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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7981824 No.7981824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Too many cartoony platformers, it's like 70% of their library. The NES had more variation in its games.

>> No.7981835
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Didn't ask + you're incorrect + ratio

>> No.7981880

Games were getting more complicated and expensive to make by that point. Not the coding so much but the art assets and publishers were less willing to take risks.

>> No.7981897

How many of them were Amiga ports?

>> No.7981905

The Mega Drive had a fair bit of those and most of its European developed games were made by Amiga guys anyway.

>> No.7981931
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Only a NinteNPC would prefer a Ninty console to the Sega Chad Drive, the greatest console of all time.

>> No.7982209

I sometimes wish we got to have another 2D generation since 2D games could have really been perfected with another gen. Playstation and Saturn had some great ones despite not being solely for those type of games.

>> No.7982417
File: 1.32 MB, 424x240, a2bee5_1ae1f4a8c3894d369bc38f707417c0aa_mv2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We kinda have in a sense, indie devs and some mainstream companies are pumping out new 2D game after new 2D game. If you look for them, they are available in the hundreds and often dirt cheap too.

>> No.7982430

the NES was the prototype for all modern game consoles and it shows. Zelda 1 is good and still worth playing, that's it. every other game is either trash or has a highly superior equivelant on newer hardware.

>> No.7982436

Unfortunately, modern indie games are like stale imitations (at best) of retro games. And the less said of AAA non-games, the better. I'd rather just stick to actual old games, haven't played anything new in over a decade.

>> No.7982442

I humbly disagree, good sir.
The Ninja Gaiden series, for one, won't be found better on newer software.
The NES' library is absolutely huge, to this day I keep finding out about obscure Famicom-only shit that's really worth my time.
To me, it's 8 and 16-bit eras.

>> No.7982447


>> No.7982451

the NES is better if you like pure, stripped down arcade action. i guess the 16-bit consoles better in depth, content, world size, and complexity of gameplay.

>> No.7982460

You act like 75% of the NES' library wasn't generic sidescrolling scotformers. It wasn't until 5th gen that we got truly diverse videogames. Everything before then can be safely discarded.

>> No.7982467
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Cyber Shadow and The Messenger were both pretty good. Garlic is good platforming

>> No.7982468
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>I'd rather just stick to actual old games, haven't played anything new in over a decade.

Maybe it's time you tried some new retro stuff then. There are some great new creators out there.

I don't know what you consider stale but I am constantly finding new and unique stuff like The Messenger, Hollow Knight, Iconoclast, Blasphemous or Crosscode.

Also the stuff that is a rehash like Sonic Mania, Bloodstained, the new Ghosts and Goblins or Blazing Chrome can still be a lot of fun even if they tread old ground.

But it's up to you, can't go wrong with the classics after all.

>> No.7982470

>I haven't played anything new but I have an opinion on everything new
It's nice to see that the usual /v/ retardation lives on.

>> No.7982473

The Messenger was great, Hollow Knight bored me, Iconoclast is good, Blasphemous was one of the best games I've played in the past few years.

>> No.7982481

Yeah but what >>7982436 said and also it would be a lot different if there was an alternate reality where we did see some 32-bit or whatever 2D consoles released. With one or more being great successes and having tons of great retro 2D games we could nostalgia for today besides games like say SOTN for example. No that I think PS1 or N64 or Saturn were bad at all though.

>> No.7982482

>5th gen, the beginning of the post-arcade era
>discard everything before then
zoom zoom

>> No.7982486

Okay let me give an example. The gif you posted made me think of Ninja Gaiden so I'll use that game as an example. How many indie devs out there are even daring to make a game like NES NG and not "modernize" it too much so that it is "safer" to sell and profit off of basically? That is the thing with these indie devs. They often aren't making games exactly like retro ones. More just retro-like but not quite exact.

>> No.7982490

You mean shitty parts where you repeat a whole level? Do you like these games for the gameplay or the shit QoL that some of them had?

>> No.7982527
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Well the first Gif I posted what Blazing Chrome which is about as hard as the original Contra's, 1 hit deaths, hard mode has limited continues and so on.

The Messenger is a stage based game that turns into a Metroidvania. It's easier in it has unlimited lives so you don't have to restart but expect to die a lot... a lot.

New retro can be easy at times but so was Super Mario World and A Link to the Past. It can also be very hard, perma death rogue-likes are popular for instance.

>> No.7982529

Except the NES had a shittier library.

>> No.7982532

You won't convince him. Some people can't move on from just retro the same as lots of zoomers can't get into retro and say the PS1 games look like shit. That's just how it is.

>> No.7982556

HAHAHAHA Bitch please, the NES created CONSOLE gaming that shat all over your 20 minutes coing snatchers to the point it killed them in the west

>> No.7982565

>Blasphemous was one of the best games I've played in the past few years.

I gotta get back into that, that cliff section is hard as nails though.


Yeah, I know. I just like getting other retroheads to realize how much great new 2D content is still being created.

Like underneath the Switch/XBox/PS/Steams modern library it's like there is a whole new and growing Retro console full of titles most people have never even heard of. That is just so cool.

>> No.7982596

The NES didn't kill arcades. That was Final Fantasoy 7 which popularized the jarpig and ruined videogames forever.

>> No.7982605

You'd bitch if it was the same, too.

>> No.7982672

And console Jrpgs (actual games that last weeks if not months unlike 20 minutes arcade shit) started with the NES

>> No.7982684


>> No.7982686

50 hours of boring, bloated, pointless tedium that you'll dump after beating vs. 20 minutes of purely concentrated excitement and fun with infinite replay value. yeah I know which one I'll be playing. you can keep your jarpig garbage.