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[ERROR] No.8014947 [Reply] [Original]

Is this still /vr/'s favorite Final Fantasy?

>> No.8014950

It’s alright, but I wouldn’t call it my personal favorite

>> No.8014953

no, but it's the most shilled by the same 3 autists all the time.

FFV and Tactics seem to be the ones that get more plaudits here.

>> No.8014976

I can't actually tell whether or not I've seen more praise for V or VI, but it's one of those.

>> No.8015005

>High school setting
>Euro inspired world
>Motivated by success of ff7
>story based on romance between two characters
>Abuse the junction system like a Chad, or grind like a Chad
>Card game
>based sound track
>Soulful prerendered background aesthetic

It's the best final fantasy in terms of merit and innocence, not that the others aren't good but anything after 8 was no longer a labor of love

>> No.8015010

9 has an outlandish appearance for sale of having it, aka all cards up their sleeves have been played, bastardized card game

10 is literally cast of characters that are mixes of 7 and 8 characters, blitz all and level system based though -- good but struggling to keep their neck above water

12 has rabbit girls, weird combat system, fumbling to adapt to changing gaming landscape, staff still struggling to keep neck above water, still good game

Again they peaked at 8, not saying follow up games weren't good or not capable or eligible of being ones favorite

>> No.8015018

I always liked 6 the most.

>> No.8015107
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>> No.8015183

10 level system was definitely based.
9 has really good aesthetics I thought, maybe some people didn't like it but it's top tier for the time
7 definitely has its merits with materia for its secondary "leveling" system

>> No.8015190

Nice samefagging.

>> No.8015249

My biggest complaint with 8 is, as always, how easy it is. While a jarpig isn't exactly a challenging game to begin with, the game literally gives you 2 islands full of draw points for the best spells in the game allowing you to make your characters insanely powerful easily. It also gives you an island full of cactuars that give 20AP per kill, showing up in encounters of 3, allowing you to max out your GF abilities quickly. Leveling is semi-pointless (as encounters scale), though making ultimate weapons is easier at 100. The best way to play the game is to cast Aura on Squall, Renzokuken, repeat. After you get Enc-none, the only battles you have to worry about are bosses (unless you fucked up the Ultima Weapon dungeon puzzle), and none of them are particularly challenging (outside of the optional Omega Weapon, who can be beat easily if you farm a bunch of Heros). Even the final boss is just 4 stages of Renzokuken spam.

Now, do I love the game? Absolutely. Easily the best characters, story, music, and world that Square has put together. Is it perfect? No. The gameplay is weak, but once you get Enc-none, you don't notice so much.

7 remake is so far looking to beat it in terms of my favorite, but I'm 40 years old, and I'm not sure they'll finish it before I die.

>> No.8015315
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>> No.8015319

Not Final Fantasy.

>> No.8015325
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The fact that it provokes so much controversy is proof that it isn't. It's the black sheep of the family, some people loved it, others disliked it. None of them are terrible games, the differences are really marginal at best, but different fans have different preferences. As someone who's old enough to remember playing 1 as a kid on the NES and bought FF all the way up to 13 when my faith in the series finally died, here's my list

>GOAT-tier: 7, 4
These two are my personal favorites because they marked the arrival of new systems, and showed us things we never knew that video games could be capable of. 7 was a hot mess and Square learned all the wrong lessons from its success, but god damn was its presentation legendary. 4 was the first game that gave me characters whose development I actually cared about. I can see how retrogamers who are only looking at these games as a group in the rearview mirror would find them less impressive.
>Top of their game-tier: 6, 10
Games whose flaws are so marginal that they don't stop me from wanting to replay them over and over again. I just mute the scene where Tidus does that retarded laugh, and enjoy everything else.
>Not perfect but I love them anyway-tier: 5, 12, 10-2
They're fun. I replay them every once in a while. 10-2 is a guilty pleasure which I would never allow myself to be seen playing and loving

9 felt like a step in the wrong direction and could never really hold my attention, while 8 was too faggy and emo for my tastes. 2 and 3 are just inferior 4 and 5. 11 was literally why? 13 pissed me off so hard I rage-quit the series and disavow anything that came after, including the 7 remakes

>> No.8015348
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>Not Final Fantasy.
聖剣伝説 ~ファイナルファンタジー外伝~~

>> No.8015364

Still a Mana game.

>> No.8015368

It even have chocobo

>> No.8015371

So does Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon.

>> No.8015380

Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon wasn't developed and published with a subtitle of "Final Fantasy Gaiden".

>> No.8015384

It's the same way that Season of the Witch isn't a Halloween movie.

>> No.8015387
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Still have a "Final Fantasy" on its title

>> No.8015407

That's チョコボの不思議なダンジョン 時忘れの迷宮 aka Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: The Labyrinth of Forgotten Time, not チョコボの不思議なダンジョン. It was renamed "Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon" for western release only. Try to keep up.

>> No.8015454

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10/10-2

>> No.8015468

The opening cutscene of 9 filters me every time.

>> No.8015479

first time i played it i didn't know wtf to think

>> No.8015484

I don't think I like the taste of cock enough to play it.

>> No.8015508

Same, I try pushing through it but get to the ice cave by the time I'm like "meh, this game has no hook" and move on

>> No.8015607

>don't want to be seen playing a certain game
>mute a part of the game
Insecure: the post

>> No.8015614

I genuinely don't get what's being talked about here. There's nothing challenging narratively about it.

>> No.8015617

It's GAY.

>> No.8015642

Well, let me amend that. Not gay, so much as pedocentric.

I make it to a toddler in a sailboat before I quit.

>> No.8015665

Squall is a good protagonist, it’s the people around him that I can’t stand.

>> No.8015671

>don't want to be seen playing a certain game
Because 10-2 was extremely fruity but its job system was fucking amazing. When the main character has her gay J-pop concert I mute it and blast metal for the lulz.
>mute a part of the game
It's legendary for being cringe. That doesn't detract from the rest of the game being excellent so I just tune it out momentarily
Yes, the romance arc was too forced and tryhard while Squall had shit personality like all emo tryhards do, and it still turns me off to to this day. It reminds me how retarded the final fantasy fanbase actually is, how autistic it was back in the early days of the internet, and how hard Square was trying to pander to them.

I know what I like and what I don't. I like Dark Knights laying waste to villages of Mages and Summoners and then going on a redemption tour. I like terrorist groups trying to stop an evil power company. I like rebels sticking it to an evil church that keeps its flock locked in cycles of destruction and loss. I don't like garbage that strings me along before getting to the point. Sorry that it triggers you.

>> No.8015717

Quistis is the only one that's really annoying, but she calms down after the orphanage.

>> No.8015723

>There's nothing challenging narratively about it.
Exactly, it's just a bunch of hijinks without a point. Compare it to the intro of 6 which starts with the evil empire using magical technology and an enslaved "witch" to kidnap espers, and it gives you the jist of what's going on in their world

>> No.8015750

If Squall is an "emo tryhard" then I can't imagine how you feel about Cloud's lack of personality.

>> No.8015756

For me it's IX on account of I don't enjoy JRPGs much but I like the setting and presentation.

Also the next person to use Arabic numerals even the titles themselves plainly state the number in Roman numerals gets slapped in the asscockballs.

>> No.8015763

>feel about Cloud's lack of personality.
Cloud was enough of a deadpan snarker that I didn't mind his IDGAF attitude, while the supporting cast was entertaining enough to keep me hooked, but by the time of Advent Children it was like they took away everything that made Cloud cool and Squallified him up into an emo pussy, which is part of the reason why I hate what SquareEnix has turned into

>> No.8015880

why the would you bother grinding in a game where enemies scale according to your party average or whatever.

if i recall correctly the whole game has to adjust to your characters' level because off all the weird party change shenanigans that are outside of your control. It doesn't help that the Junction system is so poorly explained in the English translation both in the game and the instruction manual itself.

I still remember when FFVIII was first released it was such a mixed bag, and I still feel that way about the game. There are cool ideas but overall I liked FFIX much better despite it scaling back on the more nuanced mechanics

>> No.8015887

FF九 is my favorite as well

>> No.8016031

It has nice character designs and good music, at the very least.

>> No.8016084
File: 7 KB, 256x224, ff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else really like FF1? The battle art is cool as shit and every enemy is just awesome pixel art. The little team comp thing is cool. They totally capture the essence of a fun D&D session on 80s hardware and made it really accessible!

>> No.8016217

Play Origins. The NES version is so slow and has characters whiffing on dead enemies.

>> No.8016545
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>> No.8017523

IV,V,VI unironically tied for #1 for me

>> No.8017541


>> No.8017813

Fuckin' Rufus...

>> No.8017824

Hello confused faggot. This isnt livejournal

>> No.8018587
File: 672 KB, 1920x1080, EQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 was literally why
They looked at Everquest and did the same math that Blizzard did when they decided to make World of Warcraft.
A classic MMORPG benefits enormously from network effects (ie having an initial playerbase to populate the world). An obvious way to do this is to stake your flagship brand on it.

>> No.8020728
File: 49 KB, 182x270, kaeli-mq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF7 is still the best in the series but I prefer the pacing of and overall design of the world better in FF1-FF6.

>> No.8021037

>My biggest complaint with 8 is, as always, how easy it is.
I understand this complaint about 8 now that the game is so well understood but you have to keep in mind how useless the internet was back in the late 90s when the game was released. A lot of the ways that 8 can be broken aren't immediately obvious to a player going into the game blind.

>> No.8021348
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Alright Ive played every single retro FF game except 8.
Whats the best version? is the new remake (???) good
what are some tips and things to look out for. have heard about this famed "junction system" a lot

>> No.8021363

>how to get attention on a board: try to say something that others never agree in the first place
try harder next time kid, a broken game since the beginning will never be praised about anything at all

>> No.8021369


Final Fantasy 4 and 10 are my favorites

Playing and discovering 6 and 9

15 is communist, Ignis should never have lost his sight

gladiolus prompto and ignis going their separate ways while noctis was in the Crystal is terrible

The story was supposed to be about brotherhood and friendship , those 4 deserved a better story

Hopeful for 16

>> No.8021382

Every FF game is easy, but the fanbase is atrocious in how they play the game. Every single one of them is unable to play the games without constantly checking guides and wikia pages and stuff like that. Then they go on recommending first timers to either do the same or outright tell them the biggest exploits, because being unable to play an easy jRPG by yourself is not enough, you also have to spoil other people's playthroughs; and then the cycle continues.

FF8, even more so than FF2, encourages players to experiment with the system, try a bit of everything and see what sticks, what you like best. This isn't going to work if you read up online about how to teach GFs abilities you're not supposed to know they can have early on, or which NPC to play cards against to get the best magics

>> No.8021384

Or you play like me and just drink while grinding my characters into gods and play the game "wrong" but still steamroll the entire fucking thing.