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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7963197 No.7963197 [Reply] [Original]

I have no friends who are interested in this hobby.

>> No.7963318

why would u even become freinds with a non gamer in the first place?

>> No.7963335

That sucks. Wanna be friends?

>> No.7963337

Where do you live? I'm sure you could find some.

>> No.7963338

You could find normies into old Nintendo shit but you'll never be able to say nigger around them like you can here

>> No.7963342

Those last 10 words were kind of superfluous

>> No.7963396

But then who will you show your coomlection to?

>> No.7963423

That's a good question. I know people who like games but not retro games. I had some retro gamer friends but they all moved away during the pandemic.

Depends, Sega or Nintendo?

Japan. There's some cool hangouts here for retro gamers and I'm kind of waiting for the pandemic to end before I start going again. I joined some online groups for Japanese retro gamers but it's not the same as going to Mikado or wherever irl.

I live in Japan, we don't say that word anyway.

deez nuts are superfluous

My mom.

>> No.7963560

I was thinking about how niche this hobby is, and the fact that everyone here relates to each other.

In another thread two guys were fighting over the correct way to get a star in SM64. They were calling each other all sorts of names. I realized the absurdity of that; nobody else would give a fuck about how to get that star, but here's two guys who actually have this niche love for SM64 in common and they're fighting with each other, lol.

>> No.7963572

Just hang out at Super Potato

>> No.7963589

Only tourists and gaijin go there.

>> No.7963640 [DELETED] 

>I have no friends who are interested in this hobby.

>> No.7963646 [DELETED] 

>I have no friends <del>who are interested in this hobby.</del>

>> No.7963710

What was the star?

>> No.7963714

I have no friends at all

>> No.7963719

Are you actually Japanese or are you an immigrant?

>> No.7963724
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>> No.7963726


I'm in Japan. What city?

>> No.7963795


>> No.7963942

Given the average poster that infests this shitheap, consider yourself lucky.

>> No.7963965

>I have no friends who are interested in this hobby.
Getting together with friends to watch Leave it to Beaver isn't a hobby, neither is playing old video games.

>> No.7963975

I had to marry someone to get a friend that gave a shit.

Nobody I know otherwise, like from work, neighbors, or friends I've had from back on school and the extended friends from that, none of them are into this shit like me.

We'll, I guess I should say some of them are into certain games, but it's just stuff like Borderlands or Diablo. Mindless loot games exclusively, and occasionally NHL 06.

>> No.7963982

I only have my gay lover who has a passion for retro games.

He’s actually worse than me. Earns a fuck ton too and just buys loads of retro shit. Pretty chill.

>> No.7964051

>Making being a gamer your identity.
You're either underage or some worthless nu-male redditor. Grow up.

>> No.7964076

It's complicated. I'm an immigrant but I am a Japanese citizen and hold a Japanese passport.


I disagree. I used to meet up with friends to go to retro arcades, shopping for retro games, or just play something at my house.

My wife will play games but she's not really a gamer so she doesnt care for the hobby and doesn't know a lot. Otherwise same situation as you.

It's not unnatural to make the things you enjoy a part of who you are. I would say it's a big part of my identity as well.

>> No.7964184

I prefer not to have friends that coomlect the same things I do, it would just radicalize me and make me coomlect even harder

>> No.7964191

Is 4chan part of your identity too?

>> No.7964223

I wish I had friends with the same gaming tastes as me. I have friends, but they're gigantic fucking normies.

>> No.7964238

the star with the bird that takes you to the cage. they were arguing about long jumping into the cage from the top of the level instead.

not even that guy, just witnessed the same argument and loved it.

>> No.7964268


Tokyo's a big place, east or west? I'm on the chuo line in Suginami

>> No.7964291

>You could find normies into old Nintendo shit
This is absolutely not true. American Nintendo '''''''''''''fans''''''''''''' who have never played a pre-Gamecube Nintendo game but hoard NES, SNES and N64 cartridges don't count

>> No.7964486

why would you hang out with people who dont share your interests? what do you even do with non gamers? sit in a room and stare at the wall?

>> No.7964489

Talk, watch films, do activities, things normal people do?

>> No.7964505

activities like what? funny that you can only come up with movies which is literlly just sitting in a room staring at a screen for 2 hours

>> No.7964540

Please think before you post, anon. People in your age group, the ones you are most likely to bond with, are going to have similar memories as you. If their memories don't involve pre-gamecube era, then yours probably don't either. But if yours do, then theirs probably do as well.

>> No.7964836

I can relate

>> No.7964851
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I am really surprised not more people game, weren't everyone playing with cards, chess or balls throughout history to have fun with friends? Did the higher class society decide it were childish or trashy to play games some time hundreds of years ago? Competing against each other or helping one another beat a challenge is a fundamental source of enjoyment for the human brain yet non gamers just meet up, eat and gossip? Life seems so meaningless without games to me, in ancient times I'd be addicted to Hnetatafl.

>> No.7964859

I have no friends into any of my hobbies.

>> No.7964862

Cool blog.

Unfortunately it is for some people. It's really pathetic.

>> No.7964868

How many times per day do non-Americans say the word American. 10? 15? 20?

>> No.7964871

Oh fuck off, I'd much rather be around OP than a miserable sod like you.

>> No.7964948

Are you one of those people who say "based" in real life or something?

>> No.7965053

I find the phenomenon of fake oldfags particularly hilarious. The idea of a teenager wanting to be a 30 year old neet loser is just so absurd yet it's literally real.

>> No.7965165

I feel ya buddy, no modern mainstream media really appeals to me so I feel kind of socially isolated whenever conversation turns to the latest marvel movie, rocket league, Billie Eilish, etc. It's a hard sell to try to get the average person interested in playing ancient vidya, I don't even bring it up. I was lucky enough to have a bud to play with until a few years ago.

It's a little sad but at least there's a small community of autists on /vr/ so I don't feel quite as dumb to be playing 20 year old children's games by myself.

>> No.7965198
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I have one good friend that I regularly talk with about old games, he moved cross-country during COVID but we still talk daily, and honestly I don't know if I need a bunch of people outside of one or two friends to talk games with, it's nice to have multiple friends into different things as long as theyre not normie af.

>> No.7965230
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Last year (2020), this board allowed discussion of 13 year-old games (2007) for 19 year-old consoles (2001).
In three years (2024), Skyrim will turn 13 and the 360 will turn 19.

>> No.7965441


We'll need a new board soon.

/vag/ - Very Ancient Games

Nothing after 2002, ever.

>> No.7965573

On the one hand, I wonder if this is just what it's like to get older.
On the other hand, it really didn't used to be like this. If you liked a popular series, you could expect a new title every few years. More than one title per console generation at least. Smash Bros Melee felt like it had been around forever by the time Brawl came out 7 years later.
Good titles last a decade now, and that's probably a good thing. But there was a certain magic to enjoying a game, then reading magazine articles about a sequel with newer graphics already in development. It was something to talk about with friends.

>> No.7965669

The better question is why WOULD you mainly befriend gamers?

>> No.7965882

>things you enjoy


West, out near Tachikawa.

Talk about stuff I'm not interested in mainly. Of course I'm kidding, we talk about different interests. I'm a man of many hobbies, but games are a lifestyle.

I disagree. I wasn't alive yet during SNES era but I had a SNES as a kid and that was my start in gaming so I have really great memories of playing SNES while people my age have memories of maybe N64 at the earliest. Gamecube launched when I was 5.

I think it's because in the 20th century you had to give up toys and shit or else you wouldn't be seen as a man. Games were thought of as toys. At least in America anyway.

It's like those people in YouTube comments for old songs who cry "I was born in the wrong era!!" because none of their friends like Billy Joel.

I relate to this really well. I like modern media but I have zero interest in American media so I hate when the conversation goes towards superheroes and celebs I've never heard of.

Even one person would be enough. I can't wait to go back to the retro arcades after covid.

I only collect cartridge-based consoles.

>/vag/ - Very Ancient Games
I like it!

Definitely agree. The gaming industry has changed so much. I'm thankful that Nintendo is still sticking to their old ways and has no interest in online.

So we can sit around and play Bomberman together when we're not busy ramming each others prolapsed anuses.

>> No.7967226

You mistyped 2000 tho

>> No.7967391

how is watching a film any different from playing a game from a friend? it's consumption of media, just a different form.

>> No.7967912

What's a friends?

>> No.7968067

I have nothing

>> No.7968102
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>I have no friends

>> No.7968356

Just going to let you know for generosity's sake that when you reply like this you hurt your chances of anyone wanting to respond to any of your replies.

>> No.7968363
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That's probably true for a lot of us on here. Which makes it all the more confusing why we are so mean to each other on this platform. The real world is already enough of a doggy dog world, why do we have to make it hard here?

>> No.7968364

Seconding this. Posts like that are just a pain in the ass to read, I usually skip them.

>> No.7968475

>Seconding this.
Leave this website.

>> No.7968620
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>no friends, only guys I meet up to play fighting games with but they're all in late 20's or 30's
>kept none of my middle school or high school friends, all became normalfags who moved on from me or burnouts
>go to college, only time I hear people talking about video games is betas talking about nintendo stuff exclusively
How do I even make friends at this point? I feel like my only option would be to become friends with those kinds of people. I just want an autist to play arcade stuff and other shit with but anyone remotely interesting would obviously hide the fuck out of their power level

>> No.7968645

Nintendo only fags are way more receptive to retro games than other modern fanbases. Be glad they're not talking about LoL and get them to play Sunset Riders or something with you.

>> No.7969239

what do normies even talk about bros? Culture is so fractured now you can't even talk movies and shows and stuff with people. It seems like all they do is talk about work which is incredibly boring.

>> No.7969660
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Very relatable.

>> No.7969682

non-gamers are sub-human, I would never be friends with one unless absolutelly necessary

>> No.7970296

Seconding this.

>> No.7970595

the only friends I have is Smith & Wesson