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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7992156 No.7992156 [Reply] [Original]

What /vr/ games could qualify as legitimately appealing and not too redundant/outdated for 2021 kids?

>> No.7992158

What does that even mean?

>> No.7992164

It means what games can a brain damaged retard with bad parents play

>> No.7992179

Final Fantasy VI

>> No.7992183

Super Mario Brothers

>> No.7992185

tekken 3

>> No.7992236

>What /vr/ games could qualify as legitimately appealing
Would would an illegitimately appealing game look like?

>> No.7992248 [DELETED] 
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Whatever is popular on /vr/, because most of us are kids. I'm embarrassed for anyone using this website as an adult.

>> No.7992264

Nothing. Even 2011 games look outdated now. Kids won't be interested in retro, if they have more technically advanced games. Even 2007 should be retro to them now.

>> No.7992269

Kids don't like playing with their parents toys. They have no emotional bond to Daytona USA, Ghouls n' Ghosts, Star Wars or any of that crap. If by any chance your kid says he enjoys playing with your games he is lying, he's just looking from approval from an authority figure, also he will think you are an embarrassing manchild when he hits puberty.

>> No.7992271

Donkey Kong 94.

>> No.7992278

Minecraft came out in 2011 and kids love that shit.

>> No.7992281 [DELETED] 

I'm going with the old /v/ addage, don't give your kid a videogame, teach your kid to play sports instead. Don't let him fall into the rabbit hole and become Chris-chan.

>> No.7992312

That's just less expensive, zoomer version of Lego, of course they do.

They also play mobile games which are essentialy arcade games of the past (simple yet engaging gameplay + donating = inserting play coins). Mobile games are all flashy, bright and constantly stimulate you to play further. Classic arcades are old, dull and you can't use your dad's credit card in it.

>> No.7992409

Kids play indie retro style crap, minecrap, crap aimed at the lowest common denominator pc hardware like crapnite

>> No.7992480

They get to the 2nd level and lose all their lives which brings them back to the start, at the point they don't want to play that game again. The physics in mario are pretty slippery for someone not used to it.

I saw one playing atic attack on rare replay and having fun. So much for system elitism.

I would guess they would probably have more fun in food fight on atari 7800 then on something like Donkey Kong Country and whatever makes the top system lists.

You can't impress them with many layers or scrolling and lots of colours because all mobile games have that stuff.

I think they might like

sim city but how long until they complain, "what do I even do"
the incredible machine
rts like command and conquer

I think they don't like games where you have to really work to get to the fun bits. Retro games worked on the figure out how to get past the hard bit and then see the next real cool thing.
I think stuff like megaman and ghouls'n'ghosts would really put them off, it like when our parents tried to play games.
You give them a mario game and their reaction is I can play this on mobile.

>> No.7992482

kids like whatever you give them. give the an SNES and they will have fun with it

>> No.7992498

Way to set the bar low, 2021 kid

>> No.7992501
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I would say everything before analog sticks on a controller became standard, so everything before the 6th generation. Its rough watching them try to walk/drive in a straight line in a 3D game with only a D-pad.

My nephews got a SNES Mini for Christmas a few years back and holy shit


The very concept of having to hold down the jump button for a full jump threw them off, they thought the controller was broken and asked me to help cause tapping the jump button couldnt make mario jump at full height

The worst was watching them try and play Super Metroid. When they had gotten to pic related, they had trouble understanding that they had dodge the bosses attacks. They tried to just tank the damage while holding still, I suggested to try moving around and jumping. So they stood still again and occasionally jumped

The older the game the more trouble they have. If it lacks analog sticks, have to hold down the jump button, lacking a button that is dedicated to dodging or anything lacking a detailed tutorial.

The worst part is they never try and press all the buttons to figure out what button does what.

>> No.7992549

This. Unless your kids are brainless.

>> No.7992576
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Maybe kids have no interest no interest in retro games because times have changed and so have modern tastes. We like retro games because we're from that time period. Kids these days will feel the same about the games they grow up with. 20 years from now zoomer kids will have autistic screech fits when their kids say games like Minecraft were shitty. Just as kids that grew up with SNES and N64 don't really give a fuck about the Commodore 64 or Intelivision.

Just let them grow up in their time with their own tastes that are different from ours. We had our time, and it was glorious, but the harder you try to hold on to the past z the longer it hurts. The passage of time never stops, It's a beautiful terrifying thing.

>> No.7992614 [DELETED] 

Please do not copypaste posts from /r/retrogaming. Thank you.

>> No.7992623 [DELETED] 

Kids are born in 2021?
You mean what black kids that the government pays the mothers to have? People off the dole don't have children anymore, OP.

>> No.7992625 [DELETED] 

It's actually the over enthusiastic types of posts that come from there. You're a manchild? Hecking yeah I'm a heckerino manchild too! We did it r*eddit!

>> No.7992628

I didn't copy/paste shit, that was fresh for you guys.

If you don't believe me then go find the original post you think my post came from

>> No.7992631

reads more like pasted Youtube comment section to me

>> No.7992672

Bullshit. Many of the things i grew up liking were from before my time, either introduced by my parents or from being re-released/re-shown in my childhood. Its perfectly possible to enjoy things from before, during and after your childhood. Thinking kids should only care about whats around during their time is dooming them to mediocrity and a closed mind.

>> No.7992683

Yeah I can tell from those spectrum, atari threads how much kids love old stuff.

>> No.7992695

Okay outlier, you're very special. Is that what you wanted to hear? Think about it, if new people liked all the retro games, then games would still be made like that. But you know there's a clear difference between modern games and old titles. The majority of new players prefer the way games are made now.

>> No.7992713

Are you literally retarded? Wtf do you think indie games are?

Your argument is the equivalent of "If old Star Wars is so good, why arnt they still making them like that?? The new ones are clearly better!"

>> No.7992716


>> No.7992729

Indies are nothing like old games, they just share a similar art style. Auto saving, expansive movement options, dlc, extended storylines.

>> No.7992740

I don't get it, what's the joke. What's special about VI?

>> No.7992752

They are clearly inspired by original games. Some even going as far as to replicate punishing difficulty and super basic graphics. You are arguing that every game is on the same level on the scale of quality, which wasn't even true back when they were new. Something like Berzerk is going to still be perfectly enjoyable to play now a days as compared to some garbage like Sneak N Peak. Or Asteroids. Or Pac-Man. Or Tetris.

Also, children are not born with the awareness of whats "trending". A 3 year old would have the same experience learning to play a game as one 30 years ago

>> No.7992771

Okay and also indie games are not the mainstream gaming scene you fucking simpleton

Again, there are outliers, but that doesn't change the overwhelming trends.

>> No.7992781

oh well I'm 33 and I love 8-bit stuff even though it was mostly before my time, the earliest conscious memory of vidya I have is of 4th gen games

>> No.7992786

Generic JRPG hatred that's popular with the board.

>> No.7992791

Ok and maybe dont make huge, sweeping generalizations like

>Maybe kids have no interest no interest in retro games because times have changed and so have modern tastes.

Also you seem to not be aware of how popular indie shit has become, especially with kids.

Fuck, kids are still playing Nintendo shit which is pretty much the same games as 20 years ago, especially with all their re releases.

>> No.7992792

Indies sell 200,000 copies which is not very popular. Meanwhile Fortnite and GTA sold 50 billion.

>> No.7992794

Jesus you seem attacked. You look even more like a manbaby.

>> No.7992804

this is only half true. i was obsessed with the looney tunes as a kid even though they were well before but time. some stuff is more timeless than other stuff, and some stuff just grabs you no matter what time it's from. but if my kid doesn't like any of my stuff that's ok too

>> No.7992807

Wow! Are you seriously telling me a multimillion dollar costing game released multiple times over 10 years with hundreds if not thousands of designers working on it and a huge marketing push across various media and retail outlets, somehow sold more then a game one guy made in game maker?? How the fuck does that even happen!?

>> No.7992814

VI is one of the few that I felt /wasn't/ generic though. What an odd pick.

>> No.7992816

I'l wear my manbaby diaper proudly over having the mentality of "ALL NEW GUD! ONLY GUD!! OLD BAD!! NOT GUD CAUSE OLD!!"

>> No.7992825

And I bet most of those copies were sold to nostalgist manbabies and trannies too. Like you.

>> No.7992834

>Also you seem to not be aware of how popular indie shit has become, especially with kids.
You have a hard time accepting people don't like the things you like. Bringing up indie games as if they're a force to be reckoned with is ridiculous when most of their userbase are either manchildren like us or people who can't pirate.
>dem fucking conglomerates convinced 12 year olds 3D online open worlds are better than rpgmaker games
How the fuck did they pull that off???

>> No.7992843

But that's the point, an rpg maker game would blow minds in 1992. But nowadays it is a tough sell to kids who have been raised on GTA. We're so horribly out of our time.

>> No.7992847 [DELETED] 

Thanks, Reddit.

>> No.7992854

For my experiences with my nephews: Age of Empire II.
They weren't even born when the game was out, and yet, they play it over all the must have from the PS2 to the Switch.

>> No.7992860

Reddit would be the people egging you on as you take terrible life decisions. 4chan treats you like an adult and tells you to grow the fuck up.

>> No.7992878

Make sure they know the classics. Dizzy, Turrican, Jack The Nipper, etc.

>> No.7992890

I mean, even modern games have a thing where the longer you hold down the jump button, the longer your jump, and when you let go, that's where your jump ends. Maybe it's not so much old games as much as it is they suck at games in general.

>> No.7992894

Mario has high pipes and item blocks that teach you that.

>> No.7992898 [DELETED] 

Today I'll remind them.

>> No.7992903

games like you had on the Atari 2600 for as limited as they were at least still tried to create a complete experience for the player while most of modern mobile games are just annoying contrivances designed to tug on certain levers in people's heads.

>> No.7992904

I love watching Paid Actors React To Things videos.

>> No.7992921
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If they are genuinely still concerned with meme complaints like things being outdated, then what's the point in recommending them retro games?
They will never even begin to try enjoying themselves until they realize the fact that some games have great gameplay and some don't, regardless of the time it came out in.

>> No.7993743

>I'l wear my manbaby diaper
I'm not sure which is worse, the larping kiddos pretending to have been alive for the eighties, or this freak talking about diapers.

>> No.7993765

Meanwhile they've taken og looney tunes off the air and now all you'll find is totally no politics CaliArts shitfest #24

>> No.7993768

Yeah. I was born in 81, but I watch movies and listen to music from before I was born. If it's good, it's good.

>> No.7993778

Why would you ever introduce a child to Britjank?

>> No.7993796

Nothing, retards and kids will listen to any other retard who is bound to say something is outdated or aged or doesn't hold up

>> No.7993797

Your post has aged poorly and doesn't hold up

Posting to TikTok

>> No.7993803

My niece loves the Genesis sonic games. I got her a genesis mini recently and she loves playing Sonic and a lot of other sega games. Also helps that Sonic had a movie recently, as cringe and gay as it looks to me she's of course the target demographic and she loves it. If more old franchises get media revivals it'll really help to expand the new kids' appreciation of the games. After all, when I was growing up, games felt like such a large universe, with so many cartoons based around video games, comic books, a few movie adaptations, and so on; it all made the characters feel bigger than just a sprite in a video game, and as kids we were always attached not just to the game itself but everything around and about the game.

>> No.7993805

>Think about it, if new people liked all the retro games, then games would still be made like that.
we live in a day and age were you "need" to like whatever THEY are making, so you hardly have a say in it.

>> No.7993810

in my experience they tend to like light gun games and using a driving wheel. Stuff with gimmick controls

>> No.7993925

Just about any given game that a child can play by double-clicking on a shortcut/exe icon to run it - and one that can be bought.
The biggest hurdle people have with vr games is to make them run, followed by inability to source it in the first place, because it's not in any of the online stores. Even if it can be legally accessed for free after 5 second of googling, if it's not in store, it might as well not exist.

>> No.7993939

If it becomes trendy, kids will love even Atari 2600. No questions asked. Whatever your popular youtuber/streamer says.

>> No.7994120
File: 74 KB, 800x450, jogo-super-mario-world-para-pc-envio-imediato-d_nq_np_996627-mlb26506499487_122017-f_widelg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was showing my Snes collection to my nephew. Most games he didn't showed any interest

But when Mario Worlds intro started playing, he was all "Oh! This! This is it! I wanna play this!"

So there's that.

>> No.7994167

When a game goes from "oh, fuck! When will this old dude stop showing me his crap?" to "wow! What's that? I wanna play it!", you gotta give it to it. Some games are remembered by many for a good reason.

>> No.7994170

I want to know what the other games were.

>> No.7994204

Zelda, Final Fantasy 6, Street Fighter 2... Some TMNT and Top Gear, nothing captured him

He plays Roblox a lot tho, I played it with him one day and it was solid

>> No.7994279
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you serious? Kids hate that shit

>> No.7994330

Possibly Donkey Kong Country 1-3 considering the games that came later did well

>> No.7994340

Scott is like 26, he's not a kid.

>> No.7994365

A game you hate to show strangers how zany and hardcore you are.

>> No.7994439

Mike Tyson's punch out is a game that I think will never age. The art style is perfectly suited for the NES hardware and managed to give all the characters personality. The gameplay is easy to understand and always fun. Maybe a few zoomers would think its characters are problematic or something and be turned off, but most probably wouldn't or just accept that it was a game made in a different time.

>> No.7994445

samefag, just going to continue my thought a little by saying this is evident by the fact that the wii reboot really didn't change the gameplay that much despite being released 20 years later, and the SNES sequel that did wasn't nearly as lauded.

>> No.7994453

I used to think that younger generations would simply become uninterested in older games, but that's really not the case. There's a lot of interest in retro games among zoomers, though there's a big nintendo bias.

>> No.7994454

Not respecting good material regardless of when it came out is peak CONSOOMerism.

>> No.7994463

Isn't that harry from narnia?

>> No.7994474

Great story, characters, and music. Decent gameplay, too. Outside of 8, my favorite entry.

If a kid can get past ZOMG GRAFX, it'll win them over.

>> No.7994693

There is usually nothing good about said material beyond concentrated nostalgia.
I mean shit, I just binge-read through W.I.T.C.H. for past two days. Not because it's good, but because I have a very, very fond memories of it when I was in my late teens and had a chance to do return trip. Still was fun, but I'm not gonna pretend it's not cringe-worthy when you're no longer 15

>> No.7995438
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>ackshually it's man child, not man kid

>> No.7995452

>Okay outlier, you're very special. Is that what you wanted to hear?
His argument was literally that he wasn't special and liking things from before your time is not uncommon or unusual and something many kids are capable of.

>> No.7995473


But the few retro games I got family members to play are

DK country
Zombies ate my neighbors
Xmen vs Sf
NBA jam and NBA streeet
Mario Party

>> No.7996320

But he's right

You're right

>> No.7996328

A good game or a good movie will always be. Yes, you may remember shitty games being good, but a truly good one stands the test of time.

Technology didn't advance in the past 40 years to make good games finally possible. Good games have existed as long as video games have.

>> No.7996343
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Games zoomer cubies jerk off nowadays like Super Mario Sunshine, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, Luigi's Mansion, Wind Waker, Twlight Princess, Mario Kart DD, le hidden gem Chibi Robo, that dogshit

>> No.7996548

My niece love funny looking and colorful games, she is currently playing Earthbound and Donkey Kong Country on my SNES, she also loves Mario 64. As many others said kids before 13 will play everything you put in front of them. Pubescent and Tiktok consuming kids are more cynic and hate fun and old games.

>> No.7996620
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From personal experience

>> No.7996638

Kids today would get filtered by world of ruin.

>> No.7996645

>Kids today would get filtered by [the] world.

>> No.7996654

Kids today would get filtered by the opening credits because of their rampant ADHD.

>> No.7996958

Retro games often have little to no load times, simpler graphics that aren't as overstimulating, and very little voice acting to listen to. I never understood why people think modern games appeal to adhd kids when they are usually boring movies with buttons. You don't do anything you just watch it happen.

>> No.7996973

ADHD kids actually seek out over-stimulation and can't sit still or pay attention when there's too little stimulation because it makes them feel bored and anxious. They want lots of things to happen at once, lots of scenery changes in quick succession, not to linger on one thing for too long, etc.

>> No.7996992

Just to follow up with a specific example, I have a sibling with ADHD and one thing she was prescribed by her psychiatrist was a pair of little hearing aid-looking devices to put in her ears and all they did was just pump white noise into her ears. They actually helped her pay attention and remain attentive and engaged in conversations where she would normally just drift off and lose focus. People with ADHD need lots of inputs to prevent their minds from bouncing around.

>> No.7997025

I have ADHD and I despise modern games. There's too much talking (voice acting) and they take too long to beat. I would much rather beat an old rpg that takes 20 hours to beat and each cutscene has 5-10 minutes of dialogue. Games now feel the need to be 100+ hours long and 20-30 minutes long cutscenes that you can't speed read you have to fucking listen to it. It's also irritating that games now need to load everything when a lot of games it was near instant to enter another area. ADHD people do crave stimulation but overstimulation can also be too much and just end up pissing them off.

>> No.7998771

Get in line, special needs bitch. There are far more important causes that need to be addressed in gaming. Incompetent girls need to be worshiped because they died their bad hair cut. Boys that pretend to be girls need to be worshiped even more. The neuroses of one stupid broken child don't amount to a hill of beans.

>> No.7998834

Scott is a zoomer and a cubie, he's a fucking child.

>> No.7999070

I taught my 6 year old cousin to do Honda’s head butt in sf2 and he loved that shit

>> No.7999152

I'm just giving an example why modern games aren't always appealing to adhd.

>> No.7999163

You listed the entirety of GameCube's library worth playing. Holy shit such a shit system. 64,GC, Wii, and WiiU mostly filled with shit. 4 generations of almost complete garbage libraries with a few standout titles.

>> No.7999169

Only GC game I play is Chaos Field, because I've been too cheap to buy a copy for the NAOMI.

>> No.7999173

I was only being slightly hyperbolic. I mean Ikaruga is fun. The uhhh, 2 FromSoft RPGs Lost Kingdom 1 and 2 are fun. Baten Kaitos too. But overall yeah shitty systems with some games that were really good. But most of the GameCube kids are growing up and overhyping the shit out of the system.

>> No.7999205

>legitimately appealing and not too redundant/outdated for 2021 kids?
Negro no 2021 kid is going to want anything to do with those. Their gaming landscape they were born into is totally different from ours, and its not just graphics, see, games as a service, lootboxes, freemium, cookie cutter multiplayer games etc. are heresy to us, but for them it's regular gaming.
The only ones who will care about retro vidya are either cancerous tranny fandom secondaries who literally haven't got a clue but still want to pose as le retro vidya gamer, le retro preservationist, and the rare sincere zoomer who once thought about revisiting a game he played a decade ago, then start exploring gaming history from that point backwards, which is probably how most people of our age got into the hobby.

You should be thankful our gaming preferences will be as relevant to zoomers as Atari 2600 games are for the vast majority of us, anyway.

>> No.7999209

Hyperbolic or not, the one game I listed is the ONLY one I see as worth playing.

>> No.7999346

I plan on getting my kids into retro shit, but not forcefully because then they'll definitely hate it. But pulling out SNES or something and playing couch co-op. Also by not getting them a phone until they're older

>> No.7999352

Looks fucking dope. You should play Ikaruga if you haven't

>> No.7999364

I think it works. My first video game was on an Atari 2600 in 1996 and I still have an affinity for Atari games.

>> No.7999567

>The very concept of having to hold down the jump button for a full jump threw them off, they thought the controller was broken and asked me to help cause tapping the jump button couldnt make mario jump at full height
Urgh, I had the same problem with my niece. She kept tapping the jump button, so I told her to press and hold it. She responded by tapping even faster.

I think she might be retarded.

>> No.7999586
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who gives a shit, sit them down in front of pic related

>> No.7999601
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Part of me wonders if it's more due to Sonic's meme-ness that makes him popular with kids. I mean you've got stuff like Sanic and AoStH Robotnik appearing in stupid YouTube videos, so kids already recognize the characters even if they haven't played the games. I went to see the movie with my brother's kids and there were actually a lot more kids there than I had expected. And they even seemed to know the characters too.

I have to admit that I'm a classicfag, so I can't imagine that kids were all excited for it due to Sonic Forces. All I can guess is that they know Sonic from the memes.

>> No.8000685

No one gives a fuck. Call me when I can make a buck of your neurosis. Until then, stop blogging on my lawn.

>> No.8002306

My nephew really enjoyed Super Mario RPG on the Wii U Virtual Console a few years back. Its colorful, easy to play. Still a good introductory RPG all these years later

>> No.8002562

>thing I like good
>thing kid like bad

>> No.8002585

This except unironically.

>> No.8002798

Nostalgia only helps subpar products.
There are objectively good pieces of media that can be enjoyed by most people.

>> No.8003037

Any pinball or good arcade light gun/racing games. Ps4 controller ain't matching any of those.

>> No.8003224

to be fair this is what op is saying. What retro games are good enough that they stand on their own merrits in current year.

>> No.8003601

I think your bloodline just has retard genes in it man, sorry you had to break the news to you here.

>> No.8003606

Making a 35 minute musical about how you have shit taste is a rare L for Scott

>> No.8003610

Yoshi's Island, the Mother series if you tell them it's like Undertale, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Parappa, Mario Kart 64, Smash Bros

>> No.8003618

Platformers from the 4th gen are still fun to play for kids.

>> No.8004090

what d'you mean by redundant? It's modern games that are bloated with pointless shit.

>> No.8004110

>The very concept of having to hold down the jump button for a full jump threw them off
Even modern games do this, so what the fuck is wrong with them? What platforming games are they playing where tapping jump always gives you a single height with no variation?

>> No.8004370

Not a platformer, but containing platforming elements, there's Castlevania or the NES. But I do agree it's kind of weird.

>> No.8004385

Super Mario World
A Link to the Past
Metroid Fusion

>> No.8004390

Maybe they're just inexperienced with platform games? How old are they? Platformers have been out of fashion for years.

>> No.8004394

if youve shown your kids current gen shit u goofed

>> No.8004401

I don't even think it's so much that games have gotten better, as it is culture changes. If you grew up playing hard as fuck NES games, SNES games seem easy as hell but with more polish. The game design tends to reflect the types of skills gamers of the period have.

>> No.8004406

>These kids who have never played a platformer before aren't good at it.

Let them fiddle with it for an hour or so and they'll get it down.

>> No.8004410

Aside from video games, I didn't really like things being made around the time when I was growing up. Most of the stuff I like was made before I was born and my favourite authors are from the late 19th, early 20th century.

>> No.8004416

I wouldn't know, I've never been on Reddit, but I know shitposting when I see it.

>> No.8004418

Fuck off frogposter.

>> No.8004463

I'm just trying to think of what modern games kids play that would have such a function. Even Minecraft, Fortnite, COD, Genshin Impact, or other free games kids play all have variable jumps based on how long you hold the jump button.

>> No.8004545

who cares you fucking pedophile?

>> No.8004562

In my experience kids like retro games and think they are cool when you introduce them to it. A friend of my wife has kids who are into Fortnite and all that. I pulled out a genesis and started playing with her kids and they were having a blast. I think the reason kids might not have an interest in retro games is because they don't have access to it really.

My little brother also prefers playing older Tekken games with me compared to Tekken 7.

>> No.8004609
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Zoomers even shit on GBC

>> No.8004614

He's right though GBC has the most underwhelming library of any Nintendo handheld

>> No.8004717

GBC was a lame upgrade that came like 2 years before the GBA. I wanted a GBC when it came out because it seemed cool to have color games, but once the GBA came around I was so glad I missed GBC because if I'd gotten a GBC I wouldn't have gotten a GBA and that would have been way worse.

>> No.8006076

>if I'd gotten a GBC I wouldn't have gotten a GBA and that would have been way worse.
That's basically what happened to me. I got a GBC for Christmas in 1999, so when the GBA came out I knew there would be no point in asking for one since I had just gotten a new Game Boy. So I wound up just skipping the GBA and didn't get a new handheld until the DS.

>> No.8006102

There's this delusion among nintendo fans that the game boy was a runaway success and not an incidental one. It tripped into its sales numbers and even the fans admit they have to combine the sales numbers of several platforms to successfully pitch the game boy as this massive hit they believe it to be - flat out denying the existence of generational upgrades. The truth is nobody really cares about the console enough to see if there's a good library there. All signs indicate its bloated with shovelware and good games are few and far between or rightfully forgotten as low effort spinoff cash-ins.

>> No.8006112

You’re talking about the faggot that reads wiki articles 5 minutes before he makes a video and admits he hasn’t played a lot of games he talks about.

>> No.8006132
File: 256 KB, 805x399, ItsBehindMeIsntIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with this picture. It's like he just discovered his friend died and his body has been been possessed for the last 3 years.