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[ERROR] No.8008123 [Reply] [Original]

And why?

>> No.8008149

>retranslation patch
Just play the game you fucking autist.

>> No.8008187

I have, numerous times. Way to not contribute, asshole.

>> No.8008216

Let me guess, you fell for the "Woolsey bad" meme and played the crappy DS retranslation, right?

>> No.8008219

>crappy DS retranslation
Why is it crappy?

>> No.8008229

Nope, swing and a miss. And Woolsey's not bad, just outdated and inaccurate. It's cool if you prefer him, but some people are more interested in accuracy, and it's not "autistic" to do so just because it's not personally relevant to you.

>> No.8008230

*to be so

>> No.8008243

Just play it on Steam.

>> No.8008249
File: 138 KB, 602x436, main-qimg-0868a34ed056e176e3b4dde9a7cf35b1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying games
>buying games released almost 3 decades ago
get your shit together /vr/

>> No.8008356

If you're too stupid to figure out piracy, may God help your soul.

>> No.8008364

Piracy is pointless when I have Steam.

>> No.8008365

>shit on someone for buying games
>has a steam account


>> No.8008368

I suggested buying it. Wrong guy.

>> No.8008405

mental illness

>> No.8008549
File: 678 KB, 960x476, 1612017313602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every translation will be inaccurate in one way or another. If you really want it to be as accurate as possible there's only one way OP.

>> No.8008585

>caring about fan fiction retranslations
Yikes and gay

>> No.8008595

Kids travel through time to kill a giant space flea. This isn't Chaucer bro, you're not missing layers of delicate nuance.

>> No.8009010

Do you have a youtube channel and discord too? Faggot. Go back.

>> No.8009396

I'm not allowed to use Discord. The user agreement says you have to be an autistic tranny furry.

>> No.8009510


And that way is TIME TRAVEL. You go back to before the game was made and find a way to influence the world so that somehow Chrono Trigger will be originally written in English, and then internally localized to Japanese for the Japanese audience before its initial release. It's the ONLY way. Fortunately, we have eternity in which to figure out how to do it.

>> No.8009512


Hey anon, I'd like to help you, unlike these other monsters. However I have not played any retranslation of this game and so I don't know the answer.

>> No.8009568

Lucca will figure it out.

>> No.8009723

>good game/series is brought over in english
>sometimes very poorly
>but because it's translated already its massive fanbase just accepts the situation because lol it's already in english bro

Which am I speaking of?

>> No.8010012

retranslation-fags are the absolute worst. just learn moonrunes if you give a shit about the original nuances, because there's not a sweaty neckbeard in the world thats going to get it right

>> No.8010085

Every game ever released by Working Designs, except for the massive fanbase part.

>> No.8010138

Ironically, for all of the Woolsey-ism of the era, Woolsey was probably one of the better translators around for that gen. Definitively a product of the era, but nowhere near the worst it could have been either
Chrono Compendium was working for a retranslation for ages, so probably that one?

>> No.8010150

Imagine caring about the Translation when the original was pretty damn good for what they had. As far as romhacks go, play Chrono Trigger+.

>> No.8010164

Woolsey's Secret of Mana translation is absolute ass.

>> No.8010167

well, most of his translation then

>> No.8011224

>giant space flea
Uhhh, Lavos is more like a tick than a flea

>> No.8011226

Excuse us, formicophile.

>> No.8011721
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, flea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DS port was fine.
The SNES port was (mostly) fine as well.
Just play the goddamn game, it's enjoyable even with the mild bowdlerization (and the one or two nonsensical/badly translated lines) of the original.

>> No.8011837

>The DS port was fine
>The SNES port was (mostly) fine
The best and only version anyone should be playing
>Just play the goddamn game

>> No.8011840

Also nice pic, I want flea to be my girlfriend.

>> No.8011862

I played this for the first time with the Chrono Compendium translation. It was the biggest mistake I ever made, what an absolute pile of trash, barely coherent. I don't trust any other "FAITHFUL TEXT" bullshit after that experience, just play the original localization.

>> No.8012037


Frog doesn’t speak old English anymore, completely ruins his character.

>> No.8012049

I'll never understand translation autism for a fucking video game.
>>8008595 hits it on the head for literally every game

>> No.8012051

He never spoke old English in the original game, so if anything it restores his character.

>> No.8012135

>Every translation will be inaccurate in one way or another
Unchallenged and factually incorrect statement. "Manzana" is a perfect translation of "apple" into Spanish, for example.

>> No.8012148

Apple isn't a culturally sensitive word or theme you disingenuous retarded hebe nigger jew

>> No.8012150

>moving the goalposts
At least we agree that you were wrong about the capability of translations to be perfect, despite your projection and other subversive longnoseisms.

>> No.8012239


>> No.8012509


>> No.8012830

I was talking about every Japanese game's Western translation, which I thought would be obvious through the context, but here we are.

>> No.8012837

It doesn't even make sense in context. Absolutely nobody in that era spoke like that, why would he?

>> No.8013025

>trying to talk sense into translation autists
oh anon

>> No.8013712

>He never spoke old English in the original game

In the original game they all spoke japanese, so playing the game in english ruins the characterization of everyone.

>> No.8013726

Indeed, I don't think I've ever seen anyone here argue that you should play a translation if you're able to read the original.

>> No.8013959

Nah, everyone agrees that Working Designs was shit. But for some reason Woolsey is a saint who you're not allowed to criticise despite them both having the same translation philosophy.

>> No.8014023

>everyone agrees that Working Designs was shit
>they have so many insane fanboys every time someone announces they're going to do a retranslation hack they get bullied out of it

>> No.8014028

None of the retranslations you weebs whine for ever have more downloads than the original versions

>> No.8014032

>Chaucer is his go-to highbrow reference

>> No.8014045

It's not moving the goalposts you dumbass nigger jew. You're being disingenuous pretending the text would ever in any piece of media be as straight forward to translate as merely "apple". Try and translate ore-sama into English and capture the exact level of smugness. Now try and do that with hundreds of other similar devices. But your go to example was apple. What a joke.

>> No.8014049
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Well yeah, given that you need to download the original first to apply the retranslation to, that would be rather strange.

>> No.8014082

fair enough

>> No.8014195

None of the translations you eops whine for ever have more downloads than the original versions either

Chekkumeito, faget