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File: 32 KB, 258x387, Serious_Sam_-_The_First_Encounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8013434 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good?

>> No.8013437

It's what you'd expect from eastern Europe.

>> No.8013452

It's a great crowd control fps. Strafe, shoot, prioritise the right enemy with the right weapon. The Second Encounter adds some much needed level variety so don't be afraid to skip the first one once it gets stale. It's not like the story matters much.

>> No.8013459

>so don't be afraid to skip everything after the first and second encounter

>> No.8013465

The first encounter has better weapon and ammo balance. Shit gets fucky in the second encounter and the flamethrower is fucking busted, capable of killing most enemies effortlessly and you get tons of ammo for it.
Second encounter has better visual variety but it also introduces a lot of shitty gimmick fights that are less about crowd control and killing shit and more about dealing with the bullshit the environment itself throws at you.

>> No.8014071


Yes. It's awesome.

>> No.8014253

It's cheesy and you can tell they released it too fast

Otherwise it's ok

Don't expect to be amazed by it

>> No.8014278

>A+S+M1 or D+S+M1
It's okay with friends. Serious Sam 2 (not SE) is better in every way, so if you aren't feeling it, I'd recommend giving 2 a try instead.

>> No.8014282

Don't go in with expectations, just play with 2 or 3 friends and try to find the secrets. Hav fun

>> No.8014407

The gimmick shit pretty much becomes nonexistent after the mesoamerica chapter

>> No.8014471

Substantially less Reddit than Doom or most Build shit. It will be a yeah from me.

>> No.8015843

For it's era, it's fantastic. Especially when you play it with friend(s). It actually used to be the highlight of LAN parties, as it's long juuust enough to play it as a group for the entire night and finish around morning.

>> No.8015858

I always liked Sam better as a protag than Duke. They perfected the archetype with him, also better voice actor.

>> No.8015861

for me its tfe>4>bfe>tse=2
they are all excellent games
great mods too

>> No.8015868
File: 12 KB, 215x322, here's to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always liked Sam better as a protag than Duke. They perfected the archetype with him, also better voice actor.

Eat shit and die

>> No.8015912

>backpedal general

>> No.8015924

Duke just ripped off movies with his lines.

>> No.8016318
File: 36 KB, 676x673, serious party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Encounter doesn't flow as well as the first game does, in my opinion. Having the game split into 3 soft episodes messes with the pacing. I also get a bit of gimmick fatigue playing it.
TSE is still a great game, but I don't replay nearly as often as TFE or even 3.

>> No.8016918

Yeah, it's pretty fun.

>> No.8018218

especially when the entire game premise is a metaphor for the 90s Balkan war

>> No.8018234

I grew up on TSE. Played TFE a decade and a half later and it sucked.