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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7940004 No.7940004 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck can’t Nintendo just release this game digitally for Switch? I’m not paying this fucking price for a used game.

>> No.7940005

I'm just play on dolphin or Wii like a normal person you dumbass

>> No.7940008

This pales in comparison to the first one imo

>> No.7940019

That’s illegal and Nintendo is currently suing everyone that downloads roms.

>> No.7940034

>I’m not paying this fucking price for a used game
Indeed. Don't pay it. Let the collectors waste their money on actual discs and cartridges.
You can buy a Wii (get one with a broken drive, it's cheaper), hack it, add a USB hard drive, download the game (and every other Gamecube and Wii game), and put it on the hard drive. Total cost will be around $60, give or take.

>> No.7941410
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The Faustian pact that Shigeru Miyamoto made with the Devil in 1985 stipulates that after two decades of golden games, another three decades of deliberately shitting on their own history must follow. We are in the midst of this "Reign of Crap" as we speak.

>> No.7941428

he's right, I'm posting this from a smuggled phone in prison right now. Don't download roms guys

>> No.7941435

Play stupid games, get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.7941475

It's not as good as PM64.

>> No.7941478

so glad i bought this from the $5 bargain bin at gamestop 15 years ago

>> No.7941575

well too bad because gamecube using disk image, not a rom

>> No.7941583

got my copy for $14.99 just a couple years after release

>> No.7941641

Nintendo will never re-release this game, there's too much shit they would have to edit out to make it E. Same reason we will never get Mother 3.

>> No.7941650

The GameCube in general has been continuously ignored despite people clamoring for its exclusives to be released digitally for years. I see no reason the Switch hardware wouldn’t be able to emulate GC games.

>> No.7941659

Nintendo is extremely ashamed of the GCN era for some reason. It's probably because it was the last time that (1) they truly tried to compete with the normal market and (2) NoA had an extreme amount of control over the Western market. Modern Nintendo almost assuredly sees the decisions that it made during the period as mistakes. It didn't try to blaze a new trail, it tried to play with the other two companies and got BTFO. Why be reminded of it? Of course I'm thinking within a few years Nintendo will regret not tapping into GCN nostalgia while they could. I guarantee they'll attempt to make Wii nostalgia a thing way too late too.

>> No.7941670

To add to this, modern Nintendo also realizes that a lot of mistakes were made with the Wii, even if it adamantly refused to acknowledge them at the time. The market was screaming at them that the Wii was a fad and Nintendo was becoming irrelevant but they just kept arrogantly trudging through for a good six plus years before finally conceding that their "blue ocean" had dried up.

>> No.7941672

Fucking Nintendo always has to go against the grain especially when it comes to online stuff and I agree that’s largely due to NoJ having all the control.

>> No.7941676
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NoA is full of SJW who thinks that pic related is absolutely hilarious addition. So it probably wouldn't be any better

>> No.7941678

nerds whining about nintendo: the thread

>> No.7941681

Treehouse was just a fucking mess sure, but the solution wasn't completely fucking gutting NoA and removing any talent/initiative/marketing power that it had. Animal Crossing would never ever have been a big thing without 00s Treehouse localizing it, it was Reggie that ran it into the ground first and then people came on that translated things poorly, then they got fired and now there's basically nothing left of it. Modern NoA knows a lot of things Westerners want: it knows people want regular Paper Mario again, for one. It needs to be given more control, all it really does now is just run social media accounts and sue ROM sites.

>> No.7941683

>nintendo throws away the virtual console
>refuses to add n64 and later games to the nintendo online service
fucking slanteyes

>> No.7941684

Japan hated the Virtual Console and hated the N64 and GCN, so not surprising. Nintendo has a 99% marketshare in Japan now so they don't give a shit what gaijin want.

>> No.7941686

>Japan hated the Virtual Console
especially when we don't even have post-snes games on the switch. not even GB and GBA games.

>> No.7941690
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They made new Gamecube controllers for the Smash Wii u and smash ultimate, that would have been the perfect time to start rolling out Gamecube titles again. if they could make accessories from that era again, rereleasing games from that same time shouldn't be any different.

>> No.7941698

Nintendo only cares if you download a current system. Its true.

>> No.7941702

They didn't think spending money on old games by themselves was a good deal or something. People in Japan had been asking for a subscription service for years, apparently.
They'd never re-release a game like Double Dash or Melee, that would just cut into modern sales. And the 3D All Stars collection means they'd just dump an ISO onto the eShop and call it a day anyway. 3DAS was such a disappointment, Sunshine needed a bunch of tweaks and QoL changes and now we'll never fucking get them.

>> No.7941708

>year 2052 with the New Switch Pro Lite 3D Deluxe XLi Limited Wahoo Edition
>vc still only offers old ass NES/SNES games for sale, ignores EVERYTHING after that era

>> No.7941709

Are they really fired?
I think it's clear that NoJ actually noticed the FE:Fates debacle, but I'm not sure if anything significant was done

>> No.7941713

>They made new Gamecube controllers for the Smash Wii u and smash ultimate
Those controllers weren't made by nintendo.

>> No.7941714

Oh yeah, the late Wii U Treehouse staff is gone, or at the very least under very strict guidelines. They basically do nothing but Google Translate games at this point, and change "gender" to "style" for some reason. That's probably the people who are still holdovers from the past era.

>> No.7941719

>Modern NoA knows a lot of things Westerners want: it knows people want regular Paper Mario again, for one
how do you know that?

>> No.7941728

Look at how they marketed TOK and tried to hide that it wasn't a real RPG until the very last minute, they know Westerners want a classic RPG back but had to market it. For fuck's sakes, NoA promoted Bug Fables. That should say something.

>> No.7941729

Watch, they'll re-release it for 79.99, and fans will celebrate

>> No.7941731

Remember when they re-released Earthbound on the Wii U and it was like what, $15? Absurdity.

>> No.7941759

I believe it was like 10 dollars compared to normal snes games being 7 or 8

>> No.7941768

can't you like literally play gamecube games on the wii off a usb?

>> No.7941786

You not knowing how to piracy? america

>> No.7941798

Why cant any of these jap companies re-release these old games we want to play again?

>> No.7941810

Dont you mean Earthbound: The begininng that was never localized?

>> No.7941835

>People in Japan had been asking for a subscription service for years, apparently.
Why not compromise with an option for the two, or at least honor/grandfather in Wii/U/3DS purchases? Nintendo's just so fucking stupid and greedy a lot of the time.

>> No.7941862

Yeah it’s not hard at all to pirate GameCube stuff but it’s still retarded that Nintendo doesn’t offer something like Eternal Darkness digitally.

>> No.7942040

No Nintendo ported the SNES Earthbound to Wii U. It came with a digital version of the official game guide iirc.

>> No.7942057

200 dollars for a first party gamecube game is such horseshit

>> No.7942173
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Blame Arlo for the spike in demand.

>> No.7942187 [DELETED] 

>buying used games from Amazon
Dumbass. Not only are used games more expensive on Amazon compared to eBay, you don't get to see a picture of what you're buying in Amazon. Amazon is only good for buying new shit

>> No.7942195

>buying used games from Amazon
Dumbass. Not only are used games more expensive on Amazon compared to eBay, you don't get to see a picture of what you're buying on Amazon. Amazon is only good for buying new shit

>> No.7942221

They are very much still there censoring shit, just look at this recent example from Famicom Detective Club.
NoA has no qualms about censoring their own first party stuff, they just mercifully leave third party games alone unlike Sony.

>> No.7942294
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Got the game years ago and it pleases me to see bandwagon zoomers screech about not being able to buy it, thanks OP.

>> No.7942745

>It needs to be given more control
>More control to leftoids sjw

>> No.7942786
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>packaged in nintendo-box
>has nintendo-logo

>> No.7942801

heh, bought this in a gamestop for 15 Euros 11 years ago. Feels good.

>> No.7942805

Retards moaning about Nintendo not re-releasing old games, while constantly moaning about Nintendo re-releasing old games.

>> No.7943710

I don't blame him, I blame idiots who are influenced by him.

>> No.7944028

I liked the N64 one better anyways

>> No.7944945

Sunshine was rereleased not one year ago, and the Wii U saw a Wind Waker remake.

>> No.7944968

No, they didn't, even on 5ch they're begging for the return of VC.

>> No.7944973

No, Japan loved the VC and they want it back.

As for Sunshine that along side the 2 Galaxies and 64 were supposed to get proper remakes but due to Covid-19 we got shoddy ISO dumps instead and no Galaxy 2.

>> No.7944983

Seeing as how the Wii and Wii U were literally just overclocked Gamecubes, I can’t imagine it being difficult eother.

>> No.7944987

Wii U had a new GPU.

>> No.7945009

>Nintendo will never re-release this game, there's too much shit they would have to edit out to make it E
who says it has to be? i'm sure it could still be released as an E10 game. does this have to do with one of characters potentially being trans or something?

>> No.7945021
File: 18 KB, 474x262, bgbgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer growing up with AAA titles for the gamecube, wind waker, mario party, paper mario, double dash etc
>probably have close to ~$1000 in current assrape eBay/market prices just because my parents were gamers and we all played video games growing up so they just bought good games
>rather, i would, because most of said games are now trash or on the brink of failure since we've just had them and played them for like 20 years
i dont know what it is with gamecube games but i swear the disks are just so bad and half of the games i have (since the gamecube is now mine) straight up refuse to work unless i work some sort of magic on them
>the disk of paper mario ttyd so dear to my childhood is barely functional, and SPECIFICALLY freezes at glitzville and the end part of the final boss. no other places. every time you show up to glitzville under any circumstances the game crashes and the disk starts skipping
>bought a copy of ssbm from ebay when i was like 11 or 12 and within the week it just stopped working. disk was perfect. just stopped booting.
>if i don't immediately go to the start screen after the lakitu counts on double dash, the disk will freeze during the opening cutscene
>luigi's mansion was victim to my mother's car after, for whatever reason, it was left in the garage directly under the driveway
>zelda collector's edition just stopped working (RIP)
>metroid prime has gone missing and returned several times over the course of about 10 years
>super mario sunshine is just BARELY clinging onto life
most of the rest are either close to death or they're so gunked up with that crust that sits in between the innermost ring of the 2 layers of the disk that it worries me. resident evil 0 and 4 swords are doing ok but i don't even play them anymore because i'm just terrified of something happening to those specifically. otherwise looking at my GC library is like a squadron of WW2 vets having a reunion every year and watching their brothers slowly die off one by one

>> No.7945025

He’s right, I was the phone

>> No.7945206

Just get an ODE.

>> No.7945224

this made me laugh way too much

>> No.7945227


>> No.7945276
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>> No.7945492

>he didn't delete them within 24 hours
We DID warn you, anon.

>> No.7945886

The original gamecube controllers weren't made by Nintendo either. They were by Mitsumi.

>> No.7945916

Why would you ever use Amazon to buy old games?

>> No.7946436

modded nintendo wii
modded gamecube
both of these options are cheaper than buying that game.
wii significantly cheaper than the gc, but the point stands that you are a lazy retard that could do 1 google search.

>> No.7946465

Why is he posting about being poor on /vr/? He's dum dum dum dum dumb

>> No.7946509

That doesn't follow, BoTW is the best Zelda ever made and it was released after 2005

>> No.7946529

They do, and then people just say "but what about this game" (to people who are likely not the rights holders, mind you) or "why would I spend this much when it's free online" (so why did you want a pre-release if you were never going to pay for one?)

People who actually pay to play old games are a minority (note I said "play" and not "collect")

>> No.7946536

They changed up their online shit too many times between the Wii and the switch to ever do a good job reconciling all of that download stuff. Did you know that downloading an nes game on Wii, Wii U, and 3DS would all count as separate versions, since they're counted as different systems? So they should do what then, give people that bought them on an old system a free emulator for their switch? Why would they do that? It makes no sense to do free work because someone feels entitled to it.

>> No.7946545

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for Nintendo to adopt features that PSN and XBL have had for years. It’ll never happen though.

>> No.7946817

That's such a hair-splitting argument. Mitsumi made the controllers, but it was clearly fulfilling a contract for Nintendo to make the controllers. Nintendo effectively owns the production on those controllers, because they would be the ones ordering them made. You might as well say Nintendo didn't make the famicom disk system too, since mitsumi also made that.

>> No.7946843

Sony and MS have a totally different agenda. Theirs is to make "living systems" where your games are with you forever, and you can play them more or less identically on every box. They can't do it 100%, due to hardships with emulation/compatibility layers (see the incompatibility of PS3 games on PS4 and likewise for PS5), but they are shooting for that. They want to build consoles not as unique entities, but as access devices to an entire brand and its history. You can see that with Xbox as its most far along on that goal so far, with the efforts to maintain or add support for numerous old Xbox games to the new Xbox. In a sense, Xbox and ps goals are to make a gaming PC for people who can't into computer.

Nintendo is making toys for children, and typically also makes them different for each new thing. To them, asking for all VC to be recognized on newer systems would be like giving you a new interior upgrade for your new car, just because it matches the one on the car you bought from them 10 years ago. They are totally separate products with no overlap but for the fact that they happen to be able to do the same thing, which is to play old games.

>> No.7946859

ok I'll also say that then

>> No.7946882

I mean, the fan translation isn’t great either. She literally repeats the line, I believe that’s something common in nip but it flows badly in English. There’s a middle ground between these two.

>> No.7946898

If you don't emulate you're an actual cretin

>> No.7946912

US version is more memorable and amusing. You're taking the game more seriously than the people who actually worked on it.

>> No.7948189
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Good one

>> No.7948361

I don’t buy that for a second. Nintendo could’ve easily created a universal account system years ago but they profit too much from people rebuying the same NES and SNES VC games over and over again.

>> No.7948362

This. From a preservation standpoint, it doesn't matter who owns the game, what matters is that someone owns it and that enough backups have been made. Collectionists are a detriment to this board

>> No.7948708

Buy it, play it, sell it. Cost zero dollas.

>> No.7948758

Hearing your story makes me sad, anon. I'm a zoomer too, and while I didn't grow up with the Gamecube, I do feel sad over the fact that I never got to play anything on my brother's PS2 before it was given away.
The games you have seem very dear to you, and it shows.
If you want to keep playing your childhood favorites I'd recommend you to hack your Gamecube and load games off an SD card through Action Replay or an ODE if any has been released.
I don't have much else to say, but I hope you liked reading my thoughts on your situation.