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/vr/ - Retro Games

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799834 No.799834 [Reply] [Original]

What are some things about Ocarina of Time that were done right?

>> No.799835

Most of the things besides Navi and that fuckass owl.

>> No.799838

Having an uninteresting overworld, casual mode autoaim targeting system, and a lack of side-quests.

>> No.799842

>implying that playing without the z targeting wouldn't have been tedious and annoying

>> No.799847
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>> No.799845

Pretty much everything that isn't Navi.

It's a great game and a great zelda game. I don't like how /vr/ dumps on it in order to appear more well versed in game design.

>> No.799848

They hadn't until recently. It's just summer.

>> No.799857
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I do this every fucking time in every game there's an unnecessarily windy dialogue.

>> No.799858


It's a fantastic Zelda game. Not my favorite, but they can't all be Zelda 2.

And when the fuck did we decide it had a boring overworld? It was one of the most fucking amazing things I had ever seen when I first played it.

>> No.799859

If anything, it's a holistic product where relatively few parts suffer in relation to others. Cue the greatest-game-of-all-time awards!

>> No.799860

Nearly everything Ocarina of Time did right was lifted straight from A Link to the Past.

>> No.799861


>kiddywinks can't into reading

>> No.799867


Nearly everything ALTTP did right was lifted from the original Zelda.

You can play that game back to the genesis of gaming.

>> No.799961

No, /vr/ has had some pretty negative things to say about OOT for a long time, now. That's not to say it's a shit game or anything, it's just kinda dull compared to really great adventure games (Climax games, Link's Awakening, Zelda II). But it's a Nintendo game, and it has that polish, and those great thematic elements, and it's fun. It just doesn't have the same kind of level design that defines other, better adventure games.

>> No.799982
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Pretty much everything was done right.

Am I the only one who liked the owl?

>> No.799990

Almost everything. The only bad thing was the empty Field, The Water Temple, and the 1/4 damage.

>> No.799995
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>> No.800091
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/vr summer-fags have realized egoraptor is going to rip on it in his next sequelitis, and they all want to appear as 'ahead of the curve' as him, you know that guy, who's never actually worked in the industry. If you've listened to his design commentary on game-grumps you quickly figure out he's just gay for retro ultra-simplistic games, and doesn't really get involved in RPGs.

Don't go thinking I'm a hater, some of his shit's pretty funny and his Castlevania sequelitis was fairly insightful, but he has a pretty obvious bias for retro shit, and tends to judge games that simply haven't aged well (compared to newer games) way too harshly.

Never understood people's problem with the water temple, just like the Eagle tower from links awakening, people seem to freak out if some of the puzzles require you to move up and down throughout the stage.

I also don't understand people ripping on the level design, it's hardly avant-garde but it wasn't bad. If you found it too easy do remember that the game is designed essentially for kids.

Back on topic- Godamn loved the Gerudo fortress and subsequent temple, that whole last leg of the game actually... pure gold.

>> No.800097


It was kind of neat seeing him in the cutscene after you learned Requiem of Spirit

>> No.800107

>And when the fuck did we decide it had a boring overworld?

only Alttp fags have a problem with the overworld for some reason. They think it has to be littered with enemies that you just end up ignoring and running past is the definition of a great overworl

>> No.800118

using creepy atmosphere and horror themes, making the dungeons actually interesting to explore.

>> No.800138

nearly everything.

>> No.800158

The Forest Temple is my favorite dungeon.

>Link hears Saria's cry for help
>When he gets there, Saria is gone
>Shiek explains that time doesn't stand still no matter how much we want it to
>Scary ass dungeon with a ghost/death motif
>Finally defeat scary boss
>Even though Saria is gone, she will always be your friend

It's its own tiny little story about how Link is growing up. It's very subtle and sincere. Favorite /vr/ game scene.

>> No.800178 [DELETED] 

meme xd

>> No.800184

>but they can't all be Zelda 2.
thank goodness

>> No.800190

>Nearly everything ALTTP did right was lifted from the original Zelda.
This is a sad lie and you know it, unless you actually believe it but that would make you just dumb.
ALttP improved the original Zelda mechanics so much is ridiculous.

>> No.800189
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suddenly link centaur

>> No.800195

OoT is one of the few 3d games from that era that is actually perfectly playable and also really good even for today standards.

>> No.800198

The music and the courtyard area are super neat.

>> No.800204

>What are some things about Ocarina of Time that were done right?

Z-Targeting. In fact, just the overall gameplay is really good.

The cameras worked really well. This is something people might take for granted now, but in its day, most 3D games suffered from horrendous camera angles. Zelda 64 managed to avoid this for the most part.

The game creates a really good atmosphere. The first part is really lighthearted and cheerful because you're still a kid, and then you grow up and everything is dark and grim (or as grim as a Nintendo game gets). The game is pretty good about establishing its characters and getting you to care about those characters by the time bad stuff happens to them.

The dungeons were well built. Water Temple really wasn't that bad. My first time through, I missed a switch and had a time finding it, but even then, I knew what was going on and what I needed to do. There was a logic to it and it was understandable.

The game had a ton of sidequest minigame stuff, but didn't beat you over the head with it. It never really interrupted the game for me like other minigames do. It was always just you playing Zelda 64, and not some slapped on card game.

I think the only thing I didn't care for was how it ended. It just kind of reminded me of Return of the Jedi's Yub Nub, only not quite as good. Not my favorite game in the series, but certainly a wonderful game.

>> No.800207

No, Zelda 64 has always had a group of people who didn't like it, and who were vocal about it. It's not this new thing. Even when the game was released, people would talk about what they hated about the game.

The only thing that changed is how idiots like you dismiss those arguments. Used to be, you morons would call them Sony fanboys. Now they're summerfags?

Well, the whole summer thing is bogus, this site never gets an increase of traffic over the summer, so why don't you take your shitty, uninformed opinions and take them to a site where some other douchebags can upvote them or thumb them or whatever, because they aren't welcome here. Go get your asshole thumbed.

>> No.800212
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Sure is defensive in here. Quit being a weeping vagina and hide the posts if it really bothers you that much.

>> No.800214

The quality of posts really does get worse in the summer. I frequent /a/ and I feel it hard.

>> No.800217

>implying he'll release the next sequelitis at all

>> No.800543

Well, I've written negative stuff about OOT and I only know of Egoraptor because of those shitty threads about gamegrumps.

It's just that people on the internet get defensive and stupid when you criticize something they like, especially when that thing achieves sacred cow status. And that's a big part of the problem, because people would like to think of OOT as video game's Mary Poppins so they build up this crazy level of esteem for the game but... It ain't no Mary Poppins.

>> No.800594

I feel you.

On-topic, I still enjoy a lot of the level design in OoT. The progression through the childhood levels really prepares the novice player for what's coming, without feeling like a tutorial section of the game (I'm thinking of you, Fable series)

>> No.800605
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Why didn't they keep the original design

>> No.800613

the gyroscop-


>> No.800629
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Music, Story and Atmosphere

If the world had been filled with monsters and any actual challenge had been present it would have been a great game

>> No.800676

OoT would probably catch a lot less shit if faggots weren't squawking about it being OMG GREATEST GAME EVER MADE all the time.

>> No.800829
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>Horse part facing forward
>Link part twisting around from the side

Jesus christ, what a monster.

>> No.801141


those bastards

>> No.801152


>implying it's not

>> No.801164

Everything but the damn field was almost perfect. Stalchild attacks aside the only thing to worry about was the giant pineapple monsters located at the extreme sides of the field

>> No.801216

Most things. It's a really good game that gets unfairly ripped on because it's popular.

>> No.801230

while it is definitely not my favourite zelda game anyone who thinks this game had more bad than good in it is either a fucking moron or someone trying too hard to fit in

>> No.801245

This is a sad lie and you know it, unless you actually believe it but that would make you just dumb.

Zelda was a better game than ALLTP - so much better that it is ridiculous

>> No.801287

Now days everyone squawks about Majora's Mask or Wind Waker being OMG GREATEST GAME EVER MADE though, and OoT just gets "SHIT GAME MM/WW/WHATEVER WAS BETTER SO OVERRATED!"

OoT is arguable underrated now.

>> No.801317

it's not /vr/ that dumps on it, it's /v/

>> No.801347


>it ain't no mary poppins

You are so fucking stupid. Nobody's saying it's perfect, but taken in the context of its time and place, it's an inviolable classic.

>> No.801376

I don't think that's being fair to the game.

Firstly, it DOES have side quests. Pieces of heart to collect, the golden spiders, the biggeron sword trade sequence, the minigames, the bottle quests, and the music games in the Lost Woods.

With the overworld, we get into a series of my opinion versus your opinion. Growing up, I felt like Hyrule field wasn't big and empty. Because, you know. It's a field. It's supposed to look like that. Looking at it now, there is some obviously under-utilized space. But when you go to an area like that in a Zelda game, you know there are going to be secrets. Given the size limitations of the N64 though, I think it's cool that we at least got a huge field so that Hyrule didn't seem like a tiny, tiny place.

Z Targetting was great for mixing Link's ranged weapons in with melee combat. It makes for a more dynamic gameplay experience and allows the player to mix up their tactics instead of mashing the B button.

This is obviously a troll thread (worded in such a way to imply that OoT did a majority of its "things" wrongly). Can we talk about some things it didn't do right?

I wish some of the NPCs were more fleshed out. It's almost there, but I wished there was more interconnectedness with their lives so that Market/Village felt more like a community and less like a collection of isolated personalities. It would add to the shock and lifeless-ness of Hyrule Village in the adult timeline and flesh out some of the conflict between the new residents of Kakriko and the old. Which could have been another thing to add. Would have been great to see the old residents of Kakriko upset with their town being taken over by outsiders.

>> No.801398


>wished some of the NPCs were more fleshed out

Needed more Malon

>> No.801404

I don't even get the complaint about lack of sidequests to begin with. I mean how many were there in LttP? In LA? Why does a lack of sidequests in favor of collectables and things to discover have to be a bad thing?

Seems like you can tell that anyone who complains about a lack of sidequests in a Zelda game got into Zelda through Majora's Mask or Wind Waker.

>> No.801407

Eh, I felt like Lon Lon was one of the best and most well fleshed out areas of the game.

Basically, if you took the NPC interactions and detail from MM and merged it with OoT's world, atmosphere, level design, etc, then you'd have the perfect N64 action/adventure game.

>> No.801423

For me personally, the number of sidequests in Majora's Mask makes me dislike it because it felt like a single-player MMO.

>> No.801438


MM was basically left over ideas

>> No.801449

To each their own. I feel like one of the problems with MMO style quest giving is that thje quests only seem to have a tertiary/arbitrary relevance to the NPC. "My livestock is being killed by these wolves, bring me back 25 wolves teeth!" Instead of asking to remove the pack leader, building a fence or whatever/ And then that's it. No investigation why a wolf pack moved in. In essence, you are treating symptoms so that, feasibly (after a quest-timer cooldown) the problem would crop back up again.

Most of MM's sidequests tied back to the central themes of forgiveness and acceptance in where the actions of your quests brought peace to a conflict in a tangible way that furthers the themes of the game and adds character to the world around you.

>> No.801457

>it aint no mary poppins
Motherfucker I will fight you

>> No.801468

Ish. Left over ideas from Zelda 64DD. If I recall the story correctly, the options available were 1) "Remix" OoT and make like a director's cut version of the game without a few of the key members of the dev team (I think notably, the dungeon designer) or 2) Make a new Zelda game for the regular 64 in under a year.

Obviously they're going to use some scrapped ideas. But looking at MM's cult following, it's obvious they weren't BAD ideas, just possibly ones that didn't fit in OoT.

I'm not saying I'd want things like the Couple's Mask Quest in OoT. But the level of detail in the lives of the NPCs and their interconnected relationships.

>> No.801479

If they did that, redid the graphics, and released it for Wii U, it'd probably be the best console Zelda game since MM, maybe WW.

>> No.801486

>If the world had been filled with monsters and any actual challenge had been present it would have been a great game
SO basically, Castlevania 64 is the better Zelda?

>> No.801523

>Now days everyone squawks about Majora's Mask or Wind Waker being OMG GREATEST GAME EVER MADE though
Well, they obviously aren't.

Part of the troika of best ZELDAS ever (With Link's Awakening), though? Yep.

>> No.801585


4chan arguably houses the biggest collection of hipsters on the planet. Everything popular gets shit on endlessly around here, even if it's popular for good reason. You can't even talk about the Metroid Prime games on /v/ anymore without the thread getting bombed by "HURR FPSKIDDY ENJOY UR HALO CLONE LOLZ" shitposts and the thread quickly swelling to 300 posts of frothing neckbeard rage over nothing.

>> No.801731


>> No.801760

That's not the point, asshole.

>> No.801820

on /sp/ the quality actually rises.

>> No.801834

I've never seen anyone actually doing that, but okay.

>> No.801846

When you think about it, Ocarina of Time implemented Z-targeting (lock on for single enemy) which is crucial in 3rd person action games, from devil may cry to demon's souls, most action games nowdays use it, it's just too convenient and practic.

I was reading the interview about the 3D remake, and they were commenting how they came up with it:
During the development, Aonuma, Miyamoto and co. were trying to look for new ideas on how to make 3D combat in Zelda good. They went to see a live theatre performance with swordplay, and the theatre group did something curious: a guy was surrounded by enemies, and the guy in the middle had a rope tied to his chest, the rope would have various other ropes or links to it, attached to the other performers, who were surrounding the main guy in the middle. They all attacked him one by one, and they did a sort of coreographed fight using this rope in between them.
Basically, this is what gave them the idea to implement it on the game.

Lock on has been improved since OOT, but even now it still feels good to use the Z-targeting on the game.

So yeah, I think this is the most crucial and important thing Zelda OOT has brought to the vidya.

>> No.801871

Don't forget that tapping the Z button re-centered the camera. This is the first game I can remember that did that. Then again, I was 8 when it came out so my memory might be a little fuzzy.

>> No.801874

I always tell friends who wanna try it to buy the 3DS version.

Don't get me wrong. OOT is one of the better games in the series, and it's a top 5 series to me, but the N64 graphics are ugly. Let's face it. The game back THEN was amazing looking, but it hasn't aged well. Though it's still great on the original console, the 3DS version added a few new things that made the game a better experience. (Especially being able to swap out the Iron boots on the fly in the Water Temple, instead of fucking around in the menu.)

I got my fingers crossed for a Majora's Mask remake.

>> No.801890
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You guys are kidding me, right? This game has been hailed far and wide as GOTYAY ever since it was released. EVERY other magazine, poll, critic, reviewer, fanboy, etc., has called this the Holy Grail of Zelda games. It's sort of like what happened with FF7-oh, wait...I get it. There are a bunch of teenagers in this thread. Carry on, I'm outta here.

@OP: OoT did exploration 99% perfectly. If Navi had flown into a magic Bug-Zapper after the first tutorial, I would sau 100%

>> No.801896

Mario 64

>> No.801918

The camera in Mario 64 sucks cock, though. So was OoT the first 3D game to implement a camera that wasn't terrible?

>> No.801937

In my opinion, Ocarina of Time does virtually everything right. It puts all of the other Zeldas -- particularly the 3D ones -- to shame and it's definitely my favorite in the series, as well as one of my favorite games in general.

The only misstep that I attribute to the game that isn't a result of age is the fact that the overworld isn't as dense as it should be, and there's quite a bit of space in Hyrule field that serves absolutely no purpose and offers no reward for exploring it. There are some other age-related issues, such as framerate, weird inconsistencies with grabbing ledges with the hookshot, combat comfort compared to the newer 3D games, and camera issues, but from a gameplay design standpoint, the game is basically flawless. There's so much to do but none of the activities repeat themselves, and all of the facets of the game's design work so well together that it's just a marvelous game to play, even today.

I understand people who are disappointed with it because they like the style of Zelda 1 (and AoL too, I guess) but I was personally not all that blown away by those games and I'll take the OoT way any day.

>> No.802001

wow could you be any madder?

>> No.802065

>there's quite a bit of space in Hyrule field that serves absolutely no purpose and offers no reward for exploring it

It is pretty empty, but there are things to be found. Random holes you gotta blow up and find......Big Poe hunting....thats all I got.

>> No.802124

I think that the game's pretty good, having only played it last summer. Still prefer Skyward Sword (inb4 casual scum accusations), but I definitely see why people hold it highly. Solid B/B+, in my opinion.

>> No.802136
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them feels

>> No.802137

OoT didn't have camera control...

>> No.802149

Tapping R would not recenter the camera behind you, it would switch to Mario mode which was a lot closer and more directly behind rather than at an angle.

>> No.802737


>> No.802768
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I play the game without Z-targeting. It makes several enemies who use similar AI pushovers. Stalfos, Lizafos, and Iron Knuckles are all far easier once you drop the crutch.

Barinade requires the use of the targeting to beat though.

>> No.802812

That really says a lot about /sp/

>> No.802840

No. He got on my nerves sometimes but I thought it was cool when he gave you a ride down Death Mountain.

>> No.802852

Sonyfags/summerfags are sensitive guys, be nice!

>> No.802859

The gyro on the 3ds was the Shit!

>> No.803770

>press A
>press B
>tfw when the text auto-advances to the end of the conversation
>press B for auto no

Ah B, best button in all of OOT

>> No.803787

>You aren't allowed to say anything bad about this unless you're X

>> No.805661


or about bandwagon sports fans who have no interest in the summer

>> No.805669


religion for $300 alex

>> No.806279

That's because alttp fans love the game for it's exploration and packed overworld. There's a lot to discover in it.
Hyrule field is very sparse and empty compared to it, only really having the poes, and the other areas are mostly linear and small. The main draw of the game is the dungeons.

It's just fans of two different play styles arguing with each other. Same deal as Mario 64 fans who shit on Mario Galaxy for not being open-world and Galaxy fans that fight back by saying 64 had shittier platforming.

>> No.806328
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One thing that I think people tend to overlook about OoT is the quality of its translation. I don't see this getting mentioned very often. A lot of people fell in love with OoT's story, myself included. It's adventurous and drives the gameplay. It's serious without being too melodramatic. The funny scenes are actually really funny and memorable, and the serious scenes actually make you feel like you care. Part of this sort of pathos the game creates comes from just having, in general, good storytelling sensibilities, but having a good script is a big part of that too. Having a shitty translation with awkward lines and stupidass melodrama can make serious scenes unintentionally humorous, and can make jokes fall flat. Final Fantasy VII came out just a year before OoT and has a lot of awkward mistranslations and typos like pic related that really take you out of the game.

Overall, I think N64 games were better localized than a lot of what the Playstation was getting.

>> No.806703
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what would it take to get a rom hack made that just adds content to hyrule field? Tons more trees coming out of the forest part, more enemies during the day, obstacles and building in the field and holes that lead to mini dungeons. Keep it horse accessible of course

Add it to master quest dungeons and 2x damage and its the perfect OoT

>> No.806730

Nothing. Everything in it was done better in MM.

>> No.806734

What does link wear under his tunic when he isn't wearing tights?

>> No.806745


The translation is actually shit because the text prints more than twice as slow as the Japanese. So fucking slow.

>> No.806748

Games still suffer from this problem. The text in PMD3 ruined the game for a lot of people but in the japanese version its practically a non-issue.

>> No.806747

The ground textures

>> No.806751

I always thought that was supposed to be a statue

>> No.806749

You mean Master Quest dungeons on top of the existing dungeons? Cuz that could be pretty sweet.

The one problem that exists to me with Hyrule Field is that filling it with enemies would just be a waste of effort. You can already get everything from the field by just spin attack on bush clusters/riding through them on horseback. Why would you ever bother to stop and fight the enemies?

>> No.806758

looks a little unoriginal to me

also this

>> No.806764

The owl was done better in Link's Awakening.


>> No.806802

No Kaepora Gaebora theme, no dice.

>> No.806825
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remove items from bushes. Im replaying MQ right now and I think a balance for items and ruppees would also improve the game. Finding bombs and arrows in bushes makes money useless. I want to need to use ruppees.

also remove endless ruppee tricks. makes ruppes only drop from enemies, and then you will want to fight them. the right obstacles to force the player off the horse mixed with the right enemies

essentially MQ hyrule field+ MQ dungeons difficulty x3 I would pay a few programmers a case of beer a week over paypall if they could get it done over a few weekends

>> No.806838

This. Practically everything was done right.
I loved that goddamn majestic bird.

>> No.806848

Wow, you're such a child, you're just repeating what he said, twice already, why don't you just go back to /v/?

And I fucking agree with you, but damn.

>> No.806851

Can I move the camera in the 3DS version with the circle pad pro?

>> No.806854

>hurr retro = Nintendo

>> No.806873


>> No.806881

I have to agree with this.
I love the game, but you really shouldn't be so whiny and defensive that you can't handle somebody disliking something you like. That's childish.
If they are giving solid reasons, just consider them against what you know and decide whether you can agree with it or not. Stop getting all butthurt because not everybody in the world loves something that you love.
The reactionary defensive shitposting is really unfitting to such a nice board.

>> No.806964

Navi and the owl were not a problem for me the first time I played. They were really helpful. Of course, now we all know the game like the back of our hands and they appear annoying. You got to put things in perspective, it was the beginning of 3D gaming for many of us and the designers tried not to make us feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the game

>> No.806998

No it doesn't. Football season is the only good time on /sp/

>> No.807006

I don't get how religion would be an obstacle for the first one? Angel wings maybe...so what?

>> No.807053

Nintendo has a very strict "No real life religious references rule", and has since the early N64 days.
That's why the Fire Temple chant was removed, because it was a part of an Islamic prayer.
Contrary to popular belief, there were never complaints about it. Nobody complained, nobody got pissed. People assumed that, just because Nintendo caught the real religious reference and removed it after the initial release.