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[ERROR] No.8011145 [Reply] [Original]

Resident Evil > Silent Hill
People praised Silent Hill for being "psycological horror" instead of the "simple jumpscares" of Resident Evil, but that's just pseudo intelectual talk to make you not notice it's shitty gameplay. You can kill most enemies easily with a melee weapon, or run from the fast ones. The "levels" are all annoying mazes with tons of locked doors and rusty shit. The school and hospital might as well be the same thing because they're equally rusty, annoying and repetitive.

It was good enough when we were kids and couldn't afford too many games, so we played whatever we could get our hands on. But nobody should play Silent Hill by choice.

>> No.8011149
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DO you know you can like both without taking a side? Let that divide and conquer bullshit to politics, not games.

>> No.8011209

You can kill every enemy in every RE game with a knife.

>> No.8011216

you never see silent hill fans whining about resident evil the way REtards do about SH, where does this inferiority complex come from?
Is it because they know that no RE will ever be as good as the first three SHs?

>> No.8011218

>RE has bad voice acting
lol so bad and corny

>SH has bad voice acting
dude it's Lynchian and surreal

>> No.8011343

I kind of agree but then I'm not primarily looking for slick gameplay from a horror title. The SH gameplay does enough to be a skeleton for a harrowing adventure, that's all I really want from it.

>> No.8011358

The only bad thing about Silent Hill is the cancerous fanbase it attracted. They're still fun, corny horror games at heart, not all that different from RE. The devs just picked different, slightly more obscure, material to draw inspiration from. Especially SH1. It's basically the creepy abandoned town from Phantoms, right down to the siren going off when the weirdness ratchets up. You go around beating up innocent pterodactyls and gorillas on the street and it ends with you blasting the devil with a shotgun. Yet somehow, this inspired spergs to write endless "plot analyses" and jerking themselves off over how deep and meaningful it all is.

>> No.8011359

yeah ok but both of those statements are actually true

>> No.8011412

Hey it's the RE3retard autist again making another shitty bait thread. Fuck off to /v/ you fucking nigger

>> No.8011454

Yeah but that's an extremely slow and high risk endeavor. A survival horror game doesn't need to softlock the player to be considered a survival horror it just needs to have consequences for mismanaging resources. Resorting to the knife is definitely a bad consequence.

>> No.8011463

Nigger for the last time: you are ugly as fuck and a fucking weirdo. Quit paying people to walk by me in real life with their kids hoping to catch me adjusting my nutsack you little faggot. And quit being a bitch and hop on VC with me too, pussy

>> No.8011469


>> No.8011472

This reads like a low-tier bait thread from /b/

>> No.8011476

What the fuck? Take your meds.

>> No.8011625

I genuinely like Silent Hill more but the repetitive environments are pretty much a flaw, and in some cases that flaw is present for a higher proportion of gameplay time than we'd like to believe.

>> No.8011676

RE is strong as ever while SH is a dead franchise.

Resifags, therefore, are compensating for something when they make threads like these.

>> No.8011680

SH never had a RE4

>> No.8011683

I think it's kind of a necessary evil. Part of the appeal of sh is the familiarity of the environments and realistic floor plans are a part of that. realistic floor plans are also going to be repetitive compared to the more loose, cartoonish layouts other games use.

>> No.8011719

Indeed. I'm glad RE has returned to its backtracking roots nevertheless.

>> No.8011724

You literally don't even know what he's referring to, do you

>> No.8011736

is it something specific? I assumed he was talking about going through samey rooms and floors in the various large buildings you visit.

>> No.8011843

SH3 recycled an entire map section of SH2 for highly dubious reasons. Like you'd have to do some serious headcanon to justify it.

SH4 makes you run through the entire game AGAIN once you get Eileen...for reasons? Even the parts you went through BEFORE she became a significant plot consideration. Again, some serious end-user rationalization to address lazy game design.

>> No.8011850

I don't find this very true. It isn't necessary for any other successful horror games or movies unless they're trying hard for horror-in-the-benign, which Silent Hill as a series occasionally employs but not for the vast majority of repetitive environments. It just isn't necessary.

>> No.8011861

By the way, you glowie sonofabitch, I'm only humoring you because you'll STILL never be able to snow a real SH fan about SH. If you could, you wouldn't be a fucking glowie. Eat a power pellet from your suicide machine.

>> No.8011865

shut the fuck up, you samefagging marie curie

>> No.8011868

ok I take your point on 3 though it's ultimately not a very long portion of the game, a short jaunt through the town and then the hospital. 4 is generally assumed to not be grouped in with the holy trinity.

>> No.8011874

quite trying to be quirky

>> No.8011878

I'm not even going to tell you why 4 belongs in the club.

>> No.8011880

quit trying to be quirky

>> No.8011882

"holy trinity" HAY GUYS THIS GUY WATCHES CIVVIE VIDEOS #freecivvie #unclefrank #igotnoproblemwiththepigs

>> No.8011883


>> No.8011884

>i'm quirky heh

>> No.8011886

this ain't quirks, Ness.

>> No.8011893

You could play every game with your toes, too. Doesn't mean that you should.

>> No.8011897

Not impressed, Kissniggger.

>> No.8011946

Yeah but nuRE is trash. I would rather the franchise be dead.

>> No.8012052

>People praised Silent Hill for being "psycological horror" instead of the "simple jumpscares" of Resident Evil, but that's just pseudo intelectual talk to make you not notice it's shitty gameplay.

SH1 has more jumpscares than RE1.

>> No.8012890

Oh do tell us, what do you miss most about classic RE.

>> No.8012924

I can only think of the 2 locker ones, what else ist there?

>> No.8013147

Who the fuck do you think I'm samefagging to, I'm replying to a post that replied to me.

>> No.8013164

Resident Evil games are like summer blockbusters compared to Silent Hill’s lower budget cerebral approach.

>> No.8013242

I like both series.

>> No.8013252

>I forgot I killed my wife

>> No.8013381

Resident Evil gameplay was never replicated. There isn't a single Survival Horror that ever replicated what it did. It might as well be its own genre. Ironically this is also true of RE1 being the only true RE along with REmake with every following games barely staying true to the roots with way more action and inventory slots making the games way different.

Silent Hill is way more of a horror game than survival horror honestly. There isn't nearly as much strategy in the games as Resident Evil, enemies are easy to run past and there's no inventory management. A bit of ammo management but not really honestly. It's still a great game, love both series.

>> No.8013426

It’s Stephen King by way of Japanese writers. It was novel at the time.

>> No.8013429

RE1 was still fairly action heavy. I mean the game ends with you getting a rocket launcher from a chopper right before the whole place blows up.

>> No.8013445

any scare can be a jump-scare if your brain works slow enough.

>> No.8013448

Survival horror is a made up marketing term. Pre 4 RE games are adventure games, 4 through 6 are action games, the remakes and side stories like Revelations are a mix of both and now the series is a FPS. RE1 was the exact style of game as all the other classic games. The idea you ever needed to conserve ammo, or dodge enemies in any game is just retarded meme spouting from people who never played the games for more than an hour when they were 10, if they ever played them at all and spammed the same tired lines about the game in every forum post and youtube video. Stop parroting idiots

>> No.8013453

I mean it's still a game with guns of course there's action. Action is good, I'm not saying the player should have no weapons. In comparison to RE2 and 3 though the game has way less ammo and bullets. If you play the original RE1 release you might be tight on bullets the entire game. On top of that it takes much longer to get the stronger weaponry in the game. Jill's scenario is basically easy mode, so it's much easier but Chris's scenario you have to make much more interesting decisions as you have way less slots.

In RE2 the game is far too easy to require really any sort of strategizing, and in RE3 you literally have an item that gives 3 first aids for one slot plus 8 slots. They're still really fun in their own ways, but they don't compare to RE1 which was way more focused on survival. You literally can't carry everything you want in RE1, it makes it much more interesting.

>> No.8013464

based and g+r+ypilled

>> No.8013469

It wasn't actually that hard to accumulate ammo in RE1. There is a tight early game when you don't have access to the ammo locations yet but by the end you can safely kill every single enemy with ammo to spare. I remember playing Re1 recently as Chris and I just ran back and forth between empty hallways for like 30-45 minutes doing the key puzzles because I had already killed all the zombies. The survivial horror moniker really is a meme born from when people played the game for a few hours not knowing how anything works or that enemies weren't really dead until there was a blood pool.

>> No.8013490
File: 53 KB, 803x599, RE1 shells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there's a shitload of ammo in RE1 once you get going. I kill everything I run into and always end up with hundreds of leftover handgun rounds in the box by the end. The only time I ever got into a pinch was the very first time I played and followed the manual's advice to use the shotgun on dogs. I burned through a quite a few shells killing all of them in the Courtyard, but I still had more than enough to clear the Guardhouse and kill all the Hunters on the way to get the magnum later.

>> No.8013497

The exception would be the Director's Cut version(non-dualshock) which has a hard mode that does make things more difficult. But they do it by sponging the enemies health pools which results in weaker game design, but even then the critical hit handgun makes up for that difference and they give you more magnum ammo to compensate before the end which means you should still be able to kill most of the enemies.

>> No.8013504

The directors cut is the easy version. Play the original and intended version.

>> No.8013556

what makes it the easy version

>> No.8013568

a THOUSAND times this

>> No.8013573

It’s not really. Director’s Cut is the best version to play.

>> No.8013581

This. I can’t stand SH voice acting apologists. No /tv/ retards, it’s not “Lynchian”.

>> No.8013587

The Standard/Original mode has weaker enemies than the Western PS1/Saturn release. It also has autoaim and more ink ribbons than those versions.
Arranged/Advanced mode actually buffs the enemies beyond what they were in the original Western releases and has more of them, but you still have autoaim plus the critical hit Beretta and more ammo to compensate for it.

>> No.8013597

All improvements and balance fixes imo. It’s worth it for the extra content.

>> No.8013601

I tried to get into Silent Hill but... holy shit you boomers had such a massive shit taste, i wouldn't blame zoomers at all for what we ended up with today.
Bonking enemies with random ass objects isn't fun.
The controls are terrible and i am usually VERY lenient with stuff like that.
Story in 1 is great. 2 is just a pseudo wanna-be meta shit you can speculate in forums with in vain. 3 is laughable and the rest is completely forgettable.
The series is generally not fun to play at all. I could easily re-run any RE game (yes even 0 and CV, the "bad" ones in the series) and have fun with it. Silent Hill? I can barely digest it in the first run.

>> No.8013608

I’m a 36 year old Silent Hill fan and I’d have to agree with you. If you weren’t there when SH2 came out, it’ll feel pretty dated. The controls were admittedly clunky for the time and I’ve never bought the excuse that it was on purpose.

>> No.8013628

I don't get why people pretend the controls in SH are so drastically worse than REs
you can actually move and shoot/attack with certain weapons, unlike RE
you can strafe
you can do a quickturn, which RE didn't think to have until RE3
if anything, the controls are much better tha REs

>> No.8013631
File: 153 KB, 464x336, 1d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Hill > Resident Evil
People praised Resident Evil for being "zombie horror" instead of the "psychological monsters" of Silent Hill, but that's just pseudo intelectual talk to make you not notice it's shitty gameplay. You can kill most enemies easily with a melee weapon, or run from the fast ones. The "levels" are all annoying mazes with tons of locked doors and rusty shit. The mansion and laboratory might as well be the same thing because they're equally rusty, annoying and repetitive.

>> No.8013815
File: 3.35 MB, 1500x1000, 1627016215491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting, the original Resident Evil underwent tons of changes until nearly the end. One thing that wasn't added until nearly the end was the auto-aim. This means the entire game was basically designed around the concept that the player would miss, and so extra ammunition was put into the game. Another interesting change in the original western version is that hunters take two shots instead of one with the magnum. That combined with auto-aim makes Mansion 2 really hard as the hunters versatility really shines when you can't just snap to them and one shot them. It makes the combat far more interesting and you can't abuse the auto-aim to see enemies around the corners as well for example.

Another thing is how much harder the Tyrant fights are without auto-aim. While the final boss Tyrant you can always just wait it out for the rocket launcher, the first Tyrant fight it is much harder to actually hit him you need to space well and turn. It's way more fun.

I really recommend playing the game on this version, and the Director's Cut later for arranged mode. The difficulty really shines on a Chris playthrough and strategy becomes much more interesting. Plant 42 is also much more difficult if you choose to not use V-Jolt and just fight it head on.

Here's an image a cool anon made. The ultimate difficulty is the Saturn version, which is my personal favorite as well due to the extra battle mode at the end. In my opinion, it's Saturn = Vanilla > Director's Cut

>> No.8013826

There's another interesting quirk in the beta versions of RE1. Ammo doesn't stack at all, so you have to weigh whether you want to take multiple handgun magazines or boxes of shotgun shells or leave some spaces open and risk running out. I think that's a little too drastic, but it would have been interesting if it only stacked 2 or 3 times so you couldn't just pile 100 shotgun shells into one slot.

>> No.8013838

Interesting, thanks for the tidbit anon. I remember reading that, but I never really considered how it could make the gameplay a bit more interesting.

I think that concept was reused in Dino Crisis since your ammo can't stack, but you get a lot less ammo in that game in general. It felt kinda annoying to me in that game honestly, but I'd have to play it more to see how well the concept really shines.

>> No.8013865

You can download the beta versions and they work fine on emulators. I don't remember where I found them though. There's a debugging build that's the entire game, but you don't take any damage and can bring up a menu with Select that lets you warp rooms and play around with event flags and lighting and stuff like that.
There's also a really cool 15 minute timed demo (the timer can be disabled with a gameshark code) that covers the mansion up to the garden shed, where you get a "To Be Continued" message. That one has the delinked item boxes, the bloody message on the 2F stairwell and the item locations are completely different from the final game. I think it's also the version someone extracted the original Trevor's notes from years ago, but they aren't actually present in the game.

>> No.8013890

Sounds really cool desu. I'm going to have to try it for sure.

>> No.8013961

That's actually a testament to the enemy's design quality, not what you're trying to imply.

>> No.8013973

Ghey. Resident Evil 1 and Dino Crisis 1 are true survival horrors. Just because you watched the game before-hand in one of you're boyfriend's twitch streams and blasted through it doesn't mean the game isn't survival horror.

>> No.8013984

You can actually kill every single enemy in Chris' Advanced Mode too. You'll have to use the knife for zombies when they drop down and cerberus after you shot them but it can be done. It's a pain in the ass managing your ammo though because Chris only has 6 slots and you have to use the proper ammo for each enemy.

>> No.8014000

it's not the controls as much as the sorrounding game being better optimized for tank controls. RE is better served for being more conservative with enemy design and how you operate in combat. SH expecting you to strafe and having enemies that just sprint at you from all directions hasn't aged as well.

>> No.8014006

>SH expecting you to strafe and having enemies that just sprint at you from all directions hasn't aged as well.
so run away?

>> No.8014010

You can kill every single enemy in RE1 and still have 100 bullets left over. The only true "survival horror" game capcom ever made is Dino Crisis like you said, but no one liked it because its actually hard.

>> No.8014053

Well since we've all established all you played was the Director's Cut (the easiest version of the game) and have never played the original you kind of just look dumb.

>> No.8014087

Does the original game subtract 100 ammo? Where's the proof for what you said? No one has documented such a difference.

>> No.8014096

It's a meme term literally based on feelings instead of an objective definition of genre. You're regurgitating advertisement mantras.

>> No.8014265

Sure, you're obviously better qualified to determine what classifies as survival horror or not rather than the people who played at release and who considered it as such.

>> No.8014639

The open-endedness of it. I miss how they throw you into the world and leave you to figure things out; no mission objectives or fancy map system keeping track of everything or downright telling you things. I know that this is a problem for modern games in general but the built in progression systems and design of the nugames is sort of the antithesis of what survival is about. The aforementioned objectives and map features, dynamic difficulty, all of the new games give you at least twice the inventory of the old games. The old games didnt give a shit if you ran out if ammo, couldnt figure out where to go or got stuck.
Also, I of course miss the classic gameplay afforded by fixed cameras and tank controls. I like shooters as much as the next guy, but not everything has to be a shooter. Now RE has the same standardized control scheme and camera perspectives as nearly everything else. The mass homogenation of games is a cancer to the industry.

>> No.8014694
File: 283 KB, 1042x1466, ExFhxAtWUAMsRQC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you've ever tried to actually kill everything in RE1 without using the knife. Let's look at some numbers from Chris's campaign in the USA version of RE1 using evilresource.com for enemy and ammo numbers:

We have 67 zombies in the base game, I know from my experience that zombies take AT LEAST 5 bullets to kill, so that's 335 pistol bullets to kill all of them. Evilresource states that Chris can get a maximum of 345 additional pistol bullets so that's 360 bullets total. Cerberus are also a typical pistol worthy enemy and there are 14 of them requiring at least 3 bullets to kill so you'll need 42 pistol bullets to kill all of them. So of the pistol worthy enemies you need 377 bullets to kill them all and you get 360 to work with.

There are 133 shotgun shells, so let's look at the enemies you typically want to use the shotgun on: hunters, spiders, and chimera. There are a max of 25 hunters which I know require at least 4 shotgun shells to kill so that's 100 shells for hunters. Chris fights 8 chimera which I know require 5 shotgun shells to kill so that's 40 shells to kill all of those. There's 4 spiders which also take 5 shotgun shells so that's 20 shells to kill all of them.

So that's 160 shells needed to kill all of the shotgun-worthy enemies and you only get 133 to do it. There are also 42 magnum rounds, but hunters are gonna need 1-2 rounds to kill, and both chimera and spiders take 3 magnum rounds to kill.

The point is you do NOT have enough to kill everything with ease. In these calculations I didn't take into account the player missing shots, or zombies and cerberus sometimes needing more bullets to kill than the minimums stated, or smaller enemies like crows and bees, or even boss enemies.

If you found yourself with hundreds of ammo to spare that means you were being selective with your kills and conserving ammo which is THE ESSENCE of survival horror. Based on your comment you really WERE getting a survival horror experience.

>> No.8014716

>no one can make a thread without contrarianism anymore
>"b-but you have to or your thread will die"
>tons of replies that are just layers upon layers of bait, stuff that no one would seriously believe in
>decide to hide shit threads, realize you end up with an empty catalog
I hate you all niggers

>> No.8016521

Who cares about the meme original us difficulty.
Japanese difficulty is the true difficulty and the one use for speedrun.

>> No.8016593

>Story in 1 is great
SH1 has to be one of the most overrated games ever. The story isn't grea, I guess is decent but it's just kinda a generic horror movie. The gameplay is better than SH2 but it's not great.
The best things are things like how they used the fog, some camera angles that weren't common in games, and how they created some tense moments with the visuals and sounds. Besides that, the game is mediocre or average. Not even the soundtrack is great.

I'll never understand why some people have SH1 as this amazing masterpiece. SH2 has a lot of flaws but it was far more interesting than the first one

>> No.8016597

I was too lazy to do this myself, since the guy was obviously just baiting, I just want to say thanks for your work anon and for BTFOing that complete retard. Now at least anyone getting genuinely confused by him can read this.

Yea I totally agree. There is such a feature creep in modern games, and RE4 really started it. I miss just getting a weapon and it just working and being powerful. Like in RE1, getting the shotgun and magnum is really satisfying since they are like little optional side quests. Obviously you really want them and they are very necessary, but the fact that you can not only miss them but also have to figure out how to get them is really fun to me.

>> No.8016718

This is a quote from Kenichi Iwao, the RE1 dev whose idea it was to implement ammo scarcity in the game (you could argue that he therefore deserves the most credit for creating survival horror):

>CHE: What are some key game-play mechanics you introduced?

>KI: I incorporated ammo & supply scarcity, game-play based on avoidance, and horror direction emphasizing sound.

"Gameplay based on avoidance".

From this we can clearly see that the player was not meant to kill everything with ease and that combat was a decision to be made with deliberation.

Some other anon has stated that in the leaked prototype builds of RE1 even up until a few months prior to release that the game was more like the US version. Enemies took more damage, regular magnum rounds did less damage, and there wasn't even auto-aim.

It seems more reasonable to think that the US version is closer to what survival horror was meant to feel like and that the easiness of the Japanese version is actually just a reaction to the game being too difficult.

>> No.8016737

You're making the incredibly retarded assumption that you're going to use the exact type of ammo you deem necessary, and you completely ignored the magnum entirely.
You can clear out the entire beginning with a handgun, get the shotgun and 1 shot any rooms full of zombies, while still having 30+ rounds for hunters, use the magnum for hunters because theres no reason not to since the Tyrant does nothing in the game, and as you already said you can save tons of bullets just by knifing zombies when they fall down.
I don't know why its so important to you to think RE1 is somehow special when its the exact same type of game as every other entry in the series, its an adventure game with extremely easy combat, that wants you to kill things, not dodge them.

>> No.8016838

Yes, the game was obviously designed around enemy avoidance. Even at the start of the game it says deliberately "Fighting enemies isn't the only way to deal with them". He's just retarded and doesn't even understand game design. No one is actually arguing with him, it's mostly just laughing at his stupidity, and at least people can learn interesting things about the game using his moronic arguments as a basis.

Like here >>8016737 you can tell he's just baiting, because the guy literally said he didn't even factor in the bullets it takes to kill bosses. You can tell he just played the easiest version of the game, and then when he went in an actual thread where people know what they are talking about, got humiliated then doubled down on his viewpoint as he can't accept being wrong.

>> No.8016907

>Yes, the game was obviously designed around enemy avoidance.
Which is why the give you enough ammo to easily kill anything, instead of a game like Dino Crisis which doesn't? You are given almost handgun bullets within the first hour of the game, and thats assuming you only pick ujp the ones in plain sight
>because the guy literally said he didn't even factor in the bullets it takes to kill bosses.
The Tyrant dies in less than a full magnum load, and you don't even have to do anything to him in the second fight if you don't care how long you have to run around in a circle.
Once again, I don't understand why you seem so deadset on this being some incredibly hard and complicated game. Maybe it was when you were 10, and you either haven't played it since, or never did to begin with, but anyone can pick it up and play it easily, the game isn't difficult or special in comparison to other titles or other entries in its own series.

>> No.8016910

almost 100*

>> No.8017970

>oh neat a Resident Evil retrospective
>bitches about Code veronica being transphobic
I had to stop there

>> No.8018886


>> No.8020253

>Resident Evil > Silent Hill

Sadly I agree for the reason that RE has been a way WAY better series than SH it isn't even close. SH has only had 4 great games although many would fairly dispute 4 being good which I can understand. Many also will point out how 3 was a step down from 1 and 2 due to being very linear. All the SH games are also pretty easy actually with only maybe 1 being most challenging. 1 also seems the most scary actually.

Meanwhile RE has plenty of great horror anyways. It has tons of great games and spinoffs, its gameplay of its classic games (1-3 + CV) is better than SH's as well. The games aren't super difficult either but it at least has some inventory management to make things a bit harder. I can go on but as much as I love SH and wished it was a better series, RE is far superior. SH only had 4 great games.

>> No.8020279

There are only two great games in the Silent Hill series which are Silent Hill 1 and Shattered Memories.
Silent Hill 2 has nodes of psychoanalysis, but much of its interpretation has been shaped by the autistic fanbase that attribute shit from their own experience to an incredibly wage supposed symbolism. Just like most RE clones from that time, SH2 was way too focused on combat (which wasn't even good) and contrived puzzles.
The original SH was pretty direct with its intents, but that what made the psychological aspect of it so great. The music in the original was genuinely terrifying unlike any of the future installments.
Shattered Memories actually attempts to explore the psychological issues of the protagonist which makes it the definitive evolution of the ideas from the very first SH game.
SH3 might have beautiful graphics, but it's nothing but a traditional girl saves the world story warped in a grim-dark setting.
All of the other entries just suck.

>> No.8020283

>and Shattered Memories.
stopped reading there

>> No.8020286

none of the RE games, as good as they may be, come close to those 3 SH game (4 is a mess)

>> No.8020296

Don't forget about flavor text and amazing music that really set the tone. Nowadays, only the save room themes are memorable, if that.

>> No.8020298


>> No.8020303

RE1 had a color coded map, and dynamic difficulty only makes the games harder since the difficulty is locked at certain levels depending on which difficulty you pick as a base when you start the game.
Why do all you retards constantly shitpost about games you've never played, and don't understand?

>> No.8020353

The map in RE1 is very basic and only shows which rooms you've visited.

>> No.8020367

which tells you exactly where to go by doing so.

>> No.8021394

Fuck Cheogh's lair (E1M7) on Extra Crispy. Forced to pitchfork both of them to death as I ran out of ammo. Twenty minutes of pitchforking those flying stone turds.

>> No.8021408

34 here and to this day, i never played any Silent Hill for more than 5 minutes, i don't know, that game always sound to me as a RE wannabe but failing miserably in everything, and if that didn't hooked me up before when i was a kid, it's not going to chance now for sure as adult, desire, pleasure and the magic of a game are even more important now than before as a kid, imo.

>> No.8021424

>The aforementioned objectives
the map cleared room feature was pretty helpful I'll admit though I can't really fault a modern dev for wanting to shave away some key item scrounging. The objective blurb in the menu however basically only told you the sort of vague goal that would have been established in a cutscene or story bit.
>find a way out of the sewer
>find a way to save sherry
>formulate an antidote
redundant and patronizing perhaps but it had no real effect on the mental effort you'd have to exert to proceed.

>> No.8021438

>RE1 had a color coded map
REmake had that. The original game didn't tell you when you cleared out all the items in a room.

>> No.8021440

>Silent Hill 1 has nodes of psychoanalysis, but much of its interpretation has been shaped by the autistic fanbase that attribute shit from their own experience to an incredibly wage supposed symbolism. Just like most RE clones from that time, SH1 was way too focused on combat (which wasn't even good) and contrived puzzles.

>> No.8021592

Thats not what I'm talking about, that feature is worthless anyway since the items sparkle in the fixed angle games.
RE1 still lit up doors you could open and told you where you needed to go by way of lighting rooms you had already been to.

>> No.8021737
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Plenty of items don't sparkle or are hidden behind objects in the older games. Plus, RE1 specifically doesn't highlight doors. They're all just yellow on the map regardless of whether you can open them or not.
Why do retards like you shitpost about games you've never played and don't understand?

>> No.8021865

every item in the game sparkles except the hidden ones which sparkle as soon as you reveal them. and the key items always sparkle.
full on wrong about the doors though, i was thinking of RE2 where they're color coded.