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7973002 No.7973002 [Reply] [Original]

Was voice acting the worst thing to happen to video games?

>> No.7973007

Early 00s anime tier voice acting sucked but LucasArts adventure games had some great VA.

>> No.7973013

Just grow up

>> No.7973015

Dubs are garbage in general. Voice acting is fine on its own, just stop replacing the original voice acting with some halfassed peanut budget garbage during the localization process.

>> No.7973036

Grunts, battle cries, screams, and catchphrases are fine. It’s only when you have a character speaking full dialogue that it becomes annoying.

>> No.7973049

Like the sub is any "better".
Also, people seem to conveniently "forget" what the intent behind that scene is. It's not supposed to sound "good". It's supposed to sound silly.

>> No.7973053

Wasn't Tidus' laugh deliberately weird?

>> No.7973056

>Was voice acting the worst thing to happen to video games?
It's up there for sure.
The real problem is that when it's good, it's expensive and doesn't add much to the gameplay.

>> No.7973059

I think that the Build games had great voice acting.

>> No.7973070
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They did, for sure.

>> No.7973083

If not the worst it's certainly up there. Voice acting is hard to do well under the best conditions. With shitty scripts, directors and actors it's guaranteed to go wrong. Combine that with an bad game and it just compounds the problem.

>> No.7973085

Yes, that was the whole point.

>> No.7973091

pleb opinion

>> No.7973096

as someone who didn't play ff10, why? what is the context?

>> No.7973105

Depends on what you mean by "deliberately". I've heard the theory advanced that this whole scene is supposed to depict a concept that's pretty foreign to American culture at this point- that of keeping one's composure and happiness in the face of overwhelming human misery and death. The nearest Western analog I can readily think of at this point is the British sensibility of "Keep Calm and Carry On". Now, bear in mind, this theory could very well just be total bullshit from some weeb- I don't fucking speak Jap, and have no plans to learn just so I can double-check some little shit on the internet. It seems pretty clear though over the years that no matter *what* squeenix were going for it landed like a wet fart. In my opinion that's par for the course in this game; everything feels just a *wee bit* dysfunctional and unfinished, likely due to internal corporate turmoil.

>> No.7973107
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Try playing a Western-made game for once. They don't have anime-tier voices.


>> No.7973120 [DELETED] 
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> Zoomie who doesn't play games

>> No.7973121

No, forced tutorials and DLC are the worst things to happen to videogames.

this however pure kino

>> No.7973126

He's trying to cheer up some girl by acting like a fool.

>> No.7973128

ah yes the japanese custom of kakitake, not panicing. they're so cool

>> No.7973134


>> No.7973136

No, that would be a stupendously midwitted opinion.

>Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Warcraft 2
>Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2
All good games with good voice acting, and which are lesser games without it.

A much better argument to make is that many games suffer from a misplaced focus on featuring voice acting. Oblivion, for instance, which doesn't even have good voice acting, but the devs insisted on voicing every single line of dialogue, when the preceding Morrowind was better for NOT doing so, only providing a set of generic voice lines for characters by race and gender, and then doing 99% of its dialogue through text.

>> No.7973137

The VA in Baldur's Gate (1+2) is a mixed bag.

>> No.7973150

The good voice acting is so good that it makes up for the lackluster stuff.

>> No.7973156

Oh yeah, the Grand Theft Auto games, particularly 3, Vice City, San Andreas, voice acting is a huge part of their charm.

>> No.7973161

No, japs trying to lip sync laughter is obviously a worse thing to happen.

>> No.7973169

It fails just as hard at sounding silly. It sounds atrociously, and looks even worse.

>> No.7973179

There was context for it, but the actual scene went way beyond weird and was just straight up uncomfortable. Like those moments when you have to turn the volume down on the TV because you don't want the rest of your family hearing it.

>> No.7973216

I genuinely can't understand how people can lited to English dubbed animu and nip video games without cringing hard. It's all so painfully overacted and of so poor quality it's embarrasing. Do these people seriously never watch or play any actually American-made media and get exposed to actually passable English acting? It's absurd.

>> No.7973221

No, story was
Plotfags ruined gaming

>> No.7973241

No, First Person Shooters were.

>> No.7973248
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>> No.7973317 [DELETED] 


>> No.7973361

Before Voice Acting we had so much more depth of story and dialog options.
Didn't have to be this way. We don't need voice actors anymore to have characters voiced.

>> No.7973806

>Duke 3D
Has only 3 characters with proper voice acting outside of just stock effects, and at shitty audio frequency, that and Duke's one liners are just stolen action movie quotes said with a deep voice. Postal 1 and 2 had the better voice lines desu.

>> No.7973821

San Andreas had legit movie actors do voices though.

>> No.7973834

Only some of them are quotes (and often in reference or as part of an easter egg), also it's part of what gives Duke a lot of character.

>> No.7973835

I think Nintendo had the right approach to voice acting in leaving it to grunts/short phrases.

>> No.7973859

Stay away from Breath of the Wild

>> No.7973864

>We don't need voice actors anymore to have characters voiced.
Those synthetic voices have exactly zero emotional range.

>> No.7973985

No, that's microtransactions. However, VA is high on the list. Specifically, high expectations of voice acting.

The expectation of full voice acting killed the open world RPG. It's great that Skyrim and Fallout 3/N/4 gave everyone a voice, but that causes a lot of problems. It greatly limits how much dialog you can use or change because if you realize you made a fuckup in an infodump you need to re-record that part or even the entire scene depending on the magnitude of the fuckup. Then you get entitled bitches who whine when a game isn't voiced or fully voiced (I actually saw someone whine about this for Disco Elysium and the VN Fata Morgana, I mean, how dare a 40+ hour VN not be fully voiced)

God help you if you find out that you've been mispronouncing something wrong and it's a major plot element. Etrian Untold for instance completely fucks the pronunciation of Tlachtga's* name, which I find odd because Atlus is normally really good about getting names right these days (SMT4 in particular got Peallaidh spot-on and Persona 4 got Cuchulain correct).

*The pronunciation is like Clahkda, hard to write phonetically like all gaelic.

>> No.7974025

The worst thing that ever happened to video games was (hopefully i don't fuck this up):

>> No.7974036

I think you meant to link <a href="//boards.4channel.org/v/thread/564848423#p564848423" class="quotelink">>>>/v/564848423,</a> which isn't restricted to /vr/ so I don't know why you're linking it here.

>> No.7974046

the biggest problem is how voice actors make the budget balloon
you also have to limit dialogue options if you want to have everything voice acted

>> No.7974052

no, micro transactions, pay to win, cut content sold a DLC, and games as a service are the worst things to happen to video games. both the gameplay and the art style of games suffers from because of these. i hate how tacky the skins in most modern multiplayer games are. now every other game has to be a multiplayer esport game or a gacha skinner box mobile game. any AAA single player game that still gets made will most likely be a safe (but half hearted) super sequel to a popular franchise with a bunch of DLC tacked on or it will be a lazy cash grab remake that does not understand the original.

the normalization of post launch patches and updates on games have also had a negative impact. there is nothing wrong with fixing bugs or improving an already released game but to many companies now see post launch fixes as an excuse to ship a broken or incomplete game.

hot take, gaming going mainstream has been bad for the industry. sure all the money coming in has led to fancy graphics but the gameplay has become stagnant or worse regressed. games are now seen as too expensive to allow fail and therefore almost every non indie game is expected to be safe, directive, and appeal to as wide an audience as possible. the casualization of the hobby has led to excessive streamlining of games and a loss of quality control as normies will still go out and buy mediocre games in droves ensuring they get sequels. furthermore, the newfound popularity of games has brought cancerous charlatans and ideologues with it. on the flip side without the decline of triple A games perhaps we would never have seen the vibrant indie scene we have now so it may not be all bad.

>> No.7974061

aight, thanks, that's exactly what i was trying.
I mean it's not retro but it's what ruined video games for real. There isn't really anything during the PS2 times that posed the whole media any malice. Except maybe artisy games like Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.7974074

Yea, the ones from the 90's.

>> No.7974081

>hot take, gaming going mainstream has been bad for the industry.
This. The entire last section. I don't really care about fancy graphics, games were at their peak when it was still a little niche that solely focused on just being a game. Nowadays it's desperately trying to be the non-plus-ultra with all the features in the world BUT those that primarily make games into actual games.
>on the flip side without the decline of triple A games perhaps we would never have seen the vibrant indie scene we have now so it may not be all bad.
Here is my hot take: the indie scene is not the saving grace people make it to be. It allowed way too many talentless people to enter the industry and shit their half-hearted products into the market. One of the major problems we have nowadays is how extremely affluent video games are as a media. There is just way too much. And it incentivizes everyone to look at them as disposable goods instead of software that can potentially enrich their lives. Why waste time on 20 shovelware you will never remember fondly when you could aswell spend time on getting better at your favorite games or discover interesting nuances?

>> No.7974113

I would argue that Sony's intense focus on presentation, animation, and polish when the PS1 was released is what ruined video games, because they stopped focusing as much on fun gameplay.

>> No.7974202

I think your post is 100% spot fucking on.

>> No.7974209

Ironically, the flat voice acting from SOTN has a lot more soul and humanity to it than neural network generated voices.

>> No.7974230

No that would be celebrity face scans and mocap. Luckily that's basically won't be a thing for a few more decades in /vr/

>> No.7974241


>> No.7974250

Yeah this, unintentionally hilarious as they may be doctah Wahweeh they suck, they are real low effort, Earthworm Jim had a good voice though, generally murrican and bri'ish developed games had much better voice acting than their japanese cousins

>> No.7974274

I think most Japanese games back then hired cheap non-union Canadian voice actors.

>> No.7974298
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definitely not

>> No.7974345

>Here is my hot take: the indie scene is not the saving grace people make it to be.
i agree with your sentiment on indie shovelware being a problem. there is also a lot dumb time waster games. as an aside i am slightly irritated about how the roguelike genre name has been couped (not that i hate all roguelites). however, the indie scene has also led to the revitalization and sustenance for many niche genres that would be dead otherwise.

>There is just way too much.
it was bound to happen eventually. even if we just stick to retro games there is still more than a lifetime of stuff to play.

>And it incentivizes everyone to look at them as disposable goods instead of software that can potentially enrich their lives.
abundance of media or not i think most people generally think of entertainment as just being "entertainment" and nothing more. people who like taking their hobbies seriously are the minority.

>Why waste time on 20 shovelware you will never remember fondly
again, i don't disagree with the sentiment but there is a simple solution to this problem; just don't play the shovelware.
yes, the abundance of junk makes picking a game a bit more laborious but that's always been somewhat of a problem. the retro gaming scene has the advantage of hindsight, it would have been a lot harder to find all the hidden gems on old systems back when they were first coming out we have just forgotten about most the junk from back then and only talk about the interesting games. still, the loss of visibility caused by all the rubbish almost certainly chokes the bottom-line of the genuinely good games.

>when you could aswell spend time on getting better at your favorite games or discover interesting nuances?
there are so many games on my backlog that i am never going finish them all as it is. i mostly don't plan to replay games i have completed these days unless they are personal favorites. not that i am in any ways opposed replaying games, i am just short on time.

>> No.7974349

>shovelware being a problem.
For whom? Don't like it, don't buy it.

>> No.7974403


It's fine until you enter motioncapped mouthflaps synching with dialogue in multiple levels territory

>> No.7974430

VA is shit, but the brainlet filtering Tide scene was literally the 0.0001% of scenes that could not be conveyed with text only.

>> No.7974672

Unlike you anime weebs, JRPG fans are fine with English dubs. Everyone plays Final Fantasy, Persona, and Tales dubbed.

>> No.7974676

It's the worst thing to happen to visual novels, at least. VNs that don't let you turn the voices off are unplayable for me.

>> No.7974693


We really aren't.

Undubbed > dubbed

>> No.7974716

>the newfound popularity of games has brought cancerous charlatans and ideologues with it

so true. fuck youtubers fuck streamers fuck game journos fuck esports.

>> No.7974860


>> No.7974960

There's always been shovelware. There's a lot more of it now, but there's also far more sophisticated tools for searching through it. In the 90s, shovelware was a giant bin full of shit you had to rifle through by hand.

I wouldn't call indie games a "saving grace" but they can produce interesting games that AAA studios never would

>> No.7974989

Japanese voice acting is 99.9% complete garbage.

>> No.7975013

? Koo-kuhl-lehn

>> No.7975047


>> No.7975120

Are you just le contrarian or are you a failing voice actor who thinks you're good and everyone else is wrong?

>> No.7975327

Yes. Zoomers are 60 IQ monkeys and they barely know how to spell context, let alone understand it. The laugh was just spammed on it's own, and thats all something needs to become a epic maymay.

>> No.7975353

No because it gave us Legacy of Kain

>> No.7975371

Polygons was the worst thing ever to happen to video games

>> No.7975507

You almost got it, the second K is closer to the ch sound you find in words like loch.

>> No.7975527

I do, but they still sell. People impulse-buy on Steam sales, collect them for their man cave, literally reward them just for existing. And that on the other hand incentivizes a lot of talentless people to keep going/start with another stupid shovel ware we don't need any more of.

>> No.7975530

Dubs were a mistake, I hate them with a passion. Japanese voice acting is great.

>> No.7975579

>Still not understanding that scenes laughter was forced and intentionaly terrible
See the original Japanese versions vid/audio for comparison and stop being retarded

>> No.7975581
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Kingdom Hearts 1, KH: CoM and KH2 were pretty good.

>> No.7975721

>>Still not understanding that scenes laughter was forced and intentionaly terrible
Everyone knows it was forced and intetional but that does not mean it is not cringe though.

>> No.7975780

>Muh cringe muthafucka
You are being retarded on purpose and you well know it ;^)

>> No.7976030


But it's consistent, is the thing, and English translations are generally piss-poor

>> No.7976036

I just can’t stand the shrill voices in Japanese voice acting.

>> No.7976048

why does he look like he's cumming

>> No.7976619

i don't get it.

>> No.7976664

A girl in the party is upset or sad, so Tidus tries to cheer her up by telling her to laugh in the face of her problems. He stands up and forces out these loud, annoying laughs as part of the bit. It wasn't a natural laugh in reaction to something funny, it was literally him forcibly laughing at nothing, which is why it sounds forced, because it IS forced.

>> No.7976687

This scene is every bit as retarded in Japanese:

>> No.7976986

Only in the west.
In Japan, the voice acting in games was actually good.

>> No.7976992

>A girl in the party is upset or sad, so Tidus tries to cheer her up
Other way around, silly.

>> No.7976998

Whoops. It's been a while.

>> No.7977006

bing bing wahoo

>> No.7977027

Voice acting in western games is usually fine, too. It's voice acting in western dubs of non-western games that suck donkey dick.

>> No.7977131

You could justify half of the cringe shit in anime and Japanese cutscenes with that. Almost all of them were doing it "on purpose".

>> No.7977148

There's no getting around the fact that regardless of 'intent' by the directors that the scene looks awkward and laughable as hell and there's no weaboo explanation that would have spared it from looking retarded to your boomer parents when they walk into the room, especially with that retarded outfit that Tidus is wearing.

>> No.7977730

english translations of weebshit is annoying but charming
most modern games are just annoying tho but idk if thats due to the writing or the VA

>> No.7977778

And I honestly have no problem with English dubs, either, if original audio is still an option.

>> No.7977926

Told ya :)

>> No.7978020

Yes, the average gamer just doesn’t know how to consume media beyond a surface level.

>> No.7978063

>Tidus is upset about shit going on
>Yuna tells him that it's best to laugh in these situations, even if he has to force it
>Tidus demonstrates how stupid that advice is by giving the most forced, obnoxious laugh possible
>Yuna understands the point he's trying to make and joins him to vent her own frustrations
>the two share a genuine laugh over it
Yuna is going to be sacrificed at the end of her journey and has been trying to put on a brave face because it's what's expected of her (but he doesn't know that yet). She appreciates Tidus going "fuck that" and giving her a moment of respite, even if she can't bring herself to fully drop her facade.

>> No.7978064

i don't really think it was cringe at all, it was a very human interaction between two characters that came slowly closer to eachother. FFX knew how to build up a relationship between two characters who don't have a past with that connects them.
I was thinking long and hard about how you could possibly write a story like that and realized no game does it really properly with the exception of FFX. Every other Final Fantasy with couples always have a connection in the past, nothing was really build up with two people meeting eachother for the first time.

The laughing scene is only cringe to you if you're extremely surface-level and never consider the meaning or the intention behind it. I don't like fuckers interpreting too much into cutscenes either, but this one was so fucking obvious i don't know how you could be possibly retarded to a point where it goes over your head

>> No.7978092

You don't even have to dig for it, the dialogue directly explains what they're doing. I think it's more of a case of people seeing the clip of Tidus laughing and never having played the game to get the context, or not even watching the full scene.

>> No.7978134

Aside from Tidus’s Marty McFly voice, FFX has decent voice acting.

>> No.7979196

Thats no excuse for such a bad laugh

>> No.7979206

Of course it's embarrassing, true weebs wear the embarrassment in front of their parents as a badge of honor like when they revealed they are trans for the first time.

>> No.7979218

Because everyone has a wild breath?

>> No.7980267

First thing I did was always check for an undub before committing to learning moon.
Most dub is a horrid low effort thing.

>> No.7980582
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>It's supposed to be cringe so it's not cringe

>> No.7980593

>muh cringe
Stop trying so hard to be cool all the time.

>> No.7980608

The scene is awkward. It's uncomfortable to watch. The fact that it's forced might in theory make it a nice touching character moment, IOW the awkwardness pays off. But, it doesn't. The character moment is nothing special and feels as forced and awkward as the uncomfortable laughter you are forced to sit through.

Do you want me to keep going or can you just shut up and accept the fact that the scene sucks regardless of whether you have the context and know it's "on purpose" or not.

>> No.7980652

You probably thought the Roxas prologue was peak genius

>> No.7980654

ignore this quote, that was meant for the apologist

>> No.7980826

yeah I quoted you by accident sorry

>> No.7980832

He overdoes it waaaay too hard. Even someone who's only pretending to laugh doesn't sound like that.

>> No.7980854

I consider it to be a bad thing; It drains budget and it keeps your game from having a ton of dialogue (if you try to make it heavily VA'd then you're going to be restricted by size and by budget) and it makes your game that much more expensive/complicated to localize too (though increasingly gamers are becoming accepting of titles having their original dubs).

At the same time however, voice clips can add character. Few would argue that the voices for Mario games on Nintendo 64 didn't add to the characterization (not to mention the memetic qualities of lines like "so longeh bowser!"). Same for things like Bethesda games. Occasionally, a VA job can even be particularly good too, and not just funny.

For me, they are a nice garnish, but it's a lot to ask for, and in certain genres I think it is just a bad use of finances. I would only use VA for small things, and would prefer to see a game heavily text-based over voice-based.

>> No.7980861

Yes. The japanese version is just as silly.

>> No.7980869

and there were also obnoxious trends that pushed through this and into the 00's, like cinematics, or "dark and edgy" shit, or open-world mission-based gameplay (thanks a lot GTA, we really needed open-world to become a pushed-for trend).

>> No.7980937
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The older that I get, the less that I understand this commentary that "gaming went mainstream". It feels like I see it brought up often, but as a set of goalposts that moves to accommodate whenever the given poster feels comfortable, perhaps when they decided they were a "serious gamer" and the rest were just casual plebs. Are we just ignoring that games were normalfag shit in arcades, and on NES/Famicom, and on Sega, and on PlayStation, and on Xbox, and on Wii, and on phones, and onward to the present day? Which of these floodgates opening is the magic "games are normalfag mainstream shit now" events? It honestly just feels like something people use as just another way of saying typical weak arguments like "old good new bad", a largely subjective throwaway assertion that makes bold, sweeping claims about games without any real meaning nor any real basis in reality.

I'd be happy to entertain some attempts at making a more concrete demonstration of what exactly "the mainstream influence" was/is, and why it happened at a certain point (as opposed to earlier/later) and why exactly "cohort A" was worse than "cohort B", but until I can see a more serious attempt to actually quantify it and to make examples, I see little reason to give bother listening to an empty "gaming went mainstream" comment.

>> No.7980949

Posts starting with "the older that I get" are an embarrassing attempt at trying to act as though the poster has some authority except the only credential they have to offer is that they believe they were shit out onto the planet earlier than the poster they are replying to.

>> No.7980973

Maybe. Depends on the genre of games
It's great when really well done, but some Japanese cringey stuff, like OP picture, is where it starts being ehhhh (Yes, I'm aware of the context of the scene. It's still bad)
I've seen around someone argue that a character like Steiner in FF9, which is relatively loved, would instead be completely hated if he was given a voice. I actually agree with this. I'll also add that if FF9's presentation was like the latest one, Steiner would probably be annoying as shit instead

>> No.7981027

It's true. Gaming was always mainstream. 30% of American households owned a NES.

>> No.7981072
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>> No.7981101

I meant it in a way as to say "I have been hearing this claim made for years and the date keeps on moving around as to when it went to shit", but I can see how you interpreted it that way. Sorry to mislead you, I'll consider that in future textspews.

While I appreciate your agreement, I am still interested to see a counterargument.

I've never streamed before, but if you want then I'll figure it out and do it on Friday.

>> No.7981175
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>It's great when really well done, but some Japanese cringey stuff, like OP picture, is where it starts being ehhhh
Same sentiment here.
The problem I have with most Jap games is when the Japanese-isms are translated over to English for some reason (gasp-moans/grunts, "mouth noises" like Keh! Tch! or audible sighs, "climbing" inflections when screaming) and the fucking motion capture scenes. Jap's sense of humor when acting out comedic scenes seems to have no basis to reality with how humans behave and is more bizarre than it is funny.
Grandia 2, I feel, is a good example of good VA on-par with the Japanese VA.