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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8005837 [Reply] [Original]

>grew up playing retro games because they were cheap
>get addicted to drugs and sell all games
>get off drugs, no games

Help /vr/, tell me why I don’t need original hardware. The only systems I care enough to not emulate are nes, Genesis, snes, and gameboy via super gameboy.

Convince me how a raspberry pie is better than buying a tv and spending a couple grand on this shit? I’m broke af and if I ever want to get a real life I don’t have money for this shit. Nor do I have the room for a bulky ass crt

How do I make a raspberry pi feel more like the original console? What controllers should I use that are best? How do I fix the color changes etc

>> No.8005846
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>reddit spacing
>Muh OG feel

>> No.8005856

Once you're immersed in a game, it doesn't matter what you're playing it on.

>> No.8005867

Okay, how do I do cell shading so the colors don’t bleed, crt filters, and what controllers don’t suck?

>> No.8005876

If you're broke don't invest in original hardware. Are you dumb? Did your parents not teach you to avoid reckless spending habits?
Original hardware is great and all, but emulation for anything before 5th gen is 99% accurate. I understand the desire for the OG feel, but it really isn't that necessary to really enjoy these games. But if you want a cheaper option, you can just get a CRT for free (check the marketplace or craigslist) and hook an old PC loaded with emulators up to it, order some cheep controller adaptors and an original snes/nes/genesis/whatever controller.
>retarded anime poster
>/v/ crossboarder

>> No.8005881

I don’t even want to get the crt. There is crt filters and cell shading shit you can do and I can’t figure out how to do it, that will make it look like the original hardware.

The 8bitdo controllers look good, but I’m wondering if they lag or if their is better options?

>> No.8005887
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you're a fucking stooge, if anything is /v/ermind it's the massive influx of nintendrones. Anime reaction images have been here since the beginning.

>> No.8005926

CRT filters can look good. They get some flack by anons around here but of course you aren't going to make an LCD tv look exactly like the phosphor glow of a tube tv. I don't have much experience setting them up though, you might wanna either look up some stuff on youtube or wait for a filter thread to pop up on here.
As for the controllers, 8bitdo I've heard is a hit or miss company. My uncle has an SN30 and it feels pretty good to me for the little time I've used it (build quality feels better than an official snes controller in my opinion) but I've heard that it has a problem with accidentally hitting diagonals due to a design flaw. This can be fixed however by opening up the controller and putting some tape on the contacts.
The SN30 pro+ is the one with prongs that I actually own and it feels pretty good, and they've supposedly fixed the fucked up diagonals. I haven't had a problem with lag either. A DS4 controller is pretty good too, just don't forget to plug it in to charge after a play session because that thing's battery life is pretty bad. But again if you want a more authentic experience you can't go wrong with an original controller and an adaptor.

>> No.8005931

if you're gonna sell your childhood memories put it in your saving account ya fucking junkies

>> No.8005938

Thanks for the info, especially about the sn30 pro+. Have you tried the arcade controller and how does it work with

>> No.8005946

I went to see tipper instead

>> No.8006001

I’m still getting an snes and like all the classics with a little 13 inch crt though. I don’t care what anyone says, this is one you can’t emulate. Super gameboy too

>> No.8006071

Buy a PC and hook it up to your TV and emulate. Don't buy a pi for emulation.

>> No.8006309

Buy a retroid pocket 2 and add your roms to it. It also has a hdmi out which is nice

>> No.8006324

fpbp, op sounds like a huge faggot

>> No.8006417

You sound poverty level, get a Wii and hack it. Your excuse for not getting a CRT is weak, stop being a bitch.

>> No.8007036

>cries about muh nintendrones just because the OP had a snes in the image
Yeah you're a consolewarring retard. Go back.

>> No.8007985

Buy original hardware, a crt, and Chinese flash carts. It's not even that much money.

>> No.8008031

Original hardware + flash cart/mod is the way to go.

>> No.8008493

Get a mister instead, its not that much more expensive that a raspberry pi for the whole setup once you get all the controllers and cables.
A 14 crt doesn't take up much space.

I can only play retro games in a pretty small window on my big screen or else they just look too blocky and undetailed.

>> No.8009256

Sega System

>> No.8009267

get a wii and get the nes and snes mini controllers (they'll plug into the wiimote), under $100 and you can play all the best 8 and 16 bit stuff you want
original hardware is nice but it's not essential

>> No.8009332
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you've never done a bag in your life and just use an emulator on a PC.

>> No.8009907

Just get original controller to usb converters, and emulate on PC.