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/vr/ - Retro Games

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801215 No.801215 [Reply] [Original]

Recently completed the Mother series
Pretty new to RPG's though and I was wondering what are some similar games to mother>

Also played Chrono Trigger and enjoyed that too

>> No.801240


>> No.801273 [DELETED] 

not retro, but go play space funeral, one of the only decent RPG maker games

>> No.801274
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>Super Mario RPG (my personal favourite)

>> No.801283

Thanks for that picture and the recommendations

I've not played any Final fantasies before, will i need to play the first to pick up the story or are they all different

>> No.801292

nothing too similar. but try Secret of Evermore, Illusion of Gaia, Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario if your looking for RPG's with original setting/theme's

>> No.801297



>> No.801325

they're all different. I'd recommend playing IV and VI (2&3 in the US) first

>> No.801338

Every Single game in the series has its own story and set of characters you don't even need to play them in order

>> No.801361

robotrek and terranigma.

>> No.801406

Gunple - Gunman's Proof for SNES kinda has the same artstyle and humor.

>> No.801413
File: 14 KB, 320x240, SpaceFuneral3-small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommending hipster tryhard garbage
>says it's good

>> No.801426

This, everyone kinda misses it because it requires a translation patch though.

Also you might like Live-A-Live.

>> No.801431

IV and VI are going to be the best starting points, but play V sometime. It's great, and actually a great breather from the other two if you thought they got too serious.

Also based Galuf.

>> No.801446
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V is the second best FF after VI

>> No.801450
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The Adventure of Hourai High School is a japanese only game that's rater similar to Mother/Earthbound in that it has a modern setting and quirky sense of humor
I don't know if I should recommend it or not though, since even though it does have a fan translation, Aeon Genesis seemed to not care about it and released a very sloppy and bug ridden one, seemingly with no plans to ever fix it.

>> No.801462

They did the same thing with the Jojo RPG.

>> No.801473

I'm getting tired of them really, they seem to think just because they are well regarded in the fan translation sphere that they can be lazy and it won't matter.

>> No.801489

Mother 2 was my favorite Mother.

>> No.801482

In this case they actually tried to claim that all the bugs were part of the original physical Japanese game which is not true (I played it to completion). They probably just did the translation patch while working with a bad rom.

>> No.801485

He seriously fucked up the Jojo RPG?

>> No.801494

Yes. The game actually freezes when you pull up the menu sometimes....

>> No.801498

>In this case they actually tried to claim that all the bugs were part of the original physical Japanese game which is not true
they did the same exact thing with Hourai High School

>> No.801507

Their translation of Shin Megami Tensei has notoriously low quality coding it actually has game breaking bugs.

>> No.801508

Wow, what an utter piece of shit.

Maybe some kind-hearted person will go in and take the time to fix it like with Shin Megami Tensei.

>> No.801520
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Wait that's not the one with the ultimate chimera

>> No.801534

Why not ?

>> No.801538

>it actually has game breaking bugs.
as does the game I'm talking about, I'm not really sure why this group is so praised.

>> No.801542

Because people are desperate for a translation and will heap praise on anyone who gives it to them no matter the quality.

>> No.801546

Shit, I didn't even know about the addendum, thanks bro.

It's because they're the only ones to actually translate some parts. Some groups only get praise because they actually do the work, not because of the quality.

>> No.801551

Dragon Quest.

>> No.801565

>Some groups only get praise because they actually do the work, not because of the quality.
This is unfortunately with a ton of romhack circles, no one really gives criticism where it's due. Take Pokemon for instance: there's only like... two people who call things shit where it's due at all that I know of.

>> No.801581

also doesn't Gideon Zhi partially own or run romhacking.net, so of course the translation community isn't going to speak out against his group.

>> No.801594

I don't know, the pokemon rom hacking scene is a totally different animal than the translation scene, the people that do pokemon hacks tend to be very young and shittyness and bugs are accepted norm, while there are incidences like the ones we are talking about, it's not like every single translation is that way, in fact many are very well done

>> No.801597

I know if it wasn't for /vp/'s hacking list, I would think everything is either unfinished or absolutely the worst hacks on the Internet.

>> No.801603


That's Nightcrawler. AGTP is being hosted on romhacking.net's servers.

>> No.801610

personally I think groups like Aeon Genesis are doing a disservice to the translation community, since it's kinda a code amongst translators that if some one is doing a translation you stay away from it unless they give it up. And then Aeon Genesis goes and snatches up a bunch of games at once and then sits on them for years and years and then when they finally finish them they do a lousy job and prevent some one else who would have done a better job and actually cared about the game more than just another game to add to their list of completed games from picking them up.

>> No.801614

>I'm not really sure why this group is so praised.
They handle a lot of games that literally no one else has bothered with; for example, they were basically the only SRW translators for a really long time.

Consequently they're not held as accountable as they really ought to be.

>> No.801616
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I really enjoyed this one

>> No.801624

They really need to just cop to the fact that shit with no updates since, like, '07 isn't going to fucking get done, but they never do. It's annoying as shit.

>> No.801621

read >>801610 if you followed the rom hacking scene at all you would know that this is actually what's going on, they snatch up a bunch of games right as they seem to be becoming popular translation prospects, it may seem like they are picking up the games that no one else wants to do to the outsider, but that isn't what's going on

>> No.801634

Well that's... infuriating.

>> No.801629

Playing S1, S2 and S3 in succession was one of the most entertaining things I ever did game-wise.
Seeing those characters grow between games, how the world expanded...

>> No.801746

It's annoying indeed, he's got 36 unfinished projects, some of them were even almost complete when he left them. Also, for megami tensei saga fans like me things are worse, because if someone wants to create a patch for megami tensei or If... Ghideon will say that, since he's the one that made the patches for shin megami tensei 1 and 2, he's the only one with the rights to do that, leaving those games in the hell of "forgotten in translation" games

>> No.801750

Those "translator rights" can slow everything down to a crawl.

>> No.801775

Indeed. I still laugh reading that "expect it fairly soon!" On the megami tensei translation page, since it was lastly updated in 2009; and, if you think about it, he only needed to take out the bugs, the game was fully translated.

>> No.801885

I posted this in another topic, but I think a website where people could post contribute bounties for certain translation projects could fix a lot of shit and all patches would be community tested before the payout happens.

>> No.802167

How can someone claim "translation rights"? How the hell can he stop other people from translating something when he legally does not own any rights to it?

>> No.802176

It's internet street cred.

>> No.803731

that'd be nice but expect price gouging, patches held for ransom and money to vanish or sit in escrow while teams get their shit together.

>> No.803779
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>Aeon Genesis' Romancing SaGa 2 translation
>still at 5%
>no updates since it was started
>there wasn't even a news post about it, if I recall correctly

They will never finish it.
I just know it.

>> No.803815

>patches held for ransom

Expect this.

>> No.804036

It's one of those deals where there's tons of games not translated yet, so if someone picks one up you can move on to something else. There's absolutely no need to have two people on the same project.

>> No.804059

Speaking of Aeon Genesis, I really just want the Famicom Megami Tensei. It's been at 80% for years.