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File: 19 KB, 220x273, 220px-Dxcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7991046 No.7991046 [Reply] [Original]

first tried to play this like 10 years ago, got frustrated by the first mission and dropped it.
tried it again about 2 years later and did the exact same thing.
decided to try it out again this past week and boy am i an idiot for not sticking with it sooner
i like it

>> No.7991050

I have been filtered by the first mission several times as well. How do you stick with it?

>> No.7991051

i went into the game with the mindset of simply "i'm gonna complete it" and i managed to beat the mission. i opted for the stealthy route and took my time with it

>> No.7991186

What element of the gameplay or stage was filtering you?

>> No.7991348

This is me but for System Shock 2

>> No.7991360

Play it the way that seems fun to you. If you want to go in guns blazing but are afraid, just don't be afraid. If you want to play a calculated stealth route, skulk around and find the best way in.

You can sneak to the "back" and worm your way up the statue by staying out of sight. The mission can be over in less then five minutes with minimal effort.

>> No.7991362

>How do you stick with it?
Stick with the prod.

>> No.7991367

The prod filtered me, I couldn't ever get it to actually work.

>> No.7991370

first level is piss-easy and short. did you even try?

>> No.7991373

The baton is what you want. If you put a few points in melee weapons, you can silently and nonlethally take down any enemy in the game if you aim your hit right (I want to say it's at the top of the back?).

You may need to save scum but the baton is what you're looking for. The prod takes multiple hits to knock someone out.

>> No.7991375

The prod is newbie bait, beating people's asses (literally) with the baton is the true non-lethal way.

>> No.7991380

The combat knife is what you REALLY want until you get the chinksaber. Combat knife is insta-death to the back and aside from a few NPCs and dialogue changes, there is no downside from just killing everyone unless you specifically want to play a pacifist. Once you upgrade your combat speed aug, you can pepper spray a group of NSF and just turbo-slice them all.

>> No.7991398
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Vanilla gameplay and setup guide for zoomers and people unfamiliar to the genre:


Deus Ex hell gang we out here. Fuck GMDX.

>> No.7991779

I think one of my favorite summations of Deus Ex was an anon recommending a knife run. His post was something to the effect of;

"You are a serial killer with a badge. Act accordingly."

>> No.7991796

aww yeah. I found the post
>You are a slasher movie villain with a badge. Act accordingly

>> No.7991810

There is a downside in that during the NSF missions you won't get bonus shit for going full lethal. However once the narrative switches from the NSF to MJ12, it's fine to murder everyone.

Isn't that just a quote from Ross Scott's review of the game.

>> No.7991825

>Isn't that just a quote from Ross Scott's review of the game.
I don't know. I only ever watched Ross's review of Deus Ex once.
For as much as he and I both liked the game, I really didn't care for his review. I didn't even really disagree on anything, except the music to the final Hell's Kitchen visit is good despite what he thinks.
But overall, his actual presentation was pretty boring to me and not insightful at all.

>> No.7991837

Well he didn't really have any reason to tear into it like he did for IW and HR.

>> No.7991896

I get filtered by the voice acting, story, movement, firing mechanics, and the unusually large maps for no reason.

>> No.7992102

cringe thumbnail, no click

>> No.7992184

I think there's an expectation that muscling your way through every enemy configuration is a fully supported and fun playstyle option. It's possible but it's a failure state of the stealth gameplay. Every mission is an infiltration job, stealth isn't some optional skill point like Computers or low-tech and it's not listed with them for a reason: this is a stealth game, you are always enabled to be stealthy.

If you fuck up the stealth game, you then have the option to play a janky action game that is not always made to award you success and may be frustrating at times. You are especially not expected to be able to fight bots without their specific counters on-hand. Deus Ex is a mastercraft RPG stealth game with numerous paths and alternative ways to achieve your infiltration, but it IS a stealth game and playing it otherwise is relegated to challenge runs and fucking-around for people who are experienced with the game.

>> No.7993473

bros, i did not know i had to report the shady mechanic at Everett's

rip jock :(

>> No.7993634

the devs said stealth was "broken" in de1

>> No.7993695

So you're saying the game is shitty and broken, and I should ignore the obviously broken shit and somehow call it good.

>> No.7993698

Oddly enough I think the first mission is the best level and I have played right after escaping the MJ12 Hong Kong Helibase. Everything after that felt frustrating, the "stealthiness" got really weird somehow.
> inb4 I must have used the GEP gun and the sniper to blast my way through the 1st level
I did get them but only used them sparingly, especially the GEP gun is only used for lockpicking and one silent takedown.

>> No.7994142

I don't understand why anyone would even need to use the GEP gun on Liberty Island. I didn't pick it on my first playthrough because I had no idea what the fuck a GEP was, and it sounded kind of like a riot control or shotgun. Went with the sniper but it didn't matter because after finding the front entrance too well-guarded, I just worked my way around the entire perimeter and climbed up the back way instead.

>> No.7995026

No I'm saying you failed to understand the game to begin with. Sounds like you failed again champ.

>> No.7995029

So I was right.

>> No.7995050

>even need to use the GEP gun on Liberty Island.
I use it mostly to break into the sunken cargo boat without need to lock pick underwater.
Plus, you will not get another gep until lebedev's airfield.

>> No.7995062

Sure it's the obvious pick once you've played the game before, I'm just saying that for first time playthrough, Liberty Island isn't that hard no matter which weapon you choose.

>> No.7995080

Paul's dialogue should have said
>G(guided) E(explosive) P(projectile) Gun

>> No.7996461

Theres a TNT crate on the dock, chuck that into the water above the hatch and hit it with a dart.

>> No.7996713

Based and emergent gameplay pilled

>> No.7996836

I will do that next playthrough.
it will save me a rocket.

>> No.7996838

A bunch of pretentious old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago. We are the future!

>> No.7996867

Dunno I got the gist of the gameplay but stopped playing at the hotel somewhere in the beginning. The world was just too empty, bland characters, didn't like the sneaking and JC has the aim of 5 year old.

>> No.7996872
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this is all you need

>> No.7996916

>nearly every NPC is unique
>newspapers, datacubes, books scattered around
>hundreds of random items to throw around and stack, some of which hide goodies
>empty bland world

>> No.7996938

>JC has the aim of 5 year old
once you upgrade JC he has perfect aim

>> No.7997037

Requires playing more than 5 minutes, and that qualifies as masochism.

>> No.7997360

Or you can just level up your pistol skills when the game begins.

>> No.7997409

I did the same thing. Honestly the first mission is terrible at introducing the gameplay.
just liek play gaem

>> No.7997417
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>bland characters

>> No.7997495

I hope this is a reaction image and not a rebuttal. She's very unremarkable.

>> No.7997528

Liberty Island is more like a sandbox type level. It teaches you everything. There's hacking, locks, computers, swimming area, dialogue portions. There's stealth and non-stealth routes, it immediately teaches you how to deal with robots, there's a lot of extra exp for exploring.
Liberty Island has basically everything the game has to offer right there. However, I think this goes over most people's heads because it's big, non linear, and doesn't have the mechanics shoved down your throat like a tutorial would do.

Conversely, more people should play deus ex's tutorial. They might not get thrown off so much by Liberty Island

>> No.7998014

Put effort into the first level. It is not a game that rewards laziness.

>> No.7998091

Is there a more overpowered melee weapon in history than the Dragon Tooth Sword?

>> No.7998101

Dragon's Tooth is up there, though. It makes leveling up Low-Tech almost pointless because even at untrained skill, it will kill everything but Commandos, Karkians and robots in a single strike (maybe MiB as well, I forgot).
Plus it can also break doors, cameras and turrets with investment and the combat strength augmentation.

It's such a good weapon that it's not even fun to use. I barely hold onto it anymore in playthroughs. I will just ditch it at the Lucky Money. It's just a shame that the other lethal melee weapons have literally no utility in Deus Ex because. The baton, prod and Dragon's Tooth make them collectively useless.

>> No.7998113

What other sword did you think I was talking about?

>> No.7998119

That's how it goes sometimes. I dropped Planescape for maybe a year or more after escaping the mortuary, and ended up being mesmerized by the playthrough when I finally picked it up.

>> No.7998152

The combat knife is just as good as the baton if you get a stealth neck hit

>> No.7998219

I kept pressing paul for conversation on the start wharf and we actually got talking about our parents and shit. made me actually care about paul over my job and shit

>> No.7998225

Good work. There are a bunch of moments throughout the game where pressing NPCs (both major and minor) to exhaust their dialogue is rewarding to both the gameplay and the story.

>> No.7998368

I like GMDX :)

>> No.7998793

it's neither
The way it throws you into the courtyard is shit. The game even makes a point to encourage you to fight loud or quiet, when you really don't have to do either.

>> No.7998841

>fight loud or quiet, when you really don't have to do either.
yes the game respects the player enough to not tell them that fighting is optional

>> No.7998901

It's awful environment to fight or avoid combat in. It's a big open courtyard with barely any features and the player has no idea about the capabilities of JC or the AI. Meaning you are likely going to make big mistakes no matter what you do.
The first moments you gain control of JC is easily the weakest part of the entire game. It's not a very well designed space off the mark. Once you get into Liberty Island it's much better.

>> No.7999046
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oh no

>> No.7999441

How many playthroughs did it take you to find those two sealed rooms in the ocean lab that you can only find by swimming?

>> No.7999449

I'm in the process of making a walkthrough of Deus Ex that focuses on the locations of flamethrowers and napalm pick-ups.

I was thinking of going back through and making perhaps more guides on the same idea. I was thinking a list of LAW locations or GEP rockets.
Would anyone here be interested in something like that?

>> No.7999472

it took you 13 years to rot your brain to the point of enjoying crap

>> No.8000013

>oh my god JC, a bomb!
>a bomb!
i missed the mechanic being shady in my first playthrough too, can't believe i missed such a funny interaction.
i make sure to massacre that fucker in every subsequent playthroughs to make up for it though

>> No.8000028

I played this game for the first time on my PS2 earlier this year and I absolutely fucking love it.

>> No.8000030

GEP gun is best for killing robots and breaking doors.

>> No.8000094
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>> No.8000103
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Thoughts on anna navarre?

>> No.8000168
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>> No.8000172
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>> No.8000175
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>> No.8000182
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>> No.8000186
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>> No.8000194
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>> No.8000197
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>> No.8000201
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>> No.8000207
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>> No.8000209
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>> No.8000212
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>> No.8000213
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>> No.8000215
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>> No.8000226

Just got this game (was on sale on steam for under a dollar). Have been meaning to play it for years but never had the chance (technically still don't, been meaning to build a PC but with chip shortage might just go with pre-built instead). When I get everything set up, should I play this vanilla first time or use any of the rehaul mods?
Somewhat relatedly, same question for Invisible War

>> No.8000237

It's best to install the game with Kentie's launcher, which let's it run on more modern OS
this should be pretty much everything you need. And it also has a link to the map patch the game had, which for some reason doesn't come with the digital distro version of the game.

If you're doing a steam install of Deus Ex, you might get an error when launching the game that says something to the effect of "cannot find steam", but the solution for that is pretty easy to find.

this might also be worth the looksie. But still, I recommend on a mostly vanilla playthrough before you get into heavier modding.

>> No.8000239
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I like GMDX and I don't care what people say

>> No.8000242
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>> No.8000251
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>> No.8000287

Awesome, thanks anon! I'll bookmark both these for when I install it and a quick scan of one of the sources answers a question I would've asked about Kentie's
>Can be used with the Steam release as it'll bypass Steam DRM, letting you play Deus Ex without Steam.
Even cooler. Have no problems doing vanilla runs and prefer doing that at first anyway. Got a few other old games I wanted to play as a kid like Thief and some of those I noticed have patches to essentially make it playable to begin with. It's good knowing I can go in mostly blind.

>> No.8000701

It's worth remembering that the gas station had already been abandoned for decades by that point. If half of California sinks into the ocean in 2027 and gas prices somehow remain flat until then, it could be quite accurate.

>> No.8000827

what is this gay nonsense fuck off

>> No.8001395

Eat shit. I'll post what I please.

>> No.8001413

I got filtered by the executive suites in system shock 1

>> No.8001447

System shock 2 never filtered me, even though deus ex did a fair amount

>> No.8002338

Shitty canvas texture ruins it. Really cool drawing style though. Reminds me of GitS

>> No.8002626

probably because starting deus ex is pretty rough, while system shock 2 is easy enough to that whacking hybrids with a the wrench alone will get you through medsci. No need to learn the other game mechanics early on.

>> No.8002634

similar happened to me for new vegas

>> No.8002649

>Shitty canvas texture ruins it
artlet opinion

>> No.8002662
File: 143 KB, 250x418, Crowbar_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point?

>> No.8002674

it's stronger than the knife, but takes up more space in your inventory

>> No.8002679

a good canvas texture would be much better newfriend

>> No.8002680

it's exactly one point stronger, and that one point is irrelevant in all cases.

>> No.8002771

>gunther has a bodycount of nearly 1000 people
>game still obliged to make him kind of sympathetic and he comes off as a hapless idiot every time you talk to him or other characters talk about him.
I like how soft-spoken he is in the tutorial, then the game proper whiplashes between him being a psychopath and an overgrown toddler

>> No.8002780

Deus Ex is a lot like The Matrix, good first entry, not as good sequels.

>> No.8003065


>> No.8003264

actual good deus ex sequel focusing on wade walker and nick pauseback when

>> No.8003376

Does it break open crates faster?

>> No.8003378

Reminder that Alex Denton is a hologram

>> No.8003408

By not being a faggot.

>> No.8003482

No. For most the game the baton is the best crate breaker. Iirc, it only needs one rank of low-tech or on rank of combat strength for it to destroy crates in a single hit

>> No.8004072

Haven't played it but thought the general opinion was Human Revolution and to a lesser extent Mankind Divided were both good

>> No.8004080


first mission has so many secret side areas its crazy

>> No.8004120

General opinion of people who never played the original deus ex, yes.

>> No.8004125

Thought that may have been the case, from the little I saw it looked pretty QTE heavy

>> No.8004126

The prod will knock people out with one jab if you shove it up their ass.
Baton takes too long to deploy.

>> No.8004217

Porque no los dos?
>take out baton and move around back as they seize
>hit them in back

>> No.8004840

Playing this for the first time myself, and I have pistol, lockpicking, electronics & computer trained. Should I pick pistol for my next upgrade?

>> No.8005261

won't hurt. You combat skills will get a lot of mileage as you progress in the game and pistol is a good skill.

>> No.8005682


nah he sounds high in estrogen and told a couple shitty jokes in 2 minutes bad video

>> No.8005687
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Fucking phenomenal soundtrack, good voice acting, some cool weapons, great protag, and a game that's got endless comedic potential. I love Deus Ex.

This is really specific but I also like how the lip synch is handled. It's really distinct, and I don't think any other game has done it like that.

>> No.8005892

I began a playthrough that's so far spec'd into
>environmental training
Obviously a more stealth and infiltration oriented playthrough. A deliberate weakness against human enemies, but strong against robots and security systems. Other than grenades, what should my main weapon be?
Right now I have
>crowbar and prod for breaking crates/emergency melee and knockouts
>gep gun for obvious reasons
>sawed-off shotgun

>> No.8006257

Crowbar is like two times faster than the baton though

>> No.8006298
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Do you guys took the non-lethal way?

>> No.8006523

It's immersive.

>> No.8006592

Is the metal sword better for breaking locks than the Dragon's Tooth?

>> No.8006607

I always pick up the vials of zyme (well, who wouldn't?) I find and for some reason they stack behind some big objects, like rocket launcher. It's good you have an extra slot for drugs.

>> No.8006765

The flamethrower is the best gun for a lethal run, but it makes the game far too easy.
Deus ex isn't as fun when you're cutting swathes through the primitive combat ai of the human enemies

>> No.8006769

I have read that there's some doors that the normal sword can break that the dragon's tooth cannot.
I have never been able to verify this, and besides, the game already gives you a bunch of other methods of breaking locks.

>> No.8006943


I would like Vandenberg a lot more as a level if it all the floors and walls weren't so thin. You can blow your stealth immediately.

>> No.8008715

For me, it's the wine that the triad leaders give you at the end of the Hong Kong mission. I keep all the bottles and then chug them right before self-destructing Area 51.

>> No.8009740

>people unironically shitting on dude sex
It's not a 10/10 masterpiece but people getting filtered by this game really says a lot about the state of this board.

>> No.8009747

The filtration isn't due to difficulty in my case, but due to me having a limited life span and having better games to play.

>> No.8009974

As a fan of DX, do you think that it was always universally loved? Because I dig the game but there were people in 2000 that didnt like it...same story with literally every game released.

>> No.8011575

True, it seems like Deus Ex's popularity has, at least in relative terms, improved a lot with age

>> No.8011604

Same thing with MGS2. Based and redpilled needed time to be vindicated.

>> No.8011623

When it came out it was impressive but it was just the next step on what we thought was the linear progress of games toward a certain vision. It was like
>have you played this, that and that?
>yeah man they're good but deus ex is the new thing
like that's where we're 'up to' in terms of adding what you can do in games which made older games while fun, feel a bit lacking like how in quake the bullets don't mark the walls etc.
We didn't fucking realize that that was the high water mark and the shore line would be receding ever since

>> No.8011639

>feel a bit lacking like how in quake the bullets don't mark the walls etc
But lots of other games released in 1996 (and some even earlier) did have bulletholes

>> No.8011695

Deus Ex is on my short list of absolute favorite video-games, but I don't really blame you. While the first level does a good job of introducing you to the basic structure and game design of Deus Ex, it doesn't do a good job of selling you on the game since you don't have any inkling of what you'll actually be capable of for much of the game.

Other than stealth not being tied to a skill that you level up, I really don't think that holds up to scrutiny. I mean, the "specific counters" to the bots include some of the most ubiquitous items in the player's arsenal, those being LAMs and the GEP Gun. Then the Dragon's Tooth lets you chew through enemy troops, and that's not even taking into consideration the Augmentations. Considering the devs gave you a power that can potentially absorb over half of all damage from bullets, I have a hard time imagining that firefights were meant to be viewed as a failure state. I mean, my very first playthrough involved going in guns blazing with rifles and heavy weapons.

>> No.8011941


>> No.8012629

I hate how when you get captured by MJ12 you lose all but one of your grenades or each type.

>> No.8012635

She's hot and I wish the game let you sexually harrass her in the workplace.

>> No.8012651
File: 310 KB, 1125x950, MJ12Missilesilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite Level

>Least Favorite Level

>> No.8012663

I like how you can intentionally build toward getting caught being more or less a death sentence.
The ballistic protection aug (and ballistic vest) on Realistic difficulty is basically the only thing from stopping you from instantly dying.

>> No.8013030

I think its because the dragon tooth sword applies its dmg 5times in one hit. I think metal sword has higher base dmg but dragon does way more because of thevway it works.

>> No.8013120

Not Anna but you can do that if you go to the women's bathroom the first time you visit unatco hq


>> No.8013129

The normal sword has a base damage of 10, so it shouldn't ever be able to break anything the dragon's tooth can't with its damage being 20×5.
It was probably just a bs claim, or someone misremembering.

>> No.8015274

>favourite level
all of hong kong
>least favourite
yeah probably the missile silo

>> No.8016729

Someone who doesn't spec into low tech (which is majority of playthroughs since lifting is good and so are guns) should never see the baton surpass the crowbar at box opening, even the knife takes an extra swing. For all those builds that do not enhance melee, you still need to open boxes and the crowbar is faster at it for 1 more inventory space.

>> No.8016741

Unironically liberty island. In trying to teach you to explore and look for off-route places and alternative options, this level has pretty much the most and you're not just shitting on the game with high skill stats, upgraded weapons and crazy augs since it's the start.
>Least Favorite
Lebedev's boring airport

>> No.8016796

The baton has a base damage of 7.
the crowbar has a base damage of 6.
Invested or uninvested, the baton will always mathematically break a crate faster than the crowbar (or knife).
Plus the baton, as a nonlethal weapon, has far more utility to the average player.

>> No.8016882

They destroy the crate in the same number of hits but the crowbar swings faster. The baton also comes out very slowly by comparison, do you not remember the game? The crowbar is the weapon you can switch to in order to break a crate the fastest for someone who doesn't use them.

This is all we're discussing, not other attributes, for which the crowbar is worthless. I agree that it is not mechanically worth a whole extra slot to break crates faster, but let's not move the goalposts - it is better at this task.

>> No.8016898


>> No.8016901

I've never seen Deus Ex as having best or worst levels. You can't really compare the entirety of Hong Kong to the short diversion of the abandoned gas station. The entire game is meant to be taken as a whole, one long journey in a single ~24 hour period, and loading points are just reflective of technical limitations of the time. There are weaker moments, the mausoleum where Dowd is hiding is notably wonky with its MJ12 troopers that teleport in and skybox that you can hit with maximum jump-aug, I think the ocean lab could have contained a little more detail in the environment and encounters to sell that System Shock-esque atmosphere, but overall it's an excellent contiguous experience.

>> No.8016938


Developers took the wrong lessons from Deus Ex. It's influential in the sense that every game that lets you choose between action and stealth takedowns is in some way borrowing from it.

>> No.8017023

this came from goldenye though

>> No.8017067

This came from Thief though

>> No.8017274

I don't mind the small, self-contained levels of deus ex like the gas station, or the mj12 helipad or the missile silo. But when the larger areas -- like the ocean lab or vandenberg's tunnels -- are lacking it really begins to show.

>> No.8017305

Why the fuck am i doing what Daedelus tells me? A random broken bot from the bad? part of the government is giving me objectives and I'm just like suuure.
Or tong for that matter - Paul, the only person who i care about, is safe/dead and my killswitch is out. What is my motivation as JC to follow up on the Illuminati making the virus? I'm putting up with this tedious slog to scuttle the freighter because I suppose that will save many lives and only I can do it but then uh... I need to go to Paris where daedelus fucking says some bitch from the Illuminati is... just email her you bot fuck. I just want to sit down and play a video game or something

>> No.8017310

Why wouldn't jc want to scuttle a freighter full of nanovirus?

>> No.8017315

I just said I'm proceeding with that for the greater good even though it's very tedious and dangerous. But the stuff that's coming down my infolink during the mission is like gimme a break i'm tired

>> No.8017325

>Lebedev's boring airport
I feel like it was massive bungling on the dev's parts to
>add the water tunnel that allows you to skip most of the two maps
>disable security, but not despawn all the item pickups once you confront lebedev and unatco rolls in.
I kind of feel like some of the open endedness becomes a detriment to deus ex. Certain levels like Hell's Kitchen (first visit) and the NSF generator warehouse can be bypassed in seconds. But at the same time that is also a big appeal of Deus Ex. It is open and it does allow freedom.

>> No.8017342

play it realistically. Its one of my favorite levels there are so many ways to go about it. Maybe listen to Paul and find the guy in the back of the level

>> No.8017346

Not even remotely true

>> No.8017351

>vandenberg's tunnels
The unique song alone makes it stand out, and there's an interesting scriptedness to it with slowly closing bulkheads, alternate paths to bypass the dangerous hazards, and still a little bit of lore/info to flesh out what is a short but tense diversion.

>> No.8017357

>>add the water tunnel that allows you to skip most of the two maps
How is that a mistake? It gives an opportunity to get the most out of those 675 swimming skill points. From the end of the mole people lair to the end you can always backtrack anyways, so I don't see the problem. Maybe it's a little silly conceptually; swim through bypass tunnel, collect exploration experience, swim back to the start again, and then play the normal ground route to get a 100%, but it's like one extra minute to swim through it and back.
>>disable security, but not despawn all the item pickups once you confront lebedev and unatco rolls in.
Why would you want items despawned?

>> No.8017460

>disable security, but not despawn all the item pickups once you confront lebedev and unatco rolls in.
>Why would you want items despawned?
Same reason the nsf terrorists are automatically killed and looted when you confront leo gold on liberty island.
When you finish lebedev's airport, all the obstacles (nsf, bots and cameras) are removed, except all the loot is in-tact. So you get everything in the level essentially for free should you zip through, ignoring all the nsf. There's no resource management, etc.
I just think it's really damn cheesy. Maybe nobody else cares, since deus ex is already easy with plenty of resources, but this would have definitely bothered me if I was making the game.

>> No.8017467

I don't remember any alternate paths in the tunnels.
As far as I can recall, the submerged section is optional but does yield an Aug upgrade, a LAW and some other stuff.
Then the radioactive hall, but I don't think there's an alternative path.
Then the final room with the elevator thingy and the spiderbots, which also doesn't have an alternate path through.

>> No.8017495

Only thing I can think of is the sword from Halo 2 or 3. That even had the dash mechanic. Overall, I think Dragon Tooth is better though.

>> No.8017502

I just don't see the big deal, especially for a first playthrough. Zipping by all those robots isn't necessarily trivial, and punishing the player for being sneaky doesn't make sense either.
The radioactive hall has a crawlspace above it.

>> No.8017514

As this anon said >>8000237
it's best to play vanilla for the first play through. I eventually tried a high res texture mod later on, but not sure if that changes much in terms of aesthetics to make it one to avoid early on or not. Might check with some other better informed anons here.

>> No.8017535

There's some kind of premise to your complaint that you should have to work for things in some particular gameified way and the fact that it's not gamelike enough is upsetting you whereas it's actually a good thing.

>> No.8017578

It is a 10/10 masterpiece.

>> No.8017583

It's ok anon, some games take a little bit to get into.
For years most people considered it to be the best game ever made or best PC game to some like it used to top a lot of Best Ever lists before years after it came out.

>> No.8017605

The underlying story probably couldn't be understood by as many people when it was released, like a game with flying cars is futuristic and fanastical instead of mundane and normal. Zoomers probably don't understand adult life without something like Morpheus hanging over them so it is mundane and boring.

>> No.8017751

I played Human Revolution and it was okay. It was a cut above the generic shooter of the time, but still felt like a bad impersonation of DX.
I never bothered to replay it, but I've replayed DX multiple times.

>> No.8017752

This is true, the way they move their mouth and the lip synching always felt very unique for this game.

>> No.8017765
File: 50 KB, 300x319, Syndicate_coverart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It got high reviews in 2011 because the 7th gen was the worst possible time for a game like Deus Ex and everyone expected the worst. People on /v/ were spreading fake rumors that the game was 4-6 hours long.

>> No.8018113

I think what impressed me the most my first time through Deus Ex was just how long it was.
I never expected a mildly jank fps-rpg to have so many levels.

>> No.8018779

These aren't really why I dislike the airport, the tunnel is a fine if underused divergent path, and the items aren't that important. I just find it to be a monotonous environment with repetitive, easy challenges in it, especially if you're an explorer or first-time player.

>> No.8019029
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, DX New-Vision-ModBild4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all think about the New Vision mod? It basically replaces the textures with high res ones.
Last time I played I used this and really liked it, although it had been so long since I previously played the vanilla version that I couldn't remember if it made major changes to the detriment of the game in any places.

>> No.8019070

If I remember right, Daedelus is the only reason JC and potentially Paul wasn't a decaying skeleton picked clean by ravenous nanomachines. Same with Tong. Given who JC was up against and what they were trying to do, he didn't have the luxury of being picky with his allies.

>just email her
I think that would've just been traced. Meeting in person is always the most secure way to go.

>> No.8019253

Why did they brainwash JC with the usual propaganda if they cloned and raised him themselves? They could have just filled him full of MJ12 propaganda and there would have been no sharp divergence between what he sees around him and what he has to believe to continue following orders.

>> No.8019435

Because then there wouldn't be a plot.

>> No.8020207

From what Simons and Page say, it seems like the reason was to keep him on a tight leash, the idea being that if you create a super nanoaug with powers none of them could match, AND give him your vital information edge, things could go wrong really fast. Instead, they wanted to monitor him and ensure loyalty, since 1) Paul was already proving to be too independent, and 2) Paul was the only truly nanite-compatible human template they had to work with at the time.

>> No.8020393

If deus ex isn't a 10/10 masterpiece then no game is

>> No.8020610



>> No.8021013

I'm just a reminder that anyone who makes/uses widescreen patches and doesn't fix the camera positions and fields of view in the cut scenes accordingly is playing a shit game, no matter which wonderful additional graphical enhancements are present.

>> No.8022271

I got to Paris stopped for a while and lost my save

>> No.8022274

What's the next-best game to deus ex that's from 97-03?

>> No.8022369


>> No.8022373

if you're thinking of games that are similar to deus ex, then system shock 2 is probably the closest.
then probably thief 2

>> No.8022403

>system shock 2
Not disagreeing with your answer to the question but just commenting
that this connection fucked me before - while bioshock is not a good game in any sense, i played it because i heard it would be in the vein of hl and deus ex. I hated it, but the problems I had with it were specifically the things that shock games are *meant to be like*
>no npcs
>bleak empty horror atmosphere
>*respawning* enemies cannot clear and peruse areas at leisure
Like stacking boxes etc is good but deus ex is a living world with people you can care about and maybe fuckin the most memorable thing in it is being able to pester that lady in the toilet and then sit in your comfy office for ..as long as you want and check your emails while the office work goes on around you. Like antithesis of " dread " which is the shocklike atmosphere

Thief 2 sounds a lot more promising though, i don't think there's any characters in it right? like friendly npcs?

>> No.8022561

>i don't think there's any characters in it right? like friendly npcs?
There's technically some friendly NPCs.
I think you need to understand that most 3D games of this era weren't built around a host of NPC interaction. If you play an RPG, like Fallout, you'll get plenty of interaction and interesting scenarios...just in an entirely 2D format with out voice acting and the like. Deus Ex is pretty abnormal in this regard.

As for Thief 2 (or Thief 1), the majority of the npc "interaction" comes from listening in on conversations -- which becomes another medium in learning about the world -- but that's also while most everything in the game is inherently hostile towards you.

Maybe you'd prefer Morrowind or KotOR.

>> No.8022601

yeah - I'm starting to think maybe i do want to play RPGs after a lifetime of thinking its only FPSs for me. But, I do want to say that you don't need a ton of interaction for the game world to feel - just inhabited i guess - because even HL1 the very occasional friendly npc, was enough to make the feel like things matter

>> No.8023415

You could try following the lineage of fpses a degree. VTMB is almost a weird love child of hl2 and deus ex with a supernatural theme, but VERY rocky gameplay at times.
Doom 3, like Bioshock and System Shock 2, aggressively features audio logs as a means of fleshing out its world. Quake 4 is similar to Doom 3, but it does have NPCs for a part of the game.
Unreal's singleplayer is very similar to half-life 1 and does have rare friendly NPCs, plus the music was done by the same composer as Deus Ex.

I guess there's a lot of stuff you could play. 1998-2006 was an absolute whirlwind of many different games coming out.