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7997502 No.7997502 [Reply] [Original]

>kids are lining up around the block to buy Famicoms just to play Dragon Quest
>*sound of crickets*
>kids are lining up around the block to buy PS1s to play FF7
>Nintendo? Never heard of her.
>WTF? I hate RPGs now. Fucking shut-in baka losers ruined everything.

>> No.7997507

They're basically the same game. Acting like DQ is some pure game series is denial.

Want to compare Black Isle shit? Fine. Another boring JRPG, though? Fuck you.

>> No.7997529
File: 130 KB, 442x353, 3106227b940f8ec8c051f52973715f73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF and DQ are the least appealing and featureless of all JRPGs. The reason they get popularity is japanese people LOVE crap, and americans like things only by the fact that it's marketed/perceived popular.

I talk about this with my friend all the time. I have a good many games like Ruhdras, Star Ocean, Shining Force, Grandia, Tales of and shit are much more entertaining and worth praise compared to DQ or FF, any of them.

My saying is "the best examples of jrpgs are always the worst of that genre"

>> No.7997536

wow you're so cool lol

>> No.7997537

I like V.

>> No.7997548

FF6 and DQV are the most palpable ones, personally. That has a lot to do with that being a very good age in general for games because of the consumer base they were entertaining in japan and the talent they got focused on a single project at that time.

>> No.7997556

8 and 6 are the only FFs I can say I love though the remake of 7 may get on that list if I live to see it finished.

I only played DQ1-3, so not sure if it actually has a good entry.

Give me another Mass Effect any day of the week.

>> No.7997572

Yeah OK, he was bitter. We know.

>> No.7997740

Old fuck was upset that Sony beat him at his own dirty tricks.

>> No.7997745

I like XIII (13)

>> No.7997756

The point is that Yamauchi was being a bitch after Sony displaced Nintendo as the house for RPG's, he doesn't give a shit about how DQ simplified Ultima/Wizardry, he didn't even like games

>> No.7997760

Sorry to hear that anon
Go back to bed, Motomu

>> No.7997814

t. rent-free gaijin

>> No.7997834

8 is awesome if you're heterosexual.

>> No.7997843

Damn, that's unfortunate.

holy kek

>> No.7997853

Did you really like THE HALLWAY that much, Anon?

>> No.7997991

The non-linearity of most other jarpigs is almost entirely illusory.

>> No.7997998

He said his comment about RPGs in 1995. Before the N64 even came out. He was anti-RPG from the beginning. Obviously he wasn't going to say no to money, but he always had a weird bias against RPGs.

>> No.7998008

Oh you're *that* faggot. Well, okay then.

>> No.7998029

You *do* get that this dude lived through World War II, right? Pretty much everything he believed in was anathema to the D n' D Generation (which is what would've popped into his head upon hearing terms like "RPG"). His idea of videogames were as amusing diversions or children's toys. Not something with a storyline you have to keep track of and play for months on end (plus a bunch of maths bullshit for good measure).

>> No.7998065

Why are children so mad about shit that happened (or didn't) before they were born?

>> No.7998076

Miyamoto does not like JRPGs either. I find it funny that a lot of old Nintendo guys really don't give a shit about that style in the slightest.

Nintendo had the last laugh when they dickslapped the world with Pokemon.

>> No.7998089

>you're not allowed to care about anything that happened before you existed
What is this metazoomer mindset

>> No.7998093
File: 201 KB, 1125x1099, 278DF8D4-6F0F-47D4-9231-3B40E6EB71AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah nintendo definitely "inserted" their "dicks" into our "wet pink assholes" with that one haha. *shits* uh oh

>> No.7998403

Dudelet. Your degeneration believes in fake history and eats tide pods for a living. Literally no one outside tiktok gives a fuck about you.

>> No.7998787

he reminds you of the 50 year olds in suits that controlled the record industry in the 1950s. they didn't like Elvis one bit. they weren't going to refuse all the money he was making them but given a choice they'd rather have sold you a Doris Day record.

>> No.7998805
File: 58 KB, 320x320, 1572391169970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood this.
Didn't he only play a video game once, and hate it?
Why does he pretend to have all these specific opinions of other games he also hasn't played?
I mean fuck.

>> No.7998808

I only remember that he was invited to play a Mahjong game on the Famicom or something and couldn't figure out how to use the controller.

>> No.7998817

How many presidents of game companies actually play games?

>> No.7998848
File: 50 KB, 210x240, Hyodou_manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find elderly Japanese businessmen very intimidating.

>> No.7998921

Do you mean palatable?

>> No.7998930

You shouldn’t. Jap execs literally just fail upward because of muh seniority.

>> No.7998931

Not many mainly because the role of CEO is simply someone who is placed there by the board of directors (who are elected by shareholders to make sure the company makes their investments back) to ensure the company is doing its best to make money, For them, he doesnt need to play games, he needs to be able to judge which projects to approve because they will sell and then manage deadlines and budget. and unfortunately this will likely never change since on the other extreme of giving an auteur game dev a blank check, for every great game that comes out you can also get a Star Citizen that spends a decade and a hundred million dollars making not much.

>> No.7998941

>mocks zoomers
>must be a zoomer

>> No.7998948

I wish I could punch Yamauchi right in the fucking face. One of the biggest asshole CEOs of all time.

>> No.7998950

Case in point. The original Atari management were hippie California engineers with no concept of how to run a business. They get replaced by Ray Kassar and friends who were experienced businessmen but blankly ignorant of the product they were selling. Either way was not going to be sustainable in the long run.

>> No.7998956

he and Michael Eisner should have gotten a hotel room together

>> No.7998957

>makes a trillion off pokémon

>> No.7998992

13 isn't that bad. the fights and strategy are actually pretty good but that's all it has going for it.

>> No.7999019

what exactly did he do aside from not like jarpigs?

>> No.7999028
File: 20 KB, 432x324, 5040260_a2c426a753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of retardation is this?
Why do people dig up bones?

>> No.7999051

nonlinear level design and nonlinear story progression are different concepts.

>> No.7999085

Made Nintendo a greedy control-obsessed outfit.

>> No.7999087

>cant reading comprehension it's own zoom.
>must be a zoomer

>> No.7999105

Yeah I guess not, you win whatever we were talking about. You like retro games?

>> No.7999110

1. "Pirates are criminals who should be arrested and locked up", not just "I hate pirates so goddamned much".

2. Did not play well with other corporations. Quite a bit of "my way or the highway", even on joint-ventures.

3. Actually did seem to think of the West as gaijin. This can be seen most clearly in their initial market penetration attempts in America

4. Was initially unenthused at the very concept of 3rd party devs. This led to shit like the lockout chip and the licensing agreement system.

5. Was a copyright maximalist. Had an unfavorable opinion on shit like game rentals.

Those are just 5 off the top of my head.

>> No.7999141

to be fair Japanese copyright law has no concept of fair use

>> No.7999154

Yeah, but he pretty clearly thought the same should go in other parts of the world, local laws be damned.

>> No.7999160

Also, Nintendo's support led to the creation of Japan's modern lending laws. So he essentially had a hand in setting that legal norm.

>> No.7999161

yeah they didn't succeed in their attempts at getting game rentals banned in the US and Europe, they were told to eat shit

>> No.7999172

Did I mention he also wouldn't license eroge? All that ended up as unlicensed FDS titles.

>> No.7999236

Yeah, but what's the probability of them having ties to the Yakuza?

>> No.7999373

why was it ok for MacArthur to require pixelated porn crotches in Japan?

>> No.7999501

Reminder that Yamauchi originally wanted the SNES to have a 68000, cutting edge sound and graphics chips, and NES compatibility. This insane plan of course would have bankrupted the company. Which kind of proves he was Dilbert's boss incarnate.

>> No.7999508

Was backwards comparability really that insane of an idea back then?

>> No.7999512

It wasn't a viable idea because the NES's architecture was kind of unique and not like other cartridge-based consoles.

>> No.7999520

Actually I want to say it was a bad idea to include with the Genesis because Master System compatibility prevented them from including a lot of features like sprite scaling and whatnot.

>> No.7999534

he was one of those guys for whom power and control come first, even if it's at the expense of profits

>> No.7999551

The SNES can run NES instructions perfectly and cartridge form factor is the easiest problem to solve, the hardest part is just resolving the differences between sound production between the two consoles

>> No.7999554

No it's not that, it's that the NES has that unique dual bus setup which other consoles don't have.

>> No.7999569

What I mean is the NES has the PPU bus brought out to the cartridge slot. Nothing else works that way and it's the main reason why SNES compatibility wouldn't work.

>> No.8000769

fucking bitter old fart

>> No.8000970

>You like retro games?
Nah. I just come here to shitpost trannime reaction pics, be a whiny little bitch, and squelch free thought and individuality. Like you and this fucknugget. >>7999028

>> No.8003051

>redditard is retarded

>> No.8003081

autists like you can't grasp the emotional effect of a great soundtrack and the brilliance of even a simple and catchy melody due to your severely under developed frontal lobe, of course you're baffled as to why the shitty sounding jrpgs aren't as popular

>> No.8003150
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1257c1ab11a3a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF and DQ have good music
FF and DQ are boring generic sludge and that's why jayps love it PERIOD. Go directly back to redit.

>> No.8003152


>> No.8003418

Daily reminder that JRPGs aren't actually RPGs.

>> No.8003432

The only good tales of game is phantasia. I have tried multiple times to get into other games in the series but they are all cringey weeb bait. Love phantasia though

>> No.8003536

You must must must like Slayers to be able to appreciate Tales of. The fact is after 1995 and Tri Ace left they focused heavily on making it campy like Slayers. Also I doubt you played Destiny 2 (this one is so slayers it has all the same voice actors), Rebirth, and Destiny RC because those were the golden age ones and never brought over.

>> No.8003546

Tales of Phantasia is weeb bait you retard

>> No.8003702


>> No.8003739

>...The reason they get popularity is japanese people LOVE crap...
Only if its made in Japan - see the original Xbox sales numbers and game releases in Nip-land

>> No.8003780
File: 65 KB, 943x472, beemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh nintendo went a whole different route. Look at his successor. Satoru Iwata took the company in a very kid friendly direction. He was going on the success of Kirby. Square and Enix were telling more mature stories. They were growing with their audience. Enix was strongly linked to shonen jump. They had a pulse on that shit. All of Nintendos competitors marketed their products as oh Nintendo is for kids. I think it was inevitable that mature story telling found its way into consoles targeted at more mature audiences. Microsoft didn't launch XBOX with a mario clone. They launched with space DOOM. We're in a weird era now though. Nintendo doesn't have an identity. They're just the mobile console with zelda. That said... Sony is just the 500 dollar FF7 machine now.

>> No.8003848

>space DOOM
so... Doom?

>> No.8003994

>kids are lining up around the block to buy PS1s to play FF7
LMAO no. Neither I nor any of my friends who had Playstations played that gay shit. Final Fantasy games were for the loser shutins who didn't have any friends to go on actual adventures with. I'll never understand the hype that has been retroactively applied to this game. No one talked about it at the time.

>> No.8004013

>a suite on little st. james

>> No.8004130

Would it have? Would it? It had most of that hardware anyway except the 68k. If it had that and a 320x224 mode Megadrive would have been beyond blown the fuck out. They should have at least completed the NES compatibility since that's the only reason they chose that dorito of a CPU anyway.

>> No.8004136

Didn't you know any grils? Grils absolutely went nuts for Square games back then.