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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7962643 No.7962643 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about geezers in retro games?

>> No.7962657

foul-mouthed 32 y.o. grandpa

>> No.7962659

That ain't no damn geezer. Galuf, Tellah, Strago. These are geezers.

>> No.7962664
File: 49 KB, 750x422, auron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossibly old.

>> No.7962667

What happens once you hit 30? Assuming you have a full head of hair.

>> No.7962674

Anyone older than 25 is considered an old man to the Japanese.

>> No.7962675

Everyone over 25 is a geezer in retro vidya Nip fantasy land. You're going to have to be more specific.

>> No.7962681

Beat me >>7962675 to it.

>> No.7962740

Why there is not 30 years old MC in jap games? Like, there is a lot of people from that demographic that plays vidya

>> No.7962763

old people want to see young people do the right thing, young people want to be the people to do the right thing. Really not hard to figure out.

>> No.7962782

30 is not "old"

>> No.7962798

in nip games 30yo is old if you're a mqn and ancient if you're female

>> No.7962806

please don't tap on the zoomers' glass enclosure

>> No.7962813

>and ancient if you're female
Just like real life.

>> No.7962913

Because people don’t like to be reminded of the slow march of time. Crazy, but that’s how it goes.

>> No.7962914

>there is a lot of people from that demographic that plays vidya
They shouldn't though, it's cringey. Get a job, find a woman, and start a family with her. Pass your vidya on to your kids.

>> No.7962954
File: 89 KB, 500x250, donkey-kong-gif-25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I woke up and realized I am Cranky Kong.

>> No.7962958

rip galuf

>> No.7962967
File: 273 KB, 819x338, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll happen to you just like it happened to me

>> No.7962974

Cid isn't an old man he's just seasoned. probably looks more aged than he should from being a chain smoker
I'm in my 30's and its pretty normal to look like that in this stage of life.

and yes I realize that nips see someone in their 30's in video games as "old"
in fact im no longer in the demographic of vidya
wouldn't be surprised if I have a wife and kid sometime within the next 2 years

>> No.7963028


>> No.7963037

You know you can do all that and still like videogames, right?

>> No.7963478

It's funny because Barrett is even older yet nobody ever acknowledges his age.

>> No.7963503

Death, followed by super cancer, followed by your knees no longer working

>> No.7963509

The hair starts to go pretty much immediately after that point

>> No.7963535

37 here. I’ve got quite a few greys but my hair is still full and thick. Coconut oil and fish oil supplements every day.

>> No.7963776

If he’s not an old man then why does he have grey hair on his overworld model?

>> No.7963796

I'm pretty sure ages in retro games were essentially assigned at random. The games were made for kids so all the main heroes were like 14 and the hardened veterans were 35 and everyone else was just randomly given an age somewhere in between. Cid was clearly designed to look 45ish but whoever was in charge of writing the bio was like "ehhh...32."

>> No.7963870

My father started losing his in his 50s so I think I'll be good if I stay natty.

>> No.7963989

FF12's devs did originally want Basch (don't recall his age but it was something like 36) as the MC but ended up switching him out for Vaan.

>> No.7963995

Not him but I think they were trying to make him an ashy pale blond. It may have wound up looking grey because of palette limitations.

>> No.7964006
File: 117 KB, 700x1450, fm3-liu-hei-fong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude in his early thirties
>gets called an old man constantly
>just accepts it without a word

Liu should've punched Ryogo right in the face for the constant disrespect

>> No.7964014

And Sephiroth is only two years younger

>> No.7964067

No, you can only do one of them. The only appropriate entertainment for adults to engage in are those that were modeled by your parents.

You may:
>Read the newspaper
>Watch sitcoms network television
>Watch sports on network television
>Read fiction from the New York Times Bestseller list

Do you see videogames on that list?

>> No.7964080

Video games are considered sports now.

>> No.7964082

Does Cid speak with a funny accent in the Japanese version?

>> No.7964767

Probably. In Japan, people who live in the Kansai region (Osaka and Kyoto for example) tend to have accents that are essentially their equivalent to a southern accent in the United States. Sometimes it gets turned into a Brooklyn accent during localization (Joey Wheeler in Yugioh and Labrys in Persona 4) but usually it's a southern accent

>> No.7964783
File: 67 KB, 1099x646, fireemblemdaddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a gay gerontophile so I drool for them just as you guys do for your females

>> No.7964789

samus is over 30, so she's both unique for being female AND old

>> No.7964791


>> No.7964979

Its funny because back before anyone had real voices I would hear Cid in my head with a thick Irish accent. I don't even really remember why but it might have been from his invocation of "lady luck" in the ending which I somehow associated with leprechauns.

>> No.7964984

Somehow Mario is supposed to be 26 despite regularly being portrayed in live action as middle aged.

>> No.7965000

I see a list of things only zombies do.

>> No.7965003

Its probably a holdover from the 80s and 90s. When games started to get actual stories the overwhelming majority of players were children and teenagers so the ages were scaled to match. A lot of old RPGs starred literal children, like FFIII. That practice tended to continue through cultural inertia. Plus RPGs favor lower aged characters because it's easier to justify them striking out on an adventure if they have few roots and responsibilities. It'd be weird for a father of three to be like "I'm quitting my job at the plant and going on a quest. I'll be back...whenever." Same for things like romances, new friendships, and character growth. All big elements of RPG storytelling and you need something of a blank slate character to make it all make sense.

>> No.7965039

I started shaving my head when I was 20, as I was into swimming and it was much easier that way.
Turns out, my hairline is indeed shit, but I started shaving before that.
So I just never felt the shock of gradually becoming bald, I am bald full stop.
A few things:
It actually made me more popular with women. Maybe some girls prefer hair, but I've had some of my best scores after I shaved, and had girls steaight up come and talk to me because they like baldies, sobut those definitely exist. Most women don't care as much about mens hair.
It's incredibly more hygienic and comfortable, but I guess this is obvious.
I recommend anyone losing hair to just shave, only downside is if your head/face structure is too funny (like if you got big nose or ears or funky shaped skull)

>> No.7965059

I think its universally known that if you're suffering male pattern baldness shaving everything like Jason Statham is the way to go.

>> No.7965064

I can never get enough of Cid throwing a stick of dynamite he lit with his cigarette. Has to be the greatest limit break animation

>> No.7965585


>> No.7965596

He is not an adult. he's an old man with an adventurous spirit, that means he's on the spectrum

>> No.7965609

That's the joke

>> No.7966623
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