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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7954984 No.7954984 [Reply] [Original]

And why?

>> No.7954985

Duke. It was comfortable and had a 3 over 3 layout.

>> No.7954986

They're all bad.

>> No.7954993

Dreamcast and Gamecube are both terrible.
Duke has the best analog sticks of any controller, but the triggers are too recessed and the button layout is bad. Dpad is also just a blob.
PS2 controller is fine but the PS4 controller is better than it in everyway so theres no reason to use it now.

>> No.7955004

>Which one

It's the PS2.

>> No.7955006

ps2 because it's normal

>> No.7955009

fuck off

>> No.7955016

Had the best local Multiplayer experience of that generation. Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, Mario Spin-Offs Galore, if a game was on PS2 and GameCube, but not Xbox, GameCube typically had the better version.
Had the best Multiplatform releases of that generation. Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Blinx, Fable, Fusion Frenzy.
Doubled as a DVD Player out of the box. Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, SMT, Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari Damacy.
I don't know anyone who owned this. All of I know is that it has the better version of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

I like each console of that generation about equally, each of them have exclusives that rank among some of my favorite games.

>> No.7955020


>> No.7955025

PS1/2 controller. Still is the best imo.

>> No.7955043

Sorry you have girl hands.

>> No.7955046
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Top rumble was Xbox. Dual Shock not far off. Doesn't hinder performance. I always liked the Dual Shock 2. Dual Shock 3 was ok at best. R2/L2 being exposed, more of a trigger I guess, greatly hindered competitive fighters such as MvC2. Soul Calibur II was best on Arcade Even back then during PS2's dominance, or everyone had X-Arcade singles.

Their Dpad is why though. It's broken up into four individual buttons allowing for a diverse technique set. Literally everyone else's is one piece of plastic vs Sony's progressive design. Kind of reminded me of the SNES controller, but squared. Almost like a fat NES controller.

>inb4 Dog Bone
Dog Bone is rad

Dreamcast is a nice concept. Perhaps for games like Caution Seaman or Jet Grind Radio. But for MvC1, even Soul Calibur, I don't see how with that Dpad. I like the VMUs though.

Gamecube best for Nintendo exclusives. Cross platform is so so. RE4 was legit though.

Xbox is a based tank. The strongest and had the best rumble pack. Being integrated helps. Reminds me of how cheap it made the earlier rumble controllers feel cheap. Best controller for sports games. Such as Madden or Fifa imo.

Dual Shock 2 is winrar though. Sony emulated enough from what Nintendo did very well. Time tested.

>> No.7955048
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>> No.7955049

And X1 is better than ps4 in everyway, so why bother mentioning the crap ps4 controller?

>> No.7955051

DC = Duke > Cube >>>>>>> PS2

>> No.7955052

the gamecube you buffoons.

>> No.7955061

Dreamcast is the most comfortable to hold and has the best triggers in my opinion, but doesn't have a second stick and the D-pad is in an awkward position. GameCube is a really good controller, but only for GameCube games. Multiplats are usually better on PS2 or Xbox due to the GameCube lacking certain buttons. Xbox is too bulky. This leaves PS2 as the best one
X1 is shit compared to the 360 controller, and even then I still prefer the DS4

>> No.7955062

>I'm going to give an answer then give the answer as an explanation lole I'm so quirky
Kill yourself

>> No.7955065

X1 controller blows. Analog sticks are too small, bumpers are badly formed and placed right on top of the triggers, and the dpad is way to rigid to be used for anything other than selection. PS4 controller is pretty much perfect other than the lack of native Xinput but DS4Windows solves that.

>> No.7955072

PlayStation controller is always the best.



>> No.7955078

>Duke. It was comfortable and had a 3 over 3 layout.

I do like the large size of the Duke. I never found it to be terrible. The black and white buttons were a little weird. But easy to get use to. The DS2 is great. The Nintendo GameCube controller, they were trying some things. I don't mind the unique shaped buttons, the trigger styled analogue buttons with the secondary click. I had a Dreamcast with two gamepads. The buttons were OK, the d-pad is rigid but works well. lacked buttons and a second analogue stick. The controller also feels really light without any peripherals. But they can feel heavier when there are two VMU's in the controller, or a VMU and a rumble pack.

>> No.7955080

I've never liked the weird slant the Dreamcast controller had, feels like I'm holding a "V". But then again I'm the type of person who considers the N64 controller to be comfortable.

>> No.7955098

Why you so triggered, faggot.

>> No.7955103


>> No.7955108

PS2, because it was the closes to SNES in button layout and placement.
Also, I never liked the layout of having an analog on top of the directional pad.

>> No.7955109

They're all fine but the other 3 felt like flimsy plastic compared to Duke

>> No.7955134

Give the dreamcast 2 more buttons and take out the VMU then it would be a good controller.

>> No.7955140
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All of them.

>> No.7955145

PS2 isn't.

>> No.7955146

This controller is really good ngl, it might even be better than the 360 controller.

>> No.7955150

VMU was soulful.

>> No.7955158
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Hmm... I've seen something like that b4...

>> No.7955186

Because you're a faggot?

>> No.7955250

PS2 or Gamecube.

>> No.7955264
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Best arcade ports and fighting games.
Best first-party games party games, and platformers.
Best RPG's and weird experimental games.
Best third-party games, shooters, homebrew, online multiplayer, and sports games.

Apples, pears, oranges, and bananas. All good for different reasons.

>> No.7955269

PS2. It’s compact, has everything you need, and has the right weight. Also, Sony seems to be the only company interested in making their shoulder buttons precise and to the point even to this day. Virtually every other controller after 5th gen wants to make them feel like the trigger of a gun and while that’s a nice idea, games don’t seem to care to ever design around this and they’re flatly inferior otherwise.

>> No.7955272

>t. melee tranny

>> No.7955306

Triggers work great for racing games

>> No.7955310

>that d-pad
>that analog stick placement

>> No.7955312

>food analogy

>> No.7955376


>> No.7955440

Still baffles my mind why Nintendo decided on a 7 button layout and the retarded c-stick. D-pad was a disgrace to legacy of Gunpei.
Nintendo will always be my slight favorite over the other major companies, but they have steadily released shitty controllers after the SNES. The only good controller that's came out after that was the Wii U Pro

>> No.7955460
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I actually really liked this one too.

>> No.7955486

I use it on my Wii but it just feels flimsy and cheap desu.

>> No.7955493
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>> No.7955526

Far cry from the Wavebird feels

>> No.7955538

I wanted to like it, but I don't anymore. It's just not that good. Also the thumbsticks turn yellow.

>> No.7955540

The D-Pad is fantastic, much better than Nintendo D-Pads, and that's in spite of what you expect given the segmented style. You can so consistently pull off any direction you want with Sony's D-Pad, in a way that you can't with Nintendo's.

>> No.7955546

>two triggers
>two analog sticks
>six face buttons
Duke was absolute kino.

>> No.7955549

The light and dark buttons seem a little shitty though.

>> No.7955559

Xbox and PS2 were the only ones that were even remotely usable.

>> No.7955731

Never had a dreamcast though I'm interested in getting one for one my collection eventually. Of the other three I'd have to rank it like this.
Dualshock 2 > the duke > GameCube

>> No.7955737

A good revision of the DS2 beats anything. The bad revisions have stiff as fuck buttons and shitty sticks. A > H with late-era A being the best.

>> No.7955751

I'm comfortable in saying the original Xbox is what you're likely to get the most mileage out of today. Of that generation its game's visuals hold up the best and it usually had the best multiplats. The biggest problem is that its library is just too small compared to the PS2's, but what it has is mostly solid across the board.
The Gamecube is fine but outside of Killer 7 and RE4, which exist elsewhere in better packages now, there's nothing I'm that personally attached to on it. The first party Nintendo stuff is great as always and if you're into any of it it's a no-brainer. Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess are honestly some of my favorite games ever, possibly better than anything on the other offerings, but I honestly think the first party Nintendo stuff goes without saying. If you're into Gamecube, you know that's what you're getting it for. It's the remainder of its mediocre library full of middle of the road multiplats or lame licensed kids games that lets it down.
The PS2's library you could play for actual years but you're only likely to walk away with a handful of games worth remembering and anything worth playing on it also exists elsewhere now. There's a handful of standout weirdo games like Mr Mosquito or Robot Alchemic Drive, but all the shovelware in its library can get to be just too much and not worth dealing with when, again, all of its best titles are available elsewhere. It's also a weak performer compared to the other consoles.
The Dreamcast to me feels like a hugely beefed up 5th gen console and not a true competitor to the rest of the 6th generation, but I genuinely love the Dreamcast. If you want solid arcade games, racers, fighters, adventure games, action games, puzzle games, etc. etc., the Dreamcast has solid examples in just about every genre you can think of. It even had a good FPS in Soldier of Fortune. It's my favorite of the generation, but I think the Xbox is a better console.

>> No.7955801
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PS2 > Gamecube > Dreamcast = Xbox

>> No.7955837

Sometimes I hold a dinner plate and make pew pew noises to remind me of playing the xbox

>> No.7955850
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The DualShock 2 is a masterclass of controller design, though I'm still quite fond of the Duke controller for the OG Xbox as well.

>> No.7955919

Kek, the killing over a controller.

Anyway it's the ps2, then GameCube, Dreamcast then xbox

>> No.7955939

Are we talking about the controllers or the consoles?

>> No.7955943

The things in the picture. I think they are the controllers

>> No.7955978

Never was a huge fan of the DC layout. Buttons and triggers were fine, but something always felt off about the 2 control options, the stick fairing better then the pad. Love the DC, but the controller is not something I super care for.

PS2 is great with its dual stick placement and all the buttons you could need. Bad for many 2D games though, particularly anything that requires command inputs like a fighting game. stick feels too loose for that and the pad being divided up digs into my thumb after a while.

Gamecube is fine. D-pad seems kind of under-used and i sometimes forget it has a Z button.

Duke was too much as a kid, but for adult man hands, its great imo. got girth to it but feels nice in my hands. i like the 6 button positions for fighting games as opposed to the later model moving the black and white. weakest aspect may be the D pad but even that i feel is the best of the 4

>> No.7958391

the dreamcast controller is such a piece of shit. shitty thumbstick, tall stiff sharp d-pad, anti-ergonomic grips. the vmu is pretty sick, though.

it's a downgrade in every way from the already weird saturn 3d pad, which is at least kind of cool.

>> No.7958431

The Dreamcast Analog stick actually has the least amount of dead zone and is one of the more sensitive ones of that generation. This why a lot of Dreamcast ports to GC, PS2, and Xbox play worse. Sonic Adventure for example on Gamecube feels more stiff as Sonic doesn't turn as smoothly has he does on Dreamcast. PSO also has issues where on Gamecube and Xbox it's harder to make your character turn and move in more subtle directions with Xbox being the worst in this regard.

There was actually a discussion on this recently with developers working on getting PSO Xbox back online as people testing it hadn't played the Xbox version before and were completely caught off guard by how stiff it played.

>> No.7958783
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PS2 is the only acceptable controller since it´s the only controller that can play fighting games due to having the arrow buttons separated.

>> No.7958793

GCN feels the best from those options but the Z-button is absolute shite, only 3 shoulder buttons were a mistake, and the C-stick should have been replaced by a proper full analogue stick.

>> No.7958803

Duke because I had man hands. PS2 is the most overrated controller ever.

>> No.7958925

>outside of Killer 7 and RE4, which exist elsewhere in better packages now, there's nothing I'm that personally attached to on it.
>Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess are honestly some of my favorite games ever

>> No.7959421

>best local Multiplayer experience of that generation.
The console without built-in LAN had the best local multiplayer that gen? On Xbox, you could play 16-player Halo (and most other multiplayer games) locally via LAN without having to buy any extra peripherals.

>> No.7959426

Metroid Prime got ported to the Wii and Twilight Princess got remastered on the Wii U

>> No.7959689

In terms of pure comfort: Xbox and Dreamcast.

All other controllers have always just felt too small.

>> No.7959774

I miss being in the universe where the first Xbox controller was unilaterally considered to be cumbersome.

>> No.7959795

It's just poorfucks that came from families that couldn't afford to get an additional Xbox S controller

>> No.7959809
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>> No.7959903

Same. Sucks for tiny-handed manbabies.

>> No.7959904

After playing on a PS4 pad for a while and being loaned a PS1 with Arc the Lad a few years ago, I can agree that the PlayStation D-pad is better than its often thought to be (perhaps even great), but the PS analog stick placement is still atrocious and literally tacked-on.

t. different anon

>> No.7959905
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>> No.7959908

This thing sucks compared to Duke, though. Who the fuck thought putting the black and white buttons under the ball of your thumb was a good idea?

>> No.7959912

How do you get filtered by symmetrical analog sticks? What is wrong with your thumbs?

>> No.7959914

>I'll call him a name, misspell it and add an animu reaction, that'll show him!

>> No.7959916

Learn to cope, console warrior sodomites.

>> No.7959935
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That syntax is cancer. It's ret.arded

Not understanding the relevance and or how the Earl of Stroheim may be applicable to /vr/ hence the aforementioned animu character


Go back


>> No.7959945
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>console warrior sodomites

Imply and seethe harder. My Primal Rage II, Punisher, Soul Calibur II cabinets, and Ghostbusters pin say other wise.

>Imply harder

>> No.7959968
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>zir says while /r/eddit spacing copiously

>> No.7959992
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That cancer doesn't seem to understand. I suppose spelling it out is spoon feeding summer. I'll do better next time, space cowboy.

>> No.7959996
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Sir is my preferred binary prefix though

>> No.7960210

It's an amazing controller for fighting games

>> No.7960223

Did you miss the part where I said the first party stuff goes without saying? It's not worth bringing into consideration because you already know that's a major appeal, it's a given, especially with Nintendo stuff.
I really shouldn't have to teach you retards how to communicate and comprehend reading.

>> No.7960246

Can confirm

>> No.7960473

Don't give a shit about arcade fighters so probably ps2 or xbox then gc

Prob get one of each because of exclusives anyway

>> No.7960627

Only one of these massively fucks up by having the analog sticks miles from the thumb neutral position so.. not that one

>> No.7960814
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Favorite? Dreamcast without even a second thought. I'll never be that happy to get a new console again. It was the last of my childhood and the first bought with a job's paycheck.

>> No.7960905

dreamcast is probably my favorite console of all time. by no means the best console but its my favorite.

>> No.7962725

It's only cumbersome if you have small girl hands.

>> No.7962812

All Playstation controllers suck shit because your thumbs slide off the analog stick way too easily

>> No.7962816

None of the above, they're all terrible for one reason or another, especially the Dreamcast controller.

>> No.7962871

>can't hold a controller
18+ website.

>> No.7964660

Sony because the extraterrestrials in their controller design office were actually allowed to see human hands before designing the controller.

Honorable mention to Nintendo for remembering to tell their design aliens how many [GRASPING LIMBS] humans have this time around.

>> No.7964675

Even if you take that part away, it had no advantages still.

>> No.7964825

The Xbox controller felt the most comfortable and had an expensive feel to it. My PS2 controller was like it was made out of cheap acrylic.

>> No.7964863

PS2 = Gamecube > Xbox > Dreamcast
PS2 > Xbox > Gamecube >>> Dreamcast

>> No.7964874

I liked PS2 controllers at the time but now I'm an adult I can't play with those analog sticks. So I'd have to go with them since OP is asking 'was' rather than 'is'.

>> No.7965542

PS2 > XB > GC > DC
XB (Controller S) > PS2 > GC > DC

>> No.7965549


>> No.7965576
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not a problem unless you have hands like picrel

>> No.7965583



>> No.7965616
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>> No.7965649

>positively seething

>> No.7965696


>> No.7965886

Cube. LOOKS like shit, you think it's gonna fit badly in your hands. Most ergonomic thing ever fucking made. Shame about the missing left shoulder button and C-stick deadzones, but at least the main stick is the best ever and basically has no deadzone.

>> No.7965904

stoney is that you?

>> No.7965954
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I am but not him based anon

>> No.7967827

XBox > Gamecube > PS2 > Dreamcast

>> No.7968517

Gamecube controller is only good for games designed for it (Gamecube & Wii exclusives, Smash Bros). It's terrible for multiplats, or trying to use it for emulators or PC games.

>> No.7968980

I don't understand why they fucked with the placement of the black and white buttons on the Japanese pad/Controller S. It made them effectively useless because no designer could rely on them being in any one place so they had to limit their use to auxiliary functions like you would the select button.