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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7950001 No.7950001 [Reply] [Original]

Do PS2 games load faster from an internal HDD or from a USB drive? Is there any difference at all?

>> No.7950027

hdd is faster. the usb is only the 1.0 standard

>> No.7950049

Yuge difference

>> No.7950104

Don't use a USB with ps2. Ps2 uses an older usb format that was not designed for transferring data.

>> No.7950110

I'm pretty sure even loading from memory card is faster than the PS2's USB port.

>> No.7950113

there's a big difference playing games from the HDD as opposed to disc. USB is nearly double the loading speed I think.

>> No.7950173


Fastest on the left
HDD > Disc > Network > USB

USB is 1.0, limited to 1.5MBps theoretical maximum, in reality lower. FMVs will stutter or buffer, load times are higher.
Network is 100Mbps max, so should be around 8MBps, but in reality PS2 can't handle that much data and caps out at 2MBps network speeds. Playable but depends on your setup.
HDD is fastest but if you use a shitty drive it will have to search around on the disk and you can get stutters in game. I'm playing DQVIII right now and see it a lot.
You can use an SSD too, but these can actually run too fast and lock up some games.

>> No.7950236

USB is only acceptable for ancient games that didn't really pushed data transfer on any way (2000/2001) mostly CD based.

>> No.7950286

USB loading has shitty compatibility and even if the games work the load times are longer than off of a retail disc. Just get a network adaptor and a hard drive.

>> No.7950315

>run too fast and lock up some games
Holy shit, that's gay.

>> No.7950323

There's no way the difference between USB and Network is that goddamn low. SMB feels about 4-5x faster on average.

>> No.7950334

kek retro

>> No.7950530

it's not.

>> No.7950583

With some experimentation, some games run surprisingly well.
I have GTA VCS & LCS, Shadow of the Colossus, Red Ninja end of Honor, The Suffering 1 & 2, Obscure 1 & 2, Time Splitters, Lego star wars, Fatal Frame 1-3, Kuon, and a couple of others I can't remember running off of USB.

It helps when games have in-game rendered cut-scenes instead of FMVs. Of the games, Fatal Frame hiccups one or twice in the intro cut scene but plays and plays other cut scenes well. The big drawback is slightly longer load times but worth for the convenience. USB drive brand do matter. Current have a 64 GB SanDisk for games I don't want to commit to my jerry-rigged microSDD

>> No.7950603

anyone know some really small PS2 games that would run fine off of a USB stick? I have this PS2 memory card replica USB drive I got from some Limited Run Games thing and I wanted to use it for something, like maybe some smaller games that would not really be effected by load times. I have those PopCap games collections and was thinking maybe those would be alright. id also like to put maybe some of the Hamster arcade series games on it.

>> No.7950714

I've only tried it with CD based games so far. I guess that is why I haven't had any issues.

>> No.7950731

Race conditions. You can hard lockup a Threadripper with an NVMe RAID array. Programmers assumed certain things about disk I/O and modern SSDs have blown so far past that that large parts of the OS have to be rewritten to accommodate it. Can't do much for 20 year old consoles though other than hope some homebrew hobbyist can rig up a performance throttle somehow.

>> No.7950868

How do you even get cd based ps2 games to run via usb? I put the files on the cd folder, the dvd folder, root of the usb and opl doesn't even detect them.

>> No.7950875

Should be the same as HDD: convert the CD to an ISO

>> No.7950883

I believe they have to be bin/cue and not ISO. And then you need to open the .cue and make sure it doesn't have windows file paths to the bin, incorrect case (because windows again) and doesn't have #extended attributes

>> No.7950950

can I install an ISO from usb to the hdd?

>> No.7950976

there are like ten billions yt videos on it

>> No.7951007

Still hoping we get a ode for ps2 soon. Free McBoot is too janky

>> No.7951032

For TR, That isn't any part you mentioned. The part locking up is the controller bus on the SB. Cheap controllers have been doing that since the first consumer RAIDs 30 years ago. Current NVME use a lane that was never meant for that much bandwidth at once.

PS2 uses the same lane for ethernet as hdd. It isn't limited. Network speeds are from poor coding and software. SSD do not run too fast, again it is software (like OPL). You can replicate this issue with micro sd even.

HDD = Network > Disc > USB.

HDD and network are limited by the ram write bus. Disc is only barely slower because again, ram write bus. Load speed comparisons prove this. (the only outlier are streaming games that abuse the DVD reader cache)

>> No.7951040

No it isn't. It is basic as fuck as you should feel bad not understanding it. There will never be a ps2 ODE because of how the disc is mated. If that wasn't an issue NO ONE would make a product that only braindead idiots that can't figure out FMCB would buy.

>> No.7951051

Look into CD based games, such as the Sega Ages Collections

>> No.7951058

>PS2 uses the same lane for ethernet as hdd. It isn't limited. Network speeds are from poor coding and software.
SMB and USB mode transfer rates are limited because they have to byte swap in software. Unless you're using a custom protocol like udpbd you will necessarily be choked by the shitty IOP.
HDD isn't bottlenecked this way. It can just DMA with near zero overhead.

Also, the IOP runs much much faster on the DECKARD slim models than the earlier PS2 models. So this can account for some differences in reported performance for USB or SMB modes.

OPL has various methods to throttle any storage device's speed in the rare event that the game is locking up for that reason.

>> No.7951064

Actually, MX4SIO uses the memory card slot and appears to be faster than the USB port. Though, that uses a different protocol to a memory card proper.

>> No.7951068

OPL ain't perfect, there is fucking around with compatibility modes and a few games that don't run quite right. I think an ODE would be a good thing for perfectionists.

>> No.7951360

I used OPL and the OPL manager.

>> No.7951452

What games of note could be described as unplayable regardless of settings?

>> No.7951459

Just off the top of my head, deus ex will inevitably crash after one too many loading screens.

>> No.7951821

I think Max Payne 1 and 2 also have the same issue with the game locking up after a number of loading screens.

>> No.7952021

Anon wrote "games of note", not "terrible ports of PC games no one should ever play"

>> No.7952065

>developer said it's faster (1.5x) than usb.
>random anon on some shit forum: it's not.

>> No.7952091

HDD is faster. Both are faster and quieter than reading from a disc.

>> No.7952143

Fastest to Slowest
>internal HDD

>> No.7952314


just use a dvd
when your playstation corrupts your data or HDD fails (inevitably)

you can just hotswap without missing a beat, burned discs are futureproof

>> No.7952323

My PS2's laser is dying. It takes forever for it to boot a disc.

>> No.7952571

Swapping a dying HDD seems miles easier than replacing a dead laser, also ESR is a buggy mess and MechaPWN only supports a handful of models, I dunno about disc swapping.

>> No.7952583

weird question, is there any way to install games to an internal HDD, from an external usb drive? I imagine it would be slow but is there any way to do the process entirely on the ps2?

>> No.7952594

Why would you want to do that?

>> No.7952598

usb is noticeably slow, for HDD many times you will not see a speed advantage. The main advantage is library management which is surpassed by SMB loading.

>> No.7952602

likely just a dirty lens, the drives at this point are getting some dust built up.

>> No.7952613

because I have an IDE hard drive in the ps2, and no way to connect it to my pc. Just wondering if it's possible with any homebrew before I buy more stuff

>> No.7952658

lol just buy the usb upgrade kit

>> No.7952909

You can copy over the network instead.

>> No.7952912

Via Ethernet? i do ftp some files to usb when im to lazy to unplug that shit dunno if work same to hdd

>> No.7952914

sorry anon I don't have access to your arbitrary criteria to know what a game of note it

>> No.7952938

Yeah but it'll take forever and has a high risk of failure. Just buy a SATA to USB adapter and hook your hard drive directly to your PC. Use WinHIIP to transfer your ISOs.

>> No.7952946

is that even possible?

>> No.7953082

mx4sio is not "loading from the memory card", dumbass

>> No.7953128

The good PS2s have FireWire, use that.

>> No.7953139

Is there a good firewire to sata adapter?

>> No.7953180 [DELETED] 

minecraft but its dorf fortress

>> No.7953461
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Can PS1 games be booted up from HDD? If so, is it perfect compatibilty or do some games have issues?

>> No.7953463

yes but it's a form of emulation. if you want to play ps1 games on a ps2 burn them.

>> No.7953478

>if you want to play ps1 games on a ps2 burn them
I'll still need to freemcboot my PS2 to play burned games though, right? I have a FAT model

>> No.7953479

If emulated via HDD you're SOL with any Ridge Racer game except 4 maybe.

>> No.7953492

Yes probably.

>> No.7953569

As far as I know you can't play burned games via FreeMCBoot.

>> No.7953590

You can with
depending on which model ps2 and what sort of disc you are burning

>> No.7954469

Speaking of Free MCBoot
Recently when i turn on my ps2 FMCB doesn't boot at all i have to turn on/off at least 4 times in a row to get the fmcb logo and then it launch normaly, my question is, this is relate with the installation itself of fmcb or it a console failure? thanks in advance!!

>> No.7954681

If you bought FMCB off ebay or somewhere like that it was guaranteed to be installed on a cheap cloned memory card. Those have ALWAYS had dreadful reliability. What you want to do is bootstrap a cloned FMCB card as a backup before this one fails.
That said I do have 1 genuine 8MB card that was only ever used for legit saves that's giving me "the save file failed to load" from time to time so I suppose even the genuine article is not 100% reliable.

>> No.7954943

What's better, network or hdd.
Because I want to mod a ps2 slim, either with an internal sata to sd adapter, or an internal networked orange pi.

>> No.7954972

Networked orange pi if you want to manage your POPS and PS2 games with OPL Manager.

HDD or using: SD card to 44 pin -> 44 pin to 40 pin adapters to the network padapter is more convenient for standalone usage without dealing with network set up after the initial installs.

Both are equally good

>> No.7954990

Could be dust as well, i thought my memory cards were shitting the bed too until i opened them up and cleaned the contacts, when that didn't work i opened up the ps2 and thoroughly cleaned it, that fixed it.
>What you want to do is bootstrap a cloned FMCB card as a backup before this one fails.
Not needed anymore, the dvd exploit lets you burn ulaunch to a disc and run it on any unmodified ps2, he can install FMCB whenever he wants.
Network, even on fat models.

>> No.7955026

Would there be any use-case where I'd need the network for any games? I know you can still play games like Socom online.

I suppose I could mod it both ways. I'd have to add a switch to either power the ide sd adapter or the orange pi, but not both. Don't want to strain the usb power too much.

>> No.7955147

>HDD is fastest but if you use a shitty drive it will have to search around on the disk and you can get stutters in game. I'm playing DQVIII right now and see it a lot.
That's likely not the HDD's fault, check compatibility modes 1 and 2 and it should run fine

>> No.7955208

Yep, upgraded mine to USB 4.0. Games load instantly. It's insane.

>> No.7955442

>Those have ALWAYS had dreadful reliability

Yeah that might be the case, my memory is not the original a friend gift me this unit with that memory i guess i have to find a genuine one to buy.

>That said I do have 1 genuine 8MB card that was only ever used for legit saves that's giving me "the save file failed to load" from time to time so I suppose even the genuine article is not 100% reliable.


Ok i get it, but the laser died last year, theres another option to install fmcb? it worth the laser replacement?

thank you ppl!!

>> No.7955863

can't clone fmcb-cards, only use a fmcb-card to install it onto a new card

>> No.7956290

how do you defrag a ps2 hdd?
my shit is at 96% fragmented and it ate my popstarter folder which is super annoying
most of the popstarter games had compatibility issues anyway

>> No.7956291

how does the best selling console of all time have such a shit homebrew scene

>> No.7956304

PS2 has a complex architecture that makes writing homebrew a pain. The homebrew GPU library only supports one of the three methods for submitting draw calls IIRC.

>> No.7956652

Is it possible to run PAL games at 60hz? There's a handful of games I'm interested in that I would prefer to play in English but weren't release in the US.

>> No.7956660

The 6th gen is when 60Hz options started to become fairly common in PAL games. If you're lucky it just works out of the box. No progressive scan though.
Otherwise, you can try forcing it with GS Mode Selector (built into OPL but also available separately)

>> No.7956665

Shit, I forgot to specify they were PS1 games

>> No.7956673

The PS2's USB ports are USB 1.0.

>> No.7956684

That's more complicated, particularly on the PS2 which is anal about video mode and region encoding in PS1 mode.
I think you can patch PAL games to run in NTSC but there may be strings attached.

1.1, actually.

>> No.7956687

>1.1, actually.
Still, too slow to be worth using.

>> No.7956690

Depends on the game and even on the console model - but yeah, for a general solution you should look elsewhere.

>> No.7956713

In that case just go for a phat PS2 with an original network adapter. Then either upgrade it to be SATA HDD compatible or use adapters to connect it to an SD card (SD -> 44 pin -> 40 pin) and load games off of HDD while retaining the ability to play games through the Ethernet port. I don't play online PS2 games so idk if SMB and online play can be done at the same time.

>> No.7956729

Forgot to mention, the ide adapter plugs into the inside drive compartment and should draw less power than a hard drive. I don't think the PS2 USB port can power an orange pi. It barely outputs enough voltage to charge my earbuds but not enough to power anything more demanding.

>> No.7956730


>> No.7956750

There is a popstarter patch for playing PAL games on NTSC consoles but I don't know if that just forced the console to output at 50hz or forces the game into 60hz. I'd experiment with path 09 for pops if I were you, but at this point it's more convenient to emulate on a phone or computer.

>> No.7958006

I have a spare slim which I picked up that has what looks like a cigarette burn in it. I was hoping to clean it up, patch, sand and paint it along with some internal mods. I do already have a phat model with an old ide drive.

I looked into the usb 1.1 spec for the ps2. I think it provides 1 amp. The pi I believe will draw around 500ma so that gives me some headroom.

Actually modding both to use the ide and network will cover both my bases. Also it'd allow me to potentially run ps2 linux.

>> No.7958693

What website has the best guides for setting up FMCB and installing homebrew and shit? A lot of the websites I've looked at are kind of a pain in the ass to read, I can't even find just a straight forward list of essential homebrew apps or anything like that.

>> No.7958731


tl;dr buy a memory card with it preinstalled, it's easy and cheap

>> No.7958756

If you're shooting for the PS2 slim SD card mod, that's a pretty solid project to do and I commend your microsoldering confidence.

1 A sounds about right, its a shame you can connect PS3 controllers via Bluetooth but can't charge them.

PS2-Home and look up the YouTuber Phoenix Project Media

>> No.7959040

>The memory card interface of the PlayStation (2) is a serial interface similar to SPI. SD cards can be accessed via SPI

>> No.7959053

That doesn't mean mx4sio is a memory card or can be used in the same way as one.

>> No.7959085

>Shit, I forgot to specify they were PS1 games
There are loads of Action Replay/Gameshark codes to force PAL PS1 games into NTSC, try looking for "PALPAR codes" on google. There was a tool called PALPAR that would analyse executable files on PC and tell you the code to put in to make it 60hz. The only problems you'll get are a) some games need the picture re-aligned due to the PAL border (there used to be codes for this as well, or look for an game screen adjuster if the game has one) and b) actualy properly ported games (e.g. Ridge Racer Type 4) will run too fast in 60hz.

>> No.7960009

is firewire actually faster?

>> No.7961095

So I have FMCB set up now but I have a couple of questions

One, where does HDLGameInstaller actually install games onto on the hard drive? Does it just stuff them into unpartitionned space or what? I can't find them in the file manager but the games I installed to test are there and they work so I dunno.

Also is there an easy way to sort the apps on the system main menu? I just want the OPL and Launch Disk game options near the top.

And last, I read that games run from OPL don't affect the play time towers on the splash screen when you boot the console (I love that thing the first thing I did when I set up FMCB was find the option to re-enable it). Does anyone know if the towers still grow if you're playing games off disk or does FMCB still mess with that? Even with OPL I'll probably still play some games off disk just because I like actually playing my collection.

>> No.7961101

I tried Hyper Street Fighter 2 and Samurai Shodown Anthology. They run flawlessly besides longer initial loading times.

>> No.7961746

Each game is in its own partition. You should be able to see them in uLaunchELF's HddManager. The format is grandfathered in from the original HDLoader.
You can use the FreeMCBoot configurator to edit the options on the main menu. It's in the hacked OSD section. That's also where you can add new homebrews to the list for easier access. Remember to save the configuration file before you exit.
It shouldn't affect games played normally.

>> No.7962203

cool thanks.

Also I found out that if the PS2 is running the internal HDD it doesn't let you reset the system, only power off, to protect the HDD from data loss apparently. When I go to power off my PS2 with the button it seems like I always have to force power down (hold it for like 5 seconds) instead of just holding it briefly to power down like before. Is that normal with an internal HDD? It seems weird.

>> No.7962209

Sounds about right, I use an SD card in there but the same thing applies. Some games are compatible with game reset with OPL so there's a way around that

>> No.7962219

Yes that's normal. It isn't a force power off - if you release the button after gameplay clearly stops, the console continues powering off so the hard drive can be gracefully shut down before the console goes fully into standby.

>> No.7962232

This is common knowledge. Are you just lonely? HDD > SMB >>>> USB. I guess you could use burn discs too like a weirdo. For me, it's SMB, because fuck aging mechanic drives that need external adapters to write to + taking the stupid network adapter/drive out to add games, and USB is too slow.

>> No.7962254

Bonus tip and something I feel isn't as well known as it should be: if you're after PS1 games, the Tonyhax trick works on fat NTSC-U and PAL PS2 models. This is by far the easiest and best way to run PS1 backups on the system. You need a PS1 memcard, one of the cheap games it requires, and a CD burner/media, however. It's much better than Popstarter. Unlike it, it has nearly 100% compatibility and works with all peripherals. Guncon in particular.

>> No.7962268

It only works on the SCPH-3xxxx models. Newer models need to use mechapwn instead.

Popstarter simply shouldn't be recommended. If you're going to emulate, do it right.

>> No.7962327

what's the biggest memory card you can get for ps2?

>> No.7962347

Fym shouldn't be recommended? For the games that are compatible via PS2 USB it is absurdly convenient especially since there's multidisc support now. If you want the best graphics use a phone, computer, or ps3.

>> No.7962405

It's just not the best emulator is what he's saying. Might as well do it on a PC, but I can see the appeal of it being a convenient way of playing PS1 games on a CRT TV. It also doesn't work with lightgun games, which... let's be honest, is one of the few reasons to actually 'need' to run on PS1 games on hardware.

>> No.7962409

You're using a shitty emulator made to run only one game from 2003 on hardware from 2000. It's full of broken games and poor performance. It has no value besides novelty.

>> No.7962421

They go up to 512mb but compatibility and reliability is terrible with anything other than an official 8mb sony card. If you get one working don't put saves or cfw you care about on an unofficial memory card.

>> No.7962427

can you create a virtual memory card on your hdd?

>> No.7962457

Haven't really read into this particular hack. Does it do anything my combo of OPL and Tonyhax won't do?

>> No.7962595

You can use it to store/backup your saves, not for access, unfortunately.

>> No.7962628

Games run from OPL will freeze but it doesn't seem to shut off eventually. I can only get it to power off with a force shutdown.

It's kind of annoying but I'll just deal with it, or disable FMCB if I'm not actually using it.

>> No.7962636

I remember going to a friend's house and he had a disc that saved games like a memory card. I just googled PS2 Memory Disc and I can't find anything. Am I remembering things wrong?

>> No.7962803

How are you going to save to a disc? The PS2 didn't have a DVD R drive.

>> No.7962852

the issue one anon had with deus ex locking up after a few loading screens happens to me. but it seems to be on every game. any other anons have this problem? i can't find a fix on ps2 home youtube or anywhere else.

>> No.7963086

is there any way to defrag a ps2 hdd? mine says it's 96% fragged and it caused some of my ps1 games to vanish

>> No.7963113

>USB is nearly double the loading speed I think.
wanna have another go at that?

>> No.7963134

I think he means it takes twice as long. Dumb esl people

>> No.7963350

USB can cause in-game glitches with texture loading

>> No.7963457

It's a disc drive hack. It'll play burned PS1 games, burned PS2 games, legitimate import PS2 games or (depending on your console region) legitimate import PS1 games.

If you mainly use the disc drive for PS1 games, it doesn't make much of a difference.

>> No.7963487

Deus Ex and Max Payne 1 are two games that have that issue and they will likely never be fixed. If it's happening in every game, you probably have a HDD issue or some sort of connection issue, if you're playing games over network. Make sure your HDD isn't getting disconnected, which can easily happen with smaller 2.5 HDDs, or if you're using a cheap Chinese knockoff adapter. It's advised to fill in some of the empty HDD bay space with plastic or cardboard to ensure that normal HDD spinning won't cause any connection issues.

>> No.7963667


>> No.7964120

I'm thinking about purchasing these is this a great idea I want to play ps1 and ps2 games

>> No.7964203

thanks bro i'll try the cardboard thing.

>> No.7964368

I just realized FreeMCBoot is short for Free Memory Card Boot. I'm fucking stupid.

>> No.7964385

No it's short for Free McBoot the Scottish software engineer who first discovered the exploit. Also being short for Free Memory Card Boot as well is just a coincidence.

>> No.7965071

If i have a usb storage device plugged into my ps2 before i boot it up, i just get stuck on the McFreeboot splash screen. Is there any way around this or do i just have to plug it in after booting up every time?

Also is there any way to transfer game installations from a hdd to a usb drive or do i just need to freshly reinstall games to it? (Using original discs)

>> No.7966424

Are there any good memory card manager apps? I know you can copy shit off of memory cards with ULE but it's kind of hard to tell what you're doing, a dedicated app for backing up saves would be nice.

>> No.7967338
File: 73 KB, 630x611, 1626049104965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any clue if there's any work being done into getting freepsxboot to work on fat PS2s? It supports like every single model of PS1 so I can only assume there's some technical limitation preventing it from working on the PS2 via the memory card despite tonyhax working fine.

All I've ever wanted was my PS2 to be an all-in-one PS1/2 piracy box...

>> No.7967353

Is there not some way to set up an SSD to run slower, to get just under the margin that will cause problems?

>> No.7967362

use lower energy electrons

>> No.7967376

PS2 doesn't have the complete PS1 bios, silly.

>> No.7967409

mechapwn works with that last fat-revision, doesn't it?

>> No.7967443

SCPH-500xx and later onry

>> No.7967446

It does. But personally I prefer playing PS1 games on my slim SCPH-70003.

>> No.7967459

I wish we could copy iso from USB to HDD in HD Loader

>> No.7967526

16mb or 32mb memory card by Katana

>> No.7967554

Not true, I have a 256MB card (2x128MB switchable).

>> No.7967563

Use HDL Dumb

>> No.7967576


Mode 1 OPL is used to limit transfer to match DVD read speeds. Try that first

Try not chucking grenades at your PS2. Fragging it is bad.

>> No.7967589


>> No.7967670

are there any mods you can do to a ps2 to play ps1 games off a hdd? non-emulated I mean for thicc ps2

>> No.7967680

no and probably never

>> No.7967698

I have a slim PS2. I tried installing FreeMCBoot with a FreeDVDBoot disk and a USB stick. After trying three different sticks(two on compatibility list) I'm 99% sure the USB porst are busted.
>FreeDVDBoot-only installers?
>Japanese games(it's a PAL console)?
>PS1 games?
>Should I just emulate instead?(Ryzen 1600AF and GTX 750Ti)

>> No.7967705

dumb question but are they formatted to fat32?

>> No.7967716

Yes, the first one even twice because I thought GParted was the problem at one point

>> No.7967731

Huh. Give me a little bit to dig.

>> No.7967762

I'm not 100% sure if it works - but if you follow the custom disc installer instructions here, you could try making your own freemcboot installer disc.
I'd put the elf, the INSTALL and lang folder in the root of the disc image alongside the exploit stuff and burn and try to run that.

>> No.7968829

gotta say, free mcboot and the ability to play any ps2 game, on real hardware, usually with faster load times than from disc, with no hardware mods, is extremely based

>> No.7968936

Why would anyone go through all this time, effort, and expense when emulation is a thing? Hell, even ignoring all that, playing games from that era without fast forward and rewind is less playing games and more some kind of mental disorder.

>> No.7968963

They're trying to emulate a hobby, not play games.
They don't like playing games.
They just don't know what else to do with their free time because they spent too much of their lives playing games.

>> No.7969039

maybe /v/ is more your speed zoomie

>> No.7969102

burned discs are not future proof. a hard drive will last longer unless you knock it around like a cheap prostitute.

>> No.7969105

he was probably using a disc to boot a hard drive loader. he might've explained it to you incorrectly because he himself didn't understand how it worked.

>> No.7969110

these are all either horrendous scams (charging hundreds of dollars to copy games to a hard drive that cost under $60) or chinkshit you'd probably find cheaper on ebay (memory cards)
the modding process is not very hard so you should really do it yourself and save money

>> No.7969113

How long until we get an XStation 2 or some other ODE? I'm tired of this HDD bird shit.

>> No.7969180

>even ignoring all that, playing games from that era without fast forward and rewind is less playing games and more some kind of mental disorder.
fuck off

>> No.7969189

be thankful for what you have, faggot

>> No.7969196
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>oops, I missed that pixel perfect jump and instantly died, guess I'll sit through this 45 minute long unskippable cutscene again

>> No.7969203

>6th gen
>pixel perfect jump
excluding remasters and ports you could very likely count on one hand which 6th gen games would even have that

>> No.7969208

Name one game where this happens.

>> No.7969217

So yes.

>> No.7969237

No one in their right mind would make an ODE for PS2 when FMCB is already pretty much perfect.

>> No.7969252

Just start developing a solution that fit your needs then.

>> No.7969437

use elf loader

>> No.7969889

it isn't there are games that don't work
>b-but I don't care about those
you miss the point of an ODE

>> No.7970043

fmcb is just a homebrew-launcher, why can't you people understand this already.
plus OPL is far from perfect, with all its compatibility-flags-bullshit and other quirks.

>> No.7970069

Softmodding a PS2 doesn't take that much time or effort, certainly doesn't take much money at all, and delivers better results than emulation does. Not complicated

>> No.7970090

>let me just purchase a discontinued network adapter and a discontinued IDE hdd to put in it, I'm sure that'll be cheap

>> No.7970102

I have an old Phat, what is less trouble some?

>> No.7970130

HDD is probably the best. No dying disc drive and a minimal number of compatibility issues.

>> No.7970235

Well shit, it does only work for SCPH-5000X and SCPH-90000X consoles, I've got a SCPH-30009 phat. And it's not gonna be supported for older iterations, so much for that mechapwn.

>> No.7970243

>Well shit, it does only work for SCPH-5000X and SCPH-90000X consoles
It also works for the models in between.
But if you want to play PS1 games, tonyhax works on the 3xxxxx models. So use that.

>> No.7970693

A network adapter and a new old stock IDE HDD will only run you like, 40$ tops, unless you must have a 1tb IDE HDD.

>> No.7970709

Bro they're not interested in reality they just want to think that because they got filtered or are too poor, everyone else is too.

>> No.7971373

>wanna buy some new PS2 memory cards
>want them in colours besides red, blue or black
>hit up ebay
>only fucker selling memory cards in all the available colours is one straya cunt who wants nearly 10$ shipping just to shove one (1) memory card into a paper enveloppe and drop it at the mailbox
>won't even combine shipping

2 forest fires wasn't enough

>> No.7972851

I got my network adapter a couple of years ago for about $15. If you play over LAN, then you don't even need a HDD.

>> No.7972998

Get Cool Boarders 4 or the cheapest shovelware on the the tonyhax compatibility list and there ya go: PS1 backups.

>> No.7973656

PCSX2 has become a shitshow in "the unpluggining"(which really means "pick one plugin and build it in"). If you don't have the exact same setup than the devs, you likely got fucked over in some way. For example if you're on linux, you can't rebind gamepad buttons since December.
Then there's the fact that the PS2 hardware itself simply doesn't map well to PC hardware of any era. There's just no way around using hacks upon hacks. That, combined with the ubiquity of PS2s and how easy it is to mod is why I wouldn't even consider emulating it.

>> No.7973657


>> No.7973840

It's a shit emulator designed to run one lightweight game, hacked to do what it was never designed to, don't subject yourself to that popstarter shit anon. Buy a PS1 and install XStation, you'll be glad you did.

>> No.7973930

That's the biggest problem with standardized architecture, a lot of quirks and oddities are taken advantage of or worked around and it yields significant benefit. This is why porting a PS2 game to a PC of equivalent power ends in disaster.

>> No.7974097

Obviously this shit aint for you then, its for those who already had the hardware and are willing to pay/do a little more for more functionality.

Also needing rewind/fastforward options for 6th generation games, is one of the most under age comments ive ever seen.

>> No.7974978

I don't think you can just copy an .iso file like that, you need a program like winhiip to format everything correctly, right?

>> No.7974990

What ? the ps2 was still being sold they were selling modified versions of games on the console ,i even remember playing fandub games and the HDD mod is also from the same time

>> No.7974995

Modding today is so advanced that I think it's possible for them to create a savestate for the console. They even restored servers online, it's worth it, not to mention the emulation isn't 100% yet

>> No.7975102

and it doesnt help that the xbox had one of the best homebrew scenes ever, that's where most of the talent gravitated

>> No.7975273

>Modding today is so advanced that I think it's possible for them to create a savestate for the console

>> No.7975304

I have a fat PS2 in my closet and keep wondering if I should install a HDD and all in it, but I don't even have any CRTs to play it on

>> No.7975689

The only reason you would need a CRT is if you plan on playing lightgun games. PS2 look fine on modern displays, especially if you use component cables.

>> No.7975712

Eh, the PS2 earned its reputation for aliasing even back in the day. Plus most games output interlaced. Out of all the 6th gen consoles I'd say it's best played on a CRT.

>> No.7976725

network adapter: 30$ new off ebay
ide to sata adapter : 10$ off ebay
2tb WD blue: 40$ on sale


>> No.7976749

>ide to sata adapter : 10$ off ebay
show me

>> No.7977025
File: 267 KB, 1920x1050, sataadapters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems they've gone up in price, either way, they work.

>> No.7977181

I suppose. Though it'll have to be with original versions of games because fan translated patched games were usually tested in emulation instead of on an actual ps2 so they generally run better in emulation.

>> No.7977225

>plays ps2 game on my computer
>graphical glitches
oh that sucks maybe i should use mcboot on my ps2 so it wont have glitches
>puts game on hdd
>still has the exact same graphics glitch
what the fuck is the point?

>> No.7977429

What game are you trying to play?

>> No.7977480

I took out my disk drive from my PS2. I use a microsd to pata adapter. I also installed some modchip I got off aliexpress and I just dump isos onto the sd card. Works out pretty well.

>> No.7977731

The only boards I can find stick out so they don't fit inside the expansion bay.

>> No.7978260

>PS2 look fine on modern displays, especially if you use component cables.
enjoy that reduced color profile

>> No.7978313

Will do.

>> No.7978482

my pc is shit and having to watch cutscenes at 10 FPS kills me

>> No.7978742

>finally got a PS2 slim for $80
>brand new no less
>while waiting for it to arrive, read up on soft-modding
>if it's a model 9xxx, you're fucked and need to modchip it
>read up on modchipping
Stressed the fuck out now since I've never modded or soldered before. Should I give up or risk bricking it?

>> No.7978756

Check the datecode. It should be a number and a letter, such as 8A.

>> No.7979416

The 9xxxx models look different, they're the ones with internal PSUs and have the half glossy top (instead of just a small band of glossy plastic). Different box design too if you bought it cib. If you have listing pictures from wherever you bought it from you'll be able to easily tell what you're getting.

>> No.7979683

For better loading times:

>> No.7980212

>if it's a model 9xxx, you're fucked and need to modchip it
but that's wrong, read up on FORTUNA / FunTuna / OpenTuna

>> No.7980262
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>> No.7980282

Will check these when it arrives.
>if you have listing pictures from wherever you bought it from
It's a generic picture sadly. Doesn't even list whether it's US/PAL either, so I'm not sure what to expect.

Thanks for reminding me anon.