX

>> No.8023339

2 > 3 > 1

>> No.8023648

Earthbound is the better one and 3 is overrated, preachy garbage that physically makes me yawn everytime someone attempts to defend its “themes.” Only good thing about Mother 3 is Fuel and Claus. I’ll wait for that Mother 1 remake in the Earthbound style to come out before I touch it.

>> No.8023709
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I hate how retarded the fans are which normally wouldn't be a problem but I hate how they actively discourage playing Mother 1 because they are shit at RPGs. I hate how Undertale got associated with it, even in Japan so there's no escaping that cancer either. And you can say 'just dont play Undertale then dummy it has nothing to do with Earthbound' but I will never get over seeing it and Toby Fox in the official Mother 1 anniversary book. And I hate how insane the price of the game is fuck scalpers and the retarded marketing behind the localization, and Tomato is a fucking retard too.

And is this meme really true?

>> No.8023714

>M1 is unbearably difficult and grindy

There it fucking is. There's always some stupid motherfucker who has never played any RPG before SNES and is shit at the game and tries to convince other retards to miss out on a good game. Fuck you.

>> No.8023718

>I felt the game was just taking too long for what it was

Nigga what? It's a 20 hour game. That's really short for a JRPG.

>> No.8023720

it's funny how earthbound has a much more whole and complete world and story, but mother 3 has way better combat and pacing, so they both feel unfinished in their own ways, earthbound with its tedious gameplay and mother 3 with its often empty areas. you can tell the needle pulling part is super rushed

>> No.8023738

>you can tell the needle pulling part is super rushed

Yeah I heard the story was almost identical to the n64 version but they had to cut a lot to save space. I remember seeing Lucas and Claus in mineshafts in 64 trailers and a blocked entrance in caves you never go in the gba version

>> No.8023776

>and Tomato is a fucking retard too.

>And is this meme really true?
I've never seen it myself, but there's all kinds of people, Secondaries is what you would call them.

>> No.8023789

at most it's a soft remake, like fire emblem 6 to fe1, alttp to zelda 1 or super metroid to metroid

>> No.8023818

Just finished Mother the other day.
>Teddy is pointless. he exists solely to initially get you up Mt. Itoi, and is immediately replaced by EVE
>exploration is pointless. there are no item boxes in the needlessly open world map, and in dungeons, there are no unique equips to be found. tt's nothing but buyable consumables that you'll likely never need
>the whole desert is a waste of time and space. there's even a a skeleton that you can talk to that pretty much says this (haha, it's funny because the devs pointed out that they're aware it's shitty!)
>money is pointless. aside from the ONLY ARMOR SHOP IN THE ENTIRE GAME, there is literally no use for money
>the fucking random encounter rate
I really had to force myself to finish this.

>> No.8023820

Right, and if it was 16 I would probably have enjoyed it a lot more. I do feel almost all JRPGs have inflated playtimes, and even though this was much faster than those, it was still taking too long for me. I didn't feel the combat varied enough to make the encounters interesting, and over the course of ~20 hours I just burned out on it.
For comparison, Pokemon takes forever and is essentially the same battle system all the way through, but there is novelty sprinkled throughout in the form of monsters with new abilities, the chance to catch new ones, your guys learning new moves, and the chance to teach them moves with TMs/HMs.
On the other hand, a game like FF1 just involves hitting "Attack" for your physical fighters and spamming the most appropriate damage spell after buffing for your casters... pretty much the entire game. Monsters might gain the ability to poison or insta-kill your party, but that doesn't fundamentally change the formula. It's only a little better than spending those 30 hours on Flappy Bird instead.

You're welcome. People jump to extremes here, like you said, and I think it's worth chiming in only if to say "it's pretty decent, neither garbage nor a 10/10 to me". If I was more emotionally invested, I probably would have finished it, but that's a matter of personal taste; the game clearly had a big effect on a lot of people and wasn't a failure in that respect.

>> No.8023836

>>exploration is pointless. t

Isn't that the point? You're not supposed to explore you're just supposed to go to the next town without getting lost?

>> No.8023847

I prefer EarthBound's approach where you can get rewarded for checking every nook and cranny, even outside of dungeons. Regardless, Mother doesn't even reward you properly for exploring dungeons. Sweet's Factory is 100% optional, I didn't know it existed until I checked a FAQ afterwards, and it's populated purely by buyable items. In a game where money just builds in your wallet until it explodes.

I don't think I've ever played a game with more worthless treasure chests.

>> No.8024203

>give the player the option to explore
>but don't actually reward the player for doing so
>lots and lots of paths and locations are just there for no real reason
I can appreciate trying to convey a sense of travel, wandering looong stretches to get from one town to another, that can really convey a sense of scale for an adventure, and Mother does kinda get that down. I think however, that Mother has quite a lot of wasted space, it might as well have just sectioned off anything which wasn't necessary or worthwhile paths and locations, because there's no good reason to explore it.

>> No.8024210

Not interested in it.
Reason: I don't care about the story.

>> No.8024228


I think when I played I never tried exploring so I dont have much of a perception of how much wasted space there actually was. I usually love exploring in games so you guys are probably right I just had no idea because I misses it all.

>> No.8024231

>>>8023718 (You) #
>Right, and if it was 16 I would probably have enjoyed it a lot more.

That's fair because I only ever played this game when I was 16 in 2006. Im not sure if Id enjoy it now but I remember loving the story so I probably still would.

>> No.8024274

>(You) #
What a poorly coded bot. It must be the work of a tranny.

>> No.8024328

>tomato is a retard
What the fuck