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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 291 KB, 1453x1249, Nwsa32001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7997770 No.7997770 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy, and post cool stuff you find! :)

>> No.7997772

my bad forgot link

>> No.7997783

>Which of these EA titles for Nintendo GameCube are you most excited about?

>Madden NFL 2002
>SSX Snowboarding
>NBA Street Basketball

Well, /vr/?

>> No.7997804
File: 200 KB, 1390x1229, hghghedtvbbvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in aesthetic heaven

SSX for sure

>> No.7997809

>SSX Snowboarding

>> No.7997812

Out of those, SSX and NBA Street for sure. Both those games kicked ass. I feel like arcadey sports games sort of died off.

>> No.7997819
File: 159 KB, 1071x615, 1yrsawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 year later, games page

>> No.7997827


>> No.7997830


>> No.7997831

>banjo and joanna dark

it hurts

>> No.7997836
File: 787 KB, 600x849, Desolation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Golden Sun
God, was that a disappointing game....

>> No.7997838

It's more likely than you think. Check the OoT boxart (Japan) for more.

>> No.7997886

Just because it actually has gameplay doesn't mean it's not an rpg. RPGs don't have to be skill-free anime stories

>> No.7997920

I know you're just kidding, but the easy answer to people who say what you are saying is to ask them to define what they think an RPG is. Somehow RPG is a genre that encompasses nearly every game.

>> No.7997936

>The game that had to hide the Rareware shit due to the buyout
>Still promoting Rareware shit

>> No.7997963
File: 793 KB, 2048x852, Screenshot_20210801-224943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda is an RPG
People only say that because Zelda takes place in a medieval fantasy setting. Zelda is as much an RPG as , Mario 64 is an RPG, Pac-Man is an RPG, and Halo is an RPG. They literally only say that because of the fantasy setting. If Zelda took place in the future then nobody would call it an RPG

I would describe OoT as a 3rd person action adventure title with puzzle elements in a fantasy setting. Or just action adventure if you're looking for a more broad category.

Now, what is an RPG? That's a different topic. What constitutes an RPG is highly debated, but in my personal opinion, an RPG needs to have some kind of leveling system and the gameplay is largely stat based in character stats. Throughout the game the player should be able to meaningfully impact those stats.

>> No.7997965

this is my favorite pasta

>> No.7997968

Lmfao well, I wrote it originally. There's literally another thread about Zelda being an RPG that I just copied/pasted my own answer from.

>> No.7998025

I think a good addition to the "what is an RPG" question would be that an RPG should have a significant abstraction between the player's abilities and the character's abilities. A turn based game with dice rolls would be the extreme end of that; doesn't matter if the player has beaten the game multiple times, the character still has a 65% hit rate to hit the wolf enemy at his level. The player's skill comes from being able to assume that character's role and interacting with the world under those assumptions. Your mention of stats and meaningfully impacting those stats ties into that.

>> No.7998032

God I remember when GBC DW3 came out. So much fucking soul.

>> No.7998040

These fags thought they'd put Mother in the GBC due to this and SMBDX

>> No.7998048

>four niggas in a row
>one nigga walking

>> No.7998050

Dragon Quest 1 is action/adventure?

>> No.7998058

Dragon Quest 1 is not a good game so I don't care what you call it. Incidentally the first good DQ game is the first with the 4 niggas in a row

>> No.7998352 [DELETED] 

I always thought it was Roll (as in roll a dice like in D&D) Playing Game.

>> No.7998354

I always thought it was Roll (as in roll a dice like in D&D) Playing Game.

>> No.7998476

>skill-free anime stories
well at least Zelda fits the bill, I guess it's a RPG then

>> No.7998494
File: 419 KB, 1423x1726, Screenshot_2021-08-02 ポケットモンスター青.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their jp site still has a bunch of old pages up.

>> No.7998528

none of them. they're all trash.
> schizo word salad
never change, /vr/.
of course. it's the superior nintendo site. they have quite extensive archives.

>> No.7998536

I miss when websites looked like this and didn't all use the same third party software

>> No.7998541

you can blame talentless webdevs for being so dangerously incompetent, lazy and got their education from people that literally shit in the street, then these same failures of life then seriously wonder:
> b.but.. how did my website get hacked?
> i only have hundreds of external dependencies i have no control over. how was this possible?
the absolute state of webdev is hilariously bad.

>> No.7998646

I once worked at a 4 man Internet web creation box. The programmers handled the hosting and everything, it was a fucking disaster and one single bad intrusion could destroy 20+ sites, which was hosted under a single hosts
As you guessed, all of it was in Wordpress and they often used 3 years old not updated plug-ins and then wonder why shit would get exploited
But I digress. I love those web 1.0 websites, they're still super lovely today and I miss that comfy old design. It seems that Japan still makes websites like these. Security? Or just sheer tradition?

>> No.7998702

Going to load this up on my Win98 machine and post results later.

>> No.7998716

>It seems that Japan still makes websites like these. Security? Or just sheer tradition?
Japanese companies are well known for being run by old men with "don't fix it if it's not broke" attitudes. Which is surprisingly refreshing in today's day and age.

>> No.8000117

Blessed bump

>> No.8000693


>> No.8000810

Being born with 90s stuff surrounding you and growing up into this was the best possible childhood you could have, prove me wrong. All of it was golden era CRT gaming.

>> No.8000848

>prove me wrong
I can't

>> No.8001204

I remember this layout!

I... goddamn, I actually remember older layouts than this. I remember going to the site in late 1997 and being shocked at seeing a new Super NES game released, Kirby's Dreamland 3. I want to go back...

>> No.8001695
File: 1.02 MB, 4032x2268, Nintendo Website 2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001743

decent bait, made me reply

>> No.8001746


>> No.8001747


>> No.8001772

A lot of people were hoping for more NES ports on GBC. Would've been fun to see even if they wouldn't have aged well. The GBA ports were also bad but in the GBC era it would've been more excusable, and had actual effort like SMBDX.

>> No.8001863

born in 84

can confirm

Was awesome. Major feels

>> No.8002406

I'm talking 94. You were born into 8bit stuff and grew into the 32 bits. Your peak nostalgic moments aren't the transition from N64 to GC, from GBC to GBA

>> No.8002473

You're right. I do remember the SNES launch. What a great time.

>> No.8002496

May not be bait. Some genXers and early millennials didn't like it, dunno why.

>> No.8002502

Because it's literally designed to be babby's first JRPG.

>> No.8002637

op site was mostly php right?

>> No.8002668

Reminds me of

>> No.8002678

anyone else a big user of Nintendo's Nsider forums? sages, noa_shawn, pickles, camp hyrule.... i even first learned about 4chan from a nintendo nsider unofficial irc channel

>> No.8002970

God I remember browsing this very page

>> No.8002971

Loved it back in the day, replayed it and was shocked just how barebones and boring everything was

It's visually stunning and has a fantastic soundtrack, but that's about it.

>> No.8003963

Is the European page for Sin and Punishment 2 backed up? Apparently it had exclusive lore information that were removed from all English localizations.

>> No.8004067

>born in 91
It was great, seeing the handheld progression alone from the gbc to gba sp was insane

>> No.8004087

Was it? It seemed pretty slow with GBC being ridiculously under par and GBA just barely meeting standards

>> No.8004117
File: 20 KB, 512x384, c368389945dfe6023038eca3bbd48a0796d9f372_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back

>> No.8004154

>Nintendo acknowledging Melee's existence
I had forgotten what that felt like.

>> No.8004267

"low radiation"
This was a concern?

>> No.8004384

The long-term effects of RF exposure from a CRT display weren't well documented or understood until the late 90's, some people were paranoid that it could be harmful to other nearby electronics or even to people over long periods of time, and some manufacturers marketed their displays as "low radiation" as kind of a gimmick. Same thing with cell phones until the last decade or so.

>> No.8004387

Get owned faggot. You know nothing about video games.

>> No.8004560

Also pretty sure Daewoo is primarily an arms/weapons manufacturer that dabbled in consumer electronics and automobiles in the 90's and 2000's.

>> No.8004647

SNK still have a few 'oldie' websites still active



>> No.8005310

No one played anything other than Nintendo handhelds, and most kids just thought that's all there was from that time. You're talking from a boomer perspective when kids just took it for granted handhelds were far behind consoles, and seeing SNES quality content offered on them was a huge feat. Most GB games just had bloops and bleeps for sound. I never even questioned the backlit screen. What the hell was I going to compare it to, a smartphone? Playing games under a light with attachments was what I was used to, I didn't mind at all.

>> No.8005335

Fucking hell I miss when the internet looked like this. I wish there were a way to revert webpages back to a similar style to this.

>> No.8006174

i remember being on the nsider forums. good times.

>> No.8006192

Imo japanese are notorious for abandoning websites as in no longer updating, but will continue to host and leave intact

>> No.8006903

Wonder why that is

>> No.8007041

Stop talking shit. Nintendo were always fair with their handheld technology. Their handhelds were always about a generation behind the current technology which is where mobiles belong. Any attempts to close the gap like the Nomad, N-Gage and to a certain extent PSP had major other drawbacks and were overall failures.

>> No.8007797
File: 137 KB, 954x595, 770E34BF-2BC6-45CF-80A2-43D41E96F33F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No unfortunately, but I found someone who had screenshots of the entire prologue. You can tell since one of the screenshots has the PEGI rating in the corner.

>> No.8008110
File: 155 KB, 777x740, d-terminal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember trying to find the page where you would order the GC component cables from, but the very first instance of it actually advertised a d-terminal cable instead.

>> No.8009930

Stay alive

>> No.8009984

Thank you for this, anon

>> No.8009995

First time I learned of Melee's existence was from its preview website, somehow. Before that, I though no single game could top the original Smash Bros.

>> No.8010015

Haiku-OS style icons on the left

I like this aesthetic

>> No.8010031


>> No.8010037

>never change, /vr/.
if you cannot understand that post then you are illiterate. faggot

>> No.8010959

holy fuck I forgot the internet used to look like this.
what the FUCK went wrong?

>> No.8011101


Heh. This is what I recognize the site from too. I remember checking it often to see when it was available to order. I think it was late November 2021 before it was. Ordered it for $35 and still have it today.

>> No.8011508

I remember playing DW3 GBC as a kid and enjoying how it was just a 'bit' more mature than the Game Boy games I had been used to before that point. When Baramos says he will 'eat your intestines' or something I remember it freaking me out and making me not want to lose the fight

>> No.8011563

Shortly before their site got redesigned to fit the DS and Wii stuff they had a list of subsites for specific games, those often had cool flash games. I remember one for DKC3 on the GBA where you'd play a bunch of different minigames to unlock wallpapers and the site for Warioware Touched having many microgames from the actual game on it.

>> No.8011732

Seriously this, I can't even play original Game Boy anymore. No light is a nightmare in today's day and age

>> No.8011770

I'd like to play games with Roll haha...

>> No.8011975

>If Zelda took place in the future then nobody would call it an RPG
No, future rpgs exist and they were always labeled as such by the press, some examples would be:
System Shock
Deus Ex

Just sounds like a typo, Zelda ain't an RPG because you're pretty restricted in how character building and progression works. (building doesn't exist)

>> No.8011983

Needed to add something, only game that came closest to being an RPG was obviously Zelda 2
Still not enough to meet the criteria though.

>> No.8012000

It might be a sort of casual association with external improvement to abilities such as hearts or tools that made people associate it with an RPG. To some people an RPG was anything where improvement came from game awards rather than through pure play. That can seem odd to us now since nearly everything has some progression tree nonsense in it now.

>> No.8012002
File: 223 KB, 2712x2712, imageofmylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My instincts tell me that something has gone wrong.

>> No.8012168

It's because it's a game where you play the role of a hero.