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File: 17 KB, 256x224, sicsP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7993912 No.7993912 [Reply] [Original]

What secrets made you think "How is anyone supposed to know this without a guide?"? Pic very much related.

>> No.7993916

Blue coins.

>> No.7993919

"How is anyone supposed to know this without a guide?" isn't an issue with secrets. What zoomers don't understand in this day and age when you can google 100% completion shit in a second is that you weren't supposed to know or find all the secrets

"How is anyone supposed to know this without a guide?" is only an issue for stuff that are actually required for game progression, like the tornado in Castlevania 2

>> No.7993927

I knew about going behind the white platforms without a guide. I was just autistic enough to duck everywhere.

>> No.7993928

This, they're not supposed to be found easily. That's what a secret is.

>> No.7993930
File: 48 KB, 720x480, the-wizard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody I knew picked this up from the schoolyard grapevine. It was designed as one of those things you "heard from somebody". Which is fair in something optional like this

>> No.7993942

Tip hotlines.
Shit like this was put into games so they could make money from 900 numbers.

>> No.7994068
File: 2 KB, 240x160, sma4_letter6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7994072

You learn about it on the playground you idiot. Or you read Nintendo Power at the newsstand while your mom bought groceries

>> No.7994091

I would be impressed if anyone figured it out from this hint alone. This is one of those useless hints that only makes sense in retrospect.

>> No.7994123

Doesn't help that it was mistranslated in the NES version and said "the end of the third world" there.

>> No.7994137

I actually found this one by accident.
Dunno I played a lot of mario and tried stupid things all the time.

Also I knew there should be secrets as the first one had quite a few.

>> No.7994151

The secret cheat mode in Lost Vikings 2 you get if you manage to die in the first level.

>> No.7994161

I dunno, it directs you to the right level, if you've already figured out that ducking on white blocks makes you fall into the background it's not that difficult to interpret. This is not the only block in the game that works this way.

>> No.7994162

Those secrets were well hidden for marketing reasons. Launch the game, wait some time, release the secret for the press, rekindle interest in your game. It was simple and effective.

>> No.7994232

Realistically how much would a CRT of that massive size cost in the early 90s?

>> No.7994272

Because we did have guides, and we had magazines informing us about that, and we had people who read those guides and magazines to spread word about it. People didn't always play games completely blind back then.

>> No.7994280

Sorry not all of us were lucky enough to have friends

>> No.7994285

Such CRT displays did not exist. The largest consumer 4:3 TV sets in Japan were around 46 inches. Larger cathode ray tubes would probably end up as lab equipment too large for commercial application.

>> No.7994374

that's not a CRT. it's clearly a rear projection TV

>> No.7994476
File: 318 KB, 512x446, 1599184104899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate maridia so fucking much

>> No.7994491

I’ll tell you what’s a true secret, that Star in the Princess’s Secret Slide you get if you reach the end under 21 seconds.

>> No.7994532

I'm pretty sure someone, either a sign or a toad, tells you you can get another star for a fast enough time.

>> No.7994596

The sign at the the top of the slide tells you, but it's easy to misinterpret.
>Welcome to Princess Toadstool's secret slide! There's a Star hidden here that Bowser couldn't find. When you slide, press forward to speed up, pull back to slow down. If you slide really fast, you'll win the Star!

>> No.7994650
File: 32 KB, 480x360, ff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read magazines and promo stuff would ask for tips and tricks from the developers so some of the weird stuff they'd put in just for that. Metal man being weak to his own weapon was one of those things. Other than that I think you just find them when you play enough of a game. In megaman 1 you can warp through screens pretty easily just by accident. Alternatively, games like zelda 1 encourage you to bomb, cut, and burn everything in the name of exploration. Dragon Warrior 1 was pretty obscure one of the NPC hints was walk into the darkness or something. I ended up figuring it out, but I definitely ended up backtracking a ton in that game back and forth to retalk to npcs when I couldn't figure out clues. Another example is FF1 some of the stuff is pretty obscure.... but the manual is 80 pages long! You can definitely do it without the manual or only using the manual to help you when you lose track on where to go. But it's definitely helpful.... after you get the FLOATER element you have to remember there's an NPC in the elf town that tells you were to go next. I would have totally forgotten him without the guide though cause you end up being so much further along in the game by then.


>> No.7994654

Didn't one of Peach's letters after beating a world hint to this?

>> No.7994671

I missed literally every secret event my first couple of times playing Fire Emblem 4. I really could have used that Hero Axe

>> No.7994695
File: 93 KB, 1024x760, Haduken2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck were you supposed to know how to do this

>> No.7994721

Is it not a CRT (cathode ray tube) projector, consisting of three (3) CRTs (cathode ray tubes)? How do you know it'sn't front projection?

>> No.7994734

This was just straight up guide-selling bullshit

>> No.7994742

>see wall
>wall jump to explore

>> No.7994751

You need to have full upgrade, full health and have died 4 times in the stage.

>> No.7994754
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>> No.7994756

Didn't you also have to ride a minecart and dash jump off of it midair to even reach the wall?

>> No.7994758

This always felt like a complete easter egg to me, I mean it kills any boss in one hit right? I'd say that excuses it

>> No.7994764

Go away retard. You were already trounced in the last thread.

>> No.7994770

meh total easter egg. if they made it ez it's rekt the game

>> No.7994773
File: 154 KB, 1000x698, FF9ExcaliburIIWhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7994781

Nobody but complete lunatics were supposed to get that sword anyway. Funny thing is it wasn't even the hardest secret item to find in the game

>> No.7994796


>> No.7994852

Yes >>7994068

>> No.7994867

>guide elling
Literally nobody would even suspect there was anything secret of this type in the game. Can't sell a guide telling people how to find something they don't even know exists.

This is the kind of secret easter egg you'd read about in a magazine or learn about from someone else who read it in a magazine.

>> No.7994883
File: 119 KB, 707x1000, EEg1ZaIUcAAklwJ.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how anyone figured out how to use the Chrono Cross to get the true ending in Chrono Cross without a guide. I kinda figured the hints like when I heard thr music light up earlier in the game and the sidequest to get the items for it but it still seems like a huge leap. And even when I knew I had a hard time making Lavos do the thing

>> No.7994884

Yeah, it's supposed to be a secret and is unneeded to beat the game.

Its also wildly impractical to use.

>> No.7995027
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>> No.7995042
File: 92 KB, 500x301, Aardwolfsign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7995054

Almost all of the gold cards in Bomberman 64. Downright cruel how hidden and difficult they are to get. A lot of them involve committing suicide and faith jumping (bomb jumping actually, shits not easy) into the sea or lava. And then the last level you unlock after finding them all has the most insane difficult puzzles to get even more bullshit hidden cards. Good game though, you're just not gonna 100% it the first, second, or third playthrough.


>> No.7995181

If you mean the color pattern it's displayed like 5 times throughout the final dungeon. Though how anyone would really think to connect that to the final boss puzzle is a mystery in itself. The clues are there but they're not even obvious they are clues unless you kinda already know the answer.

>> No.7995290

I actually Hadouken'd his dog every single time (and Ziggy-Zaggy Siggy whenever I got lucky). Fuck that final form, as bullshit as the ones in the following games were at least they had the decency to not force you to use a garbage weapon on timed damaging platforms

>> No.7995320

ahhhhh I'd say its one of the more fair final bosses in the ex series... thats not saying much tho aha. some of those fucking bosses are hard AF

>> No.7995328

See >>7993930. The Wizard came out a couple months before SMB3 in North America so the ending acted as sort of a sneak preview.

>> No.7995391


I think the movie The Wizard spoiled this secret

>> No.7995408

None. Every time I thought "Fuck yeah! I knew exploring and trying different things was going to lead to something interesting".

People are naturally problem solvers who recognize patterns and relationships. But these skills can be dulled with enough meds and mental conditioning. Both of which most kids get more than enough of these days.

>> No.7995416
File: 534 KB, 2437x3284, Final Fantasy IX Strategy Guide 0194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the power, the BradyGames Power!

>> No.7995486

What am I looking at here?

>> No.7995494

Buy Nintendo Power to find out

>> No.7995496

You found out if your mom and dad took you to the movies to see The Wizard, because it's shown in one of the scenes. If you saw that movie, you already knew about it about a month prior to the game's release.

>> No.7995506

>Or you read Nintendo Power at the newsstand while your mom bought groceries

I always wondered if this can count as a legit way to learn game secrets. Official info source just tells you there's a secret and how to find it.
It's basically the same as searching walkthroughs on the internet.

>> No.7995512

If you mean the ones in Sunshine then you're retarded. Learn to explore a game lmao. NPCs will literally tell you where the more hidden ones are and the game tells you from the start that spraying shit is the answer for most things so by spraying random shit and talking to the locals (which is actually more fun than you'd think since the dialogue was all written by the same guy who wrote for the first Animal Crossing) you will find em all. The majority of em are just hanging out in the open too.

>> No.7995523

Not entirely true. Every visit to that ledge counts regardless of upgrades and there was a health up there. Everything pointed you to this stage and to exploration. Zoomers think this is cryptic when it was entirely possible to come across on your own.

>> No.7995539

Oh come on. Impossible to find? No. Cryptic? Absolutely. Literally nobody intentionally discovered that secret. Anybody who stumbled across it without the aid of a guide did so entirely, 100% by accident. It was meant to be a one in a million bonus at best, but was most likely intended to be some cool secret that would only be found by way of a guide book. I think I first saw it in Nintendo Power.

>> No.7995590

Playing X you should figure out early on to dash and wall jump everywhere. You're pointed to that level and you're enticed to that ledge every time you replay that level for that sweet health power up. I do admit this secret would become harder to find the more you've played Megaman x as you will die less in that stage.

>> No.7995631

Read the instruction manual, retard. It literally tells you to do this.

>> No.7996092


>> No.7996138

All it took was one person to accidentally discover it which for many games it was likely, a video game was a big purchase and the games weren't long, you spent hours playing the same levels trying different shit, you knew all games had secrets so you'd specifically look for weird shit to try and find said secrets.

Zoomers and even millenials think that before the internet people couldn't find out about stuff despite many being alive in that era. That kid would tell his friends and friends would tell their friends, it's exponential.

Now multiply that by the one kid who bought a magazine or called a 900 number and that's why everyone and their mother knew most of the NES games hidden tricks.

This was a dream to be able to play a game on a screen that large and today it's basically a reality and not that cool for retro.

>> No.7996189

So I'm not crazy? I always thought BM64 was retardedly hard as a kid, and now watching 100% playthrough videos, yeah a lot of these gold cards are fucking dumb shit that nobody would ever figure out without a strategy guide.

>> No.7996670

>rear projection TV
Use cathode ray tubes

>> No.7996763
File: 724 B, 246x184, 1507831368044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7998229

Just embarrassing

>> No.7998370

Realistically, CRT tech was never meant to be scalable past the 46 inch mark, and even that was pushing it. it's one of the many reasons said tech was replaced, first by plasma, then by LCD.

>> No.7998465

see >>7998229

>> No.7999008

But you have to have every powerup for the capsule to appear, right? There are much better ways to fill E-Tanks than going to that health powerup at the very end of the level. Not to mention that that level already has one of the better early refill spots in the game, with the Battons near the beginning of the level.
I'd say the trigger for it is obscure enough that even the handful of people who discovered it entirely by accident would be unlikely to know what exactly they did to make it appear.

>> No.7999031

It wouldn't be a secret if it was obvious.

>> No.7999042 [DELETED] 

Actually it is the only reason they were replaced. Name another reason.

Power consumption is better, but who actually gives a shit about that. I never heard someone say "Xbox may have slightly better graphics, but PS2 has half the power consumption", bitch please. Nobody's going to use inferior visual display for a little less power consumption.

>> No.7999049

Actually size is the only reason CRTs were replaced by flatscreens. Name another reason.

Power consumption is better, but who actually gives a shit about that. I never heard someone say "Xbox may have slightly better graphics, but PS2 has half the power consumption", bitch please. Nobody's going to use inferior visual display for a little less power consumption.

Tech went way back for a long time after they introduced LCDs, it's only now they're starting to approach what CRTs had to begin with in higher-end LCDs.

>> No.7999114

A modest 1080p screen for a workstation was treated like an oppulent technological marvel when crts were the standard. fixed pixel clarity and being able to easily produce widescreen formats is going to have a much wider use than motion clarity and black levels.

>> No.7999119

Backlighting came later, but thay makes LCDs infinitely better than CRTs.

>> No.7999203

Man, if anyone want to come up with proper reasons please go ahead.

Keep in mind that 1280x1024p was completely standard for a run of the mill CRT monitor you could get back then and would find in a garbage or given for free on the sidewalk these days. 1600x1200p at 60Hz was also not uncommon. When most people got LCDs first their resolution was very often lower than their CRT, which you'd know if you were around then.

The only thing stopping CRTs from having widescreen is the physical dimensions of the monitor. You can literally adjust the beams yourself to any ratio you want them at when the monitor is on.

>> No.7999220

>still images and text are objectively more clear and readable on lcds
>cmon guys a real reason any day now

>> No.7999229

Don't forget that geometry is a lot more exact.

>> No.7999235

That's just not true. High-end photography and movie studios would often rely on CRTs for years after the introduction of LCDs because of the superior picture quality. Recently maybe they've finally changed, but who knows where CRT would be if they had kept updating the technology.

>> No.7999241

This is the same concept with the S symbol that everyone knows. Or concepts like games at recess. It was just passed on over time from gen to gen. Like the game where you make a ring below your waist with your hands and get someone to look so you can punch em. Or punch buggy on field trips.

>> No.7999305

>superior picture quality
In terms of black levels and at that time coloring, yeah, media studios keeping around monitors for that purpose makes sense, the industry obviously sided with pixel clarity as being more important overall.

>> No.7999383

Yeah I'd played SMB3 several times before learning about the white blocks.
The other thing to realize is that people weren't nearly as anal about blind playthroughs. These days, it seems to be all-or-nothing. Either you spoil the shit out of everything by following a detailed guide or you play totally blind deliberately 100% avoiding any external influences.

>Zoomers and even millenials think that before the internet people couldn't find out about stuff despite many being alive in that era. That kid would tell his friends and friends would tell their friends, it's exponential.
>Now multiply that by the one kid who bought a magazine or called a 900 number and that's why everyone and their mother knew most of the NES games hidden tricks.
Yeah exactly. There might have been secrets that nobody discovered in games nobody played but then who cares about those anyway?

>> No.7999393

They are right
Also CRTs were fucking enormous boat anchors nobody wanted to to lug around or have consuming all the space in their living room or desktop.

>> No.7999416

>a guide
Imagine needing a guide instead of just having older siblings that you can watch play to learn what to do or you can ask to beat phantamanta for you cause you were a dumb child easily overwhelmed by swarms of paper-thin light-shadow thunder mantas

>> No.7999813

What was the hardest?

>> No.7999871

probably some fucking chocograph thing and unlocking the ozma superboss.
I didn't know about either when I played it through originally but at least speedrunning is a challenge that kind of makes sense, Chocobo Hot and Cold is the most mind-numbing minigame in the series.

>> No.7999931
File: 26 KB, 400x385, 1618187483422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jump up there the first time
>nothing there
>hmmm, I should keep dying on this stage and keep checking up there

>> No.8000025

Yeah you need every power up eventually. Of course it's tricky to figure out but zoomers who never played X come and make it sound even harder than it is. Plenty would have stumbled across it.
If you ever played Mmx you would know you die a lot trying to work out boss order and that ledge contains a regular power up something you would need for a health tank or to fight the boss which is in the very next room.

>> No.8000049

It's possible albeit unlikely, every visit to the stage counts even if you game over and the armored armadillo is obviously the best level for farming sub tank energy. If you keep the console on for a long time and have had to farm sub tanks 9 times the secret capsule could show up organically.

>> No.8000192

Getting the Jewel Sword and Jewel Knuckles (early) in SotN

>> No.8000609

Granstream Saga has the strongest sword in the game hidden near the start. Idk how to find it anymore but I doubt many people would by accident.

>> No.8000652

Yet everybody knew about it.

>> No.8000662

>Actually this reddit zoomie has all the answers

>> No.8000683

if you beat the boss once, he never shows up in the stage again

>> No.8000704

I don't know how to argue with someone who seems to live in another reality

>> No.8000723

My jap friend showed me on his famicom before The Wizard even came out.

>> No.8000730

Zoomer meme take.

>> No.8000753


>> No.8000764

What are you talking about

>> No.8000771

That would've been done with a CRT projector, and they were extremely expensive.

>> No.8000847

If you reset the snes all the bosses reappear as if you never beat them at all

>> No.8001132

This fucking guide was the biggest meme in my friend circle. I don't know how the fuck anybody thought this was okay.

>> No.8001203

With regular buster you're going to die on that boss.

>> No.8001621

>game is obtuse to sell guides
>guide is obtuse to sell ???

>> No.8001684

please find a new word

>> No.8001786

If you're trying to promote your online shit, OK, I can see maybe tossing in one or two little things like this, but how did they think it was OK to sell an entire guide which is less a guide and more of a brief summary of events with next to no actual tips beyond "piss away your time by waiting for a website to load and then entering this code?" Imagine buying that to walk you through the game, only to have to leave your console, get on your desktop, and wait for some fucking stupid website to load every 5 minutes. Back then you bought guides because you didn't have an internet connection at all (or at least not a good one)/had only one phone line/were a kid who couldn't just hog the computer all day, wanted something physical and easily readable that made it so that you didn't have to go back and forth to your PC and could just have everything right there with you in a format better than a plaintext printout, or you just liked the style of a nicely printed guidebook. This shit fails in all cases. The guide should've been free.

>> No.8001790

they needed to put an area in the game where it would have been highly likely that you would have crouched on a white panel long enough to fall through

>> No.8001794

I think it’s fine. It’s not like you got every issue of Nintendo Power unless you had a subscription and they would often publish secrets and cheats months or years after a game came out.

>> No.8001802

They actually could've used the intro to indicate this. Have Mario or Luigi still be in their Super form, and then crouch on a white floor tile for a bit before running behind the bush. They come close, but Mario is little and pauses on a split between a white and black tile.

>> No.8001819

this is also a good idea. i like how subtle it is even though it would be in plain view. it would be a small reward for watching the intro and being keen eyed

>> No.8001879

You weren't

>> No.8001890

>I always wondered if this can count as a legit way to learn game secrets.
At the time, nobody was faggy enough to care how you learned secrets, especially for single-player games.

>> No.8001927

if youre bad at video games maybe

>> No.8002054

I didnt need a guide to learn about the white block in Super Mario Bros 3. My brother showed me that one.

>> No.8002067

>had older brothers who grew up when Mario 3 was new
>whenever I tried to play they told me every secret
I feel a little gypped that I couldn't find them on my own, but I probably wouldn't have found them anyway.
Also for the longest time I thought they found them on their own. But they totally heard it on the playground.

>> No.8002440
File: 435 KB, 1100x1100, nintendo-gameboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody's going to use inferior visual display for a little less power consumption.

>> No.8002554

Well, with portables, the issue of convenience is combined with power consumption, plus a little more of a direct link between power consumption and cost. There's something more concrete about buying more/less batteries versus a particular screen saving you $X a month when compared to a different screen.

>> No.8002558

Japanese speakers, what is Bomberman saying?

>> No.8002567

Generic heave-ho grunt.

>> No.8002569

I think nsmb is better than this game. I think SMB3 is overrated. SMB was launched in a competitive year; outran, makaimura, commando etc...but SMB3 was also released in a competitive year. but I not only think SMB was one of the highlights of that year, it's also a better game than smb3

>> No.8002663


>> No.8002683

Ah, I miss very few things, and one of them is when people were less bitchy about videogames. You could play blindfolded or with a GameShark, whatever. Most of us just had fun. People on /vr/ tend to ignore that. I hope they're only zoomers; otherwise, it would be laughable having an old timey being such a faggot.

>> No.8002701

Quiet zoomie

>> No.8002983

Mmx was designed to be difficult fighting bosses out of order.

>> No.8003073

>Ah, I miss very few things, and one of them is when people were less bitchy about videogames

>> No.8003740

I remember that my uncle showed me the smb3 when I was a little kid.

But that's the thing, I was a kid in the 90s, had no access to the internet or any good idea what video games were capable of. So trying random things just because you could imagine it would do something in the game was common. It's unfortunate that kids these days have access to all the answers all the time. Having to figure out a game 100% on your own is actually thrilling. Discovering cool secrets on your 2nd or third playthrough was also thrilling.

Sure, Nintendo power would give you some tips, but you need to understand that most people weren't subscribed to that, and your parents didn't give a fuck about buying you video game magazines so it was just you and your imagination most of the time.

How were you "supposed" to find these secrets? You weren't really expected to, that's why they're secret. They weren't required to beat the game or anything. Like nobody needed to duck behind the stage to get a warp whistle. It was amazing once you discovered it though.

Anyway, yeah, gaming was better back in the day.

>> No.8003768

Nope it was a Protect Ring. The sidequest for it wasn't discovered until 13 years after release

>> No.8003771


>> No.8003783

Should be noted this was unknown in the west, Japanese players actually had a strategy guide that wasn't "Just fucking google it"

>> No.8003785

Yeah it made zero sense and gave no clue how it worked but what you had to do was go to Memoria and then after the first cutscene go back to the Tantalus hideout in Lindblum and one of those claw guys would come out and say his brother was missing. Then you had to go back to Memoria for the next cutscene and then back to Lindblum. You have to do that over and over again until eventually they give you the protect ring.
It like one of those old playground rumors but it's actually legit

>> No.8003840

You don't need to know this secret, you entitled motherfucker. It's a secret people learned from their friends when the game was hot and new. Stop bitching.

>> No.8003862

This is the reason crt went bye bye. The fucking weight. My best friend bought a 42 inch Sony trinitron back in the day, the silver ones with the triangular stand. We went to move it up to his 2nd floor and holy fuck was that thing heavy. The two of us were big dudes and we could hardly maneuver it up the narrow stairs. I have no idea of the exact weight but it had to be 300lbs or so. For a goddamn TV. Miserable.

>> No.8003958

>my uncle showed me the smb3
Is that what he called it? Most uncles called it "our special secret"

>> No.8004119

Congratulations! You're the billionth person to type in that joke on the internet! Please, provide your email so we can send you your $25 Starbucks gift card redemption code!

>> No.8004151

I don't remember there being lots of cards that require suicide to get them. In fact, is there even one? I'm not sure. But it's true that some of them are very hard to find.

>> No.8004221

Not retro but did anyone else find it heart warming when they found this block in Celeste

>> No.8004235

In the water level you have a card and a custom part in the water, and there's a card hidden in the fire in the lava world.

>> No.8004273

You can lower the water level. And after watching the lava world in the video from earlier in the thread, I don't know which card is supposed to be hidden in the fire.

>> No.8004357

>Congratulations! You're the billionth person to type in that joke on the internet!
Jokes on you kiddo. It's copypasta

>> No.8006514


>> No.8007190

And yet everyone knew about it back in the day.
That's what made this secrets magical. They would sound bullshit coming from your mate at school then you'd go home and try it and be blown away.

>> No.8007195

Always hear people praise that game but I literally refuse to play anything going for the whole indie game about feelings and depression shit.

>> No.8007562

>maybe one in a thousand players performs a specific movement and discovers a secret
>feels good about it, tells his friends, knowledge of the secret spreads
That's kind of the point. The fact that not everyone was going to know is what made it fun. I don't know why we have to explain the concept of secrets to people now.

>> No.8007587
File: 1007 KB, 1920x1080, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the heck was I supposed to know?

>> No.8008186

Found you you fuck

>> No.8008212

Yeah, that was nice.

The game is really fun and worth playing. The only part that irritated me was playing a minigame to get over a panic attack.

>> No.8008225
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000th Lum in Rayman 2.

>> No.8008347

Yes, so why are you spouting baby talk?

>> No.8008427
File: 9 KB, 159x199, Oh, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8008464

That was the easiest crystal heart for me to figure out how to get thanks to muh nostalgia.

That's understandable. Especially after the creator retroactively made the main character trans which makes lines like "you aren't a mountain climber" seem like a thinly veiled metaphor for "you aren't a real woman."

I like the gameplay but you wouldn't be missing much if you just skip all the cutscenes.

>> No.8009038

Not quite, he has a red mage in there.

>> No.8009378

Not retro but the original version of La-Mulana in general.

>> No.8009389

That one secret in Crash 3 where you just have to die to a pterodactyl on purpose to reach a secret level. There's no hints for it at all and worse yet they're piss easy to avoid, you'd never find that shit without a guide. The death isn't even funny so you wouldn't even die to them on purpose.

>> No.8009823

I read this but just assumed I was so good that I got it on my first try

>> No.8009841

you're not clever

>> No.8009872

Story was just background noise for me, it’s one of the best platformers I’ve ever played if you can get past that

>> No.8010239

Yeah, I think that's what most people did.
>sign says you get a star if you slide fast
>slide fast
>get a star
>assume that's what the sign meant

>> No.8011261

cope and seethe

>> No.8012137

I love SM but I dropped it around Maridia and havent returned since. I really should get back to it but that fucking area just pisses me off.

>> No.8012221
File: 778 KB, 664x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game tells you about him when you clear the B scenario

>> No.8012232

I remember when I was 11 I was stuck for months in Zelda ww trying to find the ice and fire arrows, I didn't know any english back then and didn't have internet so when I found out that you could defeat the twister wind brother to get to mother island my mind exploded, I literally did that low t face and called a cousin to tell him what I found out.

>> No.8012262

There's a more annoying one in Norfair in the top left corner of a shaft with platforms that crumble.

>> No.8012336

That secret was listed in the SMB3 manual.

>> No.8012347

> id hides a cool easter egg in an insanely difficult to find area in Wolfenstein 3D
> Plan on running some kind of contest and giving away something cool to the first person to call them
> The sprite and the method to get to it get discovered within a day after release by hobbyists fucking around with the game's code


Also, even before the internet videogame secrets had a way ot spreading fast. When Pong first came out as an arcade machine, they eventually had to recall a bunch of the cabinets because someone found out that if you hit the coin slot with something roughly the size and weight of a cue ball it would register as having a quarter being inserted, letting you play for free. Since the machines were often put in bars and arcades, this meant that there was usually a pool table in the area. One person figured it out somehow, and within no time people knew about it all over the country, and this was back in the early 70s.

>> No.8012359
File: 590 KB, 659x758, 1491587318768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ozma in FF9 is immune to physical+shadow attacks unless you have done the friendly monsters sidequest
>in which you need to seek out 9 monsters and give them their gemstone of choice
>said monsters are random spawns all in their own corner of the world
>the last one cant be interacted with until you've visited the first 8
>you can literally lock yourself out of doing this quest if you used up some of the finite gems that the animals want (some can be farmed, some cant)
Please buy our strategy guide, gaijin

>> No.8012784


>> No.8013027

One person tells five other people.
Each of those people tells five other peoples it's 25. After that it's 100, 500, 2500 and so on. Progression vis a harsh mistress.

>> No.8014376

Treasure ships are a better example. How the fuck did anyone figure out how those spawned? I didn't even know they were in the game until recently.

>> No.8014393
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 16-quiz29[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8014506

didnt u need saga frontier save or some shit

>> No.8014517

They work on a similar logic as the fireworks in Mario 1, as long as you correctly assume they're not wholly random, it's not THAT difficult to see what triggered them.

>> No.8014695

It is that difficult. Iirc it involves time, score, coins and possibly what level you're on. I doubt any casual player ever figured it out.

>> No.8014775

>It is that difficult. Iirc it involves time, score, coins and possibly what level you're on
No, you just need both digits in your coin counter to be equal to the 10 digit in your score. It only "involves time" because you get 50 points from each second left on the clock when you beat a level, so you need to take that into account.

>> No.8014781

the song to play on Tifa's piano to get the various items out of it
i am almost done with a playthrough, and i tried spotting the hint the entire game, and came up empty handed. anyone know? or is there not a hint?

>> No.8014791

ff2 masamune, fc version

>> No.8014803

It's just a wall you walk through in a game where there's lots of walls you can walk through to find hidden shit. People tested walls.

>> No.8014804

I forget, wasn't the item it drops glitched anyway so it doesn't work?

>> No.8014809
File: 485 KB, 2437x3284, Final Fantasy IX Strategy Guide 0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the power, the BradyGames Power!

>> No.8015659
File: 369 KB, 719x480, Secret_Message_fourth_wall_broken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasnt for a friend that told me about the secret in a Nintendo magazine i would not have found this. Probably the hardest secret to accomplish in a video game ever, or at least in Nintendo, people dont realize how hard it was to actually get it


>> No.8015886

>If you ever played Mmx you would know you die a lot trying to work out boss order and that ledge contains a regular power up something you would need for a health tank or to fight the boss which is in the very next room.
Are people really this bad at games?

>> No.8015894

found him in like 5 seconds

>> No.8016176

There's another letter where she tells you the white blocks are special

>> No.8016224

That refers to the small white blocks you can pick up and throw.

>> No.8016358

>Don't google it until the guidebook tells you to

>> No.8016363

I don't think so, but it's been a while

>> No.8016370

he's on the stamp, how could people not find him?

>> No.8016386
File: 2 KB, 256x240, deborah-cliff-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like the tornado in Castlevania 2
The tornado is pretty obvious though.
>get a hint telling you to go to the cliff with the red crystal and wait
>go there with the crystal and wait
>nothing happens
>last time you had to go somewhere with a crystal and wait for something to happen you had to wait while ducking
>try ducking and waiting
>tornado happens

How did people get stuck at this if they managed to get this far into the game? Of course you'll try ducking even if the hint doesn't tell you because that's what you had to do last time.

>> No.8016393

>he didn't beat ozma anyway


>> No.8016394

I've learned that actual zoomer megamans are some of the worst players in video games

>> No.8016401

PlayOnline was a paid service. buy the guide just to find out you need to pay for a service. get double fucked

>> No.8016441

>I beat Zelda without a sword and syoer Metroid with the starting suit and Ninja Gaiden on my first try without dying once. Only zoomers have difficulty.
Why do you anons feel the need to lie?

>> No.8016514

Ken M

>> No.8016550
File: 487 KB, 2048x1536, EDBnMp7UYAMeY3J.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain it's been awhile since I played this game and I remember having trouble with this guy somehow so I dont know how its related to getting the True Ending?

>> No.8018029
File: 1.23 MB, 645x965, 7e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your story made me remember an odd memory of mine when I got stuck in LTTP because I couldn't find the flippers. So I called a cousin of mine who lived out of town. This was back when long-distance calling was a thing so i actually had to ask my mother's permission to do it.

>> No.8018120

Basically every game with decision making, planning or crafting.

>> No.8018241

Then shut up and stop pretending that every secret put in a game was there to "sell guides" as if fucking Nintendo would compromise the game design on their top franchise for the sole purpose of selling spoiler mags.