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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7986190 No.7986190 [Reply] [Original]

if the data on discs and cartridges eventually deteriorates (it's a matter of when, not if), doesn't that mean that emulating a verified ROM will provide a more authentic experience than playing a game on original hardware that might be missing data? do hardwarefags not see the benefits of emulation in terms of preserving actual game code and thus the "soul" of the game?

>> No.7986207

flashcarts and modding are the only valid ways

>> No.7986213

are you implying that the console hardeare isn't going to deteriorate too? also, can you actually how emulating a game is less "valid" than playing it on original hardware? the only issue of validity concerning emulators is in terms of the individual eumatlor's accuracy, not emulation inherently. moreover, you say that play a PS1 game on a slimline PS2 is an invalid way of playing the game?

>> No.7986217

This is not a real problem for anyone who is alive now.

>> No.7986312

And wont be a problem to consider until the youngest of us are dead.

Go play your fucking video games, OP. Hopefully you're better at games than you are at making threads.

>> No.7986334

Cartridge data is stored as bits (voltages) that are refreshed everytime you power on?? Or am I retarded?

>> No.7986369

>the thread sucks because I'm low IQ
not my problem. data on carts and discs is being effected as we speak and plenty of games are already rotting. there will be copies that still work in 200 years, there are copies that started rotting 15 years ago. you don't consider it an issue because you're probably a horse-blinded hardware retard who thinks if the game powers on that it cant have anything wrong with it. every day that goes by, that game is a little further from its original state, playable or not. emulation is preservation, and it's more authentic.

>> No.7986371

Certain hardware seems to be indestructible. I dug up my old Sega Genesis in my parent's basement 5 years ago. It was completely coated in dust. I gave it a good clean and it runs just as good as it did when I was a kid, I still use it.

>> No.7986373

>not my problem
You know what's not your problem? Games turning into dust in your lifetime. Fuck off with your pseudo intellectual thread.

>> No.7986375

>the game has to turn to dust for it to be a problem
I repeat: low IQ.

>> No.7986382


>> No.7986395

>no IP change
>/threading your own post

>> No.7986551

if the zoomie on /vr/ copes doesn't that mean it's a faggot? do zoomies not see why grownups despise them for being cancer?

>> No.7986554

What are you talking about?

>> No.7986557

I'll put this in a way you can understand: "touch grass."

No one cares that you can't afford to collect and need to shit up every thread because of it.

>> No.7986561


Don't shake it too hard or the voltages might become irreversably shuffled.

>> No.7986563

>zoom poster
>calling others cancer

>> No.7986598

Video game tech from back then (90s) wasn't made with planned obsolescence like many tech things clearly have been for past 15 years. It was too new, early in the whole thing. Older tech will last longer than you need to worry about.

>> No.7986794

you can tell the paypigs are really butthurt by this. you guys probably fire up your 30 year old copy of zelda or smb and think all is well, but you could be missing a sound effect or bit of code here and there that you may never notice without paying attention. you're literally paying for a less authentic experience, LMAO.

>> No.7986804
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oh look, it's the pooper-pained coomlectafaggit from the wojak thread who got BTFO.

>> No.7986835

sure, but 99% of the people on these boards will be dead when that is a necessity

>> No.7986841

if authenticity is ever a necessity then emulation makes more sense now and forever. if even one tiny little byte of data has been damaged, it isn't as accurate as a verified rom -- and yet, accuracy seems to be the goal of hardware faggotry.

>> No.7986865

The cancer that's killing /vr/

>epic cope

>> No.7986884

I think MAME exists for this purpose doesn't it? Individual chips are dumped separately instead of combined so they can be written to new hardware if need be.

>> No.7986893

Not only was it planned, in some cases the hardware committed seppuku. The Japanese do not play around.

>> No.7986918

>heh, I pay for an inferior experience, cope pc fag

>> No.7986948

Collectorfags need something to throw their money at since they can't get a partner and have nothing special about them besides a job that lets them afford it. Having a huge collection of plastic shell games and old CD's fills that void. Nevermind most of them were games designed for children.

The time will come soon where aftermarket machines will be as hardware accurate as the original consoles, with support for original controllers and carts, but with the ability to play verified dumps from SD, and it's at that moment that all of the collectors that don't have super rare games and don't intend to sell them officially become manchild hoarders.

>muh physical media
Get a physical wife.

>> No.7987141

Simple hardware like that is robust as is, and what little goes wrong is typically easy to fix. Gen 5 and later consoles can be trickier though.

>> No.7987153

emulation will always be better but it won't be authentic obviously since it's E M U L A T E D

>> No.7987157

>it's a matter of when, not if

All well and good but is it a matter of an in my lifetime "when" or a far future "when"

>> No.7987160

Supposedly Sega Saturn discs are more prone to disc rot.

>> No.7987816

careful, apparently anything resembling a contradictory opinion to the circle jerk of a thread in /vr/, no matter how valid, can be reported as "trolling outside of /b/"

>> No.7987850

lmao poorfag cope

my mega cd collection works fine,stop being a poor person you filthy poor and buy your games instead of bragging about your folder of 10000000 games you only play 5 mins of each you smug cunt

>> No.7987852

lmao cope harder poor

>> No.7987853

The community is catching up though. Look at the kinds of mods people are doing to Dreamcasts now. Power supply replaced, optical drive emulator added, noctua fan, and HDMI output that taps directly into the digital signal path of the DC.

>> No.7987857

>emulation is preservation, and it's more authentic.
Nah. Archival of the original contents of discs and cartridges with methods of verifying them is important. It has nothing to do with emulation though. It's just as valuable to people who want to play with flash carts, burned discs, or optical drive emulators. Also "more authentic" nice try lmao. Console warring about emulation vs hardware is for mentally underdeveloped screeching retards like yourself. Anybody sane will use what works best for them. I use both depending on the situation. I don't care to own every console or spend money on everything so I emulate some shit. Also it's nice to play games from consoles I do own on my portables sometimes via emulation. I still like original hardware though and enjoy playing games on it.

>> No.7988005
File: 18 KB, 500x323, Yo-Dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yo dawg, i heard you like cope so i coped about cope so i could cope while i cope
Stay mad poorfag

>> No.7989709

This, but with videogames as a whole. The intensity of someone's engagement with videogames as something worthwhile is directly proportional to one's soi and need-to-dilate-cope-and-have-sex levels.

>> No.7990430

Most cartridges are mask ROM which is much more permanent than that. The bits are physical structures, no refreshing needed or possible.

>> No.7991049

The hard drive on your computer will deteriorate too, if you had a computer from 1990 still, there is a very high chance that the hard drive doesn't work anymore so with roms you have to constantly be moving them around to new hardware.

The only emufags I don't like are those people who play on a raspberri pie with huge input lag and then do very poor playthroughs who then act like thats the way the game is.

Its also real piss annoying that you have mame working perfectly and then new version suddenly wants new special snowflake versions of the roms. It the same roms but now you have to guess what to rename them to.

Cartridge in console goes brrrr.
The old consoles are cheap anyway, you can get them cheaper than one single controller for a new console. Then just get a flashcard.

>> No.7991154

Data rot is a meme

Cope emutranny

>> No.7991172

Especially if you import from Japan. If you live in a PAL region you get the added bonus of having a NTSC console.