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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7994963 No.7994963 [Reply] [Original]

Retro Handheld thread

What are you playing? What are you playing on? Waiting for new devices?

Picked up the rg351v a week ago and it's hard to keep it down.

>> No.7994970

I'm too old to play video games on the go. I'd rather read on my Kindle or listen to music on flights.

>> No.7995039

Does that analog stick get in the way?

>> No.7995043

Nope, the way its gripped keeps it out of palms reach.

>> No.7996101


I never got around to playing Lunar back in the day because it looked like there were seventeen of them and the names were confusing.

Lunar Silver Star Story Complete... uhhh. alright is that the one I want? guess I'll just not get it. This is my logic when I was 12.

>> No.7996357

there's also huge differences between the versions and all english language versions have fucked mechanics thanks to twerking designs
always wanted to play lunar, never have

>> No.7996619

There's restoration patches in that regard

>> No.7997164

I have this in the same color and really like it. Playing DoReMi Fantasy: Milon's DokiDoki Adventure right now.

You have any luck getting PC-FX games running? I get slowdowns and sound issues, especially on videos I'm on 351elec

>> No.7997205
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>> No.7997256
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I’m about to replay the Spyro trilogy on my PSP. I usually do it once per year but this last year has been busy and crazy. Been feeling a little out of it lately but I think this’ll help.

>> No.7997371

Just did for the first game, which I’d never played growing up (Ripto’s Rage was one of only three games I had well into the PS2’s life). Haunted Towers was a pain, but man it was fun. Would recommend watching those Dayoman runs too of you’ve never seen.

>> No.7997380

This looks great. Should I try it? Last game I played on my PSP was Klonoa, and I’m thinking Xenogears may be the next. After I finish DQV.

>> No.7997419

Complete changes the story in a way that arguably fucks up a lot of the motivations of the characters, to the point that the sequel doesn't make much sense. Silver Star Harmony easily looks the best but I don't know how much the prequel opening changes things as well as any changes that happen to the main story. My brain is too wired to the WD cast to accept any other dub voices

>> No.7997769

Spyro 1-3 remains to be the best pure 3D platformers I’ve ever played. Jak and Daxter 1 is a close second. And without fuckin argument, Spyro 1-3 had the best art direction of the generation. Nothing else in the genre of that time period looks or plays as good.

>> No.7997887

I personally haven't tried any since I know nothing about that particular system. If you got any cool games to recommend I'll give them a spin.

>> No.7998037

Replaying all the pokemon games on my RG280V... I just got finished with the GB games, and now I'm working through the GBC games, then I'll move on to the GBA games.

>> No.7998046
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Majin Tensei II

>> No.7998121

Been playing Kirby and the Amazing Mirror on my 351p. Are you using ARKOS or 351Elec?

>> No.7998126

I use ArkOS on my device. It's been working great but I can't seem to get it to connect to my wifi hotspot for the life of me.

>> No.7998259

Your opinion is worthless just like your rapidly ending life. Fuck off and die already

>> No.7998279


>> No.7998427

Cheers, just grabbed the eboot.

>> No.7998448
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Just came back from a week at the seaside. Played:
- The Tower SP - played first time, solid GBA port. There's plenty of waiting in the game, but that's somewhat a given with Sim games.
- Elevator Action Old & New - played both first time. Both are pretty alright, even if the gameplay is very basic. Nice as a break from other games when I wanted to just run'n'gun.
- Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - played it before, decided to give it another go now that I pretend to know what I'm doing. As grindy as I remember. Can't decide between Ann and Popuri.
- POWDER - first time and ho-lee-shieeet, this game is amazing. I think I spent more time with it than with all the other games combined. Homebrew rougelike for GBA that stretches limits of GBA's memory (which often broke the built-in save feature for me, but I just used save states instead), so it's much more complex than one might think. Seriously, try it if you haven't, it has ports for different consoles too, including PSP and NDS.

>> No.7998463

>downies don't live longh

>> No.8000050
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Is pic related any good? I lost my psp so I need something new to emulate on.

>> No.8000129

I had to choose between this and the RG351p. I ended up choosing the 351p because I didn't want my emulation handheld to have Android.

>> No.8000147

Is there anything wrong with android in particular?

>> No.8000164

From a personal preference standpoint, I wanted a device that had options for firmware (and thus optimization), I liked the 3:2 screen more because it's pixel perfect with GBA, and I didn't want the Android home screen as my retro gaming homescreen. The 351p also has the D-Pad above the stick, which I prefer for classic gaming.

I've stayed away from emulation on Android in general after knowing how much input lag there could be, though that may have been mitigated in the Retroid in some way - I don't know, because I didn't get it.

One thing the Retroid does have over the 351p is raw screen resolution - it's 640x480, 4:3 aspect if I'm not mistaken, while the 351p is 480x320, 3:2 aspect.

>> No.8000167
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>reading on a kindle
ffs dude ditch that slab of cheap chink electronics and just go buy a real paper book. Don't you see that they’re trying to eliminate physical media so that they have complete control over information?
>inb4 oh muhh convenience
how fucking inconvenient is it to tuck a book under your fat little arm? It would probably rest effortlessly on your fat fucking torso rolls.

>> No.8000631
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Cool story bro

>> No.8001001

Which scanline shader are you using?

>> No.8001631

Scanslines1280x720 under the 'nesguy' folder

>> No.8001646

I went for the audacious wood grain

>> No.8001651
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>> No.8001703
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This is my new favourite handheld

>> No.8001752

Is it worth getting one if I already have a PSP?

>> No.8002759

Is that a PowKiddy?

>> No.8003318
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yes, its the RGB10 or 10max

I'd say yes if you emulate a lot on PSP. I have the RG351 but that powkiddy uses the same rockchip so it should be the same. PSP is still better for PSP games since its real hardware, these things will lag on big 3D games like God of War, GTA and so on. PS1 is great on these, don't have to mess with POPS or make eboots to play PS1.

>> No.8003325
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For these, some work ok, many don't work at all or have huge issues that make them unplayable (sound problems are a deal breaker for me)

>> No.8003332

PowKiddy devices are known to be shoddy. They copy Anbernic a lot.

>> No.8003945

>Is that a cringe?
Why yes it is, how cold you tell?

>> No.8004098

Not that anon, but even though I prefer physical books, Kindles come in handy for banned/out-of-print/expensive books if you use Libgen.

>> No.8004186

Yes, let me read a physical copy of history book from 1930s on a niche topic that had like one print run ever, but is still cited by almost every book on said topic, which copies now go for over 500$ + international shipping and closest library where its available is 1100 km away (and likely is only available to university students).

Or I could download a digital version from archive.org and read it on my phone.

10/10 bait, made me mad.

>> No.8004460

Is there any reason for me to not just get original hardware with a flash cart instead of an Anbernic or something like that? I care more about accuracy than save states and whatnot after having horrendous inaccuracies with prior emulation hardware

>> No.8004476

flash carts wont give you perfect accuracy for all games either

>> No.8004485

I always assumed they just load the game into the console and use the console's hardware, is that not how they work? I'm talking about playing just the games for a given console and not forcing a handheld to play an SNES game that wasn't designed for it.

>> No.8004880
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Geppy X on n3ds. Maybe CV Chronicles next.

>> No.8004931

those backgrounds are extremely soviet aesthetic

>> No.8004958

The jannies and mods need to remove these free advertised threads trying to shill junk.

>> No.8004979
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No one is shilling - do you see any store links? We're talking about handheld devices designed to play the games this board was made for. The janitors and mods need to remove posts from people like you who come here to backseat mod like a cynical retard instead of contributing something somewhere.

>> No.8005126
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>> No.8005180

have you been under a rock? This whole niche of devices has really blossomed during the last year and people want to discuss them since there's so many different options and choices

>> No.8005228


>> No.8005420

Glad I don't have to worry about getting a call while I'm knee-deep in a shmup that I also have to put up with a half-second of input lag with. The real question - you using touch controls, or a wireless clip on pad that introduces more lag?

>> No.8005463
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Looks like someone's got a bad case of the mondays!
Call your mother she misses you

>> No.8005492

So, you carry a DS4, clip and wire with you at all times? How portable. Still dealing with Android, which is gonna have input lag, and unless you're carrying two devices (another strike against portability) you're splitting one device (and its battery) between two functions. Nevermind the DS4 needing a separate charge. I assume you don't get texts or calls, either.

>> No.8005518
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>nooo you're not being portable!!!
kek you blew your load early. Normally you draw it out a bit, getting impatient shill?

>> No.8005821

There's custom firmware for it called Lineage OS and several front ends like DIG and Pegasus with lots of skins that boot directly into your games menu. I got a retroid myself because of the performance for that $80 price point.

>> No.8006397

anyone have an rg351v? my fucking neogeo roms stopped working and behave like a bios file is missing or something. i just copied it over from my rg351p folder and everything else worked but NeoGeo

>> No.8006403

nevermind, i brute force retard-copied the roms into the mame2003 folder on a wild hunch and it works now, i just have to run it from mame2003 now

>> No.8006594

I don't think he was baiting. People who only read mainstream new shit or don't read at all say things like that. A better example to read on a ereader is actually that you could want to read a 1000+ pages book. Or if you want to read manga you don't have to carry like 5 volumes with you.

>> No.8007096

there are mini pocket books editions, which fit inside a pocket perfectly. it's not like you gonna be reading multiple books. just one is enough for a free pocket

>> No.8007108

i got an rp2 and i must admit the input lag is immediately noticable. you can reduce it a bit with retroarch latency options, but there's still a small amount of it there. if there's one thing that makes me with i got an anbernic it's that, along with the amount of setup you need to run through to get the thing REALLY working. still looks cool though.

>> No.8007124

>This whole niche of devices has really blossomed during the last year
what exactly led to this? even a couple of my normalfag friends are looking into getting one suddenly.

>> No.8007207

the irony is that with modern epub/pdf distribution, it's actually easier to get your hands on books they want to ban e.g. mien kampf in germany prior to 2015

>> No.8007243
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RG351V owners:

ArkOS or 351ELEC?

>> No.8007382

I don't get it either, but I guess it's a combination of muh nostalgia, the need to consoom and the wife/parents don't want a CRT in the house. The worst part is that, from what I've seen, the battery life is trash and the boot process is too slow. Might as well use a N3DSXL or Vita.

>> No.8007657

they have more accurate emulation than a Vita or 3DS which is why I bought one. I also have original hardware and CRTs but it's nice to have the 351p for playing 4th gen and arcade games on a handheld.

>> No.8007760

>muh nostalgia
Probably a factor.
>need to consoom
Touch some grass, etc.
>wife/parents don't want a CRT
Don't know what having a CRT has to do with wanting a portable handheld.
>battery life is trash
Not in my experience.
>boot process is too slow
Now we're getting to the point where you really don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.8007848

ArkOS is only releasing updates for the 351v now, so you could say they're more focused, but it's also likely they'll release a "final version" and move on to another handheld before the 351Elec team does. It's what they did with the 351p, while 351Elec has still been getting updated on it. My perspective is that 351Elec is better out of the box, while ArkOS can squeeze some extra performance out in some scenarios. Can't go wrong with either - I'd try both if it was too hard to decide beforehand.

>> No.8008046

I'm lucky that lunar was one of the few games I have left for GBA that I can play on my SP that I thankfully still have.

>> No.8008126

Nostalgia is a powerful drug.

>> No.8008260

still waiting for a repeat of rg350m with a better chipset. which seems to be never coming I guess.

>> No.8009093

What do you mean? Wasn't rg351m exactly that?

>> No.8009164

Lunar GBA is the most broken fucking version of the game and not in the charmingly fun sense. It's just fucking broken

>> No.8010351

Currently thinking of getting the RG280V.
SOr of wanted something bigger, but it's so much cheaper than the horizonal anbernic ones.

>> No.8010370

Is the RG351v good if I have a hacked Vita and 3DS?
Both are fine but having everything in just one handheld sounds comfy.

>> No.8010510

It's comfy for 4:3 retro games. GBA games still look great. The screen quality also far surpasses that of the 3DS and the 4:3 aspect ratio is much better compared to the vita's screen. Gripping the device to play is actually much comfier than the form factor would suggest. It's pretty meaty. I enjoy it.

the rg351m uses a 3:2 screen instead of a 4:3 screen, making it pretty bad for anything other than GBA emulation.

>> No.8010639

Is there anything you miss playing there and you HAVE to use another device to play? Like a PC or Vita. I know PSP games are a no go there.

>> No.8010659

Not particularly. I also own a 3DS and a Switch, but I find myself playing this more often, since I have the complete rom sets for nes,snes, genesis, and gb/c. If you're looking for a handheld that can handle ps1, 4th gen and under, and 2D arcade games, then I find this to be the best value device for that niche. Of course, the lack of a second analogue is unfortunate for later ps1 titles, because this device emulates ps1 very well.

The only thing that I think may be preferable would be a more horizontal layout like the Retroid Pocket 2 or Chi Gameforce. But those units come with their own glaring caveats which made (for me) the rg351v the best handheld for what I wanted out of a portable emulation device.

>> No.8010726

think that branding could be any more annoying?

>> No.8010818

what's the best way to setup the scaling on an rg351 for 4:3 consoles? Not a huge fan of RGA scaling and the filters I've tried don't look great

>> No.8011587

Oh shit, my store just has the gray version, I wanted the transparent black...

>> No.8012468

Only a mentally ill literal hoarder would think replacing thousands of pounds of paper waste with a single digital device is a bad thing, and throw a fit about it.

>> No.8012504

>So, you carry a DS4, clip and wire with you at all times? How portable.
Normal people (including actual children) don't need to game "at all times" or carry around a gaming console with them "at all times". If you do, you need professional help.
And for the occasions that you need a portable gaming setup to carry it around with you, putting a controller in your backpack (and potentially a power bank or spare batteries) is more than enough for satisfying portability needs of any sane person.

>> No.8012561

>any sane person.
>doing all that shit


>> No.8012624
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nta but if you think a real physical book is "paper waste" you're just hopelessly stupid.

>> No.8012719
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Most of them are, let's be honest.

>> No.8012774

the thumbstick on this looks really out of place kek. I just ordered a gba from japan so I can play pokemon emerald

>> No.8012776

I like handhelds but I don't know how to get back to them.
>not a single phone controller I like
>find flaws on every chink handheld
>would mod my GBA but want emulators too
>don't want some greasy used PSP/Vita

So I just ditched the idea.

>> No.8012790

i’m just started playing golden sun lost age on my AGS-101 modded GBA. i played the first golden sun a lot as a kid, recently played through it again, and decided to play the sequel. i was pleasantly surprised to find that the djinn etc. transfer works with a passcode that the first game generates off of your beaten save. the password even has three “tiers,” with more stuff transferred over the higher you go. i went with silver level transfer because i didn’t want to copy down and rewrite six pages of password. enjoying the game so far, i think these titles really are underrated.

>> No.8012840

>putting 1 extra device into your backpack
>doing all that shit
>meanwhile unironically shoves consoles in their pocket like he's 6 years old and going to the playground to show off to the neighborhood kids
manchildren are embarrassing

>> No.8012845

>going around with a backpack
That's why you are alone.

>> No.8012851

How is it not? I didn't say the content of the book is waste, I said the physical book is paper waste, just like physical game copies are plastic waste.
It's almost 2022, you can have entire book libraries stored on a tiny sd card, just like you could have entire console libraries/ROMs stored on a single hard drive (or a smaller device, depending on which system we're talking about).
Even most companies are moving away from useless paper waste and handling all "paperwork" digitally.

You can disagree all you like, but realize you have the actual mindset of a seriously mentally ill person, a hoarder, who's afraid to let go of his hordes of paper, plastic and misc. trash, and give them artificial value based on nothing but pure delusion.

And no, your shitty 5$ paperbacks of LOTR printed on recycled toilet paper are not collector items, so don't even start with that crap.

>> No.8012854
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a shot in the dark here but has anyone had success emulating pc98 games on the RG351V? if so what are you doing/using?

it seems like all the games run off the neko project core, and not the neko project II kai core. most of the games i've tried either fail to boot, or, if they do boot the in-game text is invisible.

the only game i've managed to get to work proper is Kizuato

>> No.8012856

>never seen an adult carrying around business laptop, documents, business phone and other items in a bag or backback

That's why you're a NEET manchild that will never make it.

>> No.8012874

>he doesn't work from home
Too bad, so sad.

>> No.8012879

I work at a consulting company that visits and works with various factories around Europe, literally everyone is going around with backpacks when doing anything business related, especially going on business trips, from the low tier tech guy to the CEO, because it's objectively the best way to carry stuff around. You'd have to be an actual manchild living in a basement if you're surprised by that.

>> No.8012884

>everyone wears a fancy backpack!
You work with soibois, we get it.

>> No.8012885
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Perfect is the enemy of good.

When I first looked into retro handhelds, I ended up with a choice between Retroid Pocket 2 or rg351p. The former had better colours and button layout, but the latter had seemingly more community support. I went with rg351p and at first I liked it for gaming on the couch with my gf while she was watching TV. Later I thought it was a waste of money as there weren't that many retro games that I wanted to play (after finishing FF3 Remake) and it laid unused for a few weeks. Now, I again think it was worth it after it kept me entertained during vacation.

All in all, I'd say you're not losing much by not buying one, so there's no reason to just blindly consoom.

>> No.8012898

>tranny living in a basement speding neetbux on HRT and chinese handhelds is acting suprised by what actual people in the real world do

you'll never pass as a woman faggot, either kill yourself or stop before it's too late

>> No.8012902
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I thought about getting this pad, or something cheaper.
I just wanted to play some GBC/GBA and PSX games and my phone does that just fine, besides the controls.

>> No.8012925

I think just getting a clip for one of the "real" controllers (like the Xbox preferably) is the best choice, first of all most of those phone-made controllers feel cheap and don't have even the really expensive controllers like the Razer Kishi feel cheap and shitty, and they don't have nearly as good d-pads, which is important for 2D games. And if your phone is located sideways above the controller, it means you have all ports available, so you can still hook up headphones (if you have a 3.5 jack), charger or anything else, while most of the switch style controllers block all of your ports.
And people whining about input lag over bluetooth are drastically overreacting, unless you plan to use your phone to do 1CC/highscore world record attempts on arcade shmups or play fighting games competitively on your phone, the small input delay won't even be noticed.

>> No.8012941

Whatever works for you my dude. If most of the games you want to play don't require quick reactions then you'll be fine. I recall trying to play WarioWare on touchscreen and it wasn't very good experience, but that was ages ago, back when smartphones were pretty shitty overall.

>> No.8012956

I have one of those clips to use with my DS4.
The problem is that my phone is quite heavy. It is OK for quick plays and while sitting, but you can't play laying on the couch using that.
But yeah, I'm worried about the material quality.

I tried using touch screen controls recently and I can't play anything that isn't turn based games for shit.

>> No.8012961

Those Anbernic devices, they're possible to upscale or use AA just like retroarch on pc or those devices are not powerfull enough to do this?

I'm up to PS1 games but after being used to emulation on pc, i can't stand those saw graphics of the original console anymore, even on small screen/resolution, it's a gore fest to me.

>> No.8012965

Forgot to mention, i was looking on the RGB10 Max too, so same case scenario as i mentioned before.

>> No.8012968

The device firmwares all use Retroarch, and the settings I use include the scanline overlay and bilinear filtering to smooth out rough edges and I think ps1 games look fantastic. The ps1 core also has an 'enhanced resolution' option that will double the render resolution of ps1 games.

>> No.8012984

Thanks. What you recommend? Some say the 351V, 351p but the rgb10 max being the best one right now. Would be my first device since the gameboy back in the day.

>> No.8013015

Depends on your preferences. I got the rg351v since I knew I wouldn't be playing games that require dual-analogs and I wanted the 4:3 screen. It also has plenty of community support and two alternate firmwares available in EmuELEC and ArkOS.

The RGB10 Max does offer the largest screen, and supports a custom firmware solution in RetroOz, which is based on ArkOS iirc. Given its screen size, even 4:3 games run with integer scaling will provide similar screen real estate to the rg351v.

The rg351p/m types are a bit harder to recommend; while the screen size is comparable to the rg351v, it runs a 480x320 screen at a 3:2 aspect ratio. This makes it perfect for GBA games, as the screen res is exactly 2x the GBA on each axis, leading to perfect integer scaling. This means though that the vast majority of other retro titles, which are 4:3 by design, will run squished and stretched when full screen, or will appear very small if running with black borders.

That's my take on it.

>> No.8013215

I'm checking some forums and discord servers for a more secured choice but i have to say that the rgb10 max got me really horny. Thanks for the input btw.

>> No.8013327

>will run squished and stretched when full screen, or will appear very small if running with black borders.
I played a fair number of SNES and PS1 titles without stretching (because that always look like shit) and with RGA scaling. It worked fine and I didn't feel that things were too small or hard to read, despite losing a bit of the screen on the sides.

>> No.8013447
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looks great!

>> No.8013468

This fucker is still at it?

>> No.8013697
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objectively speaking the odroid go super is the best of the lot
>fastest CPU available
>full range of buttons and 2 sticks
>stupid long battery life
>enough screen resolution for a large, integer scaled picture
I also like the RG350M for being what the GCW Zero always wanted to be. I do have a soft spot in my heart for autistic cpi architectures though.
I think pic related will also be a great device for retro games once the software is more mature
interpolation shader and full screen vertically. turn that RGA garbage off. it's a shit resolution for anything that's not GBC/A.

>> No.8013718

love the display on my RG351V
but what are people actually/actively playing on them?

>> No.8013778


I got one of those custom backlit GBAs and sold my emulator machine. I just don't respect roms enough to beat the games when I emulate. When I buy games I feel the obligation to complete them and I don't have to worry about transferring or patches or any of that shit.

I'm playing Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue, even snagged the game guide.

>> No.8013780

Ay yo fer real y'll is racist baka

>> No.8013863
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Powkiddy RGB10 Max is a clone of the Odroid Go Super with better buttons and sticks. Don't particularly see a reason to go for the odroid over the rgb10 max.

Started MGS1 for the first time.

>> No.8013869

And you need to finally realize that there are no "shills" on this site because you are not important or worth marketing to

>> No.8015057
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This is my take.

>powkiddy rg10 max
The best thing because of the nice screen, but it's not very portable. It's BIG.

m version is better. Great for gba games and gb/gbc, worse for everything else due to the display aspect ratio.
Best build quality.

Best screen for retro gaming. Lacks the second analog so it's difficult to play some things (like Diablo, or Quake 2). I also don't like the DMG body configuration, as I prefer PSP/GBA types of bodies regardibg ergonomy.

>retroid 2
Nice screen, nice capabilities, cheap build quality and not much support.

4:3 screen, dual analog, horizontal. The best. Only loses because it's underpowered compared to newer devices. Great for everything retro including PSX. The higher res screen of the "m" version is great for some games like Diablo, Cave Story, or for scaling SNES, GB or PSX.

The best device would be something the size of the rg350 or a bit bigger, with a 4.5/5 inch 4:3 screen and an horizontal configuration with dual clicky analogs at the bottom, dpad and 4 face buttons, plus start/select, l1/2 + r1/r2 and two additional buttons on the front near the analogs for something like n64.
The resolution would have to be 480 vertical at least. Emulation up to Dreamcast would be mooooore than enough. And fuck PSP emulation, just use the original thing (the reason they're starting to use wide screens in these devices).

All things considered, I still haven't found a compelling reason to upgrade from my rg350 (the first model). Pic related, but with those flush analogs.

>> No.8015289

Regarding firmware/software:

>powkiddy rg10 max and anbernic rg351
The same, good software support with good emulators and some games ported to them.

Worst software support, the emulators are kind of iffy sometimes

Very mature software through open dingux. Recently got an overhaul with opendingux beta, with retroarch support and a native port of sm64. Not enough power for anything above psx though. NDS and N64 run at 15 fps (best case).

>> No.8015312

How's the form factor of the rg351 m? Is is as uncomfy as it looks or is it bigger and better for normal sized hands?
How big (or small) is the screen vertically? (Compare it to something)

>> No.8015353

The form factor is perfect. Good grip, good shoulder buttons reach.
The screen is 3:2 and is bad for 4:3 screens. It's the same size as an rg350 screen, a bit bigger compared to a gba anf double the resolution.

>> No.8015359

I don't mind the screen too much, I'm used to emulating on 3ds and Vita so the black side borders aren't an issue for me.

>> No.8015437

The problem is that when I compare it to my rg350, 4:3 games get ridiculously small on the rg351 because of the stupid aspect ratio

>> No.8015446

Should I even consider any of the RG351's if I have a hacked Vita?

>> No.8015497

Sure, the SNES emulation (and other things) are a million times better on them compared to the Vita. I even prefer playing PSX on my rg350 compared to my PSP or vita

>> No.8015524

I'm still waiting on my Aya Neo to do some emulating. It'll be nice to play some ps2 games on the go although I already have a ps2 with a mod chip.

>> No.8015651

>snes emulation is better
why lie? have you even bothered to update your retroarch on the vita in the last two years? also the psvitas n64 emulator is objectively better than the rg350/351
>I even prefer playing PSX on my rg350 compared to my PSP or vita

t. i own both

>> No.8015660

Not him but SNES in a Vita is almost 99% good.
I did a little test a couple of days ago, ran Lufia 2 at the exact same time on a 3ds and a Vita and the Vita runs the game sliiiightly slower even if running at 59fps both, but I noticed at the exact button presses and parts, the Vita each frame lagged a bit behind the 3ds when playing the boss theme.

The vita is this fucking close to be the perfect handheld emulation device.

>> No.8015804

>And fuck PSP emulation, just use the original thing (the reason they're starting to use wide screens in these devices).
agreed, I just got a Vita again and the experience on that vs the 351p just makes me question why anyone even wants PSP or DS emulation on these devices.

>> No.8015810

I don't have particularly large hands but I find them cramping on my 351p due to how small the entire device is, especially if I try to use the triggers or analogs for extended periods. I would say go for something larger and with a 4:3 display unless you love the GBA.

>> No.8015995
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friendly reminder you can play rpgmaker 2000/2003 games in easyrpg on these devices

>> No.8016016

I busted out my PSP again to play Polished Crystal and I forgot how bad genesis emulation is.
It's almost there but you have to choose between frame skipping or screen tearing.

>> No.8016034

SOR Remake is now available on rk3326 devices running ArkOS. Just installed it, it's very nice. Right up there or even better than SOR4.

>> No.8016038

>The Way
>Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis
My nigga of culture

>> No.8017503

Got an RG280M for 55 bux on an Amazon sale. I was going to get the RG351 but PSP, 64 emu is spotty so there's no point in paying more for it

>> No.8018363
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>make literally the best built handheld
>great dpad
>nice screen
>cuck it with the shitty MIPS soc instead of even an rk3326
How is retroarch on these things, it has the same specs at the RG350.
Good enough to run a light CRT shader?

>> No.8018739

don't have one but this should help
