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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 61 KB, 485x357, amano-final-fantasy-vi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
798602 No.798602 [Reply] [Original]

So I know that there are alot of threads based around FF everyday, and that tends to get very, very boring. but I also notice that most Final Fantasy threads devolve into a shouting match on which one is better. So, I propse we have a nice, civil thread about a good game, without yelling at each other on what other game in the series is better. So /vr/, let's get it all out there, favorite moments, first time you played it, favorite character, etc., etc. I'll start:

My favorite part was when Celes decided to attempt to kill herself

(Also, please try to avoid spoilers for anyone who, for some reason, hasn't played it)

>> No.798609

I quite enjoyed All the stuff with Shadow, like how you found out that he is Relm's dad, and his past, and that maximum feels ending for him.. Did anyone else miss him first time they played?

>> No.798612

I can't understand why people don't love FFVI. Its pretty much perfect.

>> No.798614

>Making an FFVI thread
>Not expecting it to become a shitfest of Kefka/Sephiroth fans

I respect your intenions OP, but on this board, it's honestly stupid to make an FFVI thread and expect anything else.

>> No.798615

This is one of the last RPGs featuring Cool Guys I Want To Play As.

I think Cool Guys I Want To Play As are an important feature of any RPG and definitely sorely lacking in modern games. If you ask me, it has a lot to do with the homogeneity brought about by the 'anime' esthetic.

>> No.798619


It's worth noting that this entry actually lacks a clearly defined central hero. While much of the story hinges on the amnesiac Terra she actually drops out of the story complete for large sections.

>> No.798620

i liked setzer a lot as a characer. i liked cyan's theme music. the gameplay was awesome because of the combinations of equipment and skills... gogo was an especially nice character to try shenanigans on.

>> No.798624

My favorite part of the game was the music. As a kid I ahted any music without lyrics, but when I played this game I realized that music doesn't need to have lyrics to be good. Also, did anyone else cry when when Terra transforms into her esper form in front of those kids, and they accept her for what she is. I thought that was beautiful, alot like the last scene in Hunchback of Notre Dame.

>> No.798634
File: 451 KB, 957x1484, Alt FF VI 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Hands down my favorite in the series. I don't play RPGs for great mechanics or an amazing combat system. I play them for a good story and VI packs it and ships it out in spades.

From the very first scene of the game with Biggs, Wedge and ?????? it sets a very haunting mood. The opening credits while they walk to Narshe are great. The same goes for the first time you head to the Southern continent and you have that slow reveal of the Empire.

This game had 14 characters and 12 of them had complete stories of sorts. Some were more fleshed out than others and the 2 hidden party members were a great touch.

I think one of the greatest things this game has going for it is it's main villain who isn't even the main villain until the halfway point of the game. The first time we meet him in the desert and his music plays, it's the perfect character reveal. He's a bitter little man who has greater ambitions than piddle shit missions he's being sent on. His acts of evil are just that: pure evil. There's no real reason for them besides being a complete dick. General Leo? Doma? WTF. I lost my shit with General Leo.

The fact that you don't have to get the "main" character of the story afterwards is a nice touch. She's defeated and seems to have found a new life and just wants to be left alone. You can very much make that happen. In fact, the only three characters you need to beat the game are Celes, Edgar and Setzer. That's it. It makes it a little difficult come the end of the game, but hey...a new challenge breathes life into old games.

I could go on for hours about how amazing this game is. I realize i've gone on for a long time already.

tl;dr VI is just a flat out great game with a great story and characters

Also, one of the best soundtracks Uematsu has ever done.

>> No.798640

Father? I always thought he was her older brother. That's why the Relic they can both get has "Mother's Love" in it or whatever it is.

>> No.798642

That's his dead lover, the mother of his child. He can use that love, too.

>> No.798645

The Celes killed herself was because the old man had raped after she was rescued by him.

It's not. The game is button-mashing tier.

>> No.798667

troll detected.
his two statements are the evidence.

>> No.798678
File: 30 KB, 339x383, 6-locke-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand the faggot brigade is here to preach the word of the gloriousness of Summer and ruin the adult's fun.

Also, I personally thought that Locke had the best backstory. His Obsession with finding the Pheonix Magicite and resurrecting Rachel was very sad, especially when you find out that he was kind of the cause for her death in the first place. I also loved when he saw her ghost, and she told him that he has to move on, and indicates Celes is his true love. Locke is so cool, and I really hope him and Celes got married after they trashed Kefka

>> No.798695

While I feel that FFVI isn't the best in the series, I do love the game, like I love all of the other Final Fantasies. My first FF was IV(or 2 in America), and after that I got hooked. I remember spending long nights playing FFVI, trying to find the Czar Dragon and teaching all the magic to my characters. One night my dad came in and violently unplugged the console, threatening to take all of my games away if he caught me playing it so late again. I said fuck him and stayed up all night playing, getting all the way to Kefka's Tower before passing out at 6:00 am. My dad found out at the end of the month when the electric bill came, and took most of my games away, save Zelda nd FFVI.

>> No.798764
File: 119 KB, 458x750, tumblr_mhemqqr7Bn1s4tqwco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid I always thought Setzer was the coolest nigga ever, and after beating the game would go around acting like him until people screamed at me to stop. He owned an airship, fucked dudes up with playing cards, and had tons of class. Plus his backstory was pretty sad. I am so glad they put him in Kingdom Hearts 2, he seriously deserved it.

>> No.798768

You don't have to yoko anymore, anon. It's automatic. Polite sage for offtopic post.

>> No.798798
File: 75 KB, 500x297, tumblr_mo9gi86Iid1reapnqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that as a good thing, or a bad thing?

The first time I played FFVI was at my cousin's house, who I'd go to visit every summer. Now my cousin was a faggot, he'd hide up in his room all day, scream and cry whenever he went out(which was ususally only to go to the supermarket to get candy and beg his parents for a toy, and when he didn't get what he wanted it was like a mini 9/11. Dude once clung to a Super-Lego set and refused to let go until his folks bought it for him. But I digress.) He wasn't inclined to share anything, and once while he was in the shower I said 'Fuck this prick, I'm going to play his SNES'. I turned it on, expecting something like Shaq-Fu or that Chester the Cheetah game to be in there since all he fucking played were really dumb games that he thought were easier than normal games. I was surprised to find FFVI in there, and I began playing. And, god that opening blew my fucking mind. I played for about 10 minutes, and got to the Whelk. My cousin walked in and started crying that I was touching his tuff, and started grabbing for the controller. I said fuck off and punched him, to which he ran to his parents, naked and crying, to complain. I got punished and the next day I went home. I got it at my birthday, and beat it. To this day it remains my favorite game of all time, and I doubt it will ever be replaced.

>> No.798810

>I also notice that most Final Fantasy threads devolve into a shouting match on which one is better

That hasn't been true on /vr/

>> No.798813

Mah nigga. I loved Setzer, he was by far the best character in th game. When his airship got fucked by Kefka I felt really, really bad.

>> No.798836

I think OP means FFVI threads. And yeah, that does tend to happen. Alot. I also notice this thread is dying slowly, so I wonder if there is a connection between FFVI/FFVII shouting matches and the number of replies. Also, love the game, a great in it's genre.

>> No.799013


>The game is button-mashing tier.

You could do that but why would you?

>Terra and Celes - Blast enemies with magic
>Locke - Steal constantly and you'll have more items than you know what to do with
>Edgar - Tools
>Mog - Dance (Jump when he annoys you by failing)
>Cyan - Dispatch while he's forced in your party, then never use him again

I could go on but the only times I ever just plain attack is when I run into very weak enemies that aren't at all a thread to me.

>> No.799015


Actually, now that I think about it, I do usually just attack with Setzer once I get the Fixed Dice.

>> No.799017

I think this is actually improved compared to the original in some parts.

>> No.799037

Button-mashing doesn't need to involve just hitting attack though. There's the memory-cursor option

>> No.800013

>not using Sabin
What is wrong with you!

>> No.800639

>common yurop kid
>didn't play a FF until 7

It was a glorious week, when the Playstation version of VI came out.
even though I only bought it out of curiosity, because it was cheap, bore the Final Fantasy name, and had a FFX demo

>> No.801734

Do you mean 'homogeneity' as in they're all the same or that they're all faggots? I'm really confused