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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8009480 [Reply] [Original]

how many god damn buttons do you nerds actually need? every year the industry adds another trigger and another button by the end of this decade we'll be dual wielding n64 controllers unironically.

2d games -> nes controller
3d games -> ps1 analog controller

trigger buttons are for shooty tank control noobs

>> No.8009482

I think the SNES controller has the right amount of buttons.

>> No.8009514

Megaman X you can either double tap direction to dash or you can press the dash button but it’s awkward as fuck to hold a charge and dash even with the dash button and it’s basically impossible to dash off a wall. FF6 and the other rpgs you basically never use anything other than menu confirm and cancel buttons the other 5 are useless. I think they could have designed megaman x around a 2 button setup... I think all you need would be for double tap directions to work on walls. Mario 2 has lifting and super jumps.

>> No.8009574

>how many god damn buttons do you nerds actually need?

Personally? For 90% of the games I play.
1 stick
1 dpad
4 face buttons
Start & Select

But there are a few games that need more.
I kinda wish there was a good 6 face button controller.

But I agree that shit 4 shoulder buttons and back paddle buttons are cringe and too much.

>> No.8009579

trigger buttons are required for racing games
also no butters are added since the 6th gen faggot
why do you give a shit if there's a gyro in the controller that doesn't do anything in 99% of games?

>> No.8009596

>I hate having options
>I want to pause the game every five seconds to change my weapon

>> No.8009630
File: 89 KB, 600x400, depositphotos_5710810-stock-photo-angry-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my day, we had Ball in a Cup, and we loked it!

>> No.8009641
File: 3.20 MB, 2048x1460, jaguar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct number of face buttons is 3, in a gamecube style A/X/Y radial layout with enlarged center button.

The buttons should be made more advanced with haptic feedback, capacitive touch (especially on A) and OLED screens on each button to assign any symbol or visual icon.

The correct number of option buttons is 12, so you can access your whole inventory.

The correct number of shoulder buttons is 2, and they shall be analog and have a gamecube style click on full pressure.

The correct number of analog sticks is 0. A pressure sensitive d-pad is more than enough.

Motion controls to assist with aiming are a must.

>> No.8009645
File: 36 KB, 673x536, 10dec14-OLED-display-pushbutton-Foremost-673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know there have been buttons with screens on them for decades? This technology and even the knowledge of such technology has been kept out of the hands of the many by our oppressive fascist oligarchy.

>> No.8009649

Did you know our technocratic elite at MIT have been hoarding advanced input technology for themselves? TI-Nspire CX features a thumb sized trackpad that doubles as a clickable button. It seamlessly transforms into a directional pad depending on context.

>> No.8009652
File: 168 KB, 278x347, MIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know our technocratic elite at MIT have been hoarding advanced input technology for themselves? TI-Nspire CX features a thumb sized trackpad that doubles as a clickable button. It seamlessly transforms into a directional pad depending on context.

>> No.8009695

based dreancast chad

>> No.8009698

>it’s awkward as fuck to hold a charge and dash even with the dash button and it’s basically impossible to dash off a
Bro you can remap the controls. Just put dash in the R button.

>> No.8009703

>every year the industry adds another trigger and another button by the end of this decade we'll be dual wielding n64 controllers unironically.

Has this been the case in the last 15 years? Playstation still uses effectively the same layout as the Dualshock and xbox walked back on the black and white buttons in favor of more triggers.

>> No.8009709

>start & select

>> No.8009712

Using your other fingers also works. Lol at people trying to just use their thumb.

>> No.8009724

Screen buttons would be terrible for fat gamers with cheeto fingers

>> No.8009726

SNES/Dualshock has the right amount of buttons, maybe another two face buttons would be fine for arcade fighters.

>> No.8009735
File: 498 KB, 2560x1920, 1598859845_cheeto-dust-fingers-prevention-say-goodbye-to-orange-and-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just scrub it down with a toothbrush

>> No.8010008

Yooo I’m a fatty with greasy fingers. Can confirm mobile gaming is terrible. I hate cleaning these stupid screens every two minutes. Lemme go back to psp and gba.

>> No.8010112
File: 98 KB, 1500x1500, 8bitdo M30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every year the industry adds another trigger and another button by the end of this decade
Who cares, this is /vr/. Pic related is my favorite controller for all retro gaming.

>> No.8010134

I don't get the appeal of these generic knock off controllers. If my OG controllers take a shit I would rather buy an adapter/receiver and use a dualahock or xbone controller

>> No.8010153

>I would rather buy an adapter/receiver and use a dualahock or xbone controller
Yuck. There's something that doesn't feel right about playing nes games with a modern controller, and genesis is even worse. SNES is ok since it's close enough to a modern design

>> No.8010154

I played the entire X series recently (except X7, I'm not replaying that shit) on a keyboard and I literally never had a problem with the dash button and I used it 100% of the time over the double tap.

>> No.8010231

>every year the industry adds another trigger and another button by the end of this decade we'll be dual wielding n64 controllers unironically.
Every contemporary console has the same basic inputs as the Playstation Dualshock from 24 years ago.

>> No.8010329
File: 317 KB, 316x231, megaman_legends_data.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use X for dash and can hold Y and jump at the same time. You can also remap dash to R

>> No.8010474

3 pairs of shoulder buttons, at least one of them have to be triggers
6 face buttons
start, select, home and screenshot buttons
there should also be basic TV remote control buttons built into the controller too (power, input, volume), the WiiU tablet did this and it was seriously the best thing ever
dpad, two analog sticks (I'm not that picky about configuration as long as they're placed ergonomically) with stick buttons
and honestly there's really no reason why there can't be a full qwerty keyboard between the grips, no one uses that space for anything.
Since it counts as an input there should be IR sensors on it too for Wii and light gun games
Oh also it's not a button but it has to be either wired or have the option to be powered with AA batteries.

So basically my idea of a perfected controller is a teleporter accident between a genesis controller, an xbox elite controller with a chatpad installed, a universal TV remote, and a Wii remote.

>> No.8010596

sir I believe they call those keyboards.

>> No.8010656

a keyboard that had an analog stick underneath the space bar would be pretty cool

>> No.8010664

The Genesis 6-button is good but not great, it gets the job done well and is great for 2d fighters but thats it really

>> No.8010672

They should have kept the 3 button shape and added 3 full size buttons and Mode.

>> No.8010690
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>> No.8010708
File: 165 KB, 637x502, small-old-tv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes clearly we as teenagers directed the billion dollar game console industry. i hated the transition to 3d and 19 button controllers. i still do, but i used to too.

>> No.8010716

>every year the industry adds another trigger
show me the controller with 48 triggers

>> No.8011182

Game controller design has remained consistent since the 6th gen.

>> No.8011237

Did the NES controller DPAD only register 4 directions (L, R, U, D)?
Or did it allow for diagonals as well? I can't remember.

>> No.8011256

>I hate simplicity
>i have memorizing combinations

>> No.8011268

you could dual wield n64 controllers for goldeneye and perfect dark for twin stick shooter action

>> No.8011314

The diagonals weren't perfect, but they registered. I always had to duck jump to go through the wall in 1-2 in SMB, and that required a diagonal. You could also fire in 8 directions in Contra.

>> No.8011342

Ah ok, just curious because I've had some trouble with new gen console controllers inputting the "wrong" direction if I ever so slightly tilt the dpad in a game that only uses 4 directions.

>> No.8011968
File: 91 KB, 1024x703, M5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trackball is the best I can do.

>> No.8012016

I always map dash to the R shoulder button, makes it a million times easier.

>> No.8012183

>Not appreciating both the elegant simplicity of a 2 button action game, and the beautiful complexity of a full keyboard controlled ascii roguelike

pleb a.f.