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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7970146 No.7970146 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7970167

Decent pick OP, very visually beautiful game. For me it's Conquest of the Crystal Palace (:

>> No.7970184

Mega Man 2 for an action-y game and Spelunker for arcade style.

>> No.7970187

Do Famicom games count or it should be NES only?
Anyway, I can't pick just one.

>> No.7970348

Based Little Nemo Chad

>> No.7971541

My brother likes him, and the anime.

>> No.7971650
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This or Kirby.

>> No.7971709
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I like to play pic related every now and then, but I might love Bionic Commando a lot more (I only rarely play it because it's far more demanding). I wonder if the team behind BC is also responsible for GI Joe: The Atlantis Factor (due to the game structure and leveling up system).

>> No.7971732
File: 196 KB, 800x1134, 241956-solar-jetman-hunt-for-the-golden-warpship-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bring this up all the time in these kinda threads. This game still blows me away.

Have you tried Power Blade 2? I actually prefer it over the first.

>> No.7971745

I played it but I still like the first one better, mostly because it's easy and rather short. I basically zone out during the whole play through.

>> No.7971775
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Understandable, I found myself enjoying the second more from the more straightforward action and the variety in armor suits, the ability to slide is a good addition too. But the first game still has its upsides with the big sprawling levels and more relaxed difficulty. Both games have great soundtracks and presentation though.

Pic related is also another personal favorite.

>> No.7971874

I have this game! I bought it recently because it says Capcom on the label but I have never played it or heard of it. Is it good?

>> No.7971894

It is. Soundtrack and graphics are nice for the NES, as is the art direction. Just beware those spiny descending enemies (you'll know them when you see them, there's LOT of them in the game).

>> No.7971915

them flips and kicks, man

>> No.7971931

Just the action in general feels good. Really my only two gripes with the game are being able to shoot once in the air sucks, and the level 0 punch power is atrocious. Otherwise it has some of the best action on the NES.

>> No.7971932
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solar jetman is such a fucking meme. people who enjoy it are bananas!

>> No.7971949
File: 2 KB, 256x240, Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never claimed to be a sensible person. But I genuinely love this game. Fighting against the gravity and exploring those bigass planets is satisfying, and I'd say it's one of the most fair and forgiving Rare games on the NES. Seeing as you effectively have infinite lives as long as you can get your ass back to the mother ship if you pod blows up.

Though really one of the best ways to play this game is to bind the select button to a shoulder button, as you'll be using the boosters a lot. The game also gets way easier when you realize there's no penalty for just leaving your shields on.

>> No.7972040

I have the cart for solar jetman. Almost wish I could just give it to you since you like it so much.

>> No.7972046 [DELETED] 

Have you played the superiour Nemo game yet?


>> No.7972049
File: 19 KB, 200x285, TombsandTreasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Tombs and Treasure.

>> No.7972069

Favourite is Gimmick, but I love Nemo too!

>> No.7972072

Yeah, it's a great game. I love the original Moon Lander too

>> No.7972085

I have. It's good, but not nearly as good as the NES game

>> No.7972550
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>> No.7972586

Why do I remember this so vividly but I never owned a NES? What else is this from?

>> No.7972602

based Nemo for turning that gay shit down

>> No.7972618
File: 151 KB, 480x360, 1602635019949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really good

>> No.7972678

Kung Fu and Gyruss

>> No.7972690

It's based on an animated feature, which in turn was based on a classic comic strip

>> No.7972935

Capcom's Disney games were too easy, but still some of the most fun that ever came from the NES

>> No.7973236

DuckTales 1 and 2, Chip N Dale 1 and 2, and Little Mermaid, sure. TaleSpin and Darkwing Duck were decently challenging. Mickey Mouscapade was fucking brutal.

>> No.7973252

Aside from horrible enemy respawn and insta-death spikes (Capcom/Megaman-style), yes. It's actually better than movie it's based on.

>> No.7973471

I had an issue with the way the swapping mechanic is always crewing you over with the health bar. If your current form has 5 hit points and you're full health, if you switch to another form that has 7 hit points, 2 health points are missing. It may not seem like an issue until you switch to a weaker form and then to your normal self. The player always gets the short end of the stick.
I also had an issue with how they introduce a weapon for the last level. You spend the whole game changing form and feeding candies to cute animals and then, you get a boom stick for the final boss.
Nitpicking side, it's cute and well made.

>> No.7973501

It rocks hard plus there's an arcade game nobody talks about

>> No.7973519

>I also had an issue with how they introduce a weapon for the last level. You spend the whole game changing form and feeding candies to cute animals and then, you get a boom stick for the final boss.

This was adapted from movie. Nemo learned to use Morning Star near the end, in the final battle with Nightmare King, iirc he needed to say a long-ass spell for it to work (which is represented in the game by holding B button for charging)

But one thing that always bothered me, is that in the game, he carries scepter behind his back right from the start. When I was a kid, I thought you can somehow use it but they simply were lazy with the sprites.

I also wish there was a level where you are flying on the bed. After all, it's on a goddamn box art.

>> No.7973701
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It is such a great game. I rented it a couple times as a child and then nearly forgot about it. /vr/ helped me remember it back in 2014. Tough game too. I remember having several unusual difficulty spikes throughout nestled between fairly easier levels. the train and Nemo's house come to mind.
I'm not sure I can pick a favorite since it has such a remarkable library. Probably SMB3, but pic related is up there, and honorable mentions: Tiny Toons Adventures, Double Dragon, Life Force, Adventure Island 3, and Megaman 2

>> No.7973721

One of the best games on the NES. Do t be fooled by how cutesy it looks, it's balls hard

>> No.7974312

>Do Famicom games count or it should be NES only?
I pick SPLATTERHOUSE for Famicom

>> No.7974361
File: 119 KB, 524x379, Splatterhouse & Castlevania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is yours?

It's a tie.

>> No.7974376
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images you can hear
>Wǒ ài Běijīng Tiān'ānmén, Tiān'ānmén shàng tàiyáng shēng

>> No.7974440
File: 164 KB, 640x917, F0C50FBA-D154-434F-A745-AFCE404C464F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and Little Ninja Bros.

>> No.7974541

There were times when I played nothing but Mitsume ga Tooru, Mickey Mouse III and Captain Skyhawk. I was constantly replaying them like, every month. Had to quit because I got afraid I'm having an addiction.

>> No.7974578 [DELETED] 

>I'm looking for the toughest platformers on the system /vr/ros. What are some suggestions? Just beat Little Nemo, Ninja Gaiden and Adventure Island 2 over the past few months.

>> No.7974585 [DELETED] 

I'm looking for the toughest platformers on the system /vr/ros. What are some suggestions? Just beat Little Nemo, Ninja Gaiden and Adventure Island 2 over the past few months.

>> No.7974590

What are some of the toughest platformers on the system?

>> No.7974619

Holy Diver for one, but that is an "action platformer" and not a "jump on moppets" platformer if that matters

>> No.7974627

Castlevania 3 (USA version). I feel like it left a deep emotional scar in me because memories of it creep into my mind whenever I think of the franchise now.

>> No.7974634

Adventure Island 1 is nothing but a pure challenge of reflexes and skill. No continues, if you don't use a special item.

Doki Doki Yuuenchi is mildly difficult up until the final stage where it puts your reaction and memory to the test HARD.

Cocoron is pretty challenging on the boss side, especially the fucking Joker. Last stage is also far from cakewalk

Tom & Jerry is a lengthy and quite difficult platformer. Shit gets real at World 4-1.

>> No.7974876
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>> No.7975021

>insta-death spikes
This is a virtue. More games should have them

>> No.7975370
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, 700752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, but i can't with this face

>> No.7975442

>the later levels have no power-ups whatsoever
yeah lol

>> No.7975457



>> No.7975714

mines Shovel Knight

>> No.7976105

kinda crazy no one said super mario bros 1 or 3 itt yet.

for me it would be either one of those, if not those, then ducktales or maybe final fantasy 1 or dragon warrior 4.

>> No.7976215


>> No.7976218

>it's really good
And super fast to play as well.

>> No.7976229

Both of Batman games and the Ninja Gaiden trilogy.

>> No.7977149

>not wanting to save the loli princess if dreamland

>> No.7977171

I don't really consider something an anime if it was made first and foremost for a western audience in english, just because it was animated in Japan. By that logic Batman TAS is an anime.

>> No.7977273

"Anime" is just a shortened version of word "animation" that Japanese use, and it means any animation. So yeah, Batman is anime. As well as DuckTales and Scooby-Doo (which was created by Japanese artist, by the way).

Little Nemo movie originally involved Hayao Miyazaki and Osamu Dezaki. But then a production hell happened and they left, movie was remade from scratch. We could get an actual anime but we've got something way less appealing.

>> No.7977280

You know what I mean, anon. Much like how I call things anime that are made in Korea, because it's made in Japanese for a Japanese audience.

>> No.7977601
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