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7933714 No.7933714 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: overlooked difficult games

>> No.7933741

It's a popular game yeah but it's never mentioned among the 'meme hard' games like Mega Man, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden and the others

>> No.7933745
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forgot pic

>> No.7933754
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A hard side scroller, driving game, and light gun debacle all in 1!

>> No.7933801
File: 359 KB, 1000x1631, kainoboukencartactual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quest of kai is undoubtedly the hardest platformer on the nes, or at least the hardest one that offers unlimited continues
if it didn't have unlimited continues I never would have been able to beat it with how many pixel perfect jumps and midair momentum shifts you're expected to do

>> No.7933867

True Lies. Not that it's unheard of or rare or anything, but it's not one of those games which is famous, like Super Mario, Contra, or Sonic.
I would also have said Blood, as it didn't have huge sales, and wasn't talked about too much, but it's been more and more appreciated over the years, as Duke Nukem 3D's spooky cousin, so it kind of doesn't qualify as much anymore.

Is it harder than Holy Diver?

>> No.7933895

I haven't played holy diver, so it's hard to tell since quest of ki is more of a puzzle game than an action game
they're probably comparable

>> No.7933957

>I would also have said Blood

As someone who has torn through all the dooms and doom clones on highest difficulty, Blood is so damn hard I can't even make it past the second level on the 2nd easiest difficulty. I gave up.

>> No.7933994
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, blood 1997.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood is pretty hard (certainly harder than Doom and Doom 2), but there's a logic to it as well. When you crouch, that offsets the aim of cultists with guns, and they have to stop and crouch to take aim at you again, similarly for jumping, thus with frequent jumping and crouching, you can actually avoid a fair bit of gunfire, often most, and that's the stuff which tends to hurt the most. One can still slip, however.
Popping in and out of cover, as well as bouncing dynamite around corners, is a very helpful approach as well.

I would say however that Final Doom's The Plutonia Experiment on Nightmare! difficulty is quite a lot harder than Blood, because only a handful of people can actually beat that at all (until about a year ago, only a single guy in the world could).

>2nd easiest difficulty
Was this on a sourceport or in DosBox? Because the original .exe has a bug where if you load a save, the health values and damage values are flipped to the 'opposite' difficulty. So if you die and then load a save on second easiest, what happens is that enemies are bumped up to the health and damage output of the second hardest difficulty (with nothing happening on medium), and this only resets when you exit the level.

The oldschool approach was to just save at the exit of a level and then try to do the levels in a single go, but sourceports fixes this bug (and also lets you customize difficulties).

>> No.7934368

Aah Real Monsters

>> No.7934450
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Holy Diver is honestly easier as that's more of an action game, however Atlantis no Nazo is harder than both as it requires endless trial and error and i s a massive headache because the mechanics are incredibly unpolished to a Kid Icarus level.

It's a mario meets legacy of the wizard but is just total unpolished ass.

>> No.7934475

Kid Icarus is far more polished than this game. There's an automatic stopping feature in KI which presents you from falling in holes after jumping if you hold up, so get good (it only takes 3 levels to get good at this game).

>> No.7934521


Thanks! I didn't know about those tricks. This is on Steam.

As for Final Doom Plutonia Experiment, I didn't know that. I love Final Doom and even like TNT Evilution more.

I only beat them on Ultra-Violence. Fuck playing any doom on NIghtmare! Fuck respawns! It's hard enough on Ultra-Violence. I must have died a thousand times beating it without using saves in a level. Didn't pistol start the whole thing. Did that in Doom 2 and it was almost impossible.

>> No.7934524

Is there ANY other game like Animaniacs? That is, a platformer with "belt scroller" perspective. Not to confuse with isometric.

>> No.7934528

Pugslys scavenger hunt on snes is ball breaking

>> No.7934531
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This game really puts your balls in a vice grip

>> No.7934565

Nightmare! difficulty was basically added as a joke, but it IS actually playable, even if it's straight up unfair and completely throws the expectations the author had when making the map.
It turns out to be pretty speedrunnable, in the sense that you need to be an incredibly high level player to beat some of the official levels on that difficulty.

Here's one of the Final Doom levels on that difficulty, until like 2014, it was thought that it just wasn't possible to beat this one on NM at all:
These four minutes of absolutely bullshit good gameplay is fun to watch. The full Plutonia NM runs are also something else, the sheer speed of combat is obscene.

Granted, it's been ages, but was Kid Icarus really that unpolished? I thought it was just pretty unforgiving.

>> No.7934585

I think there was an isometric game on the GBA.

>> No.7934618


>down to 1% halfway through
>finishes level with 4% health

Badass. That's one of my favorite Doom levels too. Insane that it was unbeaten for so long!

>> No.7934639

The part where's down to his single health and then picks up a Berserk pack is SO intense.

Here's another guy doing Plutonia NM in 35 minutes:
Absurd skill and absurd luck.

>> No.7936012

I used to like this game so much, but I couldn't beat a single stage when I was a kid.

>> No.7936031

I mean not isometric, but games like Animaniacs on SNES, which is a platformer but with 4 different planes with belt scroll perspective (as in beat em ups)

>> No.7936056

This one's just pure memorization. Pretty easy to beat as long as you know what's coming.

>> No.7936057

Arino from Game Center CX played through Quest of Ki live in front of an audience and spent like 7 hours on one room. It's definitely hard.

>> No.7936084

I beat the Steam version of Blood on Well Done and didn't have too many problems, but I've also played a lot of Duke3d and Shadow Warrior. I would have to agree some of the older Doom WADs are more challenging or even some console FPS' thanks to their fucked up controls.
Seems you have to get good with the dynamite and then the rest of the weapons and learn to not waste your ammo needlessly, basically the same thing as other Build games

>> No.7936086

I made Last Remnant way too hard on myself by grinding too much on a console

>> No.7936185

Arino sucks at games tho. That's the whole point of the show

>> No.7936282
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Am I the only one that struggled in this game. I think there was a part in the Aztec pyramid or something like that with big rocks i couldn't get past. Still never beat the game after all these years.

>> No.7936286
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>> No.7936302

Yes, but Quest of Ki is still insanely difficult once you get to the second half of the game which were the bonus levels Arino struggled like crazy to pass.
Since half the game is a "bonus" the dev made them so unfair and difficult because he could always excuse their complaints as complaining about a bonus stage.

>> No.7936329
File: 181 KB, 734x1023, 38954-Ren_&_Stimpy_Show_Presents_Stimpy's_Invention,_The_(USA)-1459826212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hory sheit


pic related plus Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, i still haven't been able to finish them

>> No.7937159

I've only played the Genesis game, but I never got far in it.
I actually did manage to beat Stimpy's Invention as a kid, but I'm terrible at it now.

>> No.7937173

That's not a hard game. I remember buying it when I was really into Genesis collecting and beating it my first time sitting down to play it.

>> No.7937762

That's pretty based, actually.

>> No.7938580
File: 26 KB, 512x449, Boys...-Go-Fig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for my question, is there really no other game like it?

>> No.7939175

I was too retarded to know what I was doing when I played this as a kid. Played it fairly recently and it's actually really good kind of pissed at myself for being too dumb to appreciate it when I was younger.

>> No.7939336

Probably the SNES Tiny Toons cus I was stuck on Dizzy Devil for an age all 'what do I even do' - him eating the damn food sure wasn't hurting him either, so assumed bad emulation. Then find the food does indeed 'hurt' him and you can doorway camp. Easy. The train in stage 2 was more of a son of a bitch with warnings not signifying 'if you're not dashing and/or jumping here your ass is grass and the mountains are lawnmowers' But then come the football and comfy-as-fuck balloon levels and the game is redeemed. Some licensed cartoon tie ins are usually surprise difficulty central.

>> No.7939410

SNES Tiny Toons is much easier than the Mega Drive one. That one legit kicked my ass hard.

>> No.7939414

Dude's beaten Ghosts'n Goblins and shit, he's not HORRIBLE at them.

>> No.7940738

I disagree, Buster Busts Loose has the train level.
Both great games though