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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7948656 No.7948656 [Reply] [Original]

i genuinely believe that the Xbox is the greatest retro console you could own

>> No.7948659

I do not understand your opinion, nor do I respect it, but I do respect your right to have your opinion.

That said, please kill yourself. Xbox is the worst home console by far.

>> No.7948663

you never experienced one it seems

>> No.7948692
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>> No.7948695

literally this, anyone that disagrees is actually 30 and balding

>> No.7948701

I own one and I love it, but it's not the greatest. That honor goes to the Sega Saturn.

>> No.7948726

Smelly weebs will cry about muh dudebros but you are right

>> No.7948770
File: 37 KB, 551x550, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has great specs for the time, graphically it could have passed for next gen.
But it's library- nah, go fuck yourself.

>> No.7948772

xbox is just a generic cheap PC, not really a console

>> No.7948773

i've seen this artist's stuff around, and I fucking hate it. how much shiot can you possibly cram into one picture?

>> No.7948778

Literally nobody's room looked like this

>> No.7948779

Another pleb filtered by the based Xbox. I bet you’re a FromSoftware “fan” too.

>> No.7948780

Not that anon but it comes off like you guys are the ones baiting when you state opinions like this without offering any explanation.

This isn't me complaining about dudebros or weebgames or whatever and maybe it's because I have never owned an Xbox but I don't understand this. What makes it better than other consoles in the same generation? The Xbox can run multiplats better but in the end they are still multiplats and can be played fine on a PS2 or Gamecube. The Xbox only has the library of one system unlike the PS2 with it's PSX backwards compatibility.
So what is the reasoning behind this? Do you just like the handful of Xbox exclusives /that/ much?

>> No.7948783

It has some amazing Sega exclusives in its library. You honestly missed out if you only had a PS2 during the sixth gen.

>> No.7948793

Anyone would have missed out had they only played on one console on any gen.
This is so low hanging fruit, it's not even an argument.
The same can be said about PS2, there's no Virtua Fighter 4 on Xbox.
Hell, might as well say that there's no Metroid or Mario game on Xbox.

>> No.7948794

Fpwp, the XBased shits all over the gaycube

>> No.7948796

That may be true but come on, a few amazing Sega games is not enough to crown it as the greatest retro console. There were amazing games on every console.

>> No.7948831

it had a hard drive so gone were the says of extra memory peripherals, it had a stellar online service shortly out of the gate, sega worked to bring a lot of their ip to it, the controller is amazing, it had the best exclusives, you could connect consoles together to play LAN, you could hack it relatively easily not long into its lifecycle resulting it in playing virtually everything up to that generation,

it's simply the best, and it sucks you 'don't understand this'

>> No.7948848

Don't expect to reason with /v/tards. Gatekeep while you can.

>> No.7948853

God this fucking board sucks.

>> No.7948854

I certainly enjoyed mine. Especially after I added the Executor 2 Chip nearly twenty years ago.

>> No.7948879

>have to write a 200 word essay to explain why I like the Xbox
You wouldn't ask that in a fucking ps2 thread asshole

>> No.7948883

>a bunch of games that got superior PC ports
Not the greatest choice.

>> No.7948887

>hard drive in place of memory peripherals
These are the most compelling arguments so far but it's far from enough to crown it as king, in my opinion.
The biggest factor should be the game library. After all, what good are these features if you have nothing to use them with? While the Xbox does have several games that seem to be quite good the library just does not compare to the amount of great games you have available on literally any other retro console.
Controllers are pretty subjective, I personally have never had an issue with any first party controller.
Well first of all, when you say the Xbox is the best retro console do you mean it was the best console for playing retro games? Or do you mean that it is the best retro console on its own merits?
If we are to accept hacking as an argument you should concede the point of memory cards since you can also hack a PS2 and use VMCs on a hard drive.
>200 words is a lot
If you can explain it in ten words then do so. I don't care how much time you spend explaining yourself.
And no, I wouldn't ask this in a PS2 thread because what makes it good is apparent.

>> No.7948889

Honestly I’d take Xbox and GameCube as a combo over PS2 and GameCube. The only things you’d really miss out on are Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid 3.

>> No.7948892
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dude it’s literally just better

>> No.7948894

I had this combo as a kid. I did miss out on Final Fantasy. It was really popular at that time and it seemed all my friends were playing the PS2 FF games. But I later realized that post-IX FF isn't as good as I thought, to put it generously.

>> No.7948910

I view the Xbox as better than the NGC overall. In terms of library and multiplat games.
PS2 is king though just because of the large library.
I owned all of the 6th gen consoles btw.

>> No.7948914

>the library just does not compare to the amount of great games you have available on literally any other retro console.
then you're overlooking the greats, Xbox had them in spades
handful of them aren't ported to newer platforms, but this thread IS about retro gaming, and Xbox takes the cake for incorporating a lot of the things you might be thinking about when using a hacked console

>> No.7948941

Not retro

>> No.7948947

PS2 has so many games though. So many exclusives. Even if many of the games look blurry and lack AA.

>> No.7948953

Agreed. Looking back now, I’m glad I was playing KOTOR and Morrowind instead of FFX and XII.

>> No.7948997 [DELETED] 
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>Xbox had them in spades
Do you have something like this for the Xbox? The couple charts I've seen in the past didn't have much when you took out all of the multiplats.

>> No.7949000
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your opinion is simply wrong

>> No.7949006

Might not be retro to your 40 yr old ass but times change and the definition if retro changes as well

>> No.7949047

I’m about to turn 38 and the sixth gen is easily my favorite. Not all us boomers are narrow-minded.

>> No.7949112
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For its time it was awesome because of online play but microsoft hardware is crud. Ours shat the bed, my brother got a 360 (which got the RROD less than a year in), and he sold all the Xbox games except JSRF. Still have the hardware but I have no urge to dive into the library today.

I would say the greatest retro console you can own is the PS2 due to its incredible library, the slim's longevity, tried-and-true controller, and backwards compatibility with the PS1.
That being said Xbox and Gamecube don't even feel retro to me and I'm only 25. The top Xbox games look like early PS3 titles and Gamecube's graphics were good enough to slap on motion controls and sell 100 million more units during 7th gen.

Damn 37 count as boomers now? How far does this meme go?

>> No.7949148

Xbox was only good because it was new 20 years ago. It's only considered to be good, still, due to nostalgia.

>> No.7949154
File: 508 KB, 1214x933, 2261468-pocket_bike_racer-1125_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


greatest games on the greatest system

>> No.7949159

that would be the gamecube

>> No.7949160

>Microsoft hardware is crud
I’ll grant you the 360 and its RROD issues but all their other consoles have been rock solid for me. The Xbox One in particular was so much quieter than any of the PS4 models. I don’t have either of the new consoles yet but I’m definitely leaning toward the SeX.

>> No.7949163

Based Cube filtering another pleb.

>> No.7949184

You'd be hard pressed to justify inclusion of seventh gen and later into retro category.

>> No.7949191

No you wouldn't. In 10 years nobody will be talking about those games because they are old and from a different era.

>> No.7949223

Fair, I can't speak on Xbox One cause I naturally stopped gaming after 7th gen.
I recently inherited a launch PS4 and once I took it apart and cleaned the fans it got one level quieter. It doesn't hit the meme-tier fan speed where it sounds like a jet engine during intense games anymore.

Kek I like that.

>> No.7949225

probably the best dedicated emulation device out there

>> No.7949249

I think the Wii surpassed it but a hacked Xbox was good for a long time.

>> No.7949251

can't even output 240p
I love the Xbox but it's always been an inaccurate emulation platform

>> No.7949257

Xbox does 720p

>> No.7949296

A soulless console that holds nothing memorable.
Retards will never understand the damage that microsoft did to the gaming enviroment and industry in the past 20 years.
All this because they have unlimited money to back their putrid practices to bastardize the gaming culture.

>> No.7949306

idk why you dumb stupid idiots claim muh this or that killed this or that
you must like hearing yourself speak

>> No.7949314

which means next nothing to anyone who wants to emulate older consoles on the Xbox on a consumer CRT

>> No.7949375

idk why ur thinking about me being hard, or pressing things, but i have to ask; how old does a generation have to be to be considered ‘retro’? 50 years from now are you gonna still stick to your opinion that xbox isnt retro, simply because there were several other generations that came before it? Just because its not from your childhood, doesnt mean its not retro

>> No.7949379

not true faggot, it had soul

>> No.7949389
File: 248 KB, 775x999, xbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck microsoft and fuck you.

>> No.7949427

No It isn't, you Get a better Gaming Experience on otheR 6th gen consoles.

>> No.7949462

Our rationale for choosing the fifth-generation systems as a cut-off is not based on age, but instead on what we deem to be particular technical attributes of these consoles compared to the sixth-generation and subsequent consoles. Specifically, we believe that there is enough of a style difference between the fifth- and sixth-generation consoles in a way we do not believe exists to the same extent for the sixth- and seventh-generation consoles or beyond that there is a benefit to focusing on the former (and earlier).

The sixth generation was the first full generation of consoles where the use of bitmap-based 2D in games was purely for the purposes of style rather than technological expedience. The sixth generation also saw the rise of certain styles of games which still dictate the games we play today, including Halo, which presaged an era where first-person shooters would be designed with consoles as first-class citizens, changing from Quake-influenced twitch shooters to slower games with limited weapon carrying and also popularising the use of vehicles in FPS games beyond just replicating rail shooter mechanics; Grand Theft Auto III and its sequels, which crystallised the attributes of the open-world third-person action-adventure; The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, which saw the first signs of the series becoming a mainstream success, with a tighter scope over its sprawling predecessor; RE4 set the standard for all modern third person shooters, along with the start of what have become gargantuan series such as Call of Duty and Battlefield. There are precedents in other fields in maintaining strict characterization based on style that does not progress simply because of age.

>> No.7949464


>> No.7949469

list 20.

>> No.7949510

>Retards will never understand the damage that microsoft did to the gaming enviroment and industry in the past 20 years.
QRD? i'm a zoomer and my parents didn't let me play video games until well into the 7th gen so I'm aware of them making paid online subs a thing as well as the 2013 E3 stuff they thankfully went back on. But are you saying they were doing damage back in the 6th gen too?

>> No.7949547

The thing they don’t mention is that XBL was a much better service for a long time. Sure PSN was free on PS3 but it was pretty barebones at the beginning and they had to patch in a lot of features later.

>> No.7950272
File: 241 KB, 640x480, halo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters, they popularized the concept of DLC, online patches for console games and micro transactions.
You know how product placment in non-sports games bacame more and more common?
Halo had this ad campaign back in the day, a partnership with Mountain Dew that extended to Doritos.
Xbox was pushed as THE platform for FPS games and pushed those games into tournoments.
Unsurprisingly, Xbox was synonymous with normalfags back in the 6th gen era because they made gaming "cool".
So you can thank Xbox and Microsoft for:
>modern DLC practices
>micro transactions for games you bought on a disc
>ads and product placement in non-sports games
>the influx of nomalfags into the video game landscape which led to SJWs and other infiltrations
>said infiltrations led to further censorship and outrage

Maybe someone can correct me, this is just what I remember from the top of my head.

>> No.7950352
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Yeah, I'm sure none of this would have happened without the Xbox and it's all Microsoft's fault.

>> No.7950380
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>> No.7950395
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Fpbp making the xzoomies seethe

>> No.7950421

>all these retro nostalgia artworks
>the mutt console is the first soulless piece
No surprise.

>> No.7950424

>Rachid Lotf
I legitimately hate this guy's artstyle so much. Fucking crank the brand recognition down to 10%, like why does this person have 2 Xboxes? What's with the fucked up perspective? What's the point in cramming every label/game/poster in every single one of these pictures? That Master Chief helmet literally looks like the "Yes" meme. Awful.
Once actual stock shows up I'm getting the Series X.

>> No.7950435

Are you kidding me jannies? It was a fucking example, I was not "discussing modern consoles"

>> No.7950447

theres hardly any point in owning a cube when can just take a wii to play games on them

you should blame microsoft and not the xbox itself, were talking about the games of the system and not irrelevant nonesense about the supposed psychological effects it might have on people and the industry

>> No.7950456
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well i can curb pretty much any ill that could be said about Microsoft and Xbox just by pointing to DirectX, and revolutionizing graphics technology

>> No.7950472

nothing will ever compare to the feeling I would get coming home from school and getting lost in fable.
also morrowind, kotor, halo1 and 2 on legendary, call of cthulu and more that I cant think of right now. but yeah the first xbox was the best

>> No.7950484

>theres hardly any point in owning a cube when can just take a wii to play games on them
by that logic the only 6th gen console worth owning is the dreamcast

>> No.7950521

>nothing will ever compare to the feeling I would get coming home from school and getting lost in fable.
inequitably based beyond belief

>> No.7950526

no because backwards compability with xbox and ps2 is quite shit, and emuliation is only an option for ps2 (and its far from perfect)

>> No.7951164

>But I later realized that post-IX FF isn't as good as I thought
It's really not. X was a mess and it never got any better.
I had Xbox / PS2. I really enjoyed playing the Silent Hill games on PS2, but other than that the PS2 sucked. Still have my Xbox, but I play way more Gamecube now.

>> No.7951179

Does Xbox actually count as retro? Outside of /vr/ I mean. This is the only place that seems to consider it "retro". It's really weird.

>> No.7951508

The Xbox launched only a year after the PS2 in the U.S. so this year will be the 20th anniversary. It is sort of the odd man out because it was only around for 4 years before the 360 launched.

>> No.7951579

im bidding one atm, really want to play superior versions of the piss poor ports on ps2 like gtas, max paynes, midnight club 3 etc

>> No.7951639

No offense but that argument is completely arbitrary at best. Who deems which style of game or console ought to be considered ‘retro’? Who decides what that criteria is? The answer is nobody in their right mind knows. If you wanna be technical and exclude the discussion of anything post 5th gen on a board about retro games, simply because of a difference in style, then state explicitly that you want a board or thread dedicated to games and consoles that came before the 5th generation.
Bottom line is that im probably younger than you and we played different games growing up, thus our definitions of retro will naturally differ. To me xbox is retro, toy you maybe something else is.

>> No.7951654

I really dont think its fair to categorize michaelsoft like that. greedy (((people))) infiltrate any industry that appears to be making money. Its those (((peoples))) faults, not the folks that put their love and dedication into a really cool gaming system. that is why we must gas the juice fren

>> No.7951665
File: 53 KB, 539x960, 7F103FE3-4073-4190-B69F-59041E37FF80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drops a clearly inflammatory bait post
>turns it around by saying hes not baiting
>too late to turn back and admit he was trolling
>paints himself into a rhetorical dunce corner
>(You) come in and defend him
anon i...

>> No.7951673
File: 519 KB, 561x561, 08862344-569C-4F90-B495-76E1E0D7214C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuggg.. why cant we go back???

>> No.7951674
File: 95 KB, 680x999, DC8E30E0-6110-485C-A39A-A46BBA599655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Mountain Dew and Doritos aren’t a based combo

>> No.7951680

unless you’re in a third world country like mexico where the original xbox is considered the newest top of the line console, then yeah

>> No.7951692

Kek, actually Mexicans are huge Xbox supporters in general, especially Gears of War. Just take a look at Gears 5 online.

>> No.7951814

Gotta get my Xbox back from my relatives, I'm fucking jonseing for it.
Mountain Dew is a shit beverage and Doritos are mid. Give me sun chips and cream soda any day

>> No.7951842

I had an Xbox which was shared with my brother. We had a lot of fun with it back in the day, and online play was pretty cool, but beyond a quick match of Halo for nostalgia with friends, I have very little reason to revisit it.

Meanwhile, I still get a lot of enjoyment out of the Gamecube I bought from EB Games for $20 beaverbux in the summer of 2008. I'm so glad that I saw those dusty boxes and said "20 bucks? Why the hell not"

>> No.7951919

>not fueling your game sesh with plantain chips and hansens soda
ngmi bub

>> No.7951930
File: 145 KB, 640x299, 0_mOKfAxR2is6FXluI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'd like to agree with you, all the things you mention were an inevitability, not an invention of MS. Most of what happened with hueg was just mild testing the waters, they really didn't go ape with it till the 360.

>> No.7951931

That's a pretty bad argument considering OpenGL did a lot of the same "revolutions" but with the added benefit of not being proprietary.

>> No.7951952
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Makes sense in 2021. But during the early 2000s I would take a PS2 alone over Xbox + Gamecube.
>CD player
>DVD player
>massive library
>PS1 backwards compatibility (loved this even though we already had PlayStations)
Last one was huge for me. I may have spent more time playing PS1 games that I picked up for $10 or less than I did playing the PS2 releases then. Following suit, I picked up more PS2 games during the late 2000s when PS3 was getting started.

>> No.7952059

I would agree with you, but mine and everyone else i know who had one, got red ringed to death. It's a faulty system, which is a shame.

>> No.7952070

>and maybe it's because i have never owned an xbox
stopped reading right there. virgins, betas, zoomers, virgin beta zoomers, etc, will never be able to understand the original xbox. if you weren't there, congratulations, you don't get it and you never will.

>> No.7952412

Another way of saying that you can't explain it because you have no real reason for it.

>> No.7952435

the Xbox was revolutionary, even looking back in hindsight if you don't get it you're probably just an idiot

>> No.7952535


>> No.7952623 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7952626

This thread isn’t about the 360, retard zoomer.

>> No.7952969

I'm talking about the original xbox you retard. But now that you mention it, both systems were faulty.

>> No.7953826

not as much as your mom does, just saying

>> No.7953892

i had all 3 sixth gen systems and imho xbox pretty far and away the best of them. anything from that gen i want to replay today is mostly on xbox

>> No.7954068

owned both systems, including more than one 360 and none of them ever got that problem. I’m convinced that the red ring of death was a snoy derived urban legend spread to besmirch the good name of the xbox

>> No.7954883
File: 10 KB, 192x170, 4B93E630-771B-4376-85F6-9A11046B5450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a gamecube for 20$
oh god why cant we go back

>> No.7954890

All the anons acting like they didn't have night vision goggles on their shelf next to their display copies of sports games.

>> No.7956331

>the Xbox was revolutionary
>what do you mean why? it just was, okay??

>> No.7956372

is this you admitting you cannot understand why? are you a zoomer?