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File: 90 KB, 350x256, DonkeyKong64CoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7948968 No.7948968 [Reply] [Original]

If people hate it nowadays (I know it's often considered a game where you collect stuff for the sake of it), why did people love it back in 1999? It was one of the highest selling games on the system

>> No.7949037

Why was DK64 a best-seller?

1. Donkey Kong had already been an established property for years by this point
2. 3D was a newer medium, and therefore people had a more limited lexicon on how to view 3D games
3. It's published and advertised by Nintendo
4, It actually isn't that bad of a game, memes aside. It's hit and miss with a lot of ambition and charm. Compared to 99% of games of the time, it's better.
5. Nintendo 64 has le no games so obviously people bought whatever they could.

>> No.7949053

>why did people love it back in 1999?
i didn't.

>> No.7949080

The collectibles look bad on paper but I really am convinced everybody exaggerates it. The only three that really matter are big bananas (stars in SM64), little bananas (coins in SM64), and blueprints (red coins in SM64).

The other collectibles are either story related objects (rare & nintendo coin), optional secrets used to unlock cheats (banana fairies), or are just markers of how much other stuff you've collected (banana medals are equivalent to the 100 coin star in SM64).

If you don't play the game like you have ADD, and you just play one kong at a time for 10 minutes instead of switching every 5 seconds, it's basically like playing 5 different platformers inside one stage, 5 miniature banjo levels inside one large level, which was a pretty good deal as there's a lot to get out of every level.

>> No.7949083

Because 3D was still new and we weren’t sick of collectathons. But most importantly the DK rape said “HELL of a guy” which was just too cool for school back then

>> No.7949117


>> No.7949153

People also loved Banjo-Kazooie which isn't a very good game either.
There just wasn't anything better back in 1999.

>> No.7949186

Easier to serve kids shit and call it a meal than adults.

>> No.7949196
File: 587 KB, 604x675, sam_yeehaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DK rape said “HELL of a guy”
my sides

>> No.7949203

I loved this game as a kid, tried again last year and the collecting shit made me stop at the 2nd level.
The problem is that you have to do it with your 5 characters. You see the shit but you can't take it and will have to come to the same place 4 more times.

I still love banjo and kazooie. You just get your notes and mumbo tokens while getting the puzzle pieces so it's not that bad.
Maybe it helps that I know it so well I can do 100% in ~5 hours.

>> No.7949219

>The problem is that you have to do it with your 5 characters.
Really not that bad at all. Much faster to play as an individual kong than to switch. If you see a room with 5 collectibles in it, don't waste time running to barrels, you don't need the other kong's collectibles at that moment, you will go back eventually so get them there.

>You see the shit but you can't take it and will have to come to the same place 4 more times
If you're adamant about playing all 5 kongs in one sitting that can be annoying but realistically I'm only playing for 10-20 minutes at a time, doing one or two kong's stuff. It's a great game to slow burn and spend a week on, you're basically getting 5 different games for every level. It's a really rewarding game to have memorized too, feels really great being able to get all the collectibles in just one run. That moment where all the last collectibles are found within a minute of each other is so satisfying.

>> No.7949321

Because everyone loved the SNES games and weren't expecting this to be a bing bing wahoo mariothon