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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7967837 No.7967837 [Reply] [Original]


Everyday we're closer to the leak of Mother 3

>> No.7967839 [DELETED] 

so? every day we get closer to the heat death of the universe but don't hold your breath

>> No.7967843 [DELETED] 


>> No.7967846

Doesn't some collector actually have a copy but he refuses to ever leak the rom?

>> No.7967850

So many "never evers" have been leaked, even things we never actually knew existed. Don't lose hope, all things come to light one day!

I would've never expected to live in a world where a huge chunk of Pokemon Gen 1+2's development history was well-documented, we had loads of Star Fox 2s, Dinosaur Planet, and more, and yet here we are!

>> No.7967852

Looks terrible.

>> No.7967869

No evidence of this. The only confirmation of an existing cart is what was at Brownie Brown's studio during the development of the GBA version.

>> No.7967873

Nah, fuck off and die. Go play your meme shit like Omori and Undertale. This would have been the greatest JRPG of its generation.

>> No.7968013

Other anon is right. It looks like shit.

>> No.7968020 [DELETED] 

Lole imagine believing science and being an atheist.

>> No.7968035

It feels like a small victory to us EB64 fans.

>> No.7968042
File: 17 KB, 256x353, 1262425256337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burgers will never make a game like this

>> No.7968046

That's because the footage you see here came out in 1997. Of course the graphics would look outdated, dumbass.

>> No.7968047

Neither will Japs apparently.

>> No.7968051

Time has nothing to do with it. Doom looks great. Spyro looks amazing. Faggot.

>> No.7968068

Nah, you're a faggot with evidently shit taste as well. The mistake that this anon made, >>7968046 is that they're placeholder graphics in the same vein as incomplete OOT and Mario 64 footage.

>> No.7968072 [DELETED] 

Talking about shit taste. Mother was never good. You bandwagon jumping trannies should fuck off.

>> No.7968080 [DELETED] 

So why did you enter this thread you faggot? kys

>> No.7968085 [DELETED] 

To watch you seethe, loser. You’ll never be a real woman.

>> No.7968091

Jesus christ, how can someone be this autistic. I wish those fuckers would actually choke to death on stream.

>> No.7968095 [DELETED] 

Hilarious how you come to that sort of buzzword when I guarentee I can outlift you.

>> No.7968097

Even then it was from a game in development Granted I think it might've been slightly nicer if they used pre-rendered backgrounds instead of full 3D environments like what the trailers showed.

>> No.7968103 [DELETED] 

Say that to my face, pussy. I lift your mother every night.

>> No.7968107 [DELETED] 

Doubt it considering your aggressive posting and internet toughguy shit.

>> No.7968108 [DELETED] 

Discord trannies are the worst.

>> No.7968112

Still, you have to give credit where credit is due. This still looks nice considering how inexperienced Itoi's team was with 3D graphics when they were working on this game (before they switched to the N64).

>> No.7968136

>I think it might've been slightly nicer if they used pre-rendered backgrounds
Not on the N64

>> No.7968150 [DELETED] 

You must be some special snowflake to believe anything posted was aggressive or tough.

>> No.7968151

Those reactions aren't genuine, btw. They give those stupid fake reactions in an "ironic" way, like how you get ironic weebs who use anime avatars because it's le random and funny because it's like there an actual weeb who actually like anime and Japanese culture. That video is just as fake as those zoomer smash faggots who overreact at the character trailers. But it's not fake as in meaning for deception, every who watches it knows that they're doing le funny ironical reaction. Because that's what zoomer culture is all about: irony. Nothing is genuine, no one is serious are respectful to anything, just epic irony.

>> No.7968170

Oh for sure, it still looks nice considering the team's lack of experience making 3D games, nevermind the fact that they seemed ambitious and there weren't a ton of RPGs on the N64 to use as reference material.

Yeah, it probably would've been as compressed as RE2 64 or the backgrounds in Mario Party.

>> No.7968171
File: 39 KB, 400x324, spiderman-takes-photo-neat-meme_35_paused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the battle scenes were trying to emulate some equivalent of the trippy animated backgrounds in their texturework

>> No.7968178 [DELETED] 

You seem like a sub 50 iq for posting the same regurgitated /pol/ shitposting. The exact same words and phrases too, that children use.

>> No.7968198 [DELETED] 

Seems like you know all too well what retards of /pol/ post. Move on, bro.

>> No.7968228

This was clearly too ambitious for a team that had only ever done 2D games. Maybe even too ambitious for the Nintendo 64.

>> No.7968484

why though?

>> No.7968543

Which reactions are you talking about though? The one's in the comments of the 1997 video or the one's from the reaction video?

>> No.7968598

Ok, then. Let me ask you a question.

How would you react if you were watching footage of a game that you liked but was cancelled? And said footage wasn't seen by anyone until now?

Their reactions, while "autistic" (in your words), were completely justified.

>> No.7968745

Looking at new footage hurts

>> No.7968785

I dont care anymore

>> No.7968801

how do you know you liked the game if you never played it

>> No.7968802
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its me the mother franchise

>> No.7968852

I think it's so ugly it's beautiful. I wish I could play it, but oh well.

>> No.7968880

That factory scene about 10 seconds in is pretty good looking. The GBA version of course looks better, but that's because it's later polished 2D instead of early 3D. As far as N64 games go this is definitely on the better end of the scale. Really though it's just cool to see this game's world, characters, and and scenarios in full 3D. Imagine how some of the cutscenes could have played out, especially the ending.

>> No.7968926

it would have been neat to play but I'm extremely glad we got the GBA version instead.

>> No.7968962

Am I on crack because I actually think the game looks pretty good visually? The first time I saw eb64 footage in 2008 I thought it looked ugly, but now I think it has a charm. Maybe it's because I'm used to it. But it definetely has a bizzare OoT look to it which I think is fitting.

>> No.7968976

naw it looks great, it's mostly just contrarians and anti-n64 autists who think it looks bad

>> No.7968979

So interesting to see that there are still leaks so long after the original project got cancelled.

>> No.7969003

Does spyro look better than this

>> No.7969075

If its so amazing, why was it cancelled?

>> No.7969260

Devs were way too ambitions with this game putting in polish and shit, and ran out of development time

>> No.7969264

The car has cool animation and the environments look dark. The top down view crossing the bridge looked pretty impressive for an N64 game. There weren't many N64 RPGs and this would have been cool to see.

>> No.7969268

That’s an obvious yes

>> No.7969298

Are mother 3 fans the silent hill 2 fans of JRPGs? Just incredibly annoying and terrible?

>> No.7969306 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 633x429, 1FA2E8A8-19C6-45D5-9909-8ECC9B199A4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do mother 3 fags REALLY?

>> No.7969480

The reactions in the video posted by >>7967843, to which the other anon replied. Those are fake "ironic" reactions by worthless discord zoomers.

>> No.7969526

Too soon bro

>> No.7969529

The graphics being shit and team being inexperienced with 3D is literally why they gave up on Mother 64.

I liked it though... n64 was so armospheric. GBAmother 3 was fantastic but it was so bright because lol no backlight

>> No.7969532

why are zoomers like this?

>> No.7969680

that's a lot of stuff on screen for the system I was thinking

>> No.7969690

Oh was that video off topic janny? Because it incited a few replies about zoomers being retarded? Or did the post calling discord a tranny website hurt your feelings?

regardless, that video was entirely on topic, so can you just fuck off for once? Everyone fucking hates you. You might as well kill yourself right now, you'll be missed by no one.

>> No.7969715 [DELETED] 

How about these discord trannys literally hyperventilating and choking at this trailer:


>> No.7969718 [DELETED] 

LMAO at jannies deleting video of the discord reaction. Too close to home?

>> No.7969719 [DELETED] 

Off topic! Off topic! Not allowed!!! Stop making fun of discord it's my only form of social interaction!!!

>> No.7969728

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R51fqY1MJ0k [Embed]
Looks like a working game to me, why the fuck did they throw it all out of the window?
The N64 lacked games and especially RPGs, so this would've been good for them no?

Or were they afraid of embarrassing themselves when people compared this to playstation RPGs?

>> No.7969732

It appearing to work in a 26 second trailer is no indication that it was anywhere close to acceptable on store shelves.

>> No.7969739

Sure, but cancelling it?

>> No.7969742

They probably just decided that it wasn't going to make a profit.

>> No.7970054 [DELETED] 

We were better off with the GBA version we got.
Also Mother is a shit franchise only fags like.

>> No.7970096

The issue was how slow they were progressing. If you know anything about Mother 3's story, they were around Lucas's post timeskip chapter When it was cancelled. When it was cancelled, apparently they had 80% of the assets made but 50-60% programmed. There was a post-cancellation interview which explained this, but my numbers are off. The person who talked about the development of the GBA game said the build hey had at the studio could make it to the end of the Salsa chapter before it froze.

The issue would have been them double downing on this game as an N64 game while the GC was just about to be released. Mother 64 was meant to compete with games like FFVII... not FFX. Imo, it's disgusting they didn't move it to GameCube. They just needed to hire an external studio to be the workhorses they needed for programming. Fuck Itoi for having the GBC ports of DQ influence this.

>> No.7970112 [DELETED] 

Nah, kys. Imagine hoping into a thread about a series you don't give a shit about, and pretending you have a worthwhile opinion. The N64 version would have been vastly superior, given the aesthetics weren't sterile as fuck like the GB version and it would have had the scene composition to match the atmosphere it was trying to build, unlike the GBA version and how tonally inconsistent.

Additionally - the N64 version would have been the real fucking story. It was meant to clock in at about 60 hours, versus the 20 hour summary we got.

So no, fuck yourself you troglodyte. IMAGINE pretending you have some worthwhile opinion on this

>> No.7970118

It sounds EXACTLY like the first few seconds of this
I can't.

>> No.7970127

Nah, kys. Imagine hopping into a thread about a series you don't give a shit about, and pretending you have a worthwhile opinion. For how vindicated against this fanbase you are, the A
Anti EB/Mother posters have been far more obnoxious. Starting threads for the sheer purpose of arguing. Infecting threads and just calling their fans faggots. What RPGs do you prefer? You fucks never have anything to back up what you say, and only shitpost because you can't fathom other people enjoying something you don't. Again though, you seem to imply there's something cancerous about this discussing when you're the one shitposting like an infant.

The N64 version would have been vastly superior, given the aesthetics weren't sterile as fuck like the GB version and it would have had the scene composition to match the atmosphere it was trying to build, unlike the GBA version and how tonally inconsistent it ended up.

Additionally - the N64 version would have been the real fucking story. It was meant to clock in at about 60 hours, versus the 20 hour summary we got.

So no, fuck yourself you troglodyte. IMAGINE pretending you have some worthwhile opinion on this

>> No.7970140

>"MOTHER is a shit franchise"

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Was your mother an alcoholic when she had you?

>> No.7970143

It's funny how they'll never say "you should play this instead" or make any suggestions either - because he's afraid of people ripping on the games he likes for equally stupid reasons.

>> No.7970162

I like how some of these comments are calling Mother 3 (N64) dogshit because of it's graphics, but would then turn around to cream themselves over a game like GoldenEye or Resident Evil 1.

Like, no shit Sherlock. Of course it will look outdated, it was being developed in the 1990s.

Most 3D games from the 1990s would look outdated.

>> No.7970189 [DELETED] 

As someone who watched walkthroughs of all 3 MOTHER games, I can say without a doubt that they aren't shit.

Are they perfect? No. There's quite some flaws that I think should be worked on.

Does that the MOTHER series bad? Hell no!

MOTHER is a unique JRPG series that, while not perfect, is still good enough to stand out from the other JRPGs.

>> No.7970196 [DELETED] 

I hope this is pasta

>> No.7970203 [DELETED] 

Nope. All of it is genuine.

>> No.7970209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7970219

They're literally DQ games, and they're at the same level of quality as the good DQ games (1-5). Nothing wrong with em at all, minus balance issues with the first game.

>> No.7970227 [DELETED] 

Really? "Faggot"?

Do you have anything else creative to say in response, or is your head so full of rotting brain cells that you can't come up with something to say other than a slur?

>> No.7970231

Funny you mention that, because IIRC, Itoi was inspired by DQ to make his own JRPG, but wanted to give it a more "modern" approach to it.

>> No.7970234

the only actual never-ever leak that happened in last years is spaceworld pokemon, everything else was scraps and "just a little closer"

>> No.7970246 [DELETED] 

i'm not an atheist and i believe the heat death of the universe is inevitable, but that's only if humans don't fully understand the divine plan before then and realize that they can stop it while also being able to create heaven with their own hands instead of sitting around and waiting for it to happen after they die.

>> No.7970263

Take your retarded conversation to a board that cares.

Mother actually had some innovation in that regard. The world maps in Earthbound and Mother are fucking enormous and mostly 1:1 scaled with your characters. DQ, FF and other big name JRPGs did the representational overworld a where very few things connected naturally.

>> No.7970284

Not only that, but unlike the other JRPGs at the time, MOTHER 2 and 3 actually had you see the nearby enemies, rather than have random encounters with said enemies. (I excluded Mother 1 because it still had the random enemy encounters)

>> No.7970312
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>> No.7970326
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Looks fucking weird enough to be cool despite looking like shit. Just how Grandia II and Skyies of Arcadia were back in the day. Those early full 3D JRPGs were otherworldly in their crudeness.

>> No.7970349

>Mother actually had some innovation in that regard. The world maps in Earthbound and Mother are fucking enormous and mostly 1:1 scaled with your characters.
I actually really like this aspect of the games. Coming from something like Pokemon it's nice to come to a town and have it feel like it's an appropriate size.

>> No.7970370

They canceled Star Fox 2 and that game was practically done.

>> No.7970469

If I remember correctly, the final build of EB64 was around 50 to 70% complete.

So while it was unfinished, there probably are some playable chapters in there.

Maybe some chapters that happened after the timeskip in the game.

>> No.7970487

Dinosaur Planet seemed to be a good point before the Starfox rework, the final boss fight was unfinished but not that much, unfortunately said final boss ended up being relagated as a mindless beast used as a boss

>> No.7970502 [DELETED] 

Science is all a lie. They say that earth is like a third of the age of the universe. The odds of that are, well, astronomical. They say that souls aren't a thing, because they are either devoted materialists in utter denial of aether, or literal p-zombies. They think consciousness is just this electricity which makes you do things. Listen to nothing which they say.
Try reddit.

>> No.7970510 [DELETED] 

For >>7970246

>> No.7970602 [DELETED] 

The only chapter that hadn't started production in the N64 version was Chapter 7,

No one cares you schizo. Hilarious how you will engage with the science that makes things easier for you, or allows you to use a computer. A third age? What schizo nonsense.

>> No.7970660 [DELETED] 

By "science" I was clearly referring to the scientific religion's teaching's of the origin of the world. Just because I reject that religion doesn't mean I hate computers. Hilarious how you're so mentally challenged that you cannot realize that.
>Schizo schizo schizo schizo!!!
Which awful board are you from?

>> No.7970718 [DELETED] 

Notice this is a Reto game board thread? I don't care how you justify yourself. Take your pathetic schizo (yes, it's actually applicable here) and crawl back to /x/ or whatever containment board.

>> No.7970728

Now that I recall, there were some screenshots of the game that were taken in 2000, in one of these screenshots, it showed what appeared to be a destroyed city (which one could assume to be NPC).

I always had a belief that the later chapters, such as chapters 4, 5, and maybe 7 were developed first, with the rest of the chapters being developed later.

>> No.7970731 [DELETED] 

Little off topic discussion is usually allowed on all boards, /vr/ is an exception. If it upsets you so much try reddit, honestly it's completely banned there. You'd fit right in. It doesn't even affect the thread in any way, you're just so fucking autistic that you have to cry about it.

Also, could you please explain about which part of what I said resembles something which schizophrenic would say?

>> No.7970859

My favorite part of this new video was the battle sequence. It helps give an insight as to how a battle would occur in EB64.

>> No.7971095

Reposting from a /v/ thread on this, this trailer came from a 1998 Nintendo annual report some fag on Discord won in a Yahoo auction and also came with trailers for OoT, Banjo-Kazooie and Diddy Kong Racing:

>> No.7971101 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate nintendo fanboys so much.

>> No.7971119 [DELETED] 

nothing in new tv shows is genuine either

>> No.7971165 [DELETED] 

>>7968151 It is fake. Take your anger out on zoomer culture instead.
Like reality shows?

>> No.7971185 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 236x221, mm47357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, they fuck up the board horribly. Do we really need 3 mario threads at the same time and more fucking mainstream Zelda shit all fucking day on the front page? All they do is talk about their games on their shitty systems, fuck it's so boring and pedantic.

When I'm talking about ALL MAINSTREAM THREADS SHOULD BE DELETED that's typically who I mean.

>> No.7971536 [DELETED] 

>console warriors seething

>> No.7972393

Even after 20 years following its cancellation, the game somehow manages to offer something new.

>> No.7972537

sonic 1
i waited 15 god damn years for that shit, and it finally leaked 6 months ago

>> No.7972620 [DELETED] 

This board is turning into /v/

>> No.7972627 [DELETED] 

Sounded like they were getting off to it.

>> No.7972696

I wish this game had came out for the N64 solely because whenever I try playing the GBA version I just get bored. Haven’t made it past chapter 5.

>> No.7972710 [DELETED] 

>turning into

>> No.7972921

Uh oh tranny janny's having a meltdown.

>> No.7973001
File: 36 KB, 512x448, Fourside Map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. And they have a lot of crossover with Undertale fans
A Gamecube version would have been great. But we would have gotten Lucas instead of Ness in Melee had that been the case.
Seeing places like Fourside for the first time as a kid is pretty mindblowing, but in reality they're not that big, they were just good at making locations seem big.

>> No.7973014

>Yeah. And they have a lot of crossover with Undertale fans
Evidence? That's one of the most cancerous tranny-SJW fanbases there are. A similar one which is the FNAF fanbase recently found out the the creator is in fact a Christian and are now refusing to associate with it.

>> No.7973029
File: 33 KB, 582x196, tobyfox-shigesato-itoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undertale is made by a dude who got big making Earthbound hacks. It constantly tries to ape the style of the Mother series but doesn't understand so it comes off as tacky and fake.
Every discussion about Mother 3, and to a lesser extent 2, always comes back to "LOL SANS XD" on Twitter or Reddit.

>> No.7973031

Thanks for letting me know, that's another group of people to never associate with. That explains that discord video from earlier, at least.

>> No.7973034

I bought the Mother Pollyanna fanbook and its full if Japanese artists, and manga artists and for some reason TOBY FUCKING FOX. He's literally not even an artist, ans he added a bunch if fucking Undertale characters. I dont even hate Undertale but it does not deserve to be that fucking popular and conflated with Earthbound, even in Japan! TThis was supposed to be a Mother 1 anniversary for fucks sakes. And somehow this dude got namedropped by thr UFO moon remix rpg and played smash at Sakurai's mansion?! The fuck. The meme isnt even just here its really bad in Japan.

>> No.7973043

Yeah. He's a hack who makes edgy 2deep4u games like the Yume Nikki fangames you used to see everywhere, and somehow he managed to amass a fanbase through it

>> No.7973058

That would be fine because you can usually ignore an annoying fanbase, but its like a parasite attached to Mother now. And I have to tell you a secret, I actually loved Undertale when I played it. But it just took a week to two weeks to play and after I beat it I was done and it didnt really stay in my mind. And in hindsight the pacifism was a bit preachy,
And the graphics were absolute dog shit for someone who got tons of kickstarter money and the fact DeltaRune still looks like dog shit after getting tons of money is shameful. Its some fucking rpg maker shit goddamn I dont understand. It should be like charles barkley shut up and jam or some shit??!

I blame Starmen.net, Homestuck, and youtubers.

I actually dont understand how most modern meme games become retarded meme ass things like Fnaf or whatever the fuck kids play now.

>> No.7973062

>I blame Starmen.net, Homestuck, and youtubers.
don't forget earthbound central

>> No.7973081

>I actually dont understand how most modern meme games become retarded meme ass things like Fnaf or whatever the fuck kids play now.
I guess its just because there's something or another that draws in people normally. Like FNAF, I remember that was something that drew in some anons on /v/ back in 2014 due to its interesting lore and setting as some no-name indie game that dropped out of nowhere. Its just that these games pick up a rabid fanbase due to fanart, people doing "lore analysis" vids, streamer bait, internet jokes that get posted everywhere, until you get completely burnt out even seeing it.
Sorta like the Sonic fanbase circa the mid 2000s, without the charm of it being a weird isolated fanbase back in the day that might've played the games.

>> No.7973090

Like 80% of the initial Undertale fanbase came from Homestuck, since he did some music for it. Homestuck was legendary for having one of the most cancerous fanbases out there. They're so bad even /co/ had to eventually kick them off the board. Undertale happened to grab the horrible intersection of the Homestuck fanbase and the Mother fanbase, giving it enough of an initial push to get noticed by a bunch of other unpleasant circles. At that point, it was running on sheer momentum.

>> No.7973114

Among Us the most recent example is a actually paid viral marketing campaign. You can clearly notice the difference in that and FNAF.

>> No.7973193

Among Us was completely natural, but probably seems unnatural if you missed the events leading up to it. Back in like 2015-ish, there was a fad among kid-focused Youtubers to play through old Flash games likes Henry Stickman and Riddle School. A LOT of them jumped on-board that bandwagon, because those videos got a lot of views. 5 years later, when their target audience were now teenagers, the Henry Stickman Collection comes out on Steam and every Youtuber who played the games back in 2015 decide to play it. So Henry Stickman suddenly gets another surge in popularity.

So the Youtubers wanted to ride this wave of popularity and caught wind of the fact that the guy behind Henry Stickman made another game back in 2018 that nobody gave a shit about called "Among Us". So out of fucking nowhere you've got hundreds of teen-focused Youtubers suddenly playing this dead game. That meant the millions of collective age 13-18 kids watching all suddenly wanted to start playing this game.

>> No.7973202

No it wasn't. It was quite obvious that he paid promotion, the dev must have paid twitch faggots to play it or something. The game is frankly terrible. There is no real appeal, it's just gay. And then, there is some sort of unfunny "ironic" spam all over social media about it. I missed no events, it is very clear what happened here.

>> No.7973207

This. I saw it happen. One day the game was fun to play, the next it was full of retarded 12 year olds quoting pewdiepie.

>> No.7973212

This just shows how ignorant you are meme viral marketing. You probably thought those "I don't feel so good" memes were organic too.

>> No.7973223

I just told you why "Twitch faggots" were playing it. It wasn't a new game with a viral marketing campaign behind it. It was a shitty game from 2018 that happened to catch on because it was made by the same guy who made another meme game.

>> No.7973232

Being an old game is irrelevant. It would never have become popular hadn't he paid people to play it and spam nonsense on internet forums.

>> No.7973272

They literally made a blog post back in 2019 about how Among Us had reached the end of its life cycle and they weren't going to be updating it anymore. I can't imagine why you think they'd bother to pay people to shill a game that they considered dead.

>> No.7973275

Probably because they were given the ability to do so, or they changed their opinion, perhaps? Explain why the spam which even happened on 4chan at one point. You cannot.

>> No.7973281
File: 84 KB, 597x757, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you greatly underestimate the number of teenagers on /v/.

>> No.7973283

I don't use /v/eddit.

>> No.7973285

Then you've answered your own question.

>> No.7973290


>> No.7973604

among us was released like a whole two years before it got big, i doubt it.

>> No.7973784

ur mom was released two years before she got big tho

>> No.7973854

But we didn’t get the GBA version.

I don’t know about you but I had to emulate it.

>> No.7974035

>he didn't own an ez flash iv in 2008

>> No.7974049

>These old yet newly discovered videos are pretty eerie to observe if you think about it.
thank god for youtube comments

>> No.7974117

Here's an updated list of trailers found in this report because 16 more got uploaded onto the same channel and I'm too lazy to sift through the actual report:
>1080 Snowboarding
>Blast Corps
>Diddy Kong Racing
>F-Zero X
>Game Boy Pocket Camera
>GoldenEye 007
>Hey You, Pikachu!
>Mario Artist Picture Maker
>Mario Artist Polygon Maker
>Mario Artist Talent Maker
>Mario Kart 64
>Mother 3
>Pilotwings 64
>Pokemon Snap
>Pokemon Stadium
>Star Fox 64
>The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Wave Race 64
>Yoshi's Story

>> No.7974182

I think it looks good
That uncanny early 3D charm I think works well mixed with the claymation style they were echoing from previous games' promotional ads

>> No.7974234

>some filthy greasy subhuman hoarder most likely has a proto alpha or even a fucking work station of mother 3 that was stolen and illegally sold off and exported to america and he's never told even his fellow subhuman hoarders he's going to die by 50 of a heart attack and all his stuff will be thrown in the trash when he dies

tfw we will never get any info real footage roms or etc of mother 3 it hurts so very very very much /vr/os

>> No.7974251

the industrial scenes look great, the field ones fall flat

>> No.7974979

it's probably better that the game died in development for GBA mother 3. apparently it was mostly the same story, so it would have looked like an ugly turd while GBA mother 3 felt like a real sequel to the SNES game due to the 2d

>> No.7974983

It was the same story, but much longer. That alone makes it superior.

>> No.7974992

>but much longer

mother 3 was pretty well-paced, dunno if I would have liked it if it was longer

>> No.7975413

Chapter 7 could have been broken up better.

>> No.7975773

Holy based
Holy seethe

>> No.7975776

Babies being scared of n64 graphics is thre funniest shit

>> No.7976161

I personally preferred the pre-alphas story of ness being the masked man.