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File: 174 KB, 800x800, 437308-digimon-world-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7963075 No.7963075 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the Digimon World series?

>> No.7963089 [DELETED] 

As someone who likes the grindan game I can safely say I fucking love Digimon World? Is it a glorified 1-4 player MMO? Yes. But fuck me if I don't look back fondly on it. Shamefully, I never got out of the early level 100 range after grinding for God knows how long on those scarab spawning monoliths in the harder difficulties with all those cool items I'd never be able to use sitting in my item bank.

>> No.7963093
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>> No.7963094

As someone who likes the grindan game I can safely say I fucking love Digimon World 4. Is it a glorified 1-4 player MMO? Yes. But fuck me if I don't look back fondly on it. Shamefully, I never got out of the early level 100 range after grinding for God knows how long on those scarab spawning monoliths in the harder difficulties with all those cool items I'd never be able to use sitting in my item bank.

>> No.7963117
File: 35 KB, 480x480, numemon digimon world 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when this wacky cunt showed his face for the billionth time when you couldnt figure out the digivolution mechanics as a kid

>> No.7963173

Despite all falling under a common brand, the Digimon World games are all completely different from each other. Digimon World 1 is a virtual pet/raising sim, Digimon World 2 is a roguelike, Digimon World 3 is a more traditional monster battling JRPG, and Digimon World 4 is a co-op ARPG.

>> No.7963243

Played a lot of 1 and 3 and liked them, don't remember 2 as much.

>> No.7963274
File: 65 KB, 224x224, 109-sukamon-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've been worse. Imagine having nothing but a poop in your team

>> No.7963282

Played the shit out of 1 and 2. My brother had 3 but I never got into it. Never played 4. I played 2 more than 1 as I could never figure out the digivolution (sp?) In 1 as a kid and 2 was much more straightforward in that regard. Plus I like having a team of digimon rather than being stuck with the same walking turd everytime. That being said the exploration factor of 1 was immense.

>> No.7963661

Based wikipedia poster

>> No.7963664

Digimon World was interesting though janky. A weird mix of monster raiser/battler and a town builder mixed with JRPG style adventuring.
Digimon World 2 was a fine enough Mysterious Dungeon game mixed with a 3-on-3 monster battle game. I like the battle effects.
Digimon World 3 is a bit of a humdrum JRPG but it's still fine.
Didn't play 4.

>> No.7963910

Btw, to anyone who wants to play Digimon World 3: play the PAL version (titled Digimon World 2003), not the US version. The PAL version has more content.

>> No.7963916
File: 142 KB, 721x738, 145221-digimon-world-3-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? Does it? I'm British so I've only ever played the PAL version. Always thought it was retarded they had to call it "Digimon World 2003" because 2 was never released here. But I never knew it had any more or different content to the US/JP versions. What is different?

>> No.7964089

The entire postgame is missing from the US version

>> No.7964105

I love Digimon World 1

I don't like 2

I like 3

I have nothing to say about 4, never tried it.

Data Squad could've been a good game, but I discovered how to break the game so early in Quest that I've lost interest. Also it hurts that it's so slow in loading times and animations.

Re:Digitize is a good Take on DW1 is a comfy game but not as kino as the PS1 classic.

>> No.7964425

Is 1 as frustrating as I remember it being?

As a kid I got trapped in an endless loop of shitmons. Tempted to replay it though

>> No.7964516

1 had a learning curve that I grew to love. Still remember beating Machinedramon with my Megadramon, and I still listen to the ost.

2 was too difficult for my kid brain, I couldn't manage having the right equipment for the barriers(?) in the dungeons, so I never finished it. I remember being happy having two Wingdramon though.

3 was great, enjoyed the atmosphere just as much as the first one and I was hyped fighting in space for that last battle. Also I remember the card battle portion being fun?

4 was where my little brother and I would have days just exploring and trying to get past areas, and we did end up beating the last boss. Didn't see a lot of reason to grind to digivolve and I still don't, since you're doing the same action over and over, but its still fun.

>> No.7964537

Oh and my brother was Dorumon and I was Veemon in 4. And I liked how in 3 you had megas and dna's appearing HUGE.

That's all.

>> No.7964586

>Is 1 as frustrating as I remember it being?
nah, the thing with the 1st game is that you get endless shitmons because you were not focusing the training of stats correctly. Pick 2 stats, train them over 100 points and you are set to avoid Numemon. After that experiment with that information. As a first timer it is frustrating, but after a while you get the gist of it and just roll with it and do the quests.

>> No.7964595

Pretty much. You could try something like Digimon World: Next Order or Re:Digitize, which are sequels/remakes of the original Digimon World and add a LOT of quality of life updates to make the game less irritating. (but they do lose some of the janky charm of the original)

>> No.7965034

Playing 1 again after multiple times starting and getting frustrated. I think after a slow grindy slog, after you get that one mon that lets you really clear shit and open more areas, it drastically becomes more enjoyable. The jank of it certainly makes for an interesting experience.

>> No.7965519

P-please tell me more.

>> No.7966113
File: 949 KB, 1277x997, Stressed%20Out%20Monster[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has lots of flaws but also lots of "soul" as the kids these day like to say. But really "jank" is the perfect encapsulation. I would describe the best lays of my life as having a dash of "jank" as well. The hyper polished and expertly engineered constructs that make up new releases these days will never hold a candle to this game and its janky peers.

Monster Rancher is a similar gem that has that "jank" feel going on too. So much weirdness and intrigue and so many fun surprises to be found from turning over stones. I hope more new games will reclaim that jank factor, some day. Even acclaimed indie hits feel overpolished to me, most of the time.

>> No.7967603

Monster Rancher and Digimon are both based. Fuck Pokefaggots.

>> No.7967643

numemon happens if you have your partner poop outside the toilets

>> No.7967651

The US version ends at the final boss Galacticmon. The PAL version allows you to keep playing after that and enter the World Tournament with four additional bosses plus the World Champion, who is the true final boss. Plus, the entire game was rebalanced

>> No.7968057

Probably cause its still from an age when there was still no textbook definition of "this is what your video game needs to make money", along with just good old random game design based on one dev thinking a mechanic makes logical sense to him and maybe not everyone else, working with hardware/software/personal design experience and classic Japanese dev bizzareness.

>> No.7968060

Meant to say limitations, not experience

>> No.7968065

I wish World 2 & 3 were actually sequels to World 1 and not two other games under the digimon brand. World 1 was an excellent premise with a disappointing execution, if the team who made it got a second or third go at it I believe that would produce a great game.

>> No.7968278

That's sukamon, numemon happens when you don't meet ANY evolution criteria.