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7947726 No.7947726 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top and bottom 3 from this dev.

>> No.7947803

Top 3:
1. Wizards and Warriors
2. Snake Rattle n Roll
3. DKC

Don't have a worst 3

>> No.7947821

Top 3:
RC Pro-Am
Donkey Kong Country

Bottom 3:
RC Pro-Am 2
Donkey Kong Land
Battletoads on Genesis

>> No.7947893
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>DKC series
>Diddy Kong Racing spinoffs (Banjo & Conker)
>The shooters (Goldeneye/Perfect Dark/Jet Force)
>Sabreman Stampede would go here

>the rest of the N64 games
>Original XBox games (kameo, viva pinata, ghoulies)
>Sea of Thieves, Battletoads, & Killer Instinct series
>Playtonic's Yooka Laylee series also goes here for now

>a good chunk of the oldest games
>a good chunk the newest games
>Kinect Sports series

>> No.7947947


>> No.7947965

Top 3:
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Bottom 3:
Bonkers Bad Fur Day
Bonkers Bad Fur Day
Bonkers Bad Fur Day

>> No.7948032

Killer Instinct
Battletoads and Double Dragon

Banjo Tooie

I didn't really like them toward the end days Tbh. Battletoads were some killer games though, incredibly thoughtful, varied, oozed style and technically impressive all around. Killer Instinct was the only game out of the Mortal Kombat Kopy Kraze that I ever liked including Mortal Kombat. Nothing to say about later entries after the original / its great SNES port.

>> No.7948141

top 3:
>banjo kazooie
>banjo tooie
bottom 3:

>> No.7948146

People who hate DK64 but pretend to love rare are poseurs.

>> No.7948147

how so?

>> No.7948163

It's the epitome of their N64 design philosophy

>> No.7948179

Top 3
1. DKC 2
2. Banjo Kazooie
3. Wizards and Warriors III

Worst 3
1. Beetlejuice
2. Grabbed by the Ghoulies
3. Can't be named, since it's not /vr/

>> No.7948191

R.C. Pro-Am
Cobra Triangle

Diddy Kong Racing
Banjo Tooie
Star Fox Adventures

>> No.7949641

>Bottom 3:
>RC Pro-Am 2
wtf m8

>> No.7949661

hot take: rare is to blame for killing pixel art graphics by using their shitty 3d pre renders... last decent pixel graphic game before they fucked us was genesis aladin... all classically animated and translated into pixel art. then we got ugly ass killer instinct and dkc. brits fucked us again.

>> No.7949707

Rayman came out after DKC. Exceedingly dumb take.

>> No.7949718

Top 3:

1. Banjo-Kazooie
2. DKC
3. Blast Corps

Worst 3

1. Half the bullshit unplayable Spectrum games on Replay
2. Kinect Sports Adventure 2
3. Goldeneye 007
3. K

>> No.7949721

That doesn’t mean they pulled it off well

>> No.7949760

DK64 is a fundamentally flawed game. Even its most ardent defenders will admit it has faults. For everything it does right, it does five things wrong.

>massive huge open levels you can easily get lost in
>characters move at molasses pace
>locking collectibles to certain Kongs
>you can only swap Kongs at a predesignated location
>so many things to grab it becomes ridiculous
>most of the Mini game barrels suck and are required to collect golden bananas
>excessive backtracking

Even if you were to fix one of these issues, you’d still be stuck with the rest. The game is flawed from the ground up. It needs a full remake to fix the issues it has

>> No.7949831


Donkey Kong Country
Goldeneye 007
Blast Corps

>> No.7949846

>Goldeneye 007
Why the fuck don't you like an actual good game?

>> No.7949850

It’s aged like milk in the sun and the atrocious N64 controller doesn’t help things

>> No.7949881

The only criticism I'd grant you are the minigames, I hate that shit. The rest are all obviously biased takes from somebody that probably doesn't like collection games at all. I'm not going to agree that the characters move slow when I know all their controls very well and play very quickly, tricks like triple jumps, using all of their maneuvers like rolling and cartwheeling and so on. There really aren't that many things to grab. Per session, there are 4 bananas, 1 blueprint, and minimum of 75 bananas. Play as one kong and the level moves at a faster pace than Banjo Kazooie. If you're ADD and you jump barrels every time you see one, or worse, use that stupid mod to change kongs at any moment, you're not going to have a good time.

Actual criticisms from people that love the game:

>Draw distance is bullshit.
The game does a pretty good job in most areas but banana balloons can be really frustrating. There are a handful that are completely invisible unless you are standing in a specific area with first person mode on.
>Needs more animal buddies
Rambi and Engarde are nice, but the ostrich and frog definitely should have been here, and the transformations should have happened in more levels. Such teases to put them only at the beginning.
>Fuck the mini games
Fuck em. Hate em. The last levels especially are full of em. Reeks of laziness.

But no, it's not a fundamentally flawed game. If you think that, collectathons just aren't for you.

>> No.7950131

It's the same thing as BK except 10x more tedious.

In the DK setting but with worse characters and a worse aesthetic.

Worst of both worlds.

>> No.7950135

>In the DK setting but with worse characters and a worse aesthetic.
*Worse than the DKC games.

>> No.7950276

>donkey kong country
>banjo kazooie

>pick three from their nes catalog

>> No.7950285

top 3:
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 3
Unironically Sea of Thieves

Bottom 3:
Snake rattle and roll
Conker's Bad Fur Day (this game is not really that good 0_o)

>> No.7950287

why the hate for diddy kong racing?

>> No.7950294
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My opinion on Rare(ware) is that they always come with a brilliant concepts for their games and a top-notch graphic but they always ruin it with a poor execution of gameplay.

Battletoads: awesome concept, unique levels, cool characters, the game's fucking bugged and difficulty curve is like your theme park you've build in rollercoaster tycoon when you were 6 years old
Snake Rattle'n Roll: awesome concept, cool characters, great sense of exploration, controlling snake is hell, icy levels are fucking unplayable.
Banjo-Kazooie: awesome concept, cool characters, colorful, lovely graphics and characters, camera is shit, underwater swimming is godawful shit, can't properly save your progress, forces you to watch game over cutscene every time you exit the game.

They basically give you a cool game and say: "Here's your cool game, but we don't care if it's too hard or broken, git gud at our game faggo"

I think my top 3 from these devs would be DKC1, 2 and Captain Skyhawk. These are the games I've actually got my enjoyment from. Can't really think of a worst 3, but I guess that would be some very early stuff or Digger T. Rock. Another game with ruined execution, love the digging theme in games but it's just pure pain

>> No.7950301

Killer Instinct
Jetforce Gemini

I didn't play any of the ones I didn't like, except maybe DK64 which I played for like half an hour. Hard leave Banjo Tooie and Perfect Dark off the top three

>> No.7950309

It doesn't have good physics, which makes it boring. I own the cart, love racing games, and have tried to get into it a few times, but it's just not fun for me

>> No.7950318

bad take

>> No.7950319

Imagine being this wrong

>> No.7950372


And why is that?

>> No.7950465
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In what way? Game can go fuck itself, but I've finished it at least 3 times and have not encountered any.
>controlling snake is hell
only if it's your first game that controls on diagonal grid
Worst takes here, none of the points are detrimental to gameplay, just "could be better". Absolute worst thing about BK is the draw distance, hands down.
>They basically give you a cool game and say: "Here's your cool game, but we don't care if it's too hard or broken, git gud at our game faggo"

>> No.7950512

> In what way?

There is a well-known bug with Clinger-Winger level, if you're 2nd player, your controls just turn off and you can't do anything but die.
I think that got fixed in PAL version, but it's still present in original. The level itself is a fucking torture.

On 2nd level, if your rope breaks and you're unlucky, you're stuck somewhere out of the screen borders and you can't go back.

There are some other instances of game scripts not working and locking your progress in the game, although not very common.

> Absolute worst thing about BK is the draw distance, hands down.

Suprisingly, that was the lesser of problems to me. Swimming underwater was the absolute atrocity, it is slow as fuck and you're constantly strained by everything, oxygen, time limits, shark, it's just not fun.

But the crocodile mini-game in the swamp world is where I completely gave up.
I can't love a game that constantly kicks me in the nuts, even if it's good. It's like having a friendship with a bully jerk because you have no other friends.

>> No.7952370
File: 52 KB, 1024x682, donk kikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Donk Kikon Cunt Tree 1
2. Donk Kikon Cunt Tree 2
3. Donk Kikon Cunt Tree 3

>> No.7953401

Sabre Wulf (Spectrum)


Grabbed by the Ghoulies

i can't stand Rare and their house style and my favorite games by them are the ones where they *didn't* call the shots

>> No.7953536

>Play as one kong and the level moves at a faster pace than Banjo Kazooie.
Except you can't collect everything as one kong without first unlocking areas with the other kongs. Getting just the key items requires switching characters 10+ times per level if you know the most efficient order which means a whole lot of backtracking and replaying. There's a patch out there that adds swap-anywhere and the improvements to game flow are astronomical. It's just a shame that trying to reconcile that patch with the EEPROM patch and not have it trip the anti-piracy is impossible so I can't use my EDv2. But it's such an improvement I'm almost willing to drop the cash for a v3 JUST for that patch.

>> No.7955926


>> No.7955934

>Donkey Kong Country

>Kong 64

>> No.7955951
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>dkc3 on bottom
>shitty fighter and forgotten irrelevant game on top

>> No.7955995

>bottom 3:
kys my man
you have to go back

>> No.7957527

Top 3
1. DKC2
2. Goldeneye
3. Banjo Kazooie

Bottom 3
1. Perfect dark Zero
2. Viva Pinata
3. Nuts and Bolts just wasnt my thing

Kinect sports isnt even considered a real game to me. I like the speccy games for the most part. Honorable mention to DKC1, DK land, Banjo Tooie, Conker, Jet Force Gemini, Diddy Kong Racing, Battletoads, Atic Atac, jetpack, moon patrol, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Perfect Dark, and Blast corps. Kameo was playable. Gameboy banjo was ok too.

DKC3 was a disaster. 4th worst. Dk64 wasnt great. Starfox adventures wasnt finished but had so much potential. Rc pro am 2 was a step down from 1. Never got into Killer instinct.

>> No.7957770

I have the game memorized and know which kong to start each level with. The route I use is able to open all areas efficiently with the minimal amount of preparatory switches (gloomy galleon is one that you kinda just have to do it, but it's like just 2 switches at the beginning). There are certain areas that only have one kong's collectibles, so ignore them. There are certain areas that one kong opens up for another kong, so do the one kong first and the other kong last, open the area up on your way out of the level. And so on. I get that I'm not the average player, but the game is super rewarding to have memorized. Using a patch to switch on the spot just feels against the spirit of the game. Not asking everybody to have the game memorized like me, but planning out your switches is still integral to playing the game casually. Just switching on the spot takes away all of the challenge of planning your route.

>> No.7957985

I forgot to mention Digger T Rock sucks ass

>> No.7957992

If you think Grabbed by the Ghoulies is bad you’re a faggot

>> No.7958023

>>donkey kong country
>>banjo kazooie
>>pick three from their nes catalog

DKC's good, but pretty much reverse of this. Rare's best era was NES

>> No.7958028

>Rc pro am 2 was a step down from 1
This is right. 2 has more features, but when the driving's worse, who cares. 1 also looks better

>> No.7958594

This is a good point. Their best stuff is when they had to make someone else's material shine, their own art style was often annoying and insipid.

>> No.7958613

1. DKC
2. DKC2
3. Killer Instinct
Runner ups: Blast Corps, KI2, Jet Force Gemini, Banjo, DKC3, DK64
Bottom 3 would probably be either their speccy shit or their modern shit.

>> No.7958637

Fpbp absolutely based taste.

>> No.7958929

Diddy Kong Racing
Kinect faggotry