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File: 5 KB, 480x320, nes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7942671 No.7942671 [Reply] [Original]

>filters casuals

>> No.7942682

I would kill for a new game made in the exact style of either this one or Return of Samus. The first person to reply to this post saying I should play Hollow Knight can kiss my ass. I don't want a map; I don't want any obvious clues to the locations of items and passageways; I just want to have another experience like getting lost in Norfair as the scenery and enemies get stranger and stranger.

>> No.7942691

>GBA version screenshot

>> No.7942693 [DELETED] 

You should play H-Environmental Station Alpha-t

>> No.7942702

>The first person to reply to this post saying I should play Hollow Knight can kiss my ass.
axiom verge

>> No.7942705 [DELETED] 

You should play H Environmental Station Alpha t

>> No.7942706

Fuck me, stupid spoiler tags keep fucking up and ruining my joke. Just play Environmental Station Alpha, alright?

>> No.7942712

zelda 1... also basically dragon warrior 1... same explorey "feeling" no? Castlevania 2? Guardian Legend, Xexyz, Crystalis, Faxanadu, Blaster Master, Rygar... I feel like those all have elements of exploration... maybe rygar is most similar because it also has the platforming... that said I don't think any of them are as complex or deep as metroid. Honestly interested in your opinion though! Not flaming or shit posting.

>> No.7942716

Try this.

>> No.7942879


>> No.7942885

I should have ruled out Axion Verge as well. Not a bad game, but it obviously models itself after Super Metroid and not the original or Metroid 2.
>zelda 1
In the exploration and secret finding sense, yes, though it's hard to really get lost in Zelda. But yeah, I'm absolutely down for more games like Zelda 1.
>Castlevania 2?
Great game, but not really.
> Guardian Legend, Xexyz, Crystalis, Faxanadu, Blaster Master, Rygar
I LOVE Ryagr, but out of those I think only Blaster Master might fit the bill. Ridiculously, I've somehow never played it. I grew up on all the classics except that one, and it's been on my bucket list for eons.
>that said I don't think any of them are as complex or deep as metroid. Honestly interested in your opinion though! Not flaming or shit posting.
I appreciate the recommendations!

>> No.7942886

What >>7942879 said! Though as stated before, I could without maps, the rest looks almost too good to be true. Thanks for telling me about it!

>> No.7942896
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>> No.7942906

>I LOVE Ryagr
*Rygar. Although its Down Syndrome prequel Ryagr is fun too.

>> No.7943149
File: 364 KB, 268x3220, metroid-shaft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true but maybe not for the reasons you think

>> No.7943164

Found a filtered causal.

>> No.7943218
File: 1.40 MB, 1431x1068, 1607318932225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherbrain room sucks fucking ass on the NES. It's one thing that there's too much shit going on for the game to process, but I can't imagine even trying to beat that room without a slowdown.

>> No.7943220

>you're a casual if you don't like the butchered GBA port
Zoom zoom

>> No.7943237

I play the original FDS version, not the absolutely butchered GBA port of the NES version.

>> No.7943271

Why is the GBA port butchered? Is it the cropped screen? Also are there any differences between the nes classic version and the unlockable game on Metroid Zero Mission?

>> No.7943285
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Metroid (Japan) (Rev 2)-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's mainly the ugly sprites and resulting ugly animations from vertically crushing the screen, also the ugly colors of the tiles (possibly also related to squishing the sprites and fucking up the coloration/shading in them). Compare your screenshot to pic related. I don't think there are any differences between the NES Classics version and what's included in Zero Mission, all the NES games ported to GBA suffer from the changed aspect ratio and tend to be the worst way to play any given game.

>> No.7943295

Did it when I was 10. Git gud.

>> No.7943301

Freeze the rinkas and stand in the empty zebetite space and spam missiles at MB. It only takes 32 missiles I think, but if you stop for too long MB will heal so speed is essential.

>> No.7943364

How hard would it be to play the game using only the magazine map from the original Nintendo Power? I want to see if i can beat it with just that. as a kid i would get lost and never got anywhere but i never had any help from magazines or maps

>> No.7943371

I beat the game without any map at all by just paying attention to where I was going and remembering the path of where I'd been. It's not hard, it just requires paying attention instead of running around mindlessly.

>> No.7943394

I've already done this years ago and at least 2 times since you smug fagoids, just because it's doable doesn't mean that it's good.

>> No.7943519

Whenever someone complains about the first two metroid games or says zero mission is superior to the first metroid I don’t listen to any of their other opinions on the franchise.

>> No.7943564
File: 216 KB, 3845x2022, MontyAuf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, there's tons of exploration-heavy 2D platform adventure games out there.

>> No.7943576

>Git gud
This isn't Dark Souls, retard. The more time period accurate insult would be "Keep trying, square".

>> No.7943581

Metroid is a great game but it's pretty beatable in the modern day unless you go in blind.

>> No.7943582

That's some straight 70s boomer shit. In the late 80s and early 90s we called each other losers and nerds.

>> No.7943602

If you're edged 'cause I'm weazin all your grindage, just chill. 'Cause if I had the whole brady bunch thing happenin' at my pad, I'd go grind over there, so dont tax my gig so hard-core cruster.

>> No.7943835

Neat, but not worth much until the editor is implemented.

>> No.7943851

It's already in.

>> No.7943858

metroid ii was a massive improvement over its predecessor in every way

>> No.7943979

I see what you mean about the character models. They look fat on the GBA version. This got me to think though. Would there have been any way to port these NES games to GBA in a better way or would the games had to have required some more extensive work? It would have been pretty sweet for example if they ever released a portable NES with the appropriate smaller cartridges. So something like Switch but for NES and years ago. I guess of course the tech or even thought wouldn't have been there years ago but whatever just a thought right now. I know I would have loved having something like that as a kid/teen is the point.

>> No.7943985

I beat it completely blind. It is doable but just a bit tedious in some ways is all like the sameness of some of the screens making it confusing. It is actually a good game. Short as well.

>> No.7944032

No, the problem is that the GBA's resolution is actually smaller than the NES resolution in addition to having a 3:2 aspect ratio instead of 4:3, so you just don't have the same amount of space to work with. You either have to crunch sprites into smaller spaces with fewer pixels or you have to put up with a significant amount of vertical screen scrolling. I don't think there's any way to really make it ideal.

>> No.7944052

I tried to went into it blind and got filtered by first red doors.

>> No.7944064

You can at least read the manual...

>> No.7944080

It didn't came my mind at that time.

>> No.7944091
File: 235 KB, 500x500, 1539734226637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get filtered by my shaft if you like

>> No.7944207

Except the song below was released THE SAME YEAR AS METROID:
Way to out yourself as a poser.

>> No.7944215

>song written and performed by literal boomers who were teens in the 60s for an audience of their contemporaries
Damn, you sure showed me.

>> No.7944225

>That's some straight 70s boomer shit
>song was literally written for teens in the 1980s
Yeah, I fucking did show you you dishonest, goalpost-moving, cowardly piece of zoomer shit. Quit pretending you were actually around in the 80s to have known the words people used.

>> No.7945459

All of this looks unbelievably awesome. All of it. I hate roguelike games, but I'd even try the randomized world feature on this.

>> No.7945471

I haven't done the randomizer thing, I've just played the default Zebes and the other planet. From the looks of things the randomizer works with you making rooms and then letting the game generate a world around it, which is kinda neat.

>> No.7945473

How many savestates did you use, zoomie?

>> No.7945892

You were wrong and put in your place, square. Now shut up

>> No.7945917 [DELETED] 


>> No.7946142
File: 5 KB, 255x253, 1482918126668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a matter of time before Nintendo kneecaps this project like they did with AM2R.

>> No.7946352

If i'm not a complete retard - it doesn't matter, since 2 out of 3 planets are fully done.

>> No.7946393
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>> No.7946440
File: 91 KB, 900x980, 1568137239421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more difficult than the original and aesthetically better

>> No.7946446
File: 9 KB, 256x197, 1550128486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo kneecaps this project
It's beyond 'project' stage, spazmodick

>> No.7946450

the physics seem way off. such is the problem with many of these "remakes"

>> No.7946501 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1004 KB, 4786x2627, 1626202408083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the physics seem way off. such is the problem with many of these "remakes"

>> No.7946535

>"the physics seem way off"
no fucking way, what gave it away, genius?
>"remake" with new bosses and areas
shut up, retard

>> No.7946542
File: 12 KB, 120x120, samus4_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUL if the physics are completely different, you're not playing Metroid. You're playing a new game with ripped Metroid graphics.

>> No.7946546

Yes, it's called Metroid Planets. What's your point?

>> No.7946552


>> No.7946879

Fucking radical, man! This is the kind of thing that keeps me coming to /vr/

>> No.7946886

It's both. A remake, and a whole new map with new areas.

>> No.7946891

No shit. The video straight up says the physics are revamped.

>> No.7946929
File: 861 KB, 319x239, 5FFDBA17-40DB-47F7-9FAA-666195A0D810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Environment Station Alpha

>> No.7946984

holy shit that looks awful

>> No.7947123

Alright, alright already, ESAfag, I'll try it! I hate that stupid minimalist pixel art style that so many indie devs use, but for you to keep insisting that gameplay-wise it's line with early Metroid games, I guess it must be decent.

>> No.7947131

You literally got caught moving goalposts, you stupid asshole. "Hip To Be Square" hit number 3 on the Billboard 100. Young people bought it. Young people listened to Huey Lewis. The word square was still in the cultural zeitgeist. It's over. You have zero counterarguments.

>> No.7947734 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 610x534, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original kid icarus, i can't believe that shit is so underrated today. it's literally metriod but in some weird pseudogreek fantasy world. sadly it seems most people got filtered by the first level which is indeed linear and for some people frustrating, but after that it gets good.

>> No.7947742

Return of samus was great.

The first one however was not very good because the controls were really awkward.

>> No.7947747

I'm not that guy, but I second the recommendation too, it looks ugly, but the soundtrack is pretty good, gameplay is good, good bosses, and there's some cool postgame shit.

>> No.7947753


>> No.7947760
File: 704 KB, 338x338, 1577673526566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you autists arguing over a post I made a few days ago?
If it makes you two feel better I was just being a pompous prick. Both of you just shut the fuck up. Jesus H. Jiminy Cricket...
At least I learned something from >>7944207 and >>7944225

>> No.7948217

>Young people listened to Huey Lewis
Only if they were squares

>> No.7948291

In other words, hip.

>> No.7948437

What's awkward about Metroid 1's controls? The only difference is that Metroid 2 introduced crouching and aiming down.

>> No.7949008

Ive been really liking this. I get bored fast so the map really helps.

>> No.7949051

damn i remember getting this for christmas and staying up late on new years eve playing it with my mother

>> No.7949187

Metroid 1 was easy though.

>> No.7950361

>muh getting lost in Norfair
This anon gets it 1000%.

>> No.7950364

I beat this game and it sucks

>> No.7950368

Me likey. All but:
>muh maps
>16:9 is incorrect
>music not original?

>> No.7950409
File: 61 KB, 346x254, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Metroid environment design moved away from this kind of weird, creepy, alien imagery so quickly? I know Super Metroid does include some of these things, but after that it feels like Metroid designs got kind of sterilized of these kind of sci-fi horror-inspired visuals into something safer and cleaner. I miss these weird monstrous and spooky visuals.

>> No.7950429

The music in the trailer (at least) is actually from an album that Tanaka himself put out in the late 80s
Literally just found out about this album the other day, his version of the title theme is pretty fuckin rad with the weird synth flourishes during the first part

>> No.7950430

You sound like a fag

>> No.7950434
File: 147 KB, 400x300, 1490752993125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some good shit.

>> No.7950436

You sound like a zoomer. Explain.

>> No.7950452

My big takeaway from listening to this is that the extra part of the Escape Theme IS known in Japan and wasn't simply an addition created solely for the international version, possibly by Toru Narihito, the guy that handled the FDS > cartridge conversion. After years of me seething over Yamamoto being ignorant of how the Escape Theme sounded to 90% of the world, thanks to you posting this album I now know that he was just a colossal retard all along and had no excuse for never representing the full song.

>> No.7950457

I think one of the YT comments even pointed out that this was released pre-NES/US Metroid so Tanaka apparently always felt that it needed more

>> No.7951273

I miss the HR Giger inspiration, too. 3d Metroid isn't the same without it.

>> No.7951957

>"improved" animation

>> No.7951961

My first console was the NES, I am no casual and I hate the original Metroid.

>> No.7951963

at least her helmet isn't bouncing and flopping around.

>> No.7951967

this looks fucking awesome

>> No.7952732

Eh maybe you are just misunderstanding or forgetting? Didn't Zero Mission have this stuff being a remake of Metroid? Also remember there was never that many 2D Metroid games. Metroid, Metroid II, Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, Other M. Unless I am forgetting something.

>> No.7952739

For the love of God, please don't post the gifs...

>> No.7952756
File: 59 KB, 250x167, Norfair-Crateria_elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't Zero Mission have this stuff being a remake of Metroid?
Only lamer, more cartoon-ish versions like pic related.
>Also remember there was never that many 2D Metroid games. Metroid, Metroid II, Super, Fusion, Zero Mission, Other M.
How big of a Primefag do you have to be to go "there were never many 2D Metroids to begin with" out of the blue like that? It's like, what are you getting at apart from trying to diminish the important of 2D Metroid, i.e. real Metroid.

>> No.7952758

>diminish the important of 2D Metroid

>> No.7952767

We couldn't possibly answer that because we play with rewind, bound to L2. Also gave up on tediously drawing my own map and looked up one. The barrier suit is close to impossible to find without a map.

>> No.7952778
File: 1.24 MB, 2847x629, screen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't Zero Mission have this stuff being a remake of Metroid?
Not really, no.

>> No.7952783

Also Samus Returns. Point being that more than half the games moved away from the horror inspired design elements of the first couple games, especially noticeable when the games are remade with those sanitized styles as in >>7952778

>> No.7952894

IIRC Hiroji Kiyotake was listed in the credits of Zero Mission in some capacity as an assistant/consultant/whatever, but for ZM to so tarnish the aesthetic he created with the original game's tiles he couldn't have been very involved on the art side of things. They couldn't even make Old Brinstar look consistent with Super Metroid.

>> No.7952940

It's like the first Zelda

It had it's purpose and place but is it great?


>> No.7952986

>but is it great?

>> No.7952990

>It had it's purpose and place but is it great
Yes, zoomer. Yes, it is great.

>> No.7953007

ehhh dude Metroid 1 is not exactly a work of art

>> No.7953071

>Metroid 1 is not exactly a work of art
Yes it is, regardless of intentionality or realization of vision. It may be an accidental work of art, but it's not any less for that

>> No.7953123 [DELETED] 

kys metroid is one of the most atmospheric nes games with a beautiful palette and interesting gameplay, it’s as much a piece of art as any other art game

>> No.7953572 [DELETED] 

they literally just threw some crap together so they could sell it
and now you nerds worship this retarded crap

>> No.7954278 [DELETED] 

That’s how most art is made, yes

>> No.7954297 [DELETED] 

your mom is how art is made

>> No.7954526 [DELETED] 

That's a pretty sweet compliment bro, god damn

>> No.7954562 [DELETED] 

Stfu hillbilly

Your mom sucks meth pipe

>> No.7954828

lol who deleted those last few posts

>> No.7954829

Mysterious... what was deleted?

>> No.7955817

Oh you know, the usual autistic bickering that devolves into to baby banter.