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File: 103 KB, 220x300, 220px-Castlevania_1_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8003002 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this considered good? The combat is terrible. The movement is terrible. The enemies are uninteresting. Bosses are basically unavoidable without items.

>> No.8003035
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>> No.8003038

Sounds like you're just butt hurt because you can't get anywhere in the game, anon..

>> No.8003109


>> No.8003154

CV1 is basically training wheels for the real shit, CV3 USA. I can't even imagine how much it would filter you if CV1 did you in like that.

>> No.8003167

Yeah it's bad. Lots of cheap deaths due to the shitty controls and improving only happens by memorizing enemy spawn points

>> No.8003171

Dunno about the combat and enemies but movement is really atrocious, you fall like a brick. Other than that, it's a solid game that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Learn to use special weapons n stuff, they can be actually helpful

>> No.8003172

>bosses are basically unavoidable without items
bosses are basically unavoidable because they're a part of the game and you need to beat them to progress

>> No.8003178
File: 1.66 MB, 800x450, BREAKING NEWS local OP can't stop sucking dicks, for just 10 cents a day you too can help complete babies like him learn to git gud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. OP's either baiting for attention, or trying to get people to talk about Castlevania. Or maybe he's just that much of a salty bitch boy. If that's the case he'd shit himself sideways at the sight of CV3

>> No.8003180

>you fall like a brick
Yeah, and?

>> No.8003193

It's basically a rhythm game. You learn to move at a constant rate, whip only what needs whipping and pause only when you have to. Your character doesn't have the range of motion or attack radius to be dealing with bad patterns or a swarm so you can't dawdle. Like the hardcore shmups some people like, if you don't want to memorise patterns, it's not the game for you. Don't ask people who DO like learn to play a perfect game to accept a nerf to keep you happy.

>> No.8003230

All the replies are using the same conclusion "you don't like it because you think it's too hard". The fact is that Castlevania is objectively boring and uninteresting in terms of design. There are hard 2D games like Zelda II and Battletoads which had far more witty design and appeal while still retaining challenge. The fact that Castlevania fans can't muster up any reasons why the game is good, beyond some boring self-congratulatory "it takes memorization" proves that it is in fact a very boring game.

>> No.8003578

The design is what makes it good

The gameplay could be improved maybe

I'm not complaining because it's up there for best game on that system and that system has enough bad games. That's not one of those

>> No.8003583

>The fact is that Castlevania is objectively boring and uninteresting in terms of design.
You don't know what objectively means, better find a different word.

>> No.8003896

>cast blue spheres as Sypha
>game over

CV1 doesn't have out of jail free cards that work against everything

>> No.8003909

I wouldn't know, I never do Sypha runs. I always take Grant because he's fun

>> No.8003915

And it sucks for a platformer. Try to prove the opposite.

>> No.8003920

Casltevania isn't a platformer. It's an hybrid action game where combat is the main focus, which is why the level design are literal straightlines and that's okay because nobody complains about level design in a belt scroller. The platforming is minimal and secondary.

>> No.8003950

> Castlevania[a] is a platform game developed and published by Konami
> Genre: Platform
> has moving platforms

Yeah, right.
Still, I'd prefer a better controls in my hybrid action game. Simon just feels too heavy, even heavier than Mega Man in his game. That could be improved.

>> No.8003952

>memorise patterns
>memorizing enemy spawn points

You guys talk like this is Caca Man, this is a fucking Konami classic for Nintendo, there's not much to memorize, just understand what your enemies do.

>> No.8003970
File: 354 KB, 9920x2096, bwMeaRQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were there, you'd know that people called everything up to Contra "platformers" back then. The mentality was
>is there a character you control?
>is it sidescrolling?
Yes -->
>it's a platformer

It's probably the same reason why everything and its mother was called "survival horror" in the late 90's, up to jRPGs like Parasite Eve or gun shooting games like House Of The Dead. One, when a genre is vastly popular, marketing wants to fit in; and platformers were THE number one genre on consoles back then. Two, people are retarded when it comes to video game genre defining.

Now if you can't think for yourself and see the difference between between Castlevania and Super Mario Bros, I can't help you. As I said the level design is all literal straight lines, in stage 1-1 there is literally two mandatory jumps over pits, the two behind the exact same one jump back to back. If it was a platformer, the first stage would teach you all kinds of jumps from the first room in.

In CV it's there, but it's minimal and secondary. The chore of the game is action that is closer to Splatterhouse or even Kung Fu. The game is all about enemy patterns and dealing with them with a limited moveset.

This remained so in the entire classic series, the most obvious behind the X68000 game and Dracula XX on SNES. People shit on the level design in the later complaining about "straight lines", because it is trendy and hip to shit on that game, but DXX is the title that is probably the closest to CV1 in that regard.

>> No.8003983

It's not at all a bad game but I'm surprised so many people think it's, like, the best of the series. I know, nostalgia/"it's classic!"/etc., maybe I'd feel differently if I'd been playing it nonstop since the '80s but I haven't been so I don't.

I think even when it comes to just the NES Castlevanias, III is better.

>> No.8004004

>game that doesn't take itself too seriously

Yeah, gotta love all the self-referential metahumor in CV1...

>> No.8004124

>All the replies are using the same conclusion "you don't like it because you think it's too hard".

Because OP is wrong and that's the logical conclusion anyone would make who was actually half decent at the game.

>There are hard 2D games like Zelda II

Not hard.

>and Battletoads

Not designed well.

>boring self-congratulatory "it takes memorization"

That's literally only one reply. Two others gave suggestions on how to improve that didn't say anything about memorization. You're either OP or just as big a bitch as OP.

>> No.8004129

>The fact is

Here a few more words for you: evidence, verity, truth, unbiased.

Apparently if you stick enough of them into the same sentence it makes your opinion not an opinion.

>> No.8004162


You mean the game set in a medieval castle where you fight classic movie monsters like Frankenstein, Fishmen, Dracula and the Grim Reaper (real uninteresting enemies there) while dodging medusa heads, using a variety of weapons wisely and can only truly be beaten once you learn from your mistakes to become very skilled?

Sure thing OP.

>> No.8004319

i hate them flying jellyfish so much

>> No.8004431

I already beat the game. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.8004447

Within the time it was created it was amazing. Just like Citizen Kane is boring horse shit today but back when it was made it was revolutionary.

>> No.8004450

it's a masterpiece in limitation

>> No.8004730

>blah blah blah
shut the fuck up /v/nigger

>> No.8004739

Those are medusa heads you donut.

>> No.8004939


>> No.8004972
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>> No.8005029

Stop judging a game because it's different than the genre you think it belongs in. All that matters is that the design of the game is cohesive and well thought out. In the case of Castlevania 1, it absolutely is and the game is designed around Simon being heavy and getting knocked back. If you allowed Simon to jump all over the place and do whatever he wanted the game would suddenly fucking suck.

>> No.8005141

Maybe you don't play the fucking game right, OP

>> No.8005149

I like old Castlevanias. 1 and 3 are amazing. Yeah, they're tough but they're very rewarding because of the challenge.

I got Rondo Of Blood working emulated on Wii Virtual Console for Dolphin. Game is fantastic. Kinda stuck as hell on the Shaft ghost fight, though.

I mean, I kind of like these games better than Symphony. Why was that game so... easy... Shame really. Some of the boss fights were just grossly unchallenging, they did no damage and died in like 5 hits or some shit. I remember laughing out loud at how unbalanced it is.

>> No.8005158

cv1 is hard, but a great game. I've beaten it, though it took practice.
sadly, OP is a filtered pleb.

>> No.8005210

>people had to memorize enemy spawn points
>in castlevania 1
Why? Most of the enemies are simple, even the section with the Axe Knights and Medusa heads doesn't need much effort since standing while whipping will destroy the thrown axes whether they're thrown up or down, and you can avoid Medusa heads if you miss your first swing.

>> No.8005249
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Kek, reminded me of the autist who couldn't complete this section with and without a watch.

>> No.8005273

Not once did I consider to stand between two blocks like that. I'm a fucking dumbass, and also grateful for arming me with this knowledge.

>> No.8005324

No problem dude, just watch out for the bats spawning couple seconds or so. Once you get one out the way, you can activate the watch before you get to the Bone Pillar and he won't activate for a bit. Top that off with each hit of your whip and he'll never get a chance to hit even after the watch runs out.

>> No.8005429

cool take dude, you've totally made me reassess and hate this game. got any other good opinions?

>> No.8005510

OP is a faggot who should stick to modern games that cup your bulls throughout the entire shitfest

>> No.8005521

>I got Rondo Of Blood working emulated on Wii Virtual Console for Dolphin. Game is fantastic. Kinda stuck as hell on the Shaft ghost fight, though.
That's one of the easiest fights even without subweapons, just stay to the left or right when the dragon appears and jump over the dumbass behemoth.

>> No.8005528


Yeah I didn't know it either. I don't clearly remember that part... I probably either took a hit or two, or just used the cross to destroy the bone pillar early. I guess. (Or if I had Alucard, or maybe Grant, then I might have snuck past without fighting.)

It's a generally hard game, but I don't remember any specific part of it that's far harder than the rest. And Castlevania 1 is even easier (with the possible exception of the Death fight I guess). Too many people are just really bad at side-scrolling action games, apparently.

>> No.8005747

it's cv1

>> No.8005783

I just jump through the boner pillar and heal with the chicken in the next room, fuck this shit.

>> No.8005793

That clip isn't from CV1. I suffered through it very recently

>> No.8005920

>but I don't remember any specific part of it that's far harder than the rest
I thought stage 9 was pretty brutal, mainly the staircase part with the flying gargoyles. It's not unreasonably hard though (though I've only played the Famicom version). Castlevania X68000 however, now that one's crazy. Everything does 1/4 damage as early as block 4 of 8 in that one. It's a ton of fun regardless.

>> No.8005949

I would say "stop defending obviously shitty game designer decisions just because it's a NES classic" but it's meaningless.

People will defend their childhood games no matter what. I am no exception, just not in this case. Castlevania was only a minor part of my childhood, because I played Bram Stoker's Dracula. By the way, that game had better controls.

>> No.8005956



>> No.8005978

If I didn't like Castlevania 1, is it worth playing Castlevania 3 or any of the others?

>> No.8005997

Yes. Either play Akumajou Dracula X68000 which is a remake/reimagining of the first game or the original PC-engine version of Rondo of Blood which is easily the most refined classicvania, and it even has an unlockable loli who's extremely fun to play as due to how broken she is. Finally you can try Super Castlevania IV which is the most casual of the classic games, with your super competent omni directional whip which just about snipes everything from any position.

>> No.8006000

I don't know about 3, because while I like it better than 1, it's basically "CV1 but harder and with extra characters."

But there are definitely other games in the series you might like better, ex. the Metroidvanias like SOTN/Aria or some of the later platformers like Rondo of Blood. CV1 is pretty simplistic and the following games can be really drastically different.

I think the GB games kind of suck, though, but they're also not the first thing most people think of when they hear Castlevania.

>> No.8006024

Thanks, guess I'll give the series another chance then

>> No.8006026
File: 269 KB, 1000x1515, 1604776177210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did it become cool to hate on Castlevania games?

>> No.8006212

>I think the GB games kind of suck
I thought 2 was pretty good. At least until you get to the final boss, which is basically just a drawn out memory game.

>> No.8006232

Yeah, that's exactly the part that really brought my opinion on the overall game down. Wasn't big on Soleil's boss fight either.

Up until those two the game is actually pretty okay, especially compared to Adventure, but by the end I just wanted it to be done.

>> No.8006353

Soleil is a bit easier in the Japanese version where there's a cross subweapon in place of the axe, but that doesn't help with Dracula unfortunately.

>> No.8006430

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.8007117

Castlevania 4 is the superior version of this game.

>> No.8008080

Do you mind explaining why you feel this way?

>> No.8010247

Castlevania X68000 is the superiour version of Castlevania Snore.

>> No.8011194

I've never beat Castlevania, but I try for a few hours every couple of months. Are 2 and 3 harder?
I've beaten the GBA and DS games but I don't feel like those "count" since they play completely different compared to 1.

>> No.8011201

there wasnt anything like it before it?

>> No.8011208

II is better than both. Faggot.

>> No.8011215

2 is easy as fuck if you know about the meme crystal shit. The difficulty doesn't really scale so that once you've gone through the first mansion, in terms of challenge you've already pretty much gone through them all.

3 is definitely harder than 1 and a few levels longer, but not to a really outrageous extent.

>> No.8011225

>2 is easy as fuck if you know about the meme crystal shit.
Is this considered "cheating"? I'd rather not do that if it's not how the developers intended the game to be played.
>3 is definitely harder than 1
Fuck I hate being a scrub.

>> No.8011229

If you don't already know it and look it up, I guess that'd be "cheating." If you already know it just through osmosis, though, then I'd say it isn't-- it's just the literal way you're supposed to get through the game.

Like I already knew about that stuff years before I ever attempted to play it just through seeing people complain about it online, so there was no way to beat the game without "cheating" in that scenario short of giving myself brain damage to forget about it.

I think the switching characters gimmick in 3 sort of helps with the difficulty.

>> No.8011232

Also since I forgot to say it: I think the developers intended people to use a guide or learn about it from a friend or something. It's not like the way you're supposed to use the crystals is a cheat in-game; it's something overly cryptic that's required to progress.

>> No.8011240

Was just thrown off by the word "meme", didn't know what exactly was meant. If it's something you encounter normally in the play through, hidden or not, I don't care. I just don't want super power invincibility bullshit..

>> No.8011251

>super power invincibility bullshit
No, not at all. I meant that it's kind of a meme among people who've played it due to how obscure some of the stuff you have to do to get to certain areas is.

It's not that that changes the difficulty of the rest of the game though; like even without that aspect the enemies and the dungeons are ridiculously easy compared to a typical Castlevania level. Despite the open-world aspect, the layout of both the mansions and the overworld are all really straightforward. It's just that the crystal stuff is the only thing that'd really slow you down on a blind playthrough.

>> No.8011706

Castlevania 1 is pretty much the only NES game I consider myself "good" at besides RPG's and possibly Mario 2 (USA)/3.

I still can't beat Dracula, but I get to him pretty quickly from a fresh start and can basically plow through 99% of the game with holy water.

You really do just need to know enemy movement patterns. BTW, if you just keep walking straight medusas will swing right over you in CV1. Not the case in CV3.

When people say "shitty controls" I hear "you can't control your velocity after you start a jump." Which is how jumping works in real life.

>> No.8011708

I could get to dracula when I was 14, so yeah OP has to be 10 or something

>> No.8011714

That and the floors you can fall through fucking everywhere. So you basically just have to have the holy water on a turbo button.

>> No.8011748

Dracula in the first game is pretty easy, I beat him with the 10 or so hearts you get in his room plus the cross, it's probably even easier if you farm for more and/or have holy water. Just get close enough to him that you can jump over the fireballs and make sure you can survive one, just one portion of contact damage with his second form (which is extremely susceptible to the cross, obviously) because his short and high jumps are insanely hard to guess.

>> No.8011786

You are hilarious, in that your tastes are so astoundingly bad that you are beyond help.

>> No.8011808

This is awful tho. It's immersion-destroying. Like, Belmonts are selectively bred, highly trained demon hunters, and yet they are completely cucked by 8-bit game physics.
Let's be real here, NES Castlevania is anachronistic and needlessly punishing. Completely eclipsed by Dark Souls.

>> No.8011814

this is either trolling or a really bad opinion

>> No.8011818

>Why is this considered good?
Castlevania games are rubbish. All of them.

>> No.8011820

another brainlet

>> No.8011823

i'm definitely trying to trigger some folks.

>> No.8011842

Keep pretending Castlevania games are somehow good you fucking faggot.

>> No.8011853

the Dark Souls bit leads me to a conclusion of trolling.

Lol, not even worth debating

>> No.8011889

Its over. Kids these days can see with their own eyes how shit castlevania games really were. You fooled everybody long enough. You are done faggot.

>> No.8011903

I mean it tho. Maybe you should l2gaming.

>> No.8011906

talking to yourself again i see

>> No.8011920
File: 489 KB, 1024x736, arthur-gng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like how Resident Evil is better than Silent Hill, Ghosts 'n Goblins games were always better than the Castlevanias.

>> No.8011926


>> No.8011928

super over it. you will never be captain america

>> No.8011932

GnG is one of those series people only like due to its difficulty. Remove that and watch as gameplay, level design, etc. fall to scrutiny just as much as Castlevania and many others.

>> No.8011961

The first Silent Hill is much more impressive than the first Resident Evil. I think Resident Evil is a more tightly designed game, but Silent Hill's presentation is stellar. There's something to love about both and to compare them in your binary way seems retarded.
But when it comes to Ghosts 'n Goblins vs Castlevania, you're just wrong.

>> No.8011963

lol you fucking wish, not only is Silent Hill vastly superior to Resident Evil, so is Castlevania to Ghosts 'n Goblins.

>> No.8012046

>Silent Hill vastly superior to Resident Evil
Yeah, with its awkward animations, its beautiful mud textures, and the clunky combat. And then nothing memorable really happens from start to finish. Thank god konami stopped making games after four eyes left them.

>> No.8012134

Imagine getting filtered this hard.

>> No.8012535

>game that doesn't take itself too seriously

Aha, and how have you made that observation?

>> No.8013237


>> No.8013246

god forbid people actually discuss video games with actual arguments

Goddamn summer

>> No.8013339

The controls are better. So when you fuck up its on you and not the jank controls holding you back.

>> No.8013347

I'd say it's less better and that it's different. The original trilogy was designed around that, all intentional.
Same thing for Castlevania IV, they went with air control for that game and designed everything around that.

>> No.8013350


>> No.8014245

So you can't handle the challenge of mastering the controls?

>> No.8015456

Your brain is rotten from modern standardization. Take the game as a whole, it's not cut into sections of combat, movement etc, it's a fluent construct. It's a fun platformer.