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7976267 No.7976267 [Reply] [Original]

thread about the X-Wing / Tie Fighter series of games.

Anyone else find X-Wing (1994) really hard?

>> No.7976318

Never got to play it. Always wanted to because it looks like Wing Commander. Do I need a joystick to play the GOG version? Looks like it says it requires one.

>> No.7976552

>Anyone else find X-Wing (1994) really hard?
Everybody did.
>Do I need a joystick to play the GOG version? Looks like it says it requires one.
It does, but I'm pretty sure there is some workaround to use a mouse.

>> No.7976669

I think the original DOS version can be configured to use mouse (I 100% know the OG did because that's how I played it). But i had some annoying issues with that one when I tried it recently and just used the windows rerelease. Ymmv i guess.

>> No.7978398
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It was not easy. I remembered only getting through the first campaign, most of the 2nd, and only a few of the 3rd. The DLC campaigns were a bit easier. I think if I had a flight stick, it might be easier than playing through with a space invaders keyboard.

>> No.7978417

You can play it with the mouse, but it will be with inverted vertical axis like many flightsims of that era and you cannot change it (but you will get used to it eventually). You can find a copy in the vr dospack, it runs at 640x480. Normally it runs at 320x200 (hardcoded) and it's hard to look at with the jagged edges.

>> No.7979696
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>The DLC campaigns

>> No.7979732

Barely remember playing it. I know I enjoyed Tie Fighter more. I do remember a dogfight with an advanced tie fighter being extremely annoying. Bit of a shame they can't do a proper remake.

>> No.7979796

ignore these plebs, get a joystick. better yet get two. you will thank me later

>> No.7979971

OP here, just finished the third campaign. The death star trench run was pretty kino

the strategy guide seems pretty awesome, like a full blown novel. I would read it but I hate reading and it's like 300 pages lol

>> No.7980046
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They are stories after the Death Star missions, and include a new ship. A bonus is the TOPACE save which is a 100% save of the prior missions to allow for any stage to be replayed as a historical battle simulation.

That is an aspect which made some of the official strategy guides of the day nice: they are from the perspective of someone in-universe of the games. You don't have to start from the beginning, since you can just pick and choose which parts to look up. There are some game designer interviews as well which are interesting tidbits on the development.

>> No.7980149

Yes, but it's from a time when DLC the acronym was not invented yet. Or at the absolute least not used pretty much anywhere you could encounter it online or in the press. It was an expansion or a mission pack.