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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7962753 No.7962753 [Reply] [Original]

Despite Nintendont being around for 5 years, fixing many performance issues with Gamecube games there's been a ton of homebrew software and hardware development for the Gamecube. At first it was under the belief that the gamecube provides better image quality, turns out this is a bug fixed in later revision consoles and now with software it's fixed.

Without a doubt a Wii is the best way to play Gamecube games, the only advantage the GC having over it is the game boy player support.

Why is it so many devs worked so hard on the gamecube? Why was all the homebrew pushed for that but nobody mentions the performance advantage of nintendont?

>> No.7962804
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>the only advantage the GC having over it is the game boy player support.
That's crucial to be able to do pic related

>> No.7962810

one of the most dangerously reddit setups in existence

>> No.7962894

>wanting to play on a full sized TV instead of looking down constantly at a GBA is Reddit now

>> No.7962898

Now you're constantly looking down at the monitors on the floor. Genius.

>> No.7962902

I miss when words had meaning

>> No.7962904

No, I'm looking forward, because all the screens are in front of me, instead of one being in my hands

>> No.7962936

This pretty cool.

>> No.7962943

Nostalgia, and some people just want to plug in a controller and slap in a game without dealing with menus (including the homebrew ones that don't require a wiimote).

>> No.7962947

If you like a broken slot loader disc drive, please go ahead, buy a wii.

>> No.7963065

>retard detected

This is cool but you can do it far more easily these days on a MiSTer.

>> No.7963068


>> No.7965009

Just load your games from an external drive

>> No.7965016

Who the fuck plays discs on a Wii?

>> No.7965025

No, that it reddit. You just haven't kept up with reddit enough to know how they act. That's the exact type of thing you'd find posted on there. Never would you find anything like that posted on 4chan.

>> No.7965127

I think you're just a retard.

>> No.7965180
File: 473 KB, 1920x1079, jillremake001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wii requires the HDMI mod to have true digital audio output, doesn't it? Aside from that it sounds like you might be right. Is the graphical fix applied to all games using Nintendont or does it require fucking around to work right?

>> No.7965225

>Giant, overpriced TV.
>Bland "minimalist"design complete with white bathroom-ish tiles in the fucking living room.
>Four player set up, so this sad manchild can drag his adult friends in and force them to play Zelda, a game which they likely cannot even remember.
>Payed money for four, individual monitors which look the exact same.
>Cat scratching toy in the corner
>Game right in the center for display for the photo. "Look! I really like this particular game, its my CHILDHOOD! Am I cool yet? This is my CHILDHOOD.".
>Black gamecubes, to show that games like Windwaker are actually really dark with deep stories and not as heckin' wholesome as you'd expect from their aesthetic.
>Using a language other than English.
>Landscape image.
That checks out as reddit alright.

>> No.7965295

I don't typically resort to using ad hominem buzzwords, but holy shit, take your meds schizo.

>> No.7965303

You resort to them when you are wrong?

>> No.7965319
File: 61 KB, 878x814, 428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7965324

do you think reddit talks about us as much as we talk about them

>> No.7965397

that's all the setup you needed to play this game comfortably? can't believe it flopped

>> No.7965404

Nowadays emulators do this without the slightest problem.

>> No.7965408

Or just use four SPs. Idk why you'd ever do this unless you're trying to record all five screens.

>> No.7965413

>Is the graphical fix applied to all games using Nintendont or does it require fucking around to work right?
In the settings menu for homebrew like nintendont and usbloadergx, there should be an option for a "480p fix" make sure it's enabled. There you go, perfect component video output.

>> No.7965419


>> No.7965553

>running a Gamecube game
Are you completely sure?

>> No.7965945

Even still, assuming you already had a Gamecube, a GBA, and you bought FSA when it launched, you needed to buy three more GBAs and three GC-GBA link cables (FSA came with one bundled already). I don't remember how much the cables retailed for, but I'll be generous and assume $20, and GBA SPs were $100. So you're still spending an additional $360 just to play one game (and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, I guess) multiplayer with three friends, assuming your friends don't have GBAs or link cables of their own. Nintendo are scam artists.

>> No.7966041

Innovation ain't cheap, anon.

>> No.7966074

Yeah it was kind of a shitshow. My friend had the game but we never played multiplayer because we didn't have a second cable.
Idk how many people would buy extra GBAs just for this game. It was probably assumed that each kid had their own GBA, you just needed the extra cables.

>> No.7966803

What was this innovation for? Where is the result?

>> No.7966856

well it was the weakest of the 6th gen.

>> No.7966865

yeah becase people here don't have any friends

>> No.7967173

literally rent free

>> No.7967447

Whats reddit about it is the giant modern tv with the game stretched to 16:9

>> No.7967453

i play games from sd and usb so that's fine (faggot)

>> No.7967474

It plays GBA. Not Gamecube yet. It would be nice, but I'm willing to bet the max it will do is PS1 and Saturn. I have doubts at ever seeing N64 on MiSTer.

>> No.7967476

No, they're too busy being censored and fighting among them selves.

>> No.7967542

You can use memory editing to force proper 16:9.

>> No.7967553

All this over a game setup.

>> No.7967560

FSA's widescreen hack is pretty shit.

>> No.7967578

That's not even where the idea falls apart, its reasonable to think the target audience would all own Gameboys and Gamecubes, it was reasonable to think they'd all own link cables to use other features in solo games. The real problem is that you'd have to assume kids would be ok with only having ONE of the four kids owning the game. Or at least only having one person with the save data.

>> No.7967878

You have to be incredibly simpleminded to ask a question like that. Sometimes trying new stuff falls flat like this did, sometimes it prints money like the DS and Wii.