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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8007653 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a retro gaming "bubble" in the market? Why or why not?
I just want to justify purchases as investments.

>> No.8007681

No bubble OP. It's just like real estate.
Real conversation I often have with envious friends:
>"Ooohhhh your house is going to be worth NOTHING in 5 years from now! Hahahaha"
>"I don't think so. As long as people keep being born, the price is only going to go up by the year"
>"That shit's FAILING BRO! You're going to be FUCKED, you're going to sell your house for 10 cents!"
>Price keeps going up by the year because population increase is absolutely insane so a 30m apartment now costs what a 100m house cost 10 years ago
Retro gaming is kind of the same. There are only so many original software and hardware available.
>"People will stop collecting bro"
No, they won't. Prices can only go up.

>> No.8007693

I do think it all comes down to whether there will be some demand by some collector out there, but I suppose if there's less buyers overall, it's just harder to liquidate games.

>> No.8007710

yeah but younger people don't care about physical media. also younger people care about what they grew up with (switch, wii, ps3, ps4), NOT what we grew up with (old sh!t).

property is always worth investing in. video games are not. they will always have value, but it won't keep going up. some shit that hits pop culture status (mario etc) might. but generally interest will have to wane as kids grow up and want the shit they had, and the people who care about the shit we had will all be dead.

>> No.8007713

It could go either way.
I don't think it's anything like real estate. The best analog would probably be the retro toy market, which always lags ~20 years behind the age of the target demographic. As that demo starts to lose interest or die off, only the pristine pieces continue to increase in value, while everything else becomes thrift fodder.

>> No.8007715

>prices will always go up
Yeah Combat for the 2600, I just can't find one for less than $14,000.

>> No.8007830

I bought about 5 Saturn games six months or so ago. They've all gone up already by $40 each. So fuck the niggers who said it's too late to buy. Just sour grapes that they don't have any and the prices keep rising by the day.

>> No.8007875

The return on 2600 games is fucking insane. 10 cent games go for $15 now.

Not that it matters. Nobody gives a fuck. We just want to play video games.

>> No.8007883

What? I'm saying they already peaked. They're worthless now for most of the library.

>> No.8007930

Don't mind me, I'm just a dumbass.

>> No.8007938

>Real conversation I often have with envious friends:
Why do you keep those faggots around, anon?

>> No.8007981


>> No.8008114

Real estate isn’t really a good comparison, I’d say a more apt one would be to comic books or baseball cards. The vast majority of people who collect for either weren’t even close to being born by the time the most expensive comics or cards were put on the market, and yet they only rise in price. Honestly, I don’t have any problems having this side hobby as an adult, but vidya is clearly a kids/young people thing and the real shame is that kids are being priced out of them. I shudder to imagine some fat manchild with a ponytail priding himself on how much his N64 collection is worth.

>> No.8008137

>and the real shame is that kids are being priced out of them
Kids don't have any emotional attachment to the hardware itself, and emulation has never been more accurate or more accessible. The only ones getting priced out are the collectors, not the gamers.

>> No.8008146


>> No.8008185
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I don't anymore. Life has a way of making "friends" like that go their own ways.

>> No.8008304

I'm 28 and at this point in life. Everyone is fucking moving to Florida. Everyone. I have no idea how Florida isn't just renamed Neo New York at this point.

>> No.8008309

Bro tell them to cut it the fuck out. My town exploded from 26,000 people to 120,000 in just 20 years and they're all from New York, nobody here even has a southern accent anymore

>> No.8008313

I've been trying my entire life. Your state fucking sucks, but everyone is fucking OBSESSED with moving there because "muh cold winters"

>> No.8008316

Well apartment prices match New York because of how overrun we are. Shit sucks now. And all they do is complain about the heat and mosquitos. Soon the real floridamen are going on a mass exodus. Like you guys go here, everybody here goes to Chicago or Seattle.

>> No.8008381
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on a totally unrelated note, is there anything wrong with selling resurfaced games? Does it ruin the value of rare games?

>> No.8008397

Your comparison is very bad. People can't pirate real estate.

>> No.8008982

You missed out. Prices may continue to rise but not enough to make buying in worth it at this point. Too bad.

>> No.8009154

It's funny how you east coasters blame Floridans for everything. Us west coasters blame Californians for everything too

>> No.8009843

video games is a rolling bubble. Start buying ps3, 360, wii u, vita games and get in early instead of whining how you missed $1 n64 games

>> No.8009854

It's gonna go down a little but not back to where it was pre covid. Look at muscle cars for an example. Lots of boomers, when they came into money later in life they wanted to relive thier childhood so they drove the cost up. It went down a little when the vast majority of boomers moved onto other hobbies but never back to the lows of the early 90s.

>> No.8009924


im "young" and im interested in old game consoles and hardware, there will always be a niche for anything like this-- and a market

>> No.8009976


Nothing wrong with it, but if it got resurfaced on anything higher than "light" or "normal", you more than likely are fucked if it ever gets scratched again as there will probably not be enough material to take off to get rid of the scratches.

Source: I was a team leader at a Mega Replay, and had access to a $8,000 resurface machine.

>> No.8009985

>I just want to justify purchases as investments.
Then buy gold.
Or German bonds.
Also, you must be 18 to use this site

>> No.8009986

No investment only goes up. Take housing - there’s been several crashes in that market, and demand fluctuates along with the economy at large. But even though the price crashes sometimes it still goes up in the long run. So long as you keep waiting you should probably be able to make a profit.

Having said that collectibles are arguably the worst kind of investment. Way too easy to lose everything and way too many factors. Just buy into an index fund.

>> No.8010245

man I'm from Florida and it fucking sucks, most places are still a shithole but rent prices have nearly doubled in the last 5 years. There's so much tourist pandering shit as well even though the only thing my area has to offer is football. I'm going to get out in the next few years since there's no way I'm paying a premium to live in Florida.

>> No.8010291

theyre just like crypto currencies: no inherent worth but theyre good to trade with and make money off of